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A Gentleman's Tastes Pt. 05

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My wife sees my true submission.
4.3k words

Part 5 of the 6 part series

Updated 02/28/2024
Created 08/17/2023
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Part 5 -- Thirst

Kelly and I lay together in the playroom of John and Lena's house. Our master and mistress had given us a "breather" but I think we both understood it to be time to process what had happened over the weekend and, indeed, the past few months.

Kelly was naked and curled on her side facing me. I was on my side facing her. The room was kept warm so we weren't under the covers of the king-size bed. I was naked except for the chastity cage I had 'earned' the first night.

The lighting was soft in here. I knew it was late afternoon, but time seemed to stop in here where we had been initiated into Lena's circle, as she called it. I didn't know the breadth of it. We only knew of a few people. Were they all submissive like me and (sometimes) my wife? Or were the sexual tastes more varied? I'd already seen the ribbon and ring bondage that Ahni embodied, which was more artwork than bondage. And Cara, her partner, didn't have but the one tattoo signifying men she'd taken inside her, whereas Ahni had many dozens.

I reached down and stroked just above the bandage centered on Kelly's lower belly, covering the small tattoo that matched Cara's, the tattoo that represented master's deepest penetration and ownership, the symbol of depths I couldn't reach both physically and metaphorically within my wife.

"Does it hurt?"

Kelly smiled softly and shook her head.

"Any regrets?" I said.

Her smile broadened. "None," she said. Then her expression became concerned. "You?"

"This has gone farther than I ever imagined but..."

I tried to go back in my mind to the beginning, when I was simply attracted to Lena's strong presence. I had met her when she joined our company as Director of Marketing. She had seen something in me. She called me, "My Gentleman," in a way that melted my resolve. It wasn't lust so much as intoxication. And it only grew I spent more time with her, and strengthened as she introduced us to her husband, John. And when we became social friends, I was happy simply that they wanted us around them.

But they wanted Kelly more. I couldn't deny it. John had flirted openly with my wife. Lena had befriended her like a protégé. Slowly, Kelly began to open up to them. And I benefited because Kelly became more sexually adventurous. She was thirsty, I thought, at first, for me. But reflecting back, I was merely a vessel for her lust for them. And this weekend of initiation confirmed it. She loved them. She loved me too but she adored, worshipped, and needed them also. Our lives were forever altered. The tattoo marked that change in us. And I couldn't go back to the way things used to be. I also had no idea what the future held for us.

"But?" Kelly said, breaking through my reverie.

"But, I wouldn't change anything," I said.

She leaned into me. She kissed me softly. She stroked my cheek with her hand. I eased under her caresses. I realized how scared I was at this moment.

"You won't lose me, dear," she said, knowing what I needed to hear. "I am theirs, yes, but I will always be yours too. I will do whatever they say and I know you will too. It turns me on so much to be their plaything. And it truly excites me to watch you too. I can't explain it. The more you do for them, the hotter I get. And this..."

She reached down and cupped my cage.

"It's a symbol of how much you love me because it looks silly and you look weak and small in it. And fuck... that makes me almost as wet as when I see John fuck your face with his fat cock."

I whimpered for her as my dick twitched under its shell.

Kelly laughed her wicked laugh. She bit my lip lightly.

"There's my little cuck," she said.

I pressed my cage against her hand, trying to get some sensation.

She whispered, "I can't wait for the day this comes off and you get to stick your little dick in me again, and you push and you push trying to reach this." And she reached down to touch the bandage over her tattoo. "But you can't and you won't. You won't... ever... measure... up."

I groaned as my dick filled the small cage and began to ache. It ached from constraint as much as it ached for her. It ached for her words that melted me in lust. She knew I needed to hear those words from her. I could only satisfy her by never being able to satisfy her. That's what this weekend had taught us. That is what Lena and John had shown us.

"Are you torturing our good little gentleman?"

We both startled. It was Lena's voice. She had come in the room and in our lust, neither of us had noticed her.

"Yes, mistress," Kelly said. She was the first to collect herself, of course.

"That's good, my pet," Lena said, "He needs to be reminded constantly of his place, and be kept on this edge for him to be of any use to us at all."

"Yes, mistress, of course," Kelly said.

Lena turned and left the room. Kelly jumped off the bed to follow her and I, ever the slowest to catch on, fell in behind them. Lena didn't even need to command us now.

As we followed Lena into the den, John was working on his laptop. He wore the loose, silky boxers that did nothing to hide his cock, the tip of which was peeking out of the leg. I looked at Cara who was already fixated on it. Ahni and Cara were cuddled together nude on the couch. John didn't look up but they seemed expectant. Ahni was lightly brushing Cara's pink nipple that stood erect.

They both stood up as Lena walked over to them. She gave them each a deep kiss and then sat on the couch next to John.

Lena said, "My pets, Ahni and Cara gave you a gift today. I've given you over to them for a bit. Try not to disappoint me."

Ahni, striking with the long red ribbon that laced through the rings in her labia and up through the rings on her nipples, walked over to my wife, took her face in her hands and looked deep into her eyes. Kelly's face was full of wonder. Her eyes flicked back and forth to Ahni's searching for a clue. Ahni leaned in and kissed her. My wife responded, closing her eyes and melting into the kiss. Cara walked behind Kelly and stood behind her, pressing skin upon skin. She stroked my wife's arms and kissed her neck. It seemed to go on forever, tender, soft, until my wife's knees actually started to buckle. Ahni pulled back and licked her lips as my wife softly opened her eyes, which were glistening. Her mouth stayed open slightly as Cara continued to lean against her back and stroke her shoulders.

Ahni said, "Has any man ever kissed you like that?"

My wife shook her head. Her eyes flicked toward me but she didn't make contact.

I stood still and cold to the side. Standing with my dick in a cage, while our master and mistress went about their business and two women gave my wife the kiss of her life. I was superfluous. My dick expanded to fill the tiny shell.

Cara stroked Kelly's breasts as Ahni approached me. She looked up at me like she was examining a bug.

"You've never kissed your wife like that?"

"She's never... No."

Ahni smirked. She reached down and flicked her fingers up under the cage.

"You let this fuck you?" She said. Her face was on me but the words were for my wife.

Kelly looked into my eyes. Cara's caresses had her eyes half-lidded in desire.

Kelly said, "I... used to."

My heart skipped a beat. Was this the end for me? Didn't she just say she looked forward to having me try? Maybe now, it was only to see me fail.

Ahni reached down further to encircle my balls in her thumb and forefinger.

"You let these squirt into you? Tell me, how do they compare?"

Kelly said, "I've never got much out of them." She squirmed as Cara dragged a finger across her vulva. "Except, when he was watching me get fucked."

Ahni said, "Is that true? Do you come more when your pretty wife is being fucked by someone else?"

My wife watched me carefully as I formed my answer.

"It's the best I've ever felt. The most I've ever come." I groaned as Ahni squeezed harder.

"You're going to be so happy then," Ahni said, "Because she's going to get fucked a lot, if I know our masters."

My wife cried out as Cara slipped fingers inside her pussy.

I looked at Lena who was smiling at me. She gave me a subtle nod. They had plans.

"Knees," Ahni said and I dropped down. The sharp pain caused me to wince as my came down on the hardwood floor.

Ahni laughed. "He's so obedient." She stroked my hair. "You don't have to hurt yourself. That's our job." She grabbed a fistful of hair at the back of my head and pulled my face into her pussy.

It was heaven. First was the warmth as I could feel the heat of the blood under the skin, engorging her lips. The scent was different from my wife and Lena. It was more like the difference between black tea and green. The taste was intoxicating. I was careful of the rings at first, worried that I might do something painful, but I found she responded well to light tugging on them. The ribbon was slack enough that I could get between.

"He might have a purpose, after all," Ahni said as she backed away toward the armchair. She sat on the edge and spread her legs. I crawled over. I looked up at her with my mouth literally watering.

As I had moved over to Ahni's beautiful pussy, I saw my wife and Cara on the floor. Cara was on her back with her knees bent. My wife had her face between Cara's legs and seemed to be trying to coat her face in Cara's dripping pussy. I heard Cara's moans and my wife's lapping and plaintive whines as she attacked Cara's puss.

Ahni tapped my cheek to keep my focus.

"Do you like my pussy?" She said.

"It's so good. So... beautiful."

"I want you to remember the taste."

"Yes, yes."

"Because, that's the flavor it needs to return to after I fuck. That's your job, pet, you're to clean cunts until they taste like new."

"Yes, miss...tress?"

Ahni laughed and caressed my head. "You can call me Ahni. I'm not your mistress even if you're everyone's pet." She pressed my head into her pussy. "Now, lick."

I explored her with my lips and tongue. The ribbon and rings were high enough that I could easily reach her vagina and tongue it deeply. I tried to memorize the scent, the taste, seeking to differentiate it from Lena's and my wife's. Lena was like copper and Kelly like honey. Ahni with the steel rings was like licking the spoon that stirred sugar into tea. And Cara was unknown to me but not now to my wife. All delicious.

I imagined them full of cum. How much would I need to eat to earn my orgasms? I had two left to go, but also my cock would be in a cage for five months. Would they let me out if I earned it? What would I have to do for that?

Behind me, I heard Cara cry out. I heard my wife's muffled moans and purrs as she ate Cara out.

Ahni tapped me on the head to remind me of my work. She said, "Your wife has an eager tongue. Did you ever imagine her as a submissive slut?"

"Uh uh."

"A failure of imagination that put you where you are. Your wife could have been your plaything instead of ours... there... there it is. Keep going."

Ahni purred as I found the right stroke with my tongue.

"You-- you're going... to have so much... cum... to eat. Lena once put me on a week-long cum diet."

I groaned as I kept my pace, imagining my face dripping with cum.

"Would you like that, Kelly," Ahni said louder. "Would you like to spend a whole week drinking nothing but cum?"

My wife moaned and it must have spurred similar excitement in her as Cara screamed in orgasm.

Ahni said, "Your wife will be the belle of the balls, she will be so eager to drain them. She's the perfect slut for our masters because she will think of ways to please them that they hadn't even thought of. And the way she looks at you-- God... yes... that's it. You like hearing about her looking... at you... You're the eager little exhibitionist sub. Now use your fingers. Slide them up.... there. Yes, that's the way. Mm. Your wife... loves... to watch you... slurp... fucking... cum..."

"Mm hmm," I heard my wife moan as Cara rolled into a second orgasm.

That put me into overdrive, which put Ahni over the top. She grabbed the back of my head as I held my tongue still and hard against her clit, letting her work it against me to ride out the orgasm. She cried out so loud it filled the room and joined with Cara's cries.

Finally, Ahni pressed my face back. I looked up at her eager to see if she was pleased with me. She smiled softly and patted my head.

"Good boy," she said.

Then I saw her glance over toward the couch. She nodded and licked her lips. I started to turn but she held my face. She pulled herself up and turned around. She put her hands on the armrests and bent over at the waist. I understood the invitation and pressed my face into her ass cheeks and began to probe her asshole with my tongue. She squirmed and wriggled as I picked up enthusiasm. Partly because what she said was right. I wanted to perform for my wife. I craved that look in her eyes when she recognized the slut in me -- and the way she seemed to reconsider who I was in that moment.

As I stuck my tongue deep in Ahni's pink puckered ring, I played back the other detail I'd caught in my glance at the scene. I had seen John adjust his cock as he was looking up from his laptop. His cock seemed so monstrous as it thickened there poking out of the leg of his boxers. And I knew it had been here where my tongue was probing. How could she have taken it? But I knew also that I'd taken it, or a model of it when Lena pegged me with it during our first night of initiation. As I imagined that moment, I noticed that I'd started wiggling my own ass as I bent over and rimmed Ahni's.

Then I heard his voice behind me. "Don't stop what you're doing."

I tensed as I felt him rubbing my ass. I couldn't see anything with my face in Ahni's ass.

I heard John say to my wife, "Come here pet and get your husband ready for me."

Kelly said, "Yes, master."

After a moment I felt her wet tongue slip into my ass. She didn't hesitate. She went deep. I remembered the first time she'd done this to me. It was after a night out with John and Lena. I knew both now and then, that it was John she was doing it for. She wanted to please him with her dedication just as I wanted to please her with mine.

John's soothing voice came from behind me in a husky whisper, "Are you excited to watch me take your husband's virginity?"

"Mm hmm," my wife moaned.

"How did it feel when I took yours?" he said.

My wife moaned and pulled her mouth off me to say, "Heaven. I loved it. I never imagined taking a cock in my ass could feel so good."

"Do you think he will feel the same?"

"My little cuck boy will probably love it too. I bet he fucks himself on your pole and begs you to fill his ass."

Wow, I'd not heard my wife talk like that, but at the same time realized she was right, I whined as I stuck my tongue deep in Ahni's ass.

"Fuck," Ahni said, "That struck a nerve in him, master."

John said, "Is that right, are you going to be a good fuck for your master?"

"Um hmm," I said and spread my knees wider apart.

John stuck his thumb in my wet hole. I gasped but then pushed back.

"He'll need more," John said, and I thought he meant penetration but as I heard footsteps around me, followed by the snap of a cap being opened, I realized he meant lube.

John said, "Work it around," and I felt my wife's hands sliding around my ass. She circled John's thumb as he slid it in and out of me.

"And on my cock," John said.

I heard my wife sigh in pleasure as her hands left me for a moment.

John said, "Do you want me to fuck your husband?"

"God, yes," She said.

"You'll never see him the same," John said, "He'll never be a man to you anymore after this. You can't go back to pretending after you've seen him beg for your master's cock in him."

Kelly said, "He's bent over on all fours, with his cock in a cage, eating ass, and opening his to you in front of three women, wiggling his ass for you in front of his wife like a little slut. He's never been less of a man to me." She added, mercifully, "But he's sexy as fuck being your little slut. Please, fuck my little cuck."

I whimpered at the comment and the request. I knew it wasn't the same-sex act they were talking about; it was the complete submission. They meant that once she saw me completely, enthusiastically bottom for another, she would never see me capable of topping for her.

"Guide it in," John said.

I felt his thick head slide over my hole and I felt my wife's fist brush against my cheeks. She was positioning our master's cock. I felt it press into me. I knew to relax. I knew how to open up for him. He slid in slowly and effortlessly. I heard my wife gasp as it went in.

It felt so different from the dildo. The warmth, the slight give to the skin. It was his flesh inside me, pushing deeper and deeper. He didn't pull out, he just kept sinking in as I pushed back. I moaned slowly the full time it was sinking in. My ass was his. I forgot about the gorgeous woman's ass in front of me.

Ahni turned around and sat in the chair. She watched my face and began to play with her pussy.

She said, "I know that look. I know that feeling. You're his now."

I nodded. I couldn't control my expression. I knew it was one of ecstasy.

Ahni said, "You thought you'd be Lena's plaything, but you're his now aren't you?"

"Y-yes," I said, meaning it. I did hope that Lena would own me, but the deeper humiliation was to be his -- to make myself completely open to his dominance in front of Lena.

Lena said, "I knew my little gentleman would love to take a cock. Look at you now sliding back and forth on the best there is, like a little pro."

It was true. John wasn't moving; I was. I was pushing back and sliding forward, trying to get that sliding sensation over my prostate. It was electric. I was lost.

John said, "Tell your wife what you are."

"I'm a cuck."

"No, she knows that. Tell her what she didn't know until now. Tell her."

It took me a moment. I don't know if it was what he wanted to hear, but it was what I felt.

"I'm your.... bitch," I wailed.

"Yes, yes, you're our little bitch, fucking my cock like a needy little slut."

My wife practically squealed in delight. "Yes, yes, that's right. You're everyone's little bitch. You and I can take all the cocks together. Would you like that, husband?"

"Yes, yes," I said.

"Are you a cocksucker too?"


"I can't wait to double-team a thick cock with my cuck," my wife said.

John said, "That's right, this little cuck bitch is going to suck a lot of cock next to you and take cocks in his tight little hole. All to make you happy."

Then he leaned over my back and as he took over fucking me, he said into my ear, "She's playing with herself watching you. Even without permission, she can't help herself because she loves watching you get fucked by your master. She loves that you can't help yourself -- that you ache to be filled by cock. You thought you could have a little fun and stretch your boundaries and have her back the way you were, but you can't. You're both ours now, completely. She will do anything I tell her. I own her now. Say it."

"Y-you own my wife."

"That's right. Do you believe she'll do anything, I tell her?"


I heard my wife moan behind me.

"Are you sure she'd do anything?"

I hesitated. But behind me I heard, "Uh huh."

"Kelly," John said, "Should I come inside your cuck's ass?"

"Oh, wow," she said, "Yes master."

John said to me, "Anything I say, cuck?"

Suddenly, I knew what he meant. He knew how I thought. This was another test for both of us. That's why he used her given name. He wanted me to know that this extended past the roles we were playing. He was fucking not just my wife, but Kelly. He was owning my Kelly. I was never going to get my Kelly back.


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