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A Gift From His Father Ch. 01


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Mary Smith woke from her dream with a jolt. It was a strange dream that she couldn't remember. But like in the dream she felt a presence, something she hadn't felt in a very long time. She realized that her nipples had hardened and she was becoming wet. She could remember the dream, but it was if she was still dreaming, or was she. Mary felt compelled to get out of her bed. It was if she was being summoned. It felt familiar and yet unfamiliar. She sat up quickly, then slowly got out of bed, pulling her long satin night gown as it hugged body leaving nothing to the imagination, falling low just touching the tops of her bare feet. Although in her late 40s, she kept her body in excellent shape and maintained a beautiful hour glass shape, maybe a little "top heavy". She walked silently, opening the door of her room, not really knowing where she was going but being drawn to a familiar and nearby presence. She was in a trace and had had no choice but to follow where she was led, compelled by a familiar desire.

April was riding John like a woman possessed. She had never felt anything remotely as sensuous. As she was sliding on and off of John her moans were growing louder and louder until finally she gasped and seemed to lose all control of her body, and John took that moment to reverse positions and was now pushing into April with long slow strokes. His passion rapidly increasing as April continued to climax, flailing her arms lost in her rapture.

Abruptly, Mary opened the door to her son's room. She watched from the doorway as her son and April continued their love making. She stood still for a while not understanding why she was there, but feeling as horny as she had ever felt in her life. She pulled her night gown from her shoulders and it immediately slid down her body and pooled at her feet. Her right hand reached for her sex while the left began to pull on her nearest nipple.

John and April were so completely caught up in their passion that they didn't hear or see Mary standing at the door. John was very near his climax a few more strokes and he would be there, the feeling of April pulling on his shaft was about as good a feeling as he could imagine. And finally he was there. He groaned loudly as the pleasure surged out from his core. April screamed as a new orgasm struck her, more intense than anything she had ever experienced. And as if caught in the current, Mary was pulled in too and she also screamed, as her unexpected passion exploded.

(To be Continued)

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AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

The story starts out like it has potential, but gets progressively worse. If you've read the first chapter, you've read the best. Do yourself a favor and don't waste your time.

Time4LuvTime4Luv4 months ago

Over heated and after April falls asleep or takes a shower. John senses mom wanting to hookup again. Tit sizes very that's fine, dick sizes should mostly be average 5 to 7 inches but at least you had nice clean shaven pussies. Nothing worse than getting curly pubic hair back of the throat gag plus the odor that builds up. Fun story and I'm terrible at English punctuation so I barely notice lol...

Time4LuvTime4Luv4 months ago

Slow build no sex until the end, I would have liked to see maybe son and mom hookup after he left the condo. Then hookup with the gals at the mall before he meets his crew. Awsome he finally hooks up with April, I'm not sure yet if I like mom joining. Maybe hearing John and April, masterbating so hard her vibrator ov

VerbaliniansVerbalinians7 months ago

Good start, but the grammatical errors are a bit

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Wrong category. Mythological gods, extraterrestrial, and other stupidity. This belongs to the sci-fi fantasy category. What a waste.

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