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A Girl Called Len


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"Damn! The bloody thing will not come away."

"Here." I said. "Let me." I took the flannel from her hand and knelt down. Trying to soak the edges and easing the cache away at the same time. Len was quite content to let me do this.

"They are pretty things, but quite uncomfortable to wear." Without thought I rejoined.

"They may be, but the prettiest thing is underneath." There was quiet then, until eventually I was able to release the Cache. I had to stay there for a moment to admire her pussy. I raised my face and Len was looking down at me. I smiled and leaned in and kissed. I got to my feet holding the item, not knowing what to do with it. Len was serious.

"That's the second time you have done that, and it's like an electric shock goes through me. Why? Why does that happen. Why do I get excited when you do that, but nothing more? I took her in my arms.

"We'll not talk about this now. The place for that conversation is when we are lying in each others arms, in bed."

Len grinned.

"That's why I like you, Danny. You have really great ideas."

Len quickly dressed in Jeans and a shirt, which I recognised.

"Hey! That's one of mine." She grinned at me.

"Yes. You left it at my flat that first weekend, so I appropriated it. I feel comfortable wearing it, it brings me closer to you. It even still smells of you." She applied just a minimum of make-up, tidied the dressing room and got ready to leave. The first port of call was a little Bistro, coincidentally the one I had patronised just before going to the theatre. Len ordered coffee in, to my ears, perfect French. Shortly after our arrival some more girls arrived, all it would seem having some part in the show. Len was friendly with all of them, and all seemed to have the same question.

"Ce Danny est-il?" (trans, is this Danny?)

Len nodded saying "Oui. C'est, Danny." The result of that was kisses on my cheek and a gabble of French, none of which I could understand, with Len replying at a similar pace. She translated most of the comments for me, except for one or two, which would appear to have been suggestions, that Len should leave me alone with the girl. I gathered that one was particularly intimate as Len replied sharply.

"Tenir votre langue!" (trans. Hold your tongue!) All in all it was a very friendly gathering. I did have to ask Len though.

"I didn't know you could speak French?" She laughed.

"I couldn't, and still can't speak it properly. I have spent a couple of years in Paris with the shows all in all and you have to pick something up. The French are very proud of their language, and if a foreigner tries to speak it they will help willingly, being very understanding of your mistakes and correcting you gently. If you just shout at them in English, you will get terrible service and possibly an addition to your coffee you wouldn't like."

It was getting on for one in the morning when we left the Bistro, saying goodnight to those girls who were left. Again this was the occasion for kisses on cheeks and "Bonne Nuits!" all around. I think I quite got into the cheek kissing business quite well, until Len pulled me up.

"Don't get too familiar with all these French customs." She smiled.

She took my hand and we slowly walked through the quaint streets of the quarter. She was staying at a little inexpensive hotel. It appeared that the theatre management would book the rooms for the season, no doubt at a discount, but the account had to be paid by the occupier of the room. The room was small but had a bathroom, which was merely a curtained off corner. Len dumped her stuff just inside the door and immediately turned and put her arms around my neck.

"Please kiss me, Danny." Her tongue was immediately busy in my mouth. We parted for breath.

"I could get very addicted to kissing you, Len." I murmured.

"Oh good!" Len replied. "Because I like kissing you." She leaned back a little. "I don't know what it is, but when you hold me like this, it's like getting into a warm bath. It's all snugly and comforting." she stopped there, obviously not finding the right words to say.

"Len, when I hold you, all I know is that I have one of the loveliest girls in the world in my arms. I cannot believe how lucky I am." She shook her head.

"No, Danny. I am the one who is lucky. Anyway it's not luck for you as you have a woman who can't respond to you as you deserve. Any of those girls tonight would be far better for you..."

"Tenir votre langue!" I had learned some French tonight. Len was shocked, then laughed.

"Vous êtes un étudiant rapide."

"What did that mean?"

"I said you are a quick learner. Shall we go to bed now?" Her voice was pleading.

"Yes. But I could do with a bath first. I have been travelling most of the day." She blushed.

"I'm sorry, I should have thought. I'll run the bath. It takes ages." It did. The pipes rattled and banged, then spat gouts of steaming hot water, stopped, rattled some more then a trickle gradually filled the bath. Len got some bath salts and added them through the steam. I was undressing as I waited for the bath to fill.

Eventually there was sufficient depth in the bath, and I got in gingerly. Although there was a curtain for privacy, Len didn't bother with that. She took her clothes off and without a qualm sat down on the toilet next to the bath. When she had finished she wiped herself then pulled the ancient chain. The cistern was one of those old fashioned ones that when activated told everyone in the place that you had used the toilet. Insouciant is a French word which is also part of the English language. With their plumbing there's no wonder that word describes the French.

"Can I get in as well?" My smile was the answer. Len lowered herself between my legs, then lay back.

"It can't get better than this." She muttered.

I gently washed her, and Len insisted on turning round to wash me. This created waves and the tsunami cascaded over the floor. We got out and dried each other eventually falling into bed. Len fiddled around, reaching under the bed then came up triumphantly with a tube of lubricant. Her plans for this night were not open to question. However I did have plans myself. A result of some of the more spectacular and intimate experiences in the States. We had been cuddling and caressing for some time. Len was happy although she still bemoaned the fact that she didn't feel 'something'. Then I started to work my way down her body, kissing every little part of her. She wasn't concerned at first until I reached her breasts, where I took first the one, then the other nipple in my mouth. When I sucked hard on the one, elongating it with the suction and flicked it rapidly with my tongue, she jumped.

"Shit!" Her breathing was rapid now. "What in Hell did you do?"

"Just this" I replied as I gave the other nipple the same treatment.

"Shit!" She gasped again. "That feels bloody good. Do it some more, but harder." I worked at her nipples for some time. From her movements and her encouragement, I knew that Len was getting a reaction which she had thought she could never have. I left her breasts and moved further down. Kissing and flicking my tongue around her navel was pleasant but did not send sparks for her. When I got to her pussy, and gently parted her legs, she was curious.

"What are you doing, Danny?"

"You'll see." Parting her legs also opened her pussy lips slightly, and my tongue lightly slipped in, then upwards just grazing her clitoris. That started her quivering. My tongue encouraged that.

"Danny, Danny. What are you doing to me? No! Don't stop, that feels gorgeous, I feel all rubbery inside."

It would have been great if I could have brought her to orgasm like that, I think she did have a very minimal climax, but she grabbed my head, and brought me up to kiss her. She licked my lips and tongue.

"I can taste me on you." she licked my lips a little more. "I like that." Then her face became serious. "Danny I am not going to ask you where you learnt that. But thank you. I was getting really good feelings. Do you think that I could give you a proper response one day like that."

"We will only know if we keep doing it." She looked at me, she appeared to be very happy with something.

"I got a most strange feeling. I don't know how to describe it, but I felt as if something broke inside me, not painful but good." I hugged her close as I said.

"I think you had a little cum." That brought silence for a moment. Then the happiest smile I had ever seen spread across her face. She clung to me.

"Is that how it feels? Thank you, thank you, Danny. You are so clever. Do you think it will happen again if we practice?"

"There's a very good chance of that, in fact, Len, it could get stronger."

"Stronger?" I nodded. She thought about that.

"I don't know if I could cope if it got stronger."

CHAPTER SEVEN Am I falling in Love?

Back in Exeter my work had piled up, and for the next few months I had hardly any chance to get to London except on the odd occasion that Len was there, let alone get to Berlin where she was performing now. It was strange, as I missed her. As a friend it was always good to see her, but now I felt that something was missing from my life, it felt so natural when we were together, as if the two of us made an item bigger than the sum of the parts. Happiness is your girl phoning you from Berlin, and saying that she would be in England for a week.

"I'm coming over for Mum and Dad's Golden Anniversary. Do you think that you could get there, they would love to see you, and then perhaps we could spend a few days together." I needed no thought.

"Yes. I'll be there, and as for a few days together, I'll take some time off. Why don't we come down here to Exeter. We can stay in my flat for a change, and I'll show you around Devon." Len was perfectly happy with that.

"Come to the flat on Friday. We'll go to Mum and Dad's party on Sunday, then you can take me back with you."

The party was good, embarrassing, but good. I met up with so many old neighbours that I had known years ago, all of them determined to remind me of all the pranks that our crowd of kids had got up to. They all seemed to say one thing in common, that it was so nice that after all these years, Leanne and I had got together. No one asked about my parents. Luckily Len's mother knew and gently told everybody before Len and I arrived that they had been killed in a car-crash. It was good to see these acquaintances from all those years ago. It was late before we got back to Len's flat, and after unwinding with tea and a chat, we fell into bed. There was no love-making that night, just holding each other close as we slipped off to sleep.

The next day we caught the train from Paddington. This train went through to Paignton. Only four years ago you would have seen a steam engine at the front, either a 'King' or a 'Castle'. Now we got a Diesel. Oh, they still had names, but the romance was gone. I had parked my car at Exeter St David's car park, so it didn't take long to get to my flat. Len was impressed.

"Danny, what a lovely flat, and those views!" She was standing at the large window in the lounge. She looked questioningly at me. "You must be doing well." I shrugged my shoulders.

"When Mum and Dad died they left me a bit of money, insurances and that sort of thing. I bought the cottage with the capital, and when I sold I got a lot more for it than I paid."

"Can I look around?" She asked.

"Of course." I went into the kitchen to make us a drink. The kettle had hardly boiled when I heard this shreik. Len came dashing back to find me.

"You've got a shower! A proper one." I laughed.


"I ve never had a proper shower before. Only ones that attach to the taps." Showers were not common in the UK until the seventies. Having spent time in the States I had come to enjoy and realise the benefit of showers, so I had one put into the bathroom. The builder doing the work grumbled incessantly as I insisted on a proper shower, not an electrical one, and a proper cabinet, not one over the bath. Len had a gleam in her eye.

"It's big enough for two!"

"Yes, I suppose it is." I replied.

"Well?" I grinned.

"We could try it out sometime."


"Don't you want a cup of coffee first?"

"Bugger the coffee."

We showered until the water ran cool, and our fingers were getting crinkled. Len was particularly keen on making sure my cock was clean, peeling back the foreskin to wash and re-wash the fellow. I found out why, when after the water had been turned off, she knelt down and popped him into her mouth. Now it is a mistake to do that to a guy who has just spent the last twenty minutes sharing a shower with a lovely lady. I had to pull her away, just a split second before I lost all control. Len watched fascinated as I spurted all over her hand and the tiled wall.

"That's amazing. No wonder it feels so good when you do it inside me." When I regained some kind of composure I had to ask.

"What brought that on?" She looked somewhat shamefaced. But eventually replied.

"After you had done that to me, you know, licked my pussy. I asked some of the other girls if that happened a lot. They told me all about it, and also said that they would suck their boyfriend's cock. You had given me so much pleasure when you did me, that I decided that it was something I wanted to do for you." Len watched my face with a curious expression. "Did you like it?"

"Is the Pope Catholic?" She chuckled

"Good, because I liked it too. The next time I want you to come in my mouth!"

I had an inkling what this was all about. Len's despair that she felt that she couldn't react as other women did to sexual stimuli convinced her to compensate in other ways. I had theories about that. I had talked to Doc. Jones; thank heaven for a Doctor who would take the time to talk; he said that without examining her, it was difficult to comment, but he did advance a theory that perhaps Len's nervous system was not so sensitive as usual. That it would only be strong stimuli that would get through to the receptors in the brain.

"She could well be one of those people who has a very high pain threshold." He had suggested. I was beginning to believe that was true, remembering how it was when I sucked her nipples strongly, she reacted with pleasure not pain.. Flicking her clitoris had also allowed a reaction, but then as he explained the clitoris is so full of nerve endings that it would be almost impossible not the get a reaction, and that Len could accept stimulation there that would have other women screaming from the sensitivity. Whatever the explanation I was going to see if my theory was correct.

I put my right arm under her knees, and my left arm behind her back, and carried her from the bathroom into my bedroom. I knelt on the bed to lower her gently. She had watched me with an curious yet accepting expression, until I laid her on the bed, then she smiled and raised her arms to welcome me to her body.

"Love me, Danny."

"I do, and will Len." I caressed and tongued her as I had before, but this time using such suction on her nipples that they stretched as much as an inch.I knew that it was right from her unguarded comments.

"Fuck! That's good." Then implored me to do it harder, I had worried about hurting her but evidently this would be difficult to do. When I eventually arrived at her pussy, I was certain that she was weeping a slight trickle of lubrication. I gently licked her, getting her ready for what I hoped would be her liberation. My tongue strokes were all around her vulva, but gradually concentrated on her clit. In addition I slid my first and second fingers into her vagina, palm upwards, seeking for the slighty rough spot that I had read about. I think I found it, and massaged that quite firmly. I dimly heard her words, as she had clamped her thighs over my ears.

"What the bloody hell! Danny! What are you doing to me? It's fucking wonderful!" I went for the prize. Fastening my lips over her clitoris I sucked as hard as I could, and flicked my tongue over the end. Her hips started quivering, and lifting from the bed. I refused to be budged and continued my assault. My jaws were aching, my tongue was aching, my hand was aching and my back was aching from twisting and trying to keep the pressure on my fingers in her vagina. I was getting to the point of exhaustion when she raised her hips strongly and swivelled from side to side. Then I heard.

"Ah, ah, ah, fuck, fuck, fuck, Danyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy." I could relax sufficiently to just keep a little tongue caress on her clit. Inside I was jubilant. I had given Len a orgasm. Suddenly her hands grabbed my head and with strength I didn't know she had, pulled me upwards. Her lips locked onto mine, kissing, licking and trying to get her tongue in over, under and round my tongue. Her teeth bruised my lip such was the fury of her kissing and I could taste blood, hers or mine it didn't matter.

Eventually our mouths parted, and she lay back, breathing as if she had run ten miles. I was in a similar state. We must have laid there for at least fifteen minutes, just holding each other. She raised her head and looked at me.

"You gorgeous, lovely man. Was that it? My first?" She started to cry. "I never thought or imagined that I would have one, but you, you got me there. Oh Danny! That was so marvellous. Thank you my darling man, thank you." Her head drooped back onto my chest, and her hands seemed to grasp desperately at my back and waist. They wandered a little and after a while found my erection. She sat up.

"I was selfish. This not so little fella needs attending to. Put it in me, Danny. Fuck me. You won't need any of that stuff. I am wet. Fuck me, and come inside me. Make me feel like a woman."

I hovered over her as she lay. Legs spread wide and knees pulled up. She held my cock and guided me into her wet, yes! Wet warm depths. I tried, oh how tried to make this last, but there was no way I was going to keep going for long. Her whispering to me didn't help.

"Yes, Danny, fuck me, slide into my cunt, fill me up with your spunk, I want it deep, I want to feel it spurt inside me. Please Danny, fuck Len, fuck this girl who wants you. Fuck the vision you saw on the stage, know that you are the only one who can to this to me, for me, with me. Come on my darling man. Spunk inside me!" I had no control,lost myself in the sensation, in Len, and came."

Sleep came to both of us. The emotional high was not easy to cope with except in sleep. I woke up about two hours later, Len was still curled into me, her arms around me as if letting go would mean drowning. I lay quietly, not wanting to move for fear of waking her up. I shouldn't have worried. This little voice slipped in my mind so quietly at first I thought she was talking to herself.

"When you came in me, the look on your face was fantastic, you had abandoned your habitual control just so that I could give you pleasure. That was as important to me as having that orgasm." She went quiet. I thought she may have gone back to sleep. Then the little voice crept back.

"Danny. Did you say you loved me?"

"Yes, Len I did. I said it unconsciously, but realised after that how I felt about you, had to be love. There could be no other explanation." I felt her head moving up and down.

"That's how I feel about you, Danny. I didn't know either. It was just this funny feeling that I am not even me, without you. Is that Love?"

"Perhaps it is. I never felt this way about Jenny. Probably that's why she went looking elsewhere. I know that when we are together it is completely natural, and being apart from you is unnatural." She raised her head to look me in the eyes.

"What do we do?" I hadn't really thought beyond this sudden realisation that I loved Len.


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