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A Good Son Ch. 05

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Mother achieves her ultimate fantasy.
8.9k words

Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 10/20/2022
Created 03/18/2007
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On the way home from Debra's, mother leaned sideways and put her head on my shoulder. Her fingers strayed to my lap and gently brushed over the bulge in my pants. She said quietly, "You know when you were about to head back home and I said I would make you're life a misery if you did."


She squeezed the bulge gently, "Well if you don't do something about my frustration soon, then I will."

Although Mother was quite small, she had a trim figure and nice legs and I had always regarded her as a pretty forty-two year old. A few weeks previously I had accidently seen her masturbating and once she got over the initial embarrassment, we had developed an intimate but not physical relationship. I had introduced her to hard porn and since then she had become obsessed with sex.

Initially I was the one in control but as her confidence continued to grow, the roles began to reverse and she was taking over.

Following the unexpected death of my father she had been without sex for two years and was desperate to be screwed properly. Her liaison with Debra's son some thirty minutes earlier had been a miserable disappointment.

So why had I not done something about it already? She was certainly making it plain that the opportunity was there and she admitted that she had been fantasying about me for years.

Was it because it made me feel self-righteousness? Was it a moral issue? It was probably some of both but despite my reluctance to give in to temptation, sex is sex and my mother had become very desirable. The question I was asking myself was; how long could I maintain the illusion of celibacy?

Okay so I had acquired an erection when she was watching herself masturbate in a mirror, but that had been just a lapse of concentration. Despite experiencing more than one erotic situation with her, it had been the only occasion when I had weakened.

I admit that I was aroused when she and Sue were enjoying their lesbian encounter and had my girlfriend not been occupying her pussy I would have screwed her without hesitation.

While all of these thoughts were turning over in my mind I became aware of some activity in the passenger seat and I looked sideways. I said sharply, "Mother what the hell are you doing?"

She had her dress pulled up and her hand inside her panties. She replied quite calmly, "You may have had a satisfactory afternoon but I have not. Sex with David was pathetic and I am extremely frustrated. The only reason that your dick is still inside your trousers is because you are driving and I want to get home in one piece. So ignore me and keep your eyes on the road."

I had to laugh. "Mother you are incorrigible and this has got to be a first. Son driving while mother masturbates in the passenger seat. Tell me when to honk the horn."

"You'll know, so now shut up because I'm busy."

I couldn't help but glance sideways a few times and when she realised that I was peeking, she deliberately made it more interesting. She pulled her dress up high enough to expose her bare stomach and down came her panties. Then she opened her legs fully so I could get a complete view.

Then came the enticing commentary, "Mm, this feels really good and I'm all wet and tingly. I could come right now but I'm going to tease myself for a while. Don't you wish you were doing it for me?"

I wanted to keep my eyes on the road but out of the corner of my eye I could see her fingers sliding in and around her pussy. The scent of her juices pervaded the car and she was squirming with exaggerated pleasure. She was deliberately trying to excite me, and she succeeded.

Desperately I told my penis not to pay any attention but it failed to listen. Slowly it began to rise and there was nothing I could do about it.

She was triumphant. "Well I never; Mummy's got Anthony all excited." She reached across and gently gripped my erection through my trousers. "My word, you've certainly grown up to be a big boy and sooner or later I'm going to make use of this monster."

I slapped her hand away and I said sharply, "Well not today you're not, so let go of me and finish what you're doing. I just want to get home safely."

I was furious with myself and despite all my good intentions, my mother had made me horny again. I wondered how long I could resist because her persistent approaches were breaching my defences.

She had her fingers back in her pussy and said breathlessly, "If only you knew what I'm doing to you in my imagination. I'm not going to tell you but it's certainly going to make me come."

I tried not to imagine what fantasy she was performing upon me but whatever it was, it was not diminishing my erection.

Her head was turned towards me and she was making little whimpering sounds but suddenly she stiffened and her whimpering became a desperate groan. Her right hand was rubbing furiously and she thrust the fingers of her left hand deep into her pussy.

I heard her suck in her breath and without making any sound at all, her bare stomach jerked convulsively as shocks of agonising pleasure jolted her body. Then she exhaled with a long shuddering gasp.

As the delicious sensations began to fade, there were milder spasms until eventually she relaxed and settled back into her seat.

Within a few seconds she had recovered and reached down to pull up her panties with a cheerful, "Well I feel better for that; so how do you feel?"

Of course my penis was still rock hard and there was little point in trying to hide it. I said nothing and stared fixedly ahead.

She finished straightening her clothes and looked at my lap. "Oh dear Anthony, you still seem to have a problem. Do you want to pull over and let me make that nasty swelling go away?"

She reached out murmuring soothingly, "Let me give it some air because it must be suffocating in there."

Before she could reach my zipper I snapped, "Don't touch me; it will eventually subside of its own accord. Anyway it would almost certainly be a traffic violation."

She was smirking as she remarked, "My word you are getting crotchety. It's not my fault you got horny, you shouldn't have been watching."

I replied sharply, "I was not watching but when someone is playing with their pussy only a few inches away, it's difficult not to be aware of it."

I continued, "But it won't happen ever again because by tomorrow there will be a notice on the passenger side that will say, 'Thank you for not masturbating'."

We eventually arrived home and while I was showering I assessed the situation. Although I was losing the upper hand there was one thing of which I was absolutely certain. She could not force me to fuck her; or could she?

The next day I was leaving for a five-day training course. I was not expecting to do well because the only talents that I possess involve drinking beer and fornicating.

I rarely saw my girlfriend on Sundays but because I was going to be away for the week, we had agreed to make an exception.

Sue and I had been together for eighteen months and sex was the main theme in our relationship. It was without any restriction no matter how devious or perverse and we trusted each other implicitly. We even agreed that extracurricular sex was permissible as long as the other was aware of it in advance.

So on the way there I worried how I was going to tell her that I had just fucked a woman many years my senior who I hardly knew. The fact that it had also been anal was just a technicality.

Sue dedicated her life to seeking the ultimate sexual experience and was excitingly innovative. I wondered what she had in store that evening because Mother's exploits in the car had left me feeling horny. Whilst showering I recalled the journey home and acquired another erection. I hosed it with cold water when I found myself washing it faster than was necessary.

Sue opened her door wearing just panties. Tall and blond and with a complexion that seemed to be permanently tanned, she looked stunning. She was nineteen and a year younger than me.

As I entered, she entwined her right leg behind me and kissed me with unrestrained passion. As always, her writhing tongue snaked into my mouth.

Sue worshipped her body and kept it in perfect shape. Her breasts were generous for a girl of five feet nine and she never wore a bra. As she drew back from our kiss, I lowered my head and sucked each nipple gently and she shivered with pleasure.

We sat down in facing chairs and Sue said, "Well this is an unexpected treat; fucking on a Sunday. As I won't see you for a week let's make the most of it. We'll have five minutes of civilised chat and then get at it. So what's new?"

I steeled myself and went straight in. "Today was rather unusual. Do you remember that Debra woman I mentioned?"

She nodded.

"I fucked her this afternoon, and up the arse to be technically correct."

For a few seconds her expression remained unchanged and then it slowly altered from interested to incredulous. She stared at me in silence, and then in a steely tone, "You did what?"

I felt a surge of panic and pleaded, "Sue please let me explain."

Before I could continue she said very quietly, "Yes I think you had better explain. I've been twiddling my thumbs all day and looking forward to this evening, and now you tell me you've been having sex with someone else. How is it that I am learning about your illicit liaison after the event?"

Her reaction was completely unexpected and I began to feel desperate as I begged, "Sue you must let me explain. My mother made me do it. She said she would make my life a misery if I didn't cooperate. She wanted Debra's son to fuck her and the only way Debra would allow it was if I fucked her."

Sue's tone was scornful, "Oh your Mummy made you do it did she? Mummy forced little Anthony to fuck the nasty woman. I had no idea that you are such a spineless wimp. Just to put the record straight, did you enjoy it and did you come?"

"No of course I didn't enjoy it," and then I added lamely and without making any sense, "Well I did come but it wasn't because I was enjoying it."

I was blathering utter nonsense so I hurriedly continued, "Look Sue, I didn't know about it myself until we were halfway there. When I learned what she had planned, I tried to turn the car around and that was when she threatened me with a miserable existence."

She stared at me in silence and then walked to the door and opened it. She said quietly, "I am very disappointed in you and I need time to think about it. You had better leave now and I'll have come to a decision by the time you get back from your course."

I was completely devastated and I never dreamed that she would take it so badly. I was close to dropping on my knees to beg forgiveness. I pleaded, "Sue, give me a break for fuck's sake. Phone my mother and she'll tell you that it was all her idea."

She looked thoughtful for a moment as if considering her options and then to my relief she shut the door. She turned to rest her forehead against it and then sank slowly to her knees.

She started to shake and at first I thought she was sobbing, but when she turned around to lean her back against the door I realised that she was shaking with laughter.

So it was all a wind-up and as usual I had made a complete cunt of myself. While she continued to gurgle with helpless mirth, I collapsed into a chair with relief.

My face was burning with shame and I tried to sound confident when I bleated, "You didn't fool me. I knew you were joking and I was just going along with it."

She screwed up her face and in a falsetto voice whined, "Give me a break Sue; my Mummy made me fuck the nasty lady. I didn't want to honest I didn't."

She walked to my chair and squirmed onto my lap. She put on a squeaky voice and said, "Poor little Tony. I won't let your Mummy make you fuck anybody that you don't want to ever again."

I growled, "Get off," and tried to push her from my lap but she clung to me tightly. I wanted to avoid her kiss but she managed to plant one firmly on my lips.

She announced, "Emma told me days ago about her plans and phoned me when you were on your way here to describe what happened. She said it was hilarious, especially when you threatened to stick it up David's arse."

I said, "Oh it's Emma now is it? I don't I like you in cahoots with my mother because I'm having enough trouble with her as it is. I suppose you know that she wants me to screw her."

"Of course I do, and you had better hurry up if you intend to because she has acquired an admirer."

I sat up quickly and demanded, "What admirer? What are you talking about?"

"He's a guy at the health club and he follows her around like a puppy dog. He wants to take her for a weekend on his yacht."

"Yacht?" I was suspicious. "Is this another wind-up?"

She said, "I thought that would get your attention. You know that huge motor showroom in the High Street, the one with the Mercs and Italian sports-jobs in it?"

I nodded.

"Well that's his and he's got a couple more like that. You could have a rich step-daddy."

I thought for a moment and enquired tentatively, "How rich?"

Sue whispered, "Stinking rich."

Rivers of greed flooded through my veins and I asked, "How do you spell Ferrari?"

I stood up quickly and Sue tumbled to the floor. I announced, "This is going to take some serious consideration."

I started pacing back and forth muttering thoughtfully, "If I don't fuck her she will get annoyed and I don't want to upset her. If I do fuck her, she will think that all fucks should be that good. If this guy turns out to have a small dick and be useless in bed, she will give him the goodbye and I will remain Ferrari-less."

From the floor Sue scoffed, "What makes you think that you're that good?"

I looked down at her and replied, "Any guy who can hang on to you, has to be good."

She smiled with, "Thank you for the compliment you smooth talking bastard."

I felt excited. Suddenly the future was likely to be very interesting and maybe profitable. I announced decisively, "I'll resolve the mother issue in my own good time. Let me now kiss your beautiful vagina to celebrate the acquisition of my new found wealth; I hope."

She immediately spread her legs to their fullest extent and I knelt between them. With finger and thumb I pulled the crotch of her panties to one side and her pussy was already wet in anticipation. Her clitoris had started to swell and I took it gently between my lips and softly caressed the tip of it with my tongue.

She arched her body and gripping her nipples between her finger and thumb she began to squeeze and twist them as she gasped, "Oh Jesus, that feels so good."

When she was really excited her pussy secretions would become a thin opaque froth and leak downwards. Sometimes I would lap up the salty wetness before it reached her anus or I might let it flow. On this occasion I waited until her puckered rose had become drenched and then I slid my finger into the soft hole. As I did so she gasped and I felt it tighten around my finger.

I began to move my tongue in circles around her clitoris and at the same time I eased another finger into her anus. As my two fingers stretched her opening she began to whimper softly and her sphincter gripped them tightly.

With my free hand I pulled down my underpants in readiness to enter her pussy but she said urgently, "Fuck me up the arse."

My penis was already solid but it twitched as her request thrilled me. Nothing excited me more than hearing Sue asking to be anal fucked.

I leaned forward and put my hands flat to either side of her. As I did so she shuffled quickly under me and pressed the end of my cock against the soft depression. Then she lifted herself invitingly and wrapped her arms around my waist. Her hole had become slippery with her excited juices and although I can boast considerable girth, she pulled me to her so firmly I slid in easily.

She was pressing upwards as she demanded urgently, "Push your cock right in and fuck me hard."

I put my hands under her buttocks and began violent thrusts into her anus. As I looked down, the fingers of her right hand were vigorously rubbing her pussy.

Her sphincter was tight around my cock and it was becoming too much for me. My orgasm was imminent and I groaned, "Can't hold it Sue," and I felt my testicles tingle.

She gasped, "I'm coming too."

My fingers gripped her buttocks as I drove into her with savage thrusts and I could hear myself snarling like a wild animal.

As our orgasms slowly subsided, I started to withdraw but she clutched me tightly and whispered, "Not yet; it feels really sexy inside me and I might want to come again in a minute."

Her fingers slid between our stomachs and I could feel the movement of her knuckles as she began to caress herself again. My penis stiffened instantly. She was groaning, "Oh God, your cock feels so good," and then more urgently, "I'm starting to come again so push it in hard."

I renewed my violent thrusts and I could feel her fingers moving as they gouged into her gaping slit. She was bucking and heaving under me and continually gasping, "Fuck me, fuck my arse."

Then her body tensed and I paused with my shaft deep inside her. She stopped breathing for several seconds and then exhaled with long shuddering groan. Finally she began to relax and her arms fell heavily to her side.

I looked down and her face was flushed and straggles of her blonde hair were wet with perspiration. She said breathlessly, "That was one the biggest climaxes I have ever had."

I responded, "I had a big one too."

She murmured, "You can take your cock out now. I've finished with it for the time being but keep it handy just in case."

I gently withdrew and she sighed when her anus was left with nothing to grip.

She asked thoughtfully, "I wonder what a double penetration feels like? You know; the ones you see in porn videos. It's a pity you haven't got a twin brother."

I dismissed that with, "Well I haven't, so you'll have to make do with a single one."

I decided to change the subject. "As I'm away all next week, do you want me to phone you in the evenings with an update?"

"Definitely if you have something exciting to tell me; especially if you have sex with any of the girls. If not, we can have a telephonic wank together. By the way, is that Paula girl on the same course?"

She was referring to a twenty-three year old who worked in the next office. She was not a stunning beauty but had a nice body. She wore spectacles which for some illogical reason made me imagine that there were fires burning within. As far I knew she was unattached.

She always looked so prim that in the hope of getting a reaction, I would usually make a provocative remark when I passed by her desk; and she always pointedly ignored me.

I answered, "I believe she is."

Sue said, "Well if you get around to doing naughty things with her, I want to hear all the details."


When everyone had checked in, we all gathered in the main lounge for a briefing. I counted fourteen of us including six females.

I managed to get a seat next to Paula and spent most of the time making it obvious that I was more interested in her than listening to the opening address. As always she was unimpressed by my masculine charm. With five days to go I was prepared to be patient.

Each day that followed I made sure that I sat close to Paula and paid little attention to the boring lectures. There were slide shows and talks by guest speakers and the overall theme was man-management. Sex didn't figure in the curriculum at all which was a pity because it was a subject about which I considered myself to be quite knowledgeable.

Each evening we all gathered in the bar which gave me the opportunity to demonstrate my other talent which was drinking more than anybody else while still remaining vertical.

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