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A Hot Night in Paris Ch. 01

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Brother's fetish meets a sister's frustration.
5.8k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 04/11/2006
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My name is Danny Maxwell. I had just turned twenty-one. I had just graduated from college with a degree in computer science. I had hopes of doing something in the computer field. I was weighing my options.

I am the younger of two children. I have a sister Helen and she had just celebrated her twenty-fifth birthday.

I was living at home with my parents. Helen was a French teacher in a local high school and she lived with us as well to save money for (what she thought was an eventual wedding).

I had dated some but was not involved in a regular relationship. I was not overly experienced with regard to sex. The times that I did have were extremely intense. I had some interesting experiences both with another guy (my cousin Jimmy) as well as the mother of my best friend. Both of these experiences involved the wearing of stockings.

I stand a little over six feet in height and weigh one hundred and seventy pounds. I have medium brown hair and brown eyes. I was never a jock but I have always been considered to be a great dancer as I took lessons for years.

My sister Helen stands five feet eight inches in height and weighs about one hundred and twenty pounds. She has long brown hair that she streaks with blond and she has the most sparkling medium brown eyes. Her teeth were white and straight. She always displayed them with her beautiful smile. She is fair skinned. She has the longest legs known to mankind but for the most part keeps them under wraps. She is not big breasted. She dresses on the conservative side as she is a high school teacher.

The male teachers in her school often passed comments about her beautiful figure. They were often flirtatious and they also wondered what those long legs would look like in a short skirt.

Helen is not a player. She had been dating a guy named Bradley Jenkins. He preferred "Brad." As Helen was conservative and caring, Brad was self centered and somewhat wild. His parents owned a construction company that built custom built homes. Brad was an only child. After graduating college (he barely made it), his parents gave him a new Porsche as a gift. He was never serious about anything. Some people said he looked like the twin of John K. Kennedy Jr.

Brad never had to work for attention from women. He was always being called at home or work from both single and married women. The secretaries at his family business would not so silently lust after him.

He met Helen Maxwell at the wedding of a friend. She was different to him. He thought he had made all the right moves to get her attention but she paid little attention to him. This got Brad's juices going as she was "untouchable."

Brad found out where Helen lived and started to call her. After a while his charms started to work. She thought he was pretentious but so good looking that she could not resist. It did take three months for Brad to get a date with Helen and another three months to get her into bed.

Helen Maxwell was not overly experienced in the sex department. She had some (but not a lot) of experiences starting in college. She was not especially in touch with her own sexuality. She was not an easy mark for men. She was first of all a serious student. She was career oriented. She was always centered on her future.

In her life she had only had orgasms that were self induced. She never had one with Brad or in any other relationship. He would never want to satisfy her orally, yet he expected to have her suck his loads out of him while they were in bed at his condominium. When they did engage in sex she always insisted on a condom except when she sucked him.

As soon as he was satisfied he would usually want to go to sleep.

I would wonder why Helen wanted to spend any time with Brad. I guess it was one of those things that occur with women in that as soon as they become intimate, the nesting instinct takes over and all obvious flaws are overlooked.

I could sometimes hear her crying in her room. She never wanted to discuss why she was upset. I was sure it was about Brad.

As kids we were close. She was my "big sister" and she always looked out for me. As she started to grow into a woman I did notice her especially when she would dress up. She wore stylishly hot dresses or skirts with pantyhose or (as I found out nylons with a garter belt) stockings.

She always dressed conservatively in school but when she went out she was more stylish. I would never leer at her but would look at her legs when I thought she did not notice. Invariably she would notice. She would laugh at me and tell me that I was her "fetish boy." She never humiliated me but rather did it as a joke.

In both our family and that of the Jenkins family there was a belief that Helen and Brad would someday marry. I think Helen believed it but I was never convinced that Brad believed it. He gave the term "self-involved" new meaning.

My sister had been teaching for three years when she decided to take a one semester course in French literature in Paris, France. She was able to take a leave of absence from being a teacher. I think that this was a strategy to get Brad moving in the marriage department. Maybe going to Paris would make him jealous.

Perhaps he would think about a mysterious man taking her and he would actually worry.

Before leaving she told me that Brad promised to visit her. She also said that, "Maybe Brad would want to become engaged when he comes to Paris." She would say, "Imagine getting engaged in Paris!"

I had my doubts. She promised to e-mail me after she settled in to the apartment she was going to rent.

About one week after Helen had left she e-mailed me. She said that Paris was beautiful. We started to e-mail each other nearly everyday.

As the weeks went by she started to sound sad especially with respect to Brad. He e-mails were long. She asked me if I knew anything about what Brad might be doing.

I did not.

Evidently he said to her in a phone conversation that he was not sure if he would be able to travel to Paris to see her and after that conversation he stopped e-mailing her. She tried calling him. He did speak to her. He said he was "too busy" and would keep the conversations brief.

As time passed she sounded frantic and really upset. I called her one morning and she cried on the phone. She said she was convinced that Brad did not love her. She said, "I feel stuck in Paris and I feel alone."

I asked her if she wanted company. She said she would "love me forever" if I would visit her. I had money saved up and I had time on my hands.

I made a flight reservation and flew to Paris arriving two weeks later. She had taught me the basics of French and how to get a cab at the airport in Paris and she provided me with her address via e-mail that I printed and gave to the cab driver.

I arrived on a cold and damp overcast Tuesday morning after the six and a half hour flight.

The cab ride to Helen's apartment took about forty minutes. She was living in a section of Paris called the Latin Quarter. It was not far from a famous cathedral called Notre Dame. The address was a three story building on a side street.

I paid the driver and rang the doorbell for apartment number three. About thirty seconds later Helen opened the door and let out a shriek. She hugged me and kissed me and hugged me again. We walked up to her apartment which consisted of a small dining room-living room combination and one bedroom with a fairly large bathroom. There was a large couch (my bed) and a coffee table as well as a small table with two chairs. There was a refrigerator and a stove. Helen had made the apartment cozy.

I unpacked my luggage. We talked and I told her that I had been up all night and I did not sleep on the plane so she took me to a place down the street where I had a coffee and a roll and just started to unwind and take in the city. Paris was exactly as Helen had described it.

Paris was to me like a mysterious woman. She could be gray and colorless and yet bright and alive. In the neighborhood where the apartment was located there was a lot of bicycle, motor and pedestrian traffic. There were a lot of young people who attended the universities.

As we had coffee Helen talked about Brad and I listened. She looked pale and sad. Her hair was stringy and appeared to be unwashed as if she did not care about her appearance.

She looked like she had lost some weight. She said school was "okay." She sounded like she had lost her spirit.

She said, "I feel so ugly."

I told her, "That is such bullshit, you are fucking gorgeous!"

She hugged me and smiled.

We spent the next several days together in Paris. When she was not in class we would take side trips out of the city to historical areas.

Her mood started to change and those beautiful eyes started to sparkle. She mentioned Brad less and less.

She started to pay attention to her appearance.

One day while walking to a museum called the Louvre, she suddenly stopped and asked me, "When we walk together would you hold hands with me"?

I said I would. We walked together that day and held hands. It seemed so natural at the time.

She said that she always noticed how many couples in Paris would hold hands and often were seen kissing and she said she missed the intimacy of a relationship.

She said she missed being held and being kissed.

One evening I told Helen that I wanted to take her out for a special dinner. I told her that cost was not the object. She found a restaurant on what is called the Right Bank that she said was very popular and so she made the reservation. She did not have class the next day.

She said she wanted to "dress-up." When I heard her say that my cock twitched.

I had brought a sport coat, a new dress shirt as well as slacks and a pair of dress shoes to Paris for just such an occasion.

I had taken my shower first and waited for Helen. I was sitting on my bed (couch) watching CNN on television. Helen came out of her room. I was not prepared.

She had on a green turtleneck sweater, with a beige skirt that came to her knee with very high heels in brown that had an ankle strap on them. She was wearing beige stockings. She wore more makeup than I had ever seen before. Her hair was on her shoulders and pulled from her face. She had on red lipstick that contrasted with her beautiful smile highlighted by her white teeth. She had large hoop earrings. She looked spectacular to say the least. She wore a beige woolen coat that came to the hem of her skirt.

The restaurant required that we take the Metro (subway) and the trip took about fifteen minutes. We held hands as we walked to the subway. She purchased the tokens as she can speak French. She sat and I stood on the subway since it was crowded. Her legs were crossed and I could smell her perfume as I looked at her. I started to get hard. She glanced up at me and her eyes twinkled as she smiled.

We arrived at the restaurant and the Maitre'd said our name as "Maxwell for a party of two." The restaurant was crowded. Everyone was dressed well. The restaurant décor was classy and not overdone. The tables were set with exquisite linens and crystal glasses. We had red wine with our meal. In France there is no rush through the experience of dining. The appetizers are brought out and then there is a lull. As a result we were in the restaurant over two hours. We sat at a table that enabled us to sit side by side.

I had never seen Helen look so beautiful in my life. I felt excited to be with her.

We ate, talked and laughed. I felt more like a date than a brother. We reminisced about some of our common experiences. She mentioned that she knew that our cousin Jimmy had always been checking out her legs especially at a wedding that we had attended years earlier. She had been there with Brad and she danced a lot at that wedding.

Jimmy and I had really gotten an eyeful when she would sit and cross and uncross her legs. She said she also knew that I had been checking them out as well. I evidently blushed as she started to laugh at her "fetish boy."

She said she knew what we were up to and deliberately gave us a "little show." I realized now that she liked the attention.

During our dinner Helen leaned towards me to whisper a comment about another patron. I leaned towards her and our lips were close as she spoke. For no apparent reason she kissed me. She lingered with the kiss for a moment.

I asked her "What was that for?"

She said, "Because I felt like it and anyway I want to feel a man's lips against mine."

My heart skipped a beat. I ordered more wine and we sat and sipped and laughed and talked.

As we spoke our hands would touch. After a point in time our hands became intertwined.

Her eyes sparkled more as the wine seemed to have an effect on her. She would lean into me when speaking. I was aware of it but it seemed so natural.

We were now holding hands at the table. She placed my right hand on her knee. She said, "I want to make my fetish boy happy." "She said "I know you have wanted to touch my legs since I came out of the bathroom."

The tablecloth hid what was going on from other patrons.

I was subtle as I let my hand linger on her legs. I wanted to let my hand drift upward but did not.

Helen did not seem to mind. In fact she said, "I liked the warmness of his hand on my legs."

We had coffee and an after dinner drink

The waiter said something (in French) to Helen. He did so as he brought the check. Her face flushed. I asked her what he said and she told me that she couln't tell me at that moment.

I paid with my credit card. Helen then told me that the waiter had asked, "Are the lovers ready for the check?"

When she told me my face suddenly felt hot.

I signed the check and we walked out of the restaurant.

On the way back to the apartment we walked and talked. There were lovers holding hands and kissing virtually on every street.

I wanted to be a part of what was going on. I wanted to kiss and be kissed and to hold and be held.

Helen felt a sense of caring when she was with Danny. He would listen to her when she spoke. His caring for her was evident in the way he looked at her.

Helen wanted what many women wanted. Intimacy coupled with caring, passion and trust was on her priority list. She had experienced passion in her life but never had been able to connect with the other three vital components. That is until now.

I placed my arm around Helen. She hugged me. I told her I had wanted to do something.

She said, "What is it?" She stopped walking and looked at me.

I told her I wanted to put my arms around her and hold her.

She smiled and reached out to me. We held each other. My face was against hers. It felt warm. Her perfume was intoxicating.

I kissed the side of her face and near her lips lightly. She turned her head slightly and smiled and kissed me on my lips in return. The kiss was not an explosive event but it was warm. Part of me wanted to feel her tongue.

Something was happening. I did not know what.

We stopped our kiss and our hug and started to walk.

Helen said to herself, "Is it wrong to want Danny?"

She could not provide herself with an answer. His lips and mouth are so perfect for kissing. She wondered what his tongue felt like.

Two blocks from Helen's apartment I saw a flower vendor. I purchased a bouquet of flowers and gave the bouquet to Helen.

She initially said nothing. Her cheeks filled with color. She got tears in her eyes. She pulled me close to her and while holding the flowers with one hand she reached for my face with her other hand and kissed me.

It happened. My mouth opened slightly and in came the tip of her tongue. I pushed back with my tongue and we now were slowly kissing and exploring each other's mouths.

We must have been standing and kissing for a few minutes. We kissed each other's face and eyes and then back to our mouths. It was the most passionate kissing of my life.

After several minutes we continued our walk towards the apartment.

We did not speak after the kiss until we arrived back at the apartment entrance. We kissed as she put the key into the apartment door and we stood and kissed after we entered the apartment.

She went to the bathroom to freshen up. My brain was rattled.

Then I started to think (and wonder) where this was going. I wondered where this could go. I was concerned and also excited. It was so wrong yet felt so right.

Helen entered the bathroom and wondered what was happening. For the first time recent memory she did not give any thought to Brad.

She worried about what might happen. She knew her passion candle had been lit on many different levels. She was more excited and alive than she ever remembered.

She was so fearful and so yet alive at the same time.

Helen found Danny irresistible. He was better than any best friend. In some ways he was so good he was scary. He was everything. He looked, felt and sounded great.

She thought to herself maybe it was because she was so vulnerable.

However there were parts of Danny that she had always wanted in a man.

Danny was such a caring guy and so sensitive. He had the greatest sense of humor and often had her laughing uncontrollably.

He could mimic and make his voice sound like cartoon characters or famous people. Yet his humor was never derogatory or was it ever hurtful. He was often self-deprecating.

He was unselfish. He was passionate. She knew that what she was thinking was so forbidden. She admitted to herself that she wanted Danny.

The very thought as she said it to herself was in itself liberating and yet so frightful.

Danny was everything that Brad was not.

She knew that even kissing Danny like she did was wrong. She did have a sense of guilt that was repressed by pure animal instincts.

He could kiss better than any guy she had ever known going back to her early teens. When they kissed she actually became dizzy. His was like a girl's first kiss.

Danny's thoughts were like scattershot. He was all over the place both physically and emotionally.

His mind was a jigsaw puzzle of emotions. She DID place his hand on her legs.

That coupled with her words, her body language and the hot kissing were short circuiting his logic.

He tried to be objective. However all of his nerve endings were screaming out for relief.

She had that face, those kisses, those eyes, that smile and those LEGS.

Yet she was his sister. It should never have gone this far yet his heart and her body were in turmoil.

Helen knew Danny was attracted to her and not in the juvenile ways she perceived him to be in his teens.

She admitted it to herself. There was something exciting about his "fetish". He looked like he had died and gone to heaven when she had placed his hand on her legs in the restaurant.

She felt so feminine around him. She removed her underwear in the bathroom and left on her stockings. She also had applied a fresh coat of lipstick.

I was sitting on the couch. She sat next to me. She crossed her legs so that the hem of her skirt was pulled up.

I had a great view of her legs if I wanted one. I caught a glimpse of a stocking top so she had worn a garter belt. I tried to be cool as I was not sure what would happen next.

Helen got up and lit a few candles. I watched her walk around the room. She put on some soft music. She made the rest of the apartment dark. A window was open and the sounds of the city could be heard in the background. There were horns beeping, people yelling and traffic moving about.

She asked me if I wanted anything to drink and I asked for a beer. She had a bottle of Heineken. There was only one left so we shared it taking sips out of the bottle after she sat next to me again.

I reached for and held Helen's left hand.

I looked at her and she was in deep thought. I asked her "A penny for your thoughts?" She responded by saying that, "She wished that was going on would last forever."


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