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A Hot Summer's Night Ch. 05 Pt. 02 - Illustrated

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Part 2 of Brad and Jaime's Vacation with their cousins.
9.8k words

Part 9 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 06/28/2018
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Editor's note: this submission contains scenes of incest or incest content.

Author's Note 1: This is the second part of the Chapter 5 story, so be sure to read Pt1 first. It is also part of a longer storyline, so I recommend beginning from Chpt 1.

Continued from Part 1

"Let's go in the tub, I am burning," Val said, standing up and heading to the tub under the overhang. It wasn't a hot tub at the moment, as they keep the water a little cooler for just such an occasion. All five of us headed over and took turns getting in. I ended up between Val and Julie, sitting in the corner and Jaime and Geoff had a little more room on the opposite side. With the water bubbling it was hard to see anything under the water, which was dangerous.

Val dipped her body into the water to cool off and when she came back up, as expected, her areola were clearly visible and her long, thick nipples looked huge trying to poke through the material of her top, which I am sure that was her intention. Geoff was even helpless trying to at least glimpse at his cousin's tits. Val looked so fucking hot though, I must admit. I could feel myself getting hard, which I was thankful was hidden under the waters.

I am not sure if my sister was aware of what she was doing, but she moved up next to me and pressed herself sensuously close, while reaching for her drink. She gave me the deepest fuck me eyes I can remember. This did not escape the notice of Julie or Geoff who were more than a little curious of that display. I am not sure they would be able to handle that next bit of details about us.

"Everything ok?" I turned and asked Julie, as Jaime and Geoff were involved in a discussion about something.

"Yes, no worries," she smiled at me in response.

"I hope you're not weirded out by all the talk yesterday?" I asked, trying to soften her mood.

"No, I thought it was all very...interesting, if quite a bit taboo if I'm honest. Not like I haven't crossed a line already," she said, subconsciously turning her attention to Val who was at the moment inadvertently pushing her cleavage in Jaime's face.

"Yep. No judgements from me. My mind takes me over that line quite often and I don't lose sleep," I tried to offer encouragement.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"Well..." I was about to tell her when Val announced, "Let's play a game!" Julie seemed disappointed that we were interrupted.

"What kind of game?" Jaime asked, sliding a little away from Val.

"Truth or Dare," she exclaimed.

Now, as part of our original plan, this one of the options she came up with to try and push a situation on someone, now that the seeds have been planted. We were supposed to do this later tonight, but I guess she felt the time was right. So, I played my part, "What are we 15? Are you serious?"

"What are you afraid of? I figure we have gotten to know a lot more about each other than we knew before, might as well see what else we can discover. Who's in?" She asked, scanning the other four. No one looked convinced, but also no one objected, so we all grabbed our drinks and decided to play along.

"Ok, I'll start. Brad, Truth or Dare?" Val started the game with me.


"Are you turned on or upset by all the talk last night?" She started with an easier question, but I saw where she was going.

"Turned on," I offered without missing a beat. To his credit, Geoff didn't give anything away on his face, but we had already talked, so that was easy.

"My turn. Jaime, Truth or Dare?" Jaime turned to face me, trying to judge whether I am going to be bad.

"Truth." Val booed her choice.

"What is your kinkiest sexual fantasy?" I asked, knowing the answer. She gave me a "I bet you think you're very cute" expression before considering her answer.

"Gangbang. Three guys." She took a quick drink from her margarita to try and cover her mock shame.

"Whoah!" Val responded. "Nice."

Geoff was only smiling, and Julie could only look on in surprise, or was it respect? No one was offended, which was good.

"It will never happen, because I don't know three guys I'd want to do it with, and I am not going to slut myself out. I'd want it to be seductive, not raunchy," she tried to explain.

"Sure. Your turn." Val brushed her off.

"Val, Truth or Dare?"

"Dare." She answered immediately.

"Since we can all see them anyway, show us one of your nipples."

Val smirked and without hesitation pulled aside the bikini on her right breast. She grabbed her nipple between thumb and finger and twisted hard, then pulled it straight out from her tit, stretching the skin tight. When she let go, her nipple was long and hard and everyone was staring at her full exposed breast. I love her nipples; they are so thick and long, very hot. She pulled the material back over, but it did little to hide it. Everyone at that point took a drink. Geoff took a long deep breath.

"Geoff, Truth or Dare?" Val asked.

Geoff was a think still stunned at seeing Val's exposed breast answered absently, "Truth."

Before he had a chance to compose himself, Val blurted out, "How long is your cock?"

Geoff looked blank for the moment, and I notice him look Jaime's way, as if a little embarrassed.

"Come on, out with it, no cowards," Val pressed.

He looked a bit flush as he responded, "Almost 11 inches."

All three of the girl's mouths opened in unison, if I didn't know any better, I'd say Jaime looked a bit scared. Julie looked at her brother with, admiration? I couldn't tell. She turned away from Geoff and took a few full gulp sips of her drink, trying to hide a giggle.

"Wow. Impressive," was all I could manage, taking my own sip.

"Ok, you and your huge cock are up, Geoff," my sister continued, as if unaffected by the confirmation of her rumor.

"Since you haven't gone yet, Julie, Truth or Dare?" Geoff asked.

Julie looked a bit concerned, but responded, "Truth."

Geoff thought for a moment before asking, "When was the last time you played with yourself?"

"What a naughty brother asking your sister that," Val mocked.

Julie brought her knees up to her chest, blushed and answered, "Last night."

"Really? Who was the lucky source of inspiration?" Val quizzed, casting a quick glance over to me

"It's not your turn Val," I moved in to save Julie, but silently hoping she was thinking of me last night.

I couldn't get a read from her, honestly, she was keeping things close to the vest. It was clear she has been thinking about something, but what exactly, was hard to tell.

Val responded "Truth" to her.

"How many people in this hot tub have you fucked?" Julie jumped right into the deep end, revealing a little bit of the dark side I heard about.

This caught Val a bit off guard for the first time and even she had to take a sip of a margarita before answering.

"Three." And after a moment, everyone in the tub looked at me, knowing she had slept with Julie, and I guess assuming Jaime as well.

I am sure I was a bright shade of red, because I hadn't expected it to come out that matter-of-factly. Julie looked at me, but I don't think it was disappointment, I think it was just confirming something she already knew in her mind. I just shrugged innocently.

"Holy shit!" Geoff said looking at me and the Val. "When did this happen? What has been going on since I've been living down south?"

Val responded to him" It's not your turn." I thought Val would go right back at Julie, but she had Jaime in her sights. "Jaime, Truth or Dare?"

"Dare," Jaime replied. Oh boy, this could be interesting.

"Would you please put your hand down Geoff's pants to confirm he isn't lying. If Geoff doesn't mind of course?" Val looked to Geoff.

"It's your game," he lamely answered, but was clearly trying to process what was about to happen

Jaime looked at me briefly, but I gave her no sign she shouldn't, and she moved closer to Geoff. You could only see her shoulder move, but it was clear her arm and hand were in the right spot. You could tell when Jaime's hand found its prize because Geoff physical twitched a little and gave out a soft sigh. You could see Jaime's arm and shoulder moving up and down, and I could only assume she was stroking his shaft. She did this for another ten seconds or so before moving back to her original position.

"It's true," was all Jaime said, giving me a knowing smile.

Geoff was clearly flustered, and Jaime finished her drink before asking me, "Truth or Dare."

I wasn't sure where this was going. I think Jaime was getting on board with where things were going, but I wasn't sure what she would have me do. I just trusted her, I responded, "Dare."

"Show everyone your dick," she asked.

I looked at her and she gave me a sideways smirk. I took a deep breath and stood up. The three girls were watching me as I moved to my shorts and slid them down to the deck. My cock was semi hard, and I felt my seven and a half was well represented at the moment, no signs of shrinkage. I wasn't Geoff huge, but I could easily fill whatever hole I needed without too much discomfort. I turned to Julie who was giving me the once over and allowed herself a brief smile before I reached down and pulled my shorts back up. I gave her a very clear, I want you look that she did not look away from.

"See love, you have nothing to be ashamed of either," Jaime said, as if the display I put on somehow validated my manhood. It kinda did.

"Val, Truth or Dare?" I asked her.

"Dare," she answered quickly.

"Of course. Pick someone to make out with for 5 minutes, "I asked her, totally expecting her to pick one of the girls, and I looked to them in anticipation.

She smiled at me and looked at the others before she moved directly to me, pressed her body against me and kissed me deeply. She drove her tongue into my mouth, which I eagerly returned. I moved my hands around her and grabbed her ass, pulling her against me. She reached up and grabbed my face, and was pulling my head against her, when I heard Jaime.

"OK, break it up you two," I heard my wife say.

When my sister pulled away, Julie was looking at me amazed and Geoff said, "Well, that just happened."

After Val sat back down, I felt a foot run up my leg. At first, I thought it was on accident, but when it continued, I started to play back and soon, our legs and feet were tangled sensuously together. From the angle I couldn't tell if it was Julie or Val, I was pretty sure it wasn't Jaime.

It took me a moment to pull myself together when Val asked Julie, "Truth or Dare?"

I think Julie was concerned about what Val would make her do, so she answered, "Truth."

"Coward," Val replied, but then she smiled. "On a scale of one to ten, how much do you enjoy anal sex?"

Julie scowled at first and breathed, "bitch" under her breath. She hesitated for a moment before answering, "Ten. Totally a ten, I love it."

"Thank you for answering honestly, and earnestly," Val responded. Geoff was looking at her with what appeared to be renewed respect.

Julie gave me a sidelong glance before asking, "Geoff, Truth or Dare?"

I think Geoff expected an easy one from Julie, so he confidently answered, "Dare."

Julie gave me a smile before giving the task, "Suck on Jaime's tits for 5 minutes."

I spit out my drink for I don't know how many times that day before I looked over at them. Geoff was a bit surprised, as was Jaime, but I didn't see any rejection, in fact, Jaime sat up a bit a let her breasts come above the water line more. The caressing of my leg continued.

Geoff moved over in front of Jaime and reached down to her barely-there bikini. He took both of her breasts in his hands and lifted the material, exposing both of Jaime's hard nipples. For the next five minutes, I watched my cousin suck on my wife's tits, licking and biting each nipple in turn, squeezing her large breasts eliciting pleasurable moans from her. He was eagerly devouring my wife's tits in front of all of us when Julie called time. In a trance, I turned my head to Julie who was only smiling at me as she mouthed, "You're Welcome", to me. Very naughty, I loved it

Jaime took a moment to recompose herself and Geoff looked a little shocked that just happened. He looked at me briefly and I gave him an approving nod.

"Ok, I can't take much more of this. Perhaps we should take a break now while we can?" I tried to be helpful and break up the course of things for the moment as they were progressing a little too fast and I didn't want people to have regrets. Val agreed and stood up. The foot on my leg was still there, so it must have been Julie. Things are going to get interesting tonight.

People took the time to refill their drinks, grab a bite to eat and Julie and Jaime headed off to separate showers. I took the opportunity to down two drinks in that time and headed up to our room. I caught my wife coming out of the shower and she gave me a naughty grin.

"You ok, babe?" She asked.

"Definitely. You?"

"Oh yes," she answered emphatically.

I pulled her too me and her towel dropped, her soft flesh pressed into me as I kissed her. I cupped her breast in my hand and dropped my mouth to her hard nipple, teasing it hard.

"Mmmmm. You're the second guy to suck my tits today," she cooed.

I stifled a laugh as I bent to pick up her towel and gave her a playful slap on her ass.

Jaime grabbed me by my cock through my shorts," I love this, so don't forget it."

"But you are going to find out if size truly does matter?" I probed.

"Oh yes. Geoff is going to fuck me with that big fucking cock, but not before I suck on it long and slow like your sister sucked your dick the other morning. I bet you he has nice big, balls for me to pop in my mouth," she exclaimed moving toward the sink, leaving me there speechless.

"Wow, you're getting good at the dirty talk," I mumbled, to trying to hide my rising cock.

"I know, right?" She giggled, proud of herself, starting to dry her hair.

I jumped in the shower for a quick rinse and when I came out Jaime was wearing a tube top and a pair of pajama shorts. That's it.

"Don't want to let anything like a zipper or buttons to get in the way, huh?" I observed.

"Nope," she replied evenly.

"Have you noticed Val being a lot more.... aggressive lately?" I asked, drying off.

"You mean besides her wanting to fuck her brother 24/7?" Jaime answered.

"Yeah, besides that," I replied.

"I think this whole situation has opened a repressed dominant side honestly. Her marriage being sexless as it is, she probably just put all those feelings away for a long time. Now that they are out, she's is running with it," Jaime observed.

"Not that I am complaining," I countered.

"Me either. This is fun, so naughty and so hot," my wife gave me a smile in the mirror.

"You look hot. Don't hurt yourself tonight," I joked as I left the room and headed downstairs.

When I got to the kitchen Geoff was there popping open a beer. He grabbed another for me when he saw me and handed it to me.

"Everything good?" He asked.

"Definitely. Better than expected actually," I answered honestly.

"It was a little weird at first, but I was attracted to Jaime even before I knew about...well, the whole thing," he stumbled on the words a bit.

"Look," I continued, "she won't leave me for you, no offense, it's just we are in a great place and we have discovered that we both get off on the same thing. Being able to keep things in the family feels safe, and totally taboo, which makes it even more hot. Add in the fact you have a giant dick, well that seals the deal for me, total turn on," I took a long swig.

"Jaime is great, and no drama, so no problems for me. It's been a while since I was with a woman. The last sex I had, some guy gave me a blow job," Geoff remarked offhandedly.

"Wait what!?" I gasped out a response.

"No, I'm not gay, not into guys at all, but I have a couple of gay friends. Once they found out what I am packing I have to constantly turn down their advances. I relented a couple of times when I was drunk to let them suck me off, but I have no physical interest in them. Turns out they are quite good," Geoff remarked evenly.

"Ok, good to know," I responded, my mind processing that a bit more. We must all have the same fucked up gene in our heads in this family.

"Just be respectful of Jackie and I, which I know you will since I've known you all my life, and everything will be good."

Val changed into a cutoff shirt that barely contained her bra less tits. She knows I love that, and she bounded up to me, pressed them against my chest and gave me a soft, wet kiss. Geoff just looked at us head shaking, "You have definitely changed a lot since I last saw you."

"Jealous?" Val teased, giving him a hands-on hips, chest out indignant pose.

"Or does it make you think of your own naughty thoughts about your own sister? Or, maybe you want to slip that monster inside of me?" Val continued to push.

Geoff coughed up a spray of beer, before managing to respond," What's gotten into you Val? I remember a much more reserved person."

Val shrugged, "Let's just say getting to fuck my brother, your sister and my sister-in-law has been a vagina opening experience." Geoff and I were once again speechless as we looked at her, then each other. I was at a loss for words.

Jaime and Julie came in next, Jaime's breasts going where physics wanted to take them in that "not keeping the girls in" tube-top, catching Geoff's eye. Julie came down wearing just a tee shirt, her heavy, bra-less breasts heaving freely underneath. Val must have given her a hint about how much I love free floating boobs. I think even Geoff was trying to avoid looking but failed. I was dying to get my hands on those tits. I really am a Neanderthal.

We all sat around the living room and started to talk about the old times once again. I was sitting next to Julie; she and I were making consistent eye contact. Jaime and Geoff were next to each other on the opposite couch and my sister was on the other end of the couch, nearest to me. After some time, Val decided to break the ice once again.

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