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A Job in the Theatre Ch. 10

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A seductress is born.
5.2k words

Part 10 of the 21 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 05/28/2009
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Chapter 10 -- A seductress is born

What a difference a weekend could make Paula thought sitting up in bed that Monday morning. In just two short days her life had changed completely. She had discovered cock. Playing with hers was fun, but playing with others was even better. And there was a world full of cocks just waiting for her to play with.

Yes, her lovers would now come from the male population and she was perfectly happy with that. Her sex life as a woman was so much better than when she was a man. There was no comparison. And making men horny was easy. She couldn't wait to get kinky with them.

She got out of bed and headed for the bathroom. She dropped her lovely satin nightgown and picked up her cute pink razor. With the greatest of ease, she proceeded to shave herself baby smooth. She looked in the mirror and thought having a smooth crotch made her cock and balls look so cute, perhaps prepubescent. The thing she found troublesome was her flat chest.

She thought of Sarah's wonderful breasts and tried to imagine what they would look like on her. It was a big step to be sure. But her lovers would be male from now on, so why not? She put the thought from her mind. There would be plenty of time to make that decision.

She slipped into a sexy black and white bustier with garter straps followed by matching French cut panties. She was feeling particularly sexy and decided on red stockings. She eased them up her legs and snapped them to the bustier. A quick glance to the mirror confirmed what she already knew. Her cock was trying desperately to peek out from her tiny panties.

She was pretty kinky too she thought looking at herself in the mirror remembering what Sarah had said. Would they want to watch as she fucked their friends? Suddenly she wondered how many friends?

With practiced ease she flipped her cock between her legs and pulled the panties tight. Yes, much more feminine. She liked having a little surprise for someone to find...someone and their friends.

She sat at her vanity and applied her makeup finishing up with her lipstick. Then she brushed out her long hair and snapped in a clip to keep it off her face. Satisfied that she looked completely hot, she went to her closet to find a dress. She decided on a fire engine red satin blouse with leopard skin skirt and tall black heels. She left the first few buttons undone so the bustier would show. The skirt couldn't have been more than a few inches below her crotch. The look was hot and very sexy. It most definitely caught the eye.

Paula felt perfectly comfortable playing the sensuous vamp at work. If she had teased the boys before, she was really letting it all hang out now. She loved watching their eyes, the excitement in their eyes, as she played upon their desires. She knew exactly what they were thinking, she knew what they wanted.

Paula saw her lone stagehand off by himself. He was probably a few years younger than her. He made eyes at her all last week. Today he was wearing a pair of tight faded jeans that made her wonder just what was hidden inside them.

She walked over to him. "I'm going by Paula these days. What's your name?" She watched as his eyes traveled her body. Finally he moved up to her eyes and immediately turned red. She was looking right at him.

"I'm Billy" he said embarrassed.

"Do you like what you see, Billy? I sure like what I see" she said in her slow sensuous voice.

"You are hot" he said with a smile. She flashed him a smile loving his compliment. She still wasn't sure where he was coming from. He had to know she was a man. Maybe he didn't care. She certainly didn't.

"Maybe you and I could sneak off sometime and share lunch. I was thinking you could bring the meat...and feed it to me. Does that sound good to you, Billy?" she asked running her tongue over her lower lip.

Billy was completely mesmerized. He searched her face looking for signs that she was joking. He didn't find any. His face turned beet red. "Why sure" he blurted out quickly.

"Mm. I will be thinking about that all day. Don't make me wait too long, Billy" she said turning and walking away. She knew good and well that Billy was staring at her ass. Her tall heels made it easy for her to shake.

Sarah called everyone to the stage. "All right everyone. Let's start with scene four. We will follow the order through scene seven. Betty goes with Helen...let's setup the backdrop. We start in ten minutes everyone."

Paula went with Helen to change costumes. The stagehands pulled out the restaurant backdrop and fixed the light underneath the table. Sarah took her seat about midway deep in the theatre.

"OK" she shouted, "Cue Betty."

"Well Gary, I just wanted you to know that if you were to change your mind...I would certainly make it worth your while..." Paula slid her hand into Gary's crotch and started massaging him. Gary had said he was straight, but he was apparently looking forward to Paula doing her little number. He was hard as a rock.

"Great. Great. OK, scene five in ten minutes everyone. Keep up the good work" Sarah shouted. The backdrop was rolled out and the next put in place. Gary and Paula exchanged their lines flawlessly. You could see the connection between them Sarah thought. She could not have asked for more.

"OK, scene six."

This was Paula's worse. This was the scene where she had to kiss Gary. Oddly enough, it was the scene that got her the job. Gary, for his part, kissed her softly on the lips. But everyone could tell they both hated it.

The scene had them standing at the back door of Betty's house. Gary had just brought her home from a date. He is supposed to say good night, step forward and take her in his arms and kiss her. Fade to black.

The stage was ready and Sarah shouted, "Cue Gary."

"I had a lovely time this evening. Can I see you again?" Gary said.

"Yes, I would like that" Betty responds.

Gary steps forward, takes Betty in his arms and pulls her up against him to kiss her. Their lips meet. It was a simple kiss. That is until Paula slips her tongue into Gary's mouth!

Gary was caught off guard, but quickly responded. Paula realizes that no one can see between them and moves her hand to Gary's crotch.

Gary was so confused when it came to Paula. She made him so horny. But she was a man and he didn't know what to do with that. And now she was sticking her tongue down his throat. They had talked about this. It was just a job...that's what they had said. And now this! Maybe she was having second thoughts too.

Paula loved feeling Gary get hard in her hand. She was sure Gary had a lovely cock.

Gary pulled away. He was totally smitten. He almost forgot his line. "I'll see you tomorrow at school." Betty gave him a smile, turned and walked through her back door. Gary walked away and the lights faded to black.

"Wonderful! Absolutely wonderful!" Sarah cheered. Finally, she thought. A real kiss. Of course she noticed Gary's bulge. Paula always made that boy so horny. "Now scene seven and we break for lunch."

It was a successful rehearsal to be sure. In the car going home Sarah looked at Paula, "I think Gary has a thing for you. Now I don't care what happens between you two as long as the play does not suffer. Now that will be up to you, understand?"

"Yes, of course" Paula said acknowledging Sarah. She certainly didn't want to take advantage of the situation. They rode in silence for a minute. Then Paula looked at Sarah and said, "He has a beautiful cock...I just know it." Sarah couldn't keep from smiling.

Once they got home Paula asked Sarah, "Need any help getting out of those clothes?" The look on Paula's face was innocent, but nothing could be further from the truth.

Sarah's agreement with Ted did not preclude her from having sex with Paula. Her cock began to grow.

"That would be nice" Sarah said slyly. Paula smiled and walked behind her and found the zipper to her dress. Slowly she pulled it down and pulled Sarah's dress off her shoulders and let it fall to the floor.

Paula's hands naturally slipped around and cupped Sarah's breasts. "I love your breasts" she whispered working her fingers inside the cup of the lacey bra. She worked Sarah's hard nipples between her fingertips causing Sarah to moan.

"They are beautiful" Paula said toying with both of them. Then as an after thought, "It's so permanent...no turning back."

"No turning back" Sarah echoed. "Who would want too?"

"Fuck me Sarah...please" Paula hissed. "I want to feel your cock inside me."

Paula loved feeling Sarah's cock as it entered her. She had been thinking of cock all day. Sarah loved it too. What started as a nice casually pace turned into a super heated pounding. Paula rode Sarah's cock as best she could until she couldn't take it any longer. Paula's cock exploded shooting cum everywhere. Then Sarah exploded inside her filling her with cum.

The next day at work started like any other. Paula said hello to poor Billy as she walked in. She wondered if he would ever get the nerve to ask her to lunch. It was up to him. As she walked past him she noticed Gary was watching them. And it didn't look good.

Gary was actually feeling pangs of jealousy. He did not like her talking to Billy. More correctly, he did not like the look that Billy was giving her. Under other circumstances, he would step over and have a word with him, tell him that Paula was his girl. But she wasn't his girl. For that matter, she wasn't a girl. It was all so confusing.

They started rehearsal and those thoughts quickly left his mind. Paula made him so horny he couldn't think straight. Just as before, he found himself walking around the stage with an incredible erection more confused than ever.

Then everyone broke for lunch. Paula was surprised when Billy walked up. "Wou, would you like to go to lunch?" he stammered.

Paula gave him a cute smile. She could tell it had taken every ounce of courage. She also remembered Gary from that morning. They were standing on the edge of the stage where the curtains hung. There were two sets of curtains with a small space between them. She quickly looked around to see if anyone had noticed them.

Paula quickly grabbed Billy with both hands and pulled him between the curtains. Billy had no idea what she was doing. Paula put a finger to her lips signaling him to be quiet. They stared into each other's eyes. Paula gave him a smile and slowly sank to her knees.

Paula slowly worked Billy's zipper down and freed his cock. It was a beautiful cock, nicely shaped and of decent size. She had yet to touch it, but it was growing rapidly, expanding before her very eyes.

Making guys horny was so much fun. Without using her hands, she dipped down and took it in her mouth. She absolutely loved feeling a man's nice warm flesh slide between her lips. She loved feeling a cock in her mouth. She loved feeling one grow in her mouth even more.

Billy was concentrating so hard on being quiet as he watched her red lips gobble up his cock. She explored his cock slowly with her tongue. She loved teasing his soft flesh as it grew hard between her lips. It was bigger than Sarah's, but smaller than Ted's. She decided that Billy was probably six to seven inches long, but not so big around that she had to stretch her jaw.

Paula had never really given much thought to all the different sizes men came in. They each seemed to have their benefits. Sarah was small enough for her to take her entire length without problem. Ted was so huge that it simply dominated her senses. Billy was somewhere in between. She liked Billy's cock. But then again, she liked Sarah's and Ted's too.

She slowly descended its length until she felt it bump against the back of her throat. It was such a decadent feeling having your mouth full with a man's cock. The most intimate part of a man fully captured within your control. She could taste the clear pearl of excitement as it slipped from the end right down her throat.

Billy wanted to howl as her tight lips, her wet tongue worked along the bottom of his shaft. He couldn't resist looking down, watching as his cock reappear. With her hands still firmly clutching his nice firm ass, she allowed his cock to slip from her lips.

They both watched as his cock danced up and down with pure excitement. This was totally impossible, he thought. She was so good! She let it jerk several times enjoying the power she held over him. Then she leaned in and ran her tongue straight up his slit. It was all Billy could do not to scream. She ran her tongue all along his head teasing him deliciously. Watching her only heightened his desire. Then she opened her mouth wide and his cock disappeared within.

Paula started working her lips down, then up caressing every inch of him. She loved the feel of a good stiff cock. She polished his length in a loving caress tasting his pre-cum constantly dripping onto her taste buds.

Billy could feel his orgasm fast approaching. Could he climax without making noise?

Just thinking about it made it happen. Paula tasted that first splash and clamped down hard on his cock. She clutched his ass so he could not move. Billy couldn't believe she let him cum in her mouth. Nobody had done that before.

Billy was holding his breath until his climax subsided. Then he came back to earth. He watched as Paula gently tucked his cock back into his pants and zipped him up. She rose to her feet and whispered in his ear, "Shave before next time." She gave him a cute smile and left.

Billy was stunned.

Paula thought about the power she had over men. It was so easy having sex with them. She loved sucking cock. She had sucked the cum right out of Billy's. And it was delicious. It was nowhere near the amount Ted came. No one came as much as Ted. But she loved it just the same.

They hadn't been home more than ten minutes when the phone rang. It was Ted and he wanted to come over. Of course Sarah said yes.

"That was Ted on the phone. He will be here in one hour" Sarah announced.

"One hour?" Paula lit up. "Oh my, I need to get ready. Are we going out?"

"No. I believe he is just dropping by for a visit."

"What should I wear? Sarah, you have to help me. You know what he likes. I'm going to do my hair. Pick something for me to wear."

Paula rushed off to the bathroom and jumped in the shower. She wiped out her razor and quickly shaved smooth all over. She thought of Ted. One day she would shave him smooth. She could just imagine how big his cock would look then. Next was her hair followed by makeup. She went to her bedroom where Sarah had clothes on the bed for her selection.

Sarah selected a pair of jeans with a nice satin blouse or a mini skirt with vest. Paula looked at the selection and was not impressed. On the chair next to the bed was her satin nightgown. Why not, she thought? She picked it up and told Sarah, "I think this will be more effective."

Sarah smiled. "Well, if you are going that way" she said stepping into Paula's closet, "you might as well wear this." When she stepped out she was holding the sheerest of baby doll nightie's trimmed with fuzzy stuff along the bottom. It was very short and extremely sexy.

What's the point of dressing like a girl if you don't take advantage of it, Paula thought? A huge smile crossed her face. "Yes, I totally agree. And I want the wickedest pair of stiletto heels we have in this house."

Sarah smiled, "Yes ma'am!"

Paula slipped into a pair of ruffled panties deftly tucking her cock between her legs out of habit. But then again it was Ted coming over. She reached into her panties and adjusted her cock so that it lay against the sheer fabric. Then she slipped on the delicious baby doll. It was so short that the panties were really the star of the show. Sarah showed up with spiked heels that were five inches tall. Paula slipped them on and looked in the mirror. And what she saw was even making her horny.

"Earrings!" she cried out.

Sarah showed up with a pair of long drooping earrings that fell almost to her shoulders.

"Perfect!" Paula turned to Sarah, "How do I look?"

Sarah reached for Paula's hand and placed it on her panties. Sarah was hard too. A wicked grin spread across her face.

Paula took a deep breathe when she heard the doorbell ring. She took her time getting to the door. She opened it and greeted Ted with a nice wet kiss. "I remember that" she said slyly looking at his lips. She couldn't help but notice the long black limo sitting in the driveway with a cute blonde in chauffeur's uniform standing at the fender.

Ted stared at Paula wild eyed. "You are stunning!"

She reached out and grabbed that massive cock of his, "You are too" she smiled.

He returned her smile as she led him into the house by his cock. She pulled him into the den and pushed him back onto the couch. She turned one leg out, rocked it on her heel and put her hands on her hips. That caused her nightie to pull up revealing her nice ruffled panties. With a sly grin she asked, "Can I get you something to drink?"

Ted was mightily impressed. Paula had that sensual thing about her. Everything she did was sexual, suggestive. She was a natural born vixen. You couldn't think of anything but sex in her presence.

"Yes, that sounds great" he smiled feeling the heat fill his face. Paula turned and headed to the bar. Her five inch heels caused her ass to sway in the most seductive way. The ruffles were a nice touch he thought.

She served his drink and took a seat next to him on the couch. Her hand went immediately to his lap and rested squarely on top of his growing cock. Ted stole a glance of her beautiful legs staring up at him thinking about the ruffled panties just behind that nightie.

"I certainly enjoyed our date the other night" Ted said.

"Not as much as I did" she responded tapping her fingers along his cock. Ted smiled. Paula never missed an opportunity. He liked that.

"So how was rehearsal?" he asked sipping his drink.

"Wonderful. We will open soon" she said feeling his cock underneath her hand. He was close to full erection. Now that she had experienced some other boys, his cock was more impressive than ever.

"I know it is a big break for you. Are you nervous?"

"I was in the beginning, but not anymore. Sarah has been so helpful."

"She is special, isn't she?" Ted stated.

Thanks to you, Paula thought thinking of Sarah's incredible breasts.

"Yes, in so many ways" Paula said with a sexy little look as she causally rubbed his now hard cock. She still couldn't believe she had taken the whole thing inside her. She couldn't wait to do it again.

"Well I know you are looking forward to the open. You know, I think you should give some serious thought to pursuing a career as a female actor. We can change your name and present you in that venue. My company is fully prepared to represent you. I know you will be offered many more parts that way. You are a stunning woman. You should give it serious consideration."

"That does sound interesting" Paula said. She had not thought past opening night. Sarah said it would be a break out part. What if the play was a huge success? Her current career, as a man, was nonexistent. She had never had an agent.

"It's more then interesting. It's profitable as well."

Paula thought about her beat up pickup truck hidden behind Sarah's garage and the third floor apartment she had not seen in several weeks. That was what was waiting for her when this was over.

"It sounds like it might be hard" she said tracing the outline of his cock. Ted stifled a moan. "Mm, I remember this. You were such a naughty boy the other evening. I hope you will be just as naughty tonight."

Ted smiled thinking about his cock between her lips. He remembered how she had hungrily gulped his cum. It was magical.


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