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A King's Legacy Ch. 09

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Tension grows as things are revealed.
5k words

Part 10 of the 46 part series

Updated 05/27/2024
Created 01/21/2023
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A King's Legacy

Chapter 9: Masterpiece

Stahl wasn't sure what he had done in his life to deserve his current situation, but he was either extremely grateful, or begging for repentance, either of which relied solely upon the decision he had not yet reached on whether this was bliss, or torture. The night had started out amazingly, the wolf had confessed the feelings he had been afraid to, and Aster had accepted them, no. Returned them even! If that wasn't enough, he even got to hold the human as he drifted off to sleep against his own body. The freezing circumstances may have been the real reason that bonus was added, but the canine greedily accepted the added spoil.

When Aster had succumbed to his need for rest, Stahl got an up close and personal view of the boy relaxed at last, finally freed of the burdens he bears. The wolf loved how many emotions he could read on the human at any given time in the waking hours, but when he was like this... When he was finally at peace and without his walls in the depths of his dreams? It made Stahl want to hold him even tighter, swearing to protect such a wonderful sight at any costs... That is, until Aster rolled over in his sleep, moving his face into the soft, fuzzy chest of his wolf, and pressing the front of his body down into the warmth of the warrior's own as he wrapped his arms around the beasts waist.

All the wolf could do was gasp in surprise at what he felt. Aster was excited... And that excitement was now contemptibly pressed against his thigh, making the dozing human swell even more. The scent of arousal wafting up from the boy was overbearing, encompassing over all else, and demanded every modicum of the wolf's attention. His mouth started watering uncontrollably, and his own snug package began to stir in his sheath, pinned between the wolf's thin pants, and Aster's stomach. Stahl felt his human's warm breath on the fur over his beating heart, and actually shuddered in his predicament. Within a quick flip that lasted no longer than two seconds, the wolf was forced wide awake once more.

Stahl couldn't move, only hold the boy in silent stillness. His mind was screaming a million different things at him, but he couldn't manage to trust a single one. One part of him believed he should wake the boy, or try to adjust him off his groin to avoid embarrassing him... Another wanted to force his head just a bit lower where his growing member ached for the attention... One thought was to try and roll him over again, where he wasn't pressed so tightly to the wolf, but another right after was begging the wolf to roll on top of him and pin the boy into the dirt... Finally, after about ten minutes of his suffering, Stahl's tool twitched a little as it pushed passed the waistband of his pants, no longer able to be delayed by the wolf's fleeting willpower. The boy shifted his position just a bit as the slick girth slid smoothly up between the pair, gliding over his stomach and chest. Stahl instinctively squeezed him a bit tighter when Aster had moved over the burning rod, reveling in the shameful pleasure it brought to him. He accidentally thrust just enough to force a small spurt of precum from his tip, landing on his boy's skin. The wolf shuddered again, though this time in guilt. As much as he loved the idea of marking the boy with his scent, Aster needed to be the one to choose that. Not like this... It wasn't right. This thought brought the wolf down enough from his high to get a hold of both his desire, and his surging emotions. With a few deep breaths, and a lot of willpower, the wolf was able to calm himself just enough to make his own little soldier retreat back to camp in protest. Even still, the wolf didn't get too much sleep that night, but he wouldn't trade a single moment of it regardless.

When Aster woke up the next morning, the sun was just beginning to peak over the horizon, bringing gentle warming reprieve to the chill of the fading night. The boy stretched lazily, nuzzling into his soft, fuzzy pillow as he did so by squeezing his arms around it tightly. That was the best sleep he'd had in weeks! He was so warm, so cozy... And that esrthy smell... Realization shot through the human's mind as he recalled exactly who his pillow really was, and exactly what he had said to that pillow before passing out on top of him. His skin flushed red, as the boy slowly inched his face up from where it had been buried into the wolf's chest to meet the familiar, fanged grin of the canine staring back down at him with those breathtaking grey eyes. Stahl was smiling at him, but there was something cocky in that expression of his. Aster went to sit up, but the wolf just kept his grip on him for a moment longer, holding the human in his embrace, gently rubbing his fingers across the smooth skin beneath where his hands rested. Aster blushed harder as his wolf just kept looking at him with that same, silly smirk. Finally, the human broke the silence.

"Hey, Stahl..." The wolf let out a small huff as a gentle laugh. He moved his muzzle down just a bit, and gave his human a quick little lick on the cheek before he answered, jumping straight to it so Aster wouldn't have to.

Hey, Aster. So... Last night... I... I know you need to go slow with things, and now isn't exactly the best time for all this... And I'm good with that... So just, since you know how I feel about you now... If you ever... When you're ready to move forward... Wow, this is harder to say than I thought... I've never actually been this nervous talking about sex... I don't want to rush you, or pressure you, I just want you to come to me when you're ready... I guess that's what I'm trying to say. I'll do this however you need me t-" The stuttering wolf was cut off from his rambling by the human simply pressing his mouth to his wolf's muzzle once more, effectively stopping the nervous babble as the wolf relaxed into the action, happily letting the boy steal his very breath away by the simple, tender action.

Aster pulled away a moment later, and stood, taking the cape draped over his back with him while he offered a hand down to his wolf. "We can talk about it later. Just let me think on some things first. I-I want to do those things with you, but not here. Not quite yet..." The human nodded slightly at four on looking beasts a short distance away from the pair. Stahl followed the notion, and saw that all four bore looks of disgust his way. They had witnessed the kiss just then, and weren't afraid to show their disdain for such a beast that would actually stoop so low as to kiss one of those monsters. Stahl felt a knot of anger form in his stomach, as he realized Aster had been aware of the disapproving stares all along, that this is why he was so reluctant to give in to the wolf, because Stahl would deal with the same treatment now that he was subjected to daily. The wolf didn't care for his sake, but it made him disturbingly mad for Aster's. He was going to say something, but a pleading look from his human was enough to stop himself. He would hold his tongue, for now. Instead, the pair woke Rust, and prepared to move out with the rest of those present on the first day towards their long journey home.

Quite some time later, as the sun was bearing down in full force, Aster was getting a bit overheated. Mollis approached the human and the wolf from a ways away, coming to walk beside them for a bit while he gave them both some water. Rust was currently walking a bit behind, lost in his thoughts, but caught back up to his uncles as the rabbit began to speak to the human.

"I was just about to call another cloud for a while, you need to make sure you stay in the shade of it this time, overheating soldiers only makes for more burdens, and I think we all pretty well know how adamantly against that you are, Aster." The rabbit gave him a soft smile. Aster really liked this hare. There were quickly becoming two distinct types of beasts in the human's eyes, one's that used his name, and one's that didn't. The one's that did were usually among his favorites, and treated him with respect, as such, he didn't fight the hare too often on things, and accepted the offer without debate. As the rabbit called forth a heavy cloud of shade near the center of the formation, The human and Rust made their way to it's relieving cover from the harsh sunlight above. There were a few other beasts that needed a turn, and by rotating like that, the larger group was able to mostly progress through the harsh environment without too much trouble. The rabbit was now alone with the wolf, and shot the soldier a sly, knowing smirk.

"That was quite the confession last night. I didn't know if you could feel emotions anymore. Glad to see it though." The wolf grumbled. He knew the rabbit's hearing was ridiculously sharp, but the teasing tone was annoying regardless of how prepared for it he had been.

"Yeah, well... What can I do? I've been stricken. Badly... I don't know why even..." The hare let out a joyful, honest laugh before he answered the rhetorical question anyway.

"Let's see... He's oddly adorable, his eyes are ensnaring, he has a tight, furless little body that even I would love to make squirm beneath my efforts, he's an exotic rarity that may be the last of his kind, and that scar on his face kind of does it for me. And that's just his physical qualities... Diving deeper passed the surface... He's insanely fearless, or incredibly stupid, not sure which yet, but I like both. He fights harder when the odds are stacked against him, he gives everything to protect those around himself, and he is determined to serve our people, regardless if they hate him all the while. He has some inextinguishable fire burning where his soul should be, one that drives him further and further beyond what we see. His fire can emanate more warmth than even that shield of his... Speaking of, he was blessed with a legendary bloodskill, one we haven't even seen the full potential of, and yet it doesn't go to his head. If you are kind to him, he will be even more kind in return for the most part. If you compliment him, he gets embarrassed and visibly struggles in the most adorable way... AND the Venatus namesake? Cherry on top, and you know how I do love cherries, wolf. Overall, he's absolutely a wonder and impressive on all fronts, and I can definitely see how he stole your heart, Aschefell. Did that about cover it?" The hare smiled on smugly as the wolf just stared in awe.

"Yeah, that about covered it... Say... Mollis... You're not... You don't like..." The hare just gave the wolf a more cheeky, knowing expression.

"Honestly?, I'd raise my tail for him... Just as I once did for you, Aschefell." The wolf locked up a bit, not prepared for that confession. He didn't expect any competition.

"Well, that's not too surprising really..." Stahl had a history of making jabs at the rabbit, in more ways than one. Mollis just smiled back.

"Not as many as you may believe, Yeah, I've had some fun with my mouth on a whim, but there's just something about him that ticks all my boxes for sex too... Makes me just want to straddle him and grind on his innocence until it bursts inside of me. I bet he'd be a great fuck, honestly. He seems to be packing pretty well for his size. I think it's that determination of his, that way he rises to the occasion to give it his all against any task... That is, if I'm not too late? I DID smell you on him..." The wolf went red himself, both from such vivid and, surprisingly, intriguing imagery, and from the hare calling out his spurt from the night before still lingering on Aster's chest. Stahl thought about it for a moment. He wasn't sure he wanted to share Aster, but the human could make his own choices, He didn't actually belong to the wolf, and Stahl wanted him to experience more from life to make up for his time alone, even if those experiences didn't come from him...

"He's his own person. He can do whatever he likes... Whoever he likes... I really care about him though... So, just treat him well if he does agree... Don't freak him out too much. He's easily overwhelmed by advances." The hare only winked at the wolf before bringing his hands up to his cheeks, lightly thumping his fingers in anticipation.

"Oh I'm hoping for it. Don't worry, I just want to see his dominant side in action... If he has one, that is. The scary human ravages the little bunny... It's like an even better version of the bedtime story than I remember." Stahl gave the horny rabbit a slightly judgmental glance before he just sighed as the hare gleamed in victory. The wolf had to admit, it was a pretty hot spin on it, regardless of how messed up it sort of was.

Aster had been walking beside Rust in the shade for a few minutes when he had caught the fox staring over a short ways. Aster looked to see the cause, and saw the white tiger Oust walking on the outskirts of the formation. Aster looked back to Rust with a baffled look.

"You know him or something?" Rust simply turned to Aster, and started rambling.

"No. Well. Sort of. Pops was telling me some about the victors back at the Selection Grounds... And well, I just feel sorry for that guy... He's had it pretty rough too. He's a Candori, but apparently his family is pretty mean to him. He doesn't have a bloodskill. There's also some saying about it being bad luck for a white tiger to have orange tinted fur or something, so his dad doesn't even talk to him... I don't have a bloodskill either, and I'm not even the same species or color as my dad, but he still loves me, so I don't know. Like I said, I just feel bad for him." The tiger looked the fox directly in the eye and snarled his way, letting the cub know he had heard every word. Aster just put a reassuring hand on Rust's shoulder when the fox recoiled back a bit, and gave the burly tiger a glance in new light. Oust apparently wasn't fond of the look of pity Aster bore his way, as he only snarled towards him as well before speeding up and moving further away from the pair. The human just let out a sigh. That was one the person he didn't ever see himself getting along with here. He felt he at least had a chance with the rest of the beasts. The caravan marched on until sunset, where the group made camp for the night.

After everyone had rested for an hour and had a chance to get some water and what little food was rationed to them down, the soldiers and elite guards all met a short ways off. Mollis had leveled out a decent little area to allow for the first part of the bull's training. Aster was patiently waiting with Stahl and the others for Captain Rix to begin. They did not wait for long. The first hour was simple enough, just non-stop, physically demanding exercise drills. It was tiring, but anyone present could mostly handle it. In truth, it was just the bull getting a final feel for his recruits and their limitations. It was shortly after that when the bull shifted to pairing off certain groups and giving them instruction. Stahl was placed at the head of one of the larger groups of five, training with swords. Mollis tended to pull people away randomly to gauge any manner of things, or have them attempt a spell to see if they had any affinity at all with anima magic. He had little success. Aster was among the very last to be assigned a duty by the bull, presumably one of those he would personally train. The tiger Oust was also pulled to this group, much to Aster's disdain. His attention was soon pulled from that distraction by his booming captain's voice.

"KNEEL DOWN BOY! PUT YOUR SHIELD OVER YOUR HEAD!" The human was a bit slow to react to the random request, but did as he was told relatively quick, kneeling down to one knee and raising both hands to his shoulder level, creating a shield about twelve inches above himself. Aster held his position in waiting, but his curiosity was unfortunately soon sated, as the hefty bull walked right over, and sat down on the shield, effectively rendering the legendary wall and the human beneath it as no more than a stool. While the shield did naturally hold off a good portion of the weight itself, Aster was still left dealing with far more than he felt he was capable of. His back slouched and his chest pressed into his knee, his other was indented into the dirt below as he put all he had into keeping the weight from small falling to his ankle. His arms quivered under the weight, but there was no way he could stop to readjust. Aster just squinted his eyes, grit his teeth, and grunted in his strain. His energy was being drained rapidly by his efforts, and he could barely get a breath in, all the while not daring to drop the shield and the cargo hovering right above him. He had no idea what he had been signed up for, but he was figuring it out pretty quickly as the bull began shouting orders to the other three assigned to him from atop the shield. Aster saw Oust giving him a truly mocking smile at his humiliating treatment, but the human was far beyond being able to respond right then. Captain Rix just bellowed down to his new, straining chair.

"BOY! YOU COULDN'T HOLD THE DEMON'S SWORD! YOUR BACK IS WEAK! YOU WILL STAY MY SEAT UNTIL YOU CAN PUSH ME OFF OF YOU. YOU REST WHEN I SAY YOU MAY REST, NOT BEFORE. THIS IS YOUR ONLY WORRY FOR NOW. THIS IS YOUR ONLY TRAINING UNTIL YOU EXPELL YOUR WEAKNESS!" Aster just grunted in his strained state... There was just no way... He would never be able to push this massive beast off of him, and he didn't even know how long he could last like that! This wasn't going to make him stronger, this was going to break him. His panicking thoughts were squeezed out, as the bull shifted purposefully once, making the struggling boy nearly buckle beneath his hulking mass of muscle. The bull smiled to himself, surprised the boy had managed to hold at all so far. That was more than many a beast soldier could even manage the first time he made them into his seat. This human may end up as one of his greatest masterpieces by the time he was finished carving out the weakness within him. He would run this boy through the forge as many times as needed to perfect this weapon. The bull snorted, thankful for the fortunate turn of luck that had dropped such a bounty into his care.

"Ouch. That's Captain Rix for you... Not the first time he's used that one, but damn... Right out of the gate. Aster must've really pissed him off, or made him think he has potential somewhere along the line... Either way, glad I'm over here..." Stahl really felt for his human, but if there was one thing he was certain of, Captain Rix would make him stronger than he thought possible. It still hurt to watch, but talking about it a bit helped. Mollis happened to just be close enough to be the ear this time.

"Hmm... I'll give him a few more minutes then go pull him for his one time save from me. I can still humor him and test it, even if we know he won't have magical capability as a human. He's going to have a long hard road under the captain, but something tells me he can take it." The wolf only nodded. If nothing else, Aster could rise to a challenge. A short few minutes later, (It felt more like thirty to Aster,) Mollis walked over to the sitting bull, and made his request in a teasing voice.

"His turn. May I have your seat for a moment, Captain? I want to see a few things for myself." The bull let out a gruff sigh in annoyance, but gave the hare what he wanted anyways, moving off of his "Seat." Aster dropped his shield immediately, his joints felt creaky when he stood, and he was already sweating profusely from expending a great deal of his strength. He could breathe again, so at least he had that basic life function back. The human looked to the hare with a face of pure gratitude from freeing him from the overbearing weight, if only for a short reprieve. The rabbit just smiled, and motioned him along as he turned away and out from the training area a bit. When Aster made it to where the hare had stopped a good distance away, he finally felt he should clarify something to the beast.


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