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A King's Legacy Ch. 31

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The beast of mercy then, a beast of mercy now.
7.5k words

Part 30 of the 46 part series

Updated 05/27/2024
Created 01/21/2023
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Chapter 31: Mercy

"You truly have done incredible work with him. In all my years, I haven't seen many beasts capable of doing what he did back there. I can't even say for certain I could have managed such a feat in my prime." Byron Aschefell had been filling the younger coyote's ears with such boastful praise ever since the bandit attack two days prior. Syphur Ictus, the young coyote, and first in command of the prince's guard, could only respond as humbly as ever.

"I'm certain we can both agree that Talan did all the hard work, I was simply the yapping distraction so he could pick them off... Still, even I find it hard to believe he had reduced their numbers so drastically before they ever even noticed him." Byron was lathering the praise on thick that morning.

"It was almost comical in a sense to watch... I almost felt bad for the poor fools. You really have trained him to be a great asset to our young king-to-be. He has the talent and the skill, but it's your tactics that have really set him a cut above the rest." Syphur was almost blushing, Byron quite aware how bad the younger coyote was at accepting praise, but giving it all the same. The older wolf had been the one to scout the common born beast in the first place, after all. The coyote answered the older wolf as respectfully as he always did.

"Perhaps, but even then, you hold the credit once again. I wasn't even through my adolescent years at that point, but you took me in as a student anyway... I learned what I did, and became who I am today only because you saw something worth teaching in a sickly looking stray who was smaller than most other beasts." Byron dismissed the very idea.

"Evidently, I was correct in my assessment that you were capable of far more than life had dealt you. I am simply thankful that I can still turn to you for aid all these years later... There are so many of us who aren't around for that anymore..." Syphur nodded in agreement, Byron quickly changed the subject, not meaning to sound so solemn.

"So, it has been over four years since you were placed in charge of the prince's personal guard. Has the title been treating you kindly?" The coyote let out a half groan, half sigh before he answered that question.

"Right now? It's treating me like a training dummy... The kingdom is falling apart at the very core, the prince was declared dead, but was actually transported to the other side of the world, and now I soon have to convince the regents that with the prince alive, the Regicide's Endeavor should be called off... All without a lick of proof at this time... Not to say your word isn't trustworthy! It's simply..." Byron chuckled as he dismissed the coyote's alarmed expression at the unintentional insult.

"Do not worry, I understand what you meant. No single beast's word alone would be enough to sway such a heavy decision... With any luck, we will have that proof in the form of the prince himself soon enough." Syphur nodded in agreement, continuing where he had left off.

"I certainly hope so... Because right now, I'm feeling like a pretty big failure as the one sworn responsible for the prince's well-being... And since Talan carries that burden as my second in command, He too feels responsible... Even more so considering he was actually there for the attack on the Capital. All the smooth victories against all the bandits in the world wouldn't ease his unrest in this moment... Not that I can blame him." Byron went silent for a while before answering that statement.

"In truth, who could? His family has been torn apart... Once again. His prince has been stolen out from under his watch... And even should we reunite with that prince, the crown still rests on an undecided brow... I know Talan has his faults, but I truly can't help but pity him." Syphur answered that a bit quietly.

"His fault, is carrying so much blame, and burden with him... That's truly the one weakness I know of on that panther... He is much like his father when it comes to that. General Venatus carried more weight than most could bear for many years... Sometimes, I am almost thankful the prince is inherit..." The wise coyote stopped himself before he ever said something so treasonous, but the older wolf was tired, and had no trouble saying what the other beast had reserved.

"There is nothing shameful about being grateful for a new king to serve... Jagón did his duty, as we all did back then... But I am convinced Tyfin will bring this country what it actually needs... What his father had lost somewhere along his path. It is alright to be hopeful that the future goes better than the past has." It was Syphur's turn to go silent for a moment before replying in a low voice.

"Do you remember that night? When the last human kingdom of Adamare fell? We were both among the few that were still in that hall when the great General Venatus walked out holding that human cub... Sometimes, I still can't believe he was allowed to keep him... I wasn't part of the battle back then, per your orders, but I remember how terribly sad it all was... It didn't feel like a victory at all to me, it barley even felt like a battle... Do you still think of that war? Do... Do you try not to?"

Byron took a deep, concentrated breath in, and exhaled slowly into a sigh. The veteran dropped his eyes just a little as he replied rather softly.

"I think about what we all had a part in often... More so as of late it seems... Sometimes, I even wonder if the reason I had to lose a son was to compensate for all the ones I have taken from their mother's... But then I remember that it was a demon that killed my son, and if there were any true justice in this world, it would have taken me back then instead... Silbern would've lived, as the innocent should, and I would have perished, as the corrupt, and misguided should... Yes, I think about the things I had a part in often, young Syphur... And I do everything within my power to ensure those that follow after me don't end up making those same mistakes as well."

Syphur looked to the retired general with a faint smile, grateful the older wolf was still here to lend such counsel. Syphur had quite the reply ready for that, but held his words when the noble wolf lowered his head as if in pain, and rested his right palm against his right eye. The coyote immediately recognized the gesture, and was eager to hear an update through the bloodskill, but remained silent so the veteran could concentrate. A moment later, Byron raised his head and spoke gently in reply, so the coyote could hear as well.

"Daughter, I must admit, this is a surprise. How are you, Erdie?" Syphur tensed up a little as the noble wolf spoke his daughter's nickname. The coyote quickly looked down as the conversation continued onwards. Lady Erden was there, and Syphur was quite preoccupied with his thumping heart... Byron received his answer shortly, his daughter speaking a bit cautiously.

"Hello father... I hope the trip hasn't been too hard on you? Is Amboss around?" The father replied, still speaking so the coyote could hear his words.

"Not at all! I've rather enjoyed the countryside. Besides, we are only a few days away from you now, and getting to see the rest of my family is motivation enough for these old bones to remain sated. Amboss is actually sleeping right now though, do I need to wake him?" Erden ignored half of that statement, opting instead to get to the point.

"I am elated to hear the trip has been steady, and no need to wake Amboss, you can have all the fun filling him in later. My head is hurting enough as it is... But there is news father..." Byron answered optimistically.

"There will always be troubling reports, my daughter. I don't think I have to tell you of all beasts how uncertain and restless the people are right now." Erden shook her head as she swiftly dismissed the outlook.

"Not like this... Father, can you handle taking some of Stahl's memories right now?" Byron was shocked, but his response came swiftly.

"If you have news of your brother or Rust, then yes, I can handle it, just give me a moment to ready myself." Byron closed his eyes, and steeled his resolve, preparing his war-torn heart for news that may stop it all together. With a shaky grunt, he mentally signaled his daughter to go ahead. The memories came like an arrow sinking into flesh.

Loss, confusion, fear, anger, self-loathing, and an overwhelming sense of failure... His son had taken quite the beating, and certainly needed some rest... But Stahl was alive, and so was Rust, and that was more than enough for the older wolf to breathe out a sigh of relief. Erden was quick to question that reaction.

"For some reason, you don't seem too concerned about what has transpired... Did you not get the memories?" Byron took a steadying breath in, and spoke his answer as if it were all so easily dismissible.

"I received them, thank you, daughter. My son lives, and though his heart is heavy and his duty grave, I may soon embrace him again... I can talk with him about the rest then." Erden was almost annoyed by that passive reasoning, but understood what her father really meant by it. Instead, she shifted the focus.

"And Rust? He inherited the Sicario bloodskill... Stahl has been teaching him to fight... And now he's alone with both a traitorous bear, and the son of Reiner Candori. Does that not bother you?" Byron chuckled a little as he replied to that question.

"Oh, that's going to be quite a mess for certain, but Rust is allowed to choose his own path... He just gets to be the one that convinces his mother, because not even I have that kind of bravery left in me." The wolf paused for a moment before commenting a little more on that.

"The former General Corper Paxus still living comes as quite a shock to me, I had heard he'd perished before King Alocer's war on humanity had even concluded... But if he is still anything like the beast I once fought alongside, then Rust is with one of the safest escorts possible. He was the head of Queen Talia's own guard, after all. Keeping people safe and alive was his job, and he was very good at it. If he is considered a traitor for failing to stop an unstoppable assault on the queen, or for simply falling in love with a human and trying to save her, then he is a traitor that I would still welcome into my own home, for neither should be considered any crime." Erden went silent for a long while, and finally addressed what her father had been dodging.

"Alright... I tried to give you time to do it yourself, but my head is throbbing, and I'm getting tired father. Stahl pretty well drained me with that conversation, and I still have to try and reach him with a response... And you are going to give me that answer, father. Please don't make me force it out of you." Byron considered the challenge for a moment, but brushed the thought aside quickly enough. Not even his experience was a match for his daughter's capability when it came to their bloodskill, she was the prime user for a reason. More than that, though, Byron knew Stahl needed to know what he had done... His son's mate needed some true hope now. The retired general answered his daughter with a statement instead.

"I do not know what that demon speaks of, as I don't believe I've ever had any encounter with him before the ceremony... But it said something similar to me back then. It called me the beast of mercy, and it spared your brother Amboss because of it. I have thought heavily since, and I cannot fathom what I could've ever done to aid such a monster... But I am not so certain that demon is the monster I believed it to be anymore, not after what it did for Stahl... Certainly, it is an enemy to our country, but I can't help but wonder..." Erden replied a bit cautiously to that.

"I believe you, but there's something I do still need to know... Why did you tell Stahl to go north, and keep it hidden from everyone else? I didn't even catch that the last moon, but I saw it in Stahl's memories... He asked me to find out, and even if he hadn't, I was planning to. What aren't you telling us, father? You aren't the kind to keep such secrets from your family in such dire circumstances, or at least, you didn't use to be." Erden felt something unusual from her father then, something she had rarely ever felt from the old, and noble wolf.

Byron Aschefell was truly afraid to confess his reasoning, but his son deserved to know... Even if it was nothing short of treason. Although the wolf was speaking mentally, his voice was still quite shaky as he confessed a secret well buried for over twenty years. A secret that could get him, his family, and an unknown amount of others killed if it ever got out. As he focused on the hidden memory, he let out a heavy sigh as he began.

"It feels like a lifetime ago..."


The sword demon stood gazing into the distance, seemingly deep in thought ever since his son had lost that arm. Calium was growing uneasy, knowing what lie just before them now... His master had confirmed as much, after all. He believed in his son, and had given everything so that boy could make it to the other side of that mountain... But he was almost worried that Solis may take the easy choice at this point.

Calium was starting to worry that his son may just surrender everything after all. That was his choice and right if so, and it would certainly serve those beastmen justice... But it still wasn't what the deceased king wanted to happen. Regardless, he just wanted his son to have the freedom to choose in the first place... That freedom was all the former human king ever wanted for his son... But the part of his heart that remained alive just couldn't help but be afraid now. Of all the things possible, the once human never would've believed that a demon could feel fear...

The thought was momentarily paused as a spear of light erupted through his chest, the demon feeling his presence crumble away before reforming just as quickly. It didn't hurt, and he was still able to process thought in between after so many times... But Calium was growing pretty bored of being Cortist's target for practice. The demon turned after reforming, and spoke with a bit of a defeated sigh.

"That's about the twentieth time you've speared me today. I think you've got it down by now." It was Death that answered the pessimism, speaking in an almost belittling manner, only to his soldier.

"Now, now. No need to put such a damper on his progress. You know as well as I do what he has to prepare for. He's going to need all the practice he can get, my old friend." As his master answered him mentally, the young panther apologized verbally at the same time. Calium just sighed again and grumbled out a response.

"It's fine... So you've mastered four bases now? That's more than we were expecting at this rate, but that's for the best." Cortist was a bit surprised. The demon hadn't exactly been talkative since Aster lost his arm... Cortist still wasn't certain how he felt about that besides angry on his brother's behalf, but Death had told him it wouldn't be an issue either way, whatever that meant, so the panther had tabled that anger for the time being... Mostly due to his master also informing him that he had another fight just ahead of him, one Aster would need him to truly be ready for, so the panther had doubled down on his practice to learn this magic that just felt so alive, that worked off of his intent alone rather than his chanting. Cortist was making decent progress considering he didn't even know it existed a few days prior. The young panther spoke enthusiastically.

"Fire is still my strongest point, but I can mentally command lightning easily enough as well. Earth gives me trouble on the offensive side of things, but I think I can use it defensively at least. This light magic is a bit odd though... Hard to feel what it wants, but it usually does what I ask of it." Death answered both his envoy, and his soldier this time.

"Your personality holds a lot of the blame there... You have both solid morals, and foundation, which is what the earth seeks out in a master. Do not worry, little kitten, It will yield fully to you in time. Furthermore, your energy is vast, and even stronger is what the lightning aspires to become, so it believes you quite a benevolent wielder when you are able to feed it's current so thoroughly. The light magic shines brightest unhindered, so it remains rather undecided about you with such a clouded heart. Frankly, you haven't impressed it too much, but it sees your potential... You need only stop casting such shadows of doubt over it. The fire suits you so well because of your heart..." Death grew silent, letting his words fade off. Cortist found that stopping point strange, and pried a little further.

"What about my heart makes the fire serve me so easily?" Death answered, but did not answer what was asked. He would not lie, after all...

"You'll learn for yourself soon enough, for now, simply know that those flames are your greatest tool in battle right now. The other magics will have to wait... You're pretty off-putting to most of them. I'm not certain water nor ice will serve you easily, factoring in your lack of level-headedness, but darkness can gain an affinity for nearly anyone with enough coaxing. There are others more within your reach... But for now, my kitten, you will rest. You are going to need it."

Cortist groaned a little at that order, not exactly thrilled to be still with his thoughts once again, but knowing that if his master was actually warning him about something beforehand, then it was probably worth taking seriously. Death never seemed to worry about much, and certainly seemed unbothered by most things, but the mage just had this sneaking suspicion that the demon wasn't the only one growing uneasy about whatever was approaching... Cortist certainly would've never anticipated what his master's first true role for him would turn out to be, but he would finally know that answer shortly... And to discover the second one, he would only need to wait just a short while after.


"You seem distracted." Corper was speaking Oust's way, still holding his palms up in various positions all the while as he made his usual movements. Oust watched Rust trigger his bloodskill twice in quick succession, landing a tap on each of the bear's palms with a quick jab before repeating the process all over as Sir Corper shifted positions. Corper had decided Rust needed to work on his stamina the first official day of his training, and the little fox was making as steady progress as before. Oust felt it obvious he was distracted... It was like his master was doing his usual dance, and the fox was jumping all through the air around him like a fly all the while. The tiger spoke, still chuckling a little at the thought.

"Sorry... It's just strange watching you two... Do you always teach so unconventionally?" Corper laughed, Rust landing another quick tap on his palm as he teleported before the bear again. The adolescent was growing pretty tired by that point, but didn't want to let the morning training session end yet, something that he was beginning to make a habit of it seemed. The bear spoke as casually as usual.

"I just adjust my methods to fit the student is all... Perhaps you should try adjusting yours. Go, get a little alone time, as I have already told you to. It can do you some good after all of this. Besides, this cub won't be letting me stop for a while longer it seems..." Rust beamed at that response, and snickered as he spoke his trigger, landing another rapid jab against the bear's palm. Oust just grumbled in protest. He wasn't exactly fond of being alone now, it almost worried him... It made him feel like he would wake up any moment now, and his father would be standing there... But the tiger yielded, and turned to head west a little further. Rust cheerily yapped out to the tiger as he stepped off.

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