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A Kinky Love Story

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Popular girl and nerd initiate an unorthodox relationship.
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Summary: Popular girl and nerd initiate an unorthodox relationship.

Note 1: Thanks to Breezy for suggesting this quirky romantic tale.

Note 2: This is a 2024 Valentine's Day Contest Story, so please vote.

Note 3: Thanks to Tex Beethoven for editing.

Note 4: All characters are at least 18-years-old.

A Kinky Love Story

"Can you believe Mr. Green wants Bobby Franklin to tutor me for his Physics class? Starting tomorrow, he'll be coming to my house every weekday after school!" Ariel, easily the most beautiful girl in the school, was bitching to her bestie Julie.

"Batting your eyes at him didn't get you off the hook?" Julie teased. "Or your trademark 'you're being so mean to me' pout?" Julie was being sarcastic, but she knew her best friend wouldn't catch on. She loved Ariel, but the girl was without a doubt the most self-centered and clueless person she knew. In all fairness, it wasn't Ariel's fault entirely. She was a complete bombshell and was totally accustomed to being the center of everyone's attention... and her self-centeredness had been even more inevitable, since she was an only child. And if that wasn't bad enough, Ariel was an eighteen-year-old high school senior, but she was dating Daniel, a college junior who was attending on a full ride football scholarship, and he was already a starter... a rarity for a junior. Unfortunately for Ariel however, his college was more than two hundred miles away.

"I know. Doesn't he know how busy I am?" Ariel sighed, as if this were the biggest hardship in the history of the world. "I need to spend more time on my social media site, not waste my time with fucking Physics!"

"I know. I don't know how you manage it all," Julie pretended sympathy.

"Me neither," Ariel said, happy she had a friend who understood her difficult life. Everything lately seemed to be going against her. Her boyfriend lived too far away, and he refused to video chat every night like she wanted him to. Two of her subordinate cheerleaders were completely incompetent. Her GPA was hovering just over the required 3.5 her parents insisted she maintain. And the number of her followers had dropped for the first time in her three-plus year career on all her social media platforms. She didn't know why, she'd been a powerful social media influencer since she was fifteen... able to use her beauty to draw in men who saw her as beautiful, and girls who wanted to be just like her, who hung on her advice for being popular.

"If only Mr. Green understood you better," Julie continued being the compassionate and caring friend, even while she was shaking her head at the weight Ariel gave to her First World problems. That said, she herself had risen to second most popular girl in the school because of her, and except for her egocentric personality, she was a good friend. Ariel would do anything for the people she trusted and cared about.

"See? You understand," Ariel said, frustrated. "Why can't he?"

"Teachers and their cockeyed priorities," Julie replied with apparent disdain, when in truth, she was slightly mocking her bestie.

"And to make it even worse," Ariel continued on with her pity party for two, "I haven't been laid in weeks. And Daniel isn't coming home this weekend like he said he would!"

"You poor thing," Julie said. This time she wasn't remotely hiding her sarcasm, since Ariel was dating one of the hottest guys either of them had ever met in person. He was three years older than she was, and he belonged to the richest family in town. So every girl wanted him.

"I know," she sighed. "And I really need some extra time to get my numbers back up."

"You mean your grades?"

"No, silly. My numbers," she said. "They've dropped lately on Insta and my other platforms.

"Below five million?" Julie teased again.

"Thank God it's not that bad," Ariel gasped, shuddering at the horrible thought. "But I have lost twenty-two followers this week."

"Well, that's really tragic," Julie responded distractedly, while she painted her nails.

"I know," Ariel said again, still completely missing the sarcasm. "Like seriously... why the hell am I even bothering to take A.P. Physics? When I graduate, I'll never use it again,"

"That's likely true," Julie agreed. What made Ariel's chronic idiocy even more improbable was that she was a pretty smart chick. Even though Julie loved teasing her, mostly for her own enjoyment, since Ariel seldom caught the sarcasm, they'd been best friends ever since grade two.

"And Bobby?" Ariel continued her vent. "He might be the biggest loner since Lee Harvey Oswald managed to get himself shot and killed while he was in police custody."

"And you know how that turned out," Julie added.

"Exactly," Ariel sighed dramatically. "My life is ruined!" Of course it had been ruined many, many times before today, according to her teenage mind, so this crisis was nothing new.

"I think you'll survive being tutored by Bobby. He is kind of cute, in a loner, shy, potential President killer kind of way," Julie joked.

"Gross, gross, gross," Ariel responded, and with her attention still on her toenails, Julie could imagine the face her friend was making right now.

"And he'll just perv on me all day, just like all the rest of the high school boys do," she said, stressing his academic level, since she had no time for those kids, now that she was dating a real man... a college man.

"Maybe you could just fuck him and coax him into doing all your schoolwork for you," Julie suggested.

"No way! I could never cheat on Daniel," she refused, even though the thought of doing a man with a bigger dick, who'd go down on her, or who could make her come for the first time, were perks she did desire. She was eighteen, and she'd never had an orgasm in her entire life... not from a boy or a man, not from a toy, and not even from her fingers! Which greatly frustrated her, so she hadn't told anyone... not even Julie. It was her single greatest shame, and one she just couldn't understand.

"I was joking," Julie backed down, shaking her head again about her friend never catching on to her sarcasm and jokes. "But seriously, just showing a little skin could work in your favour."

"You may be right about that," Ariel agreed, since it had worked many times in the past. Why wouldn't it work on a loser who was way beneath her circle of influence?

"Worst case, give him a hand job," Julie joked.

"Gross, gross, gross!" Ariel squealed, assuming that the guy had a tiny penis... except that was what her almost perfect boyfriend also had... a small penis. It was barely over four inches! She wondered whether a big cock would succeed in getting her off... would make her come.

"Sometimes you've just got to do what you've got to do," Julie teased. And then they started chatting about an upcoming dance and what they'd be wearing.

Tutoring Session #1

Bobby's friends... yes, he had some... had been teasing him relentlessly about his going to Ariel's house. Which was, for his nerdy group, a dream come true. But for Bobby, it wasn't. Sure, the girl was hot. Sure, he'd love to do something with her. But he understood the school hierarchy, and he knew where he stood in it. Plus, in all his life... and they'd been in many of the same classes since grade five when his family had moved to town, she'd never so much as given him the time of day.

So this upcoming non-relationship with her was more of a business proposal than anything else. A way for him to earn some extra cash while padding his resumé. Unlike his overoptimistic friends, he had no delusions of this new enterprise becoming anything sociable at all.

Ariel was dressed in jeans and a slightly tight t-shirt that showcased her firm young tits pretty well. But to her shock and slight annoyance, Bobby paid no attention to her in that way. No long staring, no ogling her. No pathetic compliments. He just focussed on teaching her Physics... which he did make some headway in teaching her.

Then once he'd left her house after a relatively successful study session... Bobby adjusted the hard-on he'd been hiding for the entire hour, his dick contradicting his state of mind... his dick, just like his friends, thought he had a chance. Or perhaps Little Bobby was just saluting a perfect example of erotic art.

Inside her house, Ariel called Julie and complained, "He didn't pay any attention to me at all!"

"You poor thing," Julie responded, her sarcasm dripping. She was working on some scholarship applications.

"I know," Ariel said, again not catching onto the sarcasm. She concluded, "He must be gay!"

"That's indeed the only logical explanation," Julie agreed, this time not being sarcastic. Everyone was in lust with Ariel! Guys, girls, teachers, the custodial staff... everyone! Christ, even she herself had a crush on her best friend... Ariel was just that beautiful. She'd likely even been the cause of a car crash once, when she'd been wearing short shorts and a bikini top while picking up litter as a part of her gym class... a five-car pileup!

"Except maybe it was because I was dressed pretty tame," Ariel mused. Next time she'd try something a bit more provocative.

"Well, you've got it, babe, so flaunt it," Julie suggested.

"Okay, I will. He won't know what hit him." Ariel said, deciding to wear her cheerleading outfit. No boy could resist her in her cheerleading outfit!

"You go, girl!" Julie encouraged her. Poor Bobby definitely wouldn't know what hit him!

"Yeah, nobody ignores me for very long," Ariel said, determined to get this nerd drooling over her. She knew she shouldn't care, but she did.

That night in bed, Bobby pulled out his nine-plus-inch cock and jerked off... coming hard in only a couple minutes, not imagining fucking Ariel, not even her giving him a blow job, but just kissing her pretty, perfect lips.

Just like every other guy in the universe, he knew she was hot and beautiful.

But unlike every other guy in the universe, he saw her as a complete package. Beautiful, sexy, smart and interesting... if only she saw all of that in herself!

Tutoring Session #2

Dressed in her cheerleading outfit, which showcased her perfectly tanned legs, and once again showcased her firm, big breasts, Ariel answered the door.

"Come on in, Bobby," she greeted him warmly.

"Thanks," Bobby said. He'd seen this hot blonde wearing this outfit many times. In fact, he had a few great pictures he'd taken of her during football and basketball games this season, since he was on the Yearbook Committee. But completely controlling himself, he came in without even looking at what she was wearing, except for an inconspicuous glance or two.

Therefore Ariel was annoyed throughout the tutoring session. She even tried stretching her legs out and bending backwards to showcase her breasts. But alas, Bobby didn't seem to notice. He just kept explaining boring shit she couldn't care less about.

That evening Ariel called Julie and opened with, "He's definitely gay,"

"Who is?" Julie asked. She was in the middle of a masturbation session, but she knew she should always answer the phone whenever Ariel called.

"Bobby," Ariel answered. "Who else?"

"Oh, I'm sorry," Julie began paying attention. She reluctantly shut off her vibrator... only a couple minutes away from coming.

"You okay?" Ariel asked. Julie was sounding weird.

"Yes," Julie. "So. Did you wear your cheerleader outfit?"

"Yes," Ariel reported, a little exasperated. "And nothing. I might as well have been wearing a Mumu."

"No way!"

"Way," Ariel said. "The nerdy virgin just kept talking about Physics."

"Maybe you could look at it like he's determined to help you get your grade higher?" Julie suggested.

"Maybe," Ariel said. "He actually is a good tutor."

"There you go."

"But I'm going to break through his resistance," Ariel said. "No one ignores me for long!"

"He might just be oblivious because he's been ignored by everyone for his whole life."

"Maybe. But tomorrow I'm going to really show him some skin!"

"Even more than your cheerleader outfit?"

"Yes," Ariel affirmed. Although she wasn't exactly sure what that would be yet.

"Well, don't go too far," Julie advised, "you don't want to give him a stroke, he probably hasn't ever seen any tits in real life."

"I still think he's gotta be gay," Ariel said.

"That sure is the likely answer," Julie said. Ariel could be right. Even straight girls drooled over Ariel! How could a teenage boy... hormonal like Bobby... not get hard-ons and drool over Ariel?

"He's gotta be," Ariel agreed, just as she saw an incoming call from Daniel. "Ooooooh, I've got to go! Daniel's calling."

"No phone sex, please," Julie quipped, but Ariel didn't respond, she just hung up on her. So Julie reached for her vibrator and finished what she'd started... fucking herself while she imagined she was the girl Daniel was dating. She felt guilty about her obsession with her best friend's boyfriend, but no matter how much she tried to push his perfect smile and chiseled body out of her head, her fantasies refused to fade, so almost all her fantasies were about that forbidden taboo.

Tutoring Session #3

This time Ariel was determined to make Bobby check her out. It shouldn't matter to her, but his complete nonchalance about her as a sexual being was shaking her usual unwavering confidence. She answered the door this time wearing only a t-shirt with no bra, so her hard nipples were poking through, a skirt as short as her cheerleader outfit's, and a thong and thigh-high stockings. which had recently become popular. There was no way Bobby wouldn't notice how sexy she was this time!

But much to her dismay and utter frustration, Bobby still didn't show any interest in her body. He did seem to notice she wasn't wearing a bra, but his gaze didn't linger on her chest, he didn't make even one snide comment, and he didn't give her any compliments.

Or actually, that wasn't true. He did compliment her on her success in grasping the coefficient of friction they'd been discussing.

To her surprise, she really was beginning to understand the scientific concepts. He had a way of explaining them to her in a way she understood, and without being condescending. He didn't act like he was smarter than she was, he treated her with respect.

Ariel should have appreciated this about him... here was a boy who was treating her like more than a sex object, more than a pretty but brainless thing to set on a pedestal. Yet it frustrated her. She wanted his prurient attention. She needed that kind of attention from him.

Again, she phoned Julie moment he'd left. "He didn't even flinch when he saw my nipples, or when I bent over in front of him to show off my ass in my thong."

"Jesus! I'm your bestie, and that would even get me wet," Julie exclaimed... they both often made lesbian jokes with each other... although neither of them was a lesbian, and Ariel wasn't even particularly bi-curious. Julie, on the other hand, was definitely bisexual; she enjoyed cock and pussy equally... and if given a chance, she'd eat her best friend's pussy without hesitation.

"I know," Ariel said. "Doesn't he understand how many boys would die to be in the same position he's been in... three whole times already?"

"And many girls would too," Julie pointed out, knowing a few female nerds who had crushes on Ariel.

"Exactly," Ariel said. "I pretty much dressed like a slut for him, but... nothing."

"Those are probably words you shouldn't say to anyone but me," Julie pointed out.

"He must be gay," Ariel surmised yet again. "There isn't any other explanation."

"Except..." Julie said.

"Except what?"

"Well, I was watching him in English class today, and he was definitely admiring Mrs. Walker's legs in those shiny mocha-coloured pantyhose she wears so often," Julie said.

"Interesting," Ariel mused. She didn't mind wearing pantyhose or stockings... especially since Daniel liked them.

"Yeah, he wasn't obvious, like the other boys who drool over her," Julie said, "but I watched him all through the class, and he was taking constant glances at her legs, especially when she dangled her heel on her toes when she sat on her desk."

"So you think he has a nylon fetish?"

"Perhaps," Julie said. "I mean, I only watched him today, but he definitely adjusted himself a couple times during the class, and there wasn't anything else to get stimulated about, while we were reading Death of a Salesman."

"Hmmmmmm," Ariel pondered.

"Are you thinking about wearing nylons the next time he comes over?"

"Oh, you know it, girl."

"Be careful though, you don't need another stalker," Julie pointed out. Ariel had needed to get restraining orders against two boys and a creepy man earlier this school year.

"True," Ariel said, "but I really need to break through his resistance."

"You're adorable in your insecurity!"

"I hate you," Ariel said, even though Julie was right. This nerd was making her feel insecure about herself. And it needed to stop!

Meanwhile, Bobby had arrived home and was jerking off, thinking about Ariel. He couldn't believe what she'd been wearing today! Her nipples poking through her shirt were so sexy, and he almost thought she'd been flirting with him. She'd softly touched his arm a couple times during their lesson. She'd bent over and allowed him to see her ass, covered only by a thong... and no matter how many times he replayed it, he couldn't come up with a way of explaining that it hadn't been on purpose. Perhaps she'd been teasing him, trying to humiliate him like other girls had done to him and his friends in the past. Except there was something different about her approach this time, which he couldn't explain away with any viable reason. Sure, he had a crush on Ariel, but she had a college boyfriend, and she was way out of his league. Regardless, he jerked off, recalling her perfect ass and that sexy thong nestling in its crack.

Tutoring Session #4

Ariel was now on a mission. As usual, her parents weren't home... they were almost never home. She dressed in all white lingerie, including a garter-belt and stockings. She answered the door wearing a long robe that covered the lingerie and a few inches below her knees, but it didn't conceal her ankles and nylon-clad feet. She sometimes enjoyed wearing nylons. They were a pain to put on, but they were definitely sexy, and they enhanced her legs and the rest of her ensemble, whenever she wore them. She also figured if Taylor Swift wore them sometimes, they weren't just for old people.

But just like every other time, Bobby just came in and got right down to business. Ariel, who took drama courses, so of course she played the lead in all the plays and musicals, said, "Oh dear, I forgot you were coming. I was just doing a photoshoot for my Insta page."

"Okay, I can come back later," Bobby offered. He noticed she was wearing nylons... his personal kryptonite... and a robe. Still, he didn't want to be like all those other guys who objectified her and only saw her physical beauty.

"Actually..." Ariel said, acting like an idea had just popped into her head instead of it hadn't been her plan all along, "...would you be a dear and help me with the shoot?"

"How?" Bobby said, feeling his cock hardening in his pants. It was impossible not to notice her legs in those white nylons, and her freshly painted red toenails.

"Well, I usually shoot the photos by myself, using a timer," she explained, "but you'd be doing me a huge favour if you could be my photographer for a few minutes."


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