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A Kinky Love Story


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"You're sure about that?" he asked, even as she took his hand and started leading him upstairs to her bedroom. No way would any of his friends believe he was about to step into Ariel's bedroom... not that he'd tell them... that wasn't the kind of guy he was... even though he'd been fielding questions galore ever since he started tutoring her. Of course he hadn't mentioned her increasingly provocative attire to anyone. Instead he just said if asked, that she was a lot smarter than people thought she was.

Another surreal moment: and Ariel was holding his hand.

"Of course I'm sure ," she said. "It's not like you'll be seeing anything you won't when you check my Instagram page."

"I guess."

"You do follow my Instagram page, don't you?" She assumed every nerdy guy at her school did.

"No, not really."

"Really?" she asked, as they paused just outside her bedroom.

"I don't really follow anything online, except for some tech blogs I'm into."

"I find that hard to believe. May I check?" There was no way he wasn't following her!

"Sure, I don't mind," he said, tapping in his password and handing her his phone. She found nothing remotely inappropriate on it... so he wasn't lying. (He would be lying if he said he'd never googled her name in Instagram and checked out some of her posts.)

"Well, I'm hurt," Ariel pouted, still standing just outside her room. She didn't notice Bobby checking out her pretty painted toenails through her sheer white stockings.

"Don't take it personally," he advised, "social media just isn't my thing,"

"Well, I want you to start following me now," she said, pressing the Follow button on his phone. "And I expect you not to delete this. I need the numbers."

"Okay," he said. It was so surreal that she was making him follow her... not that he was complaining... instead of him desperately pursuing her, like everyone else did. But while he was agreeing, he was starting to wonder whether there was something going on... or maybe just beginning to develop... between them. It seemed unlikely... really, really unlikely... but she had been dressing more and more provocatively every day, She'd also touched his arm more, and just now she'd been holding his hand. Had she really forgotten he was coming? That too seemed unlikely, since this was the fourth day in a row he'd arrived here at exactly the same time. But the thought of her wearing nylons for him, or even knowing he had a thing for nylons, just seemed laughable. In any case, he really needed to take control of his hormones! They were obviously making him think irrationally.

"Great," she said, leaning in and kissing him on the cheek, causing her expensive perfume to linger in his nostrils for a moment before she backed away, took his hand again, then opened her bedroom door and led him inside. She suddenly realized that except for her family and Daniel... and of course Julie... she'd never allowed anyone else in her room. Although everyone assumed she had lots of boyfriends and had fucked lots of guys, she'd only had three boyfriends since forever, and she'd only started having sex with Daniel a couple days after she turned eighteen. She'd originally wanted to wait for prom, which was three weeks away now, but Daniel had pressured her, and she'd gotten worried that if she didn't give in to him, she'd lose him to some college slut who would put out.

"Oh my!" Bobby gasped, as he scoped out his secret crush's bedroom. First, it was huge... triple the size of his. Second, in one corner was a green screen and a top-of-the-line camera... just like the one he too owned after he'd worked all last summer for enough money to buy it. Third, the overall room was shockingly not what he expected. The walls and ceiling were painted pink, it was home to a large sleuth of teddy bears, and there was a section on one wall where eight framed certificates were hanging that attested to her having won a number of beauty pageants when she was a little girl. Overall, it looked more like his twelve-year-old sister's room than a high school senior's.

"I know," Ariel said, feeling a bit vulnerable about bringing another boy into her room. It was a memorial to her past. It was her safe place. It was where she went to be alone. "It's a bit much, isn't it?"

"Actually, no. I like it," Bobby said. He liked her even more, now that he was seeing a side of her she kept completely hidden away at school. "This room is awesome!"

"You think so?" Ariel asked, inwardly feeling a chill going down her spine from his enthusiastic reaction. Daniel's reaction... besides pushing her immediately down on her bed... was to make fun of her, saying it looked like a tween's bedroom.

"Yes, I love the way you're keeping so many of your childhood memories alive," he said, inspecting pictures of her also hanging on the wall, showing her family and friends from when she was various ages.

"Daniel says it's silly," Ariel said.

"Then Daniel is a..." Bobby paused, despising Daniel immensely. Partly because he was such an asshole, partly because he was a player (and not because he played sports), partly because he was pretty sure he cheated on Ariel at college, and mainly because he'd bullied him for two years at the high school... particularly during Bobby's freshmen year. "...I don't want to say what I think he is. Choose some dislogistic four-letter word," he finished. He'd refrained from calling the guy a plethora of nasty words he could have chosen.

"You don't like Daniel?"

"To be perfectly honest," Bobby answered, keeping his eyes locked on hers, resisting the temptation to look down at her sexy nylons and feet. "I'm not one of his fans."

"Why not?" Ariel asked, astonished. She was accustomed to everyone telling her how lucky she was to be dating such a dreamy, hunky college man... although she'd also heard lots of people telling Daniel how lucky he was to be dating someone as hot as Ariel. Most people seemed to see it as a fated relationship... two perfect specimens born for each other... although she hated when people called her perfect. She had her flaws, and she knew it. She knew she was self-centered, for example... but she hid that knowledge from other people... even from Julie. She also knew she could be insecure. And she was needy. She worried about Daniel cheating on her at college. She worried about the high-on-a-pedestal way other people always saw her. She felt she needed to maintain a certain image at school and on social media. She even knew that all this was her own fault... she'd deliberately created her persona. And as a result, almost everybody saw her a certain way, based solely on her looks, and she resented that, even though it was her own damn fault. Just once she'd like to be seen by someone as a complete package... beauty and brains.

"He bullied me a lot while he was still in high school," Bobby answered. "Then he told everyone I was asking for it, because I refused to do whatever he told me to."

"Oh," Ariel said, not surprised to hear that. Daniel treated other people he considered below him with disdain, disinterest and scorn. "I'm so sorry!" she apologized on the guy's behalf.

"Thanks, but that's not necessary. It wasn't your fault."

"But still," Ariel persevered, "nobody should get bullied."

"Then thanks again. It's been a lot better since he left for greener pastures," Bobby added. "Now I'm just nonexistent to most of my classmates." He said that as a matter of fact, and not like 'woe is me'. He recognized that high school was only a means to an end... he knew that unlike many kids in his graduating class, for whom high school would have been the best years of their lives, for him they were tolerable at best. He couldn't wait to graduate and start spreading his wings.

Ariel felt her heart break a little upon hearing those words. Partly because they were saddening... and partly because she realized he was right. She'd been in school with him for years, and he'd barely been in her periphery. And until her teacher Mr. Green had insisted she allow him to tutor her, she'd known his name, but not anything else about him. "Well, I definitely know you exist."

"Thanks," he said as she took both of his hands and gave them a squeeze.

"So now that we've been real with each other... and I'm grateful for that... will you still please help me?" Ariel asked. She still wanted to get his personal attention, although her reasoning about why she wanted it was changing... but she couldn't explain what it was.

"Sure," he agreed. "What do you need from me?"

Ariel undid her robe and slowly took it off, the entire time carefully watching Bobby... who to her surprise, was still keeping his eyes looked on hers. Which was strange... a little uncomfortable... a little sweet... and completely confusing.

Meanwhile, Bobby was resisting every urge in his body and mind, so he wouldn't drool... or stare... and instead, he kept his eyes locked on hers.

She went into the photo area and asked, "Can you take a few pictures of me?"

"Sure," he said, pretending this wasn't every guy's fantasy come true... desperately keeping everything casual as he went to the camera. "I own this exact same camera model."

"You do?"

"Yeah. Photography is one of my favorite hobbies."

"I didn't know that."

"Why would you?"

"I guess because..." she said, then she had no idea how to continue. She was a little wounded by his question... even though he was right... why would she? She was starting to feel a bit guilty for not knowing anything about this boy.

"Anyway, we should get these photos taken so we can start studying," he said. "Your test is tomorrow."

"Don't remind me," she groaned, dreading that test. She felt lots better about the subject after three days of tutoring, but she was still nervous. This test was super important. The last one before the final.

"You'll do great," he said, surprised by her lack of confidence about the course, very unlike the confidence that oozed out of her about her every other dynamic.

"I hope so," she said. "If I do, it'll all be because of you."

"No, it will be because of your hard work," he disagreed.

"You really are something else," she said, feeling something weird in her heart. He saw her intelligence very clearly... so why couldn't he see her beauty?

"I've been called worse." He gave her a shy smile.

"I meant that as a compliment," she laughed.

"I know, I know," he repeated, in awe of how smooth the flow of conversation was between them. While he should be nervous and utterly terrified... just like Raj in those Big Bang Theory early seasons, when he couldn't ever talk to beautiful women... instead, Bobby felt naturally at ease with this gorgeous, sexy girl.

"So I guess you know how to zoom in and all that," she said, as she went over to her computer, typed some things, and on the computer, the green screen looked like a library setting.

"What are these particular photos for exactly?" he asked. Knowing the purpose of a photoshoot always helped him to capture its essence... and the lingerie and the library backdrop didn't seem to go together. "I mean, what's the theme?"


"Womanhood?" he asked, confused.

"Yes. The idea that I'm trying to convey is that a woman can be sexy, confident and smart, all at once," she said, putting on her glasses. She rarely wore them except for driving.

"That's a great message," he said. Then when he saw her put on the glasses, he asked, surprised, "You wear glasses?"

"Yes, but please don't tell anyone."

"I think you look great in them. But anyone who sees these shots will probably catch on that you're wearing them," he joked.

Part of Ariel was flattered, but another part was annoyed. She was wearing lingerie... sexy fucking lingerie!... and the first compliment he gave her except for the one about her bedroom, was that she looks great in glasses. "I hate them," she said, which she did.

"Well, I think they give you a more..." he paused, deciding upon his next words, "...sophisticated look."

"Mmmmmmm," she smiled, as she picked up a couple of books. "Now take as many pictures as you want. As you know, they're digital, so they don't cost anything. I'll choose the best ones later."

"Okay," he nodded, as he worked with the camera. Unbeknownst to her while she posed, holding the books next to her face without obscuring it and smiling into the camera, after taking just one picture, he zoomed in to capture only her face. He snapped a few pictures, and then like any professional photographer, he took charge. "Now look at the camera."

"Okay," she said, feeling very relaxed with him. She always did, but in this setting, it was particularly noteworthy.

After a couple more pictures, he instructed, "Now open a book and read it. And I don't mean just look at it, but actually read it. The shot will look more authentic that way."

"Good! I like your approach!" she said, and she tossed one book aside, opened the other one, and started reading.

"Perfect," he said, keeping the camera zoomed in as close as he could, while still including the book in the shots... and then he panned back just a tad.

After a couple more pictures, he said, "Now gaze into the distance stage right, about twenty degrees above an imaginary horizon."

"Can do," she said, and she did what he suggested.

"That's perfect, just like that," he said, then after a few more snaps, he again zoomed in a little, and he said, "Now the same look, but with a soft smile."

Ariel smiled with her heart.

"All right," he said, "I think we've captured the essence of what you were going for."

"Awesome! Let me see."

"Can you please wait until I leave?"


"Because as you probably noticed, I really get into my shoots, and that makes me self-conscious afterwards"

"Um, okay," she said, seeing the nervousness in his face.

"And we really need to get you ready for your test tomorrow," Bobby said, hoping he'd find a chance to adjust his hard penis without her noticing.

"I guess we should," she agreed reluctantly, and she went and sat on her bed and patted the spot next to her.

"Um, I..." Bobby said, awed by everything that had happened, and was still happening.

"I won't bite," she giggled.

He too laughed before joining her, and then for forty-five minutes he tutored her. She continued wearing her lingerie, and although she thought her looks might be having an impact, he continued focussing on the subject matter instead of her ripe, young body.

Once they'd finished up, he stood up to leave, and she pulled him in for a hug, pressing her body against him, "Thank you so much for all your help!"

"You're welcome," he said stiffly, arching his back, so she wouldn't feel his hard penis pressing against her body.

Once she'd seen him to the front door, she went back to her room and put her robe back on, still unsure about the impact of her lingerie on him. She'd never caught him staring at her obviously, but nevertheless, she felt perhaps he'd noticed her. Also, although she couldn't put her finger on a reason, she felt that this time had been different. Somehow she felt less annoyed. Somehow she felt more at ease.

Then remembering the photos he'd taken, she went to the camera and scrolled through the session. She was shocked! Except for the first picture, every single shot was a closeup of her face... not a glimpse of her tits and ass, or even what she was wearing! But even so, the pictures were amazing... they clearly illustrated a side of her she never revealed to anyone... a side of her she always kept locked away... in a word, her vulnerability. But they were also confusing. Why had he taken pictures that focussed on just that aspect of her? Why had he consistently zoomed in like that, while avoiding any shots of her body or her lingerie? Why hadn't he taken any pictures of her legs in her nylons, if he'd liked them? She had so many questions, but no answers.

Even more confusing for Ariel was her desperate need to receive some sexual attention from Bobby. Yes, she wanted to know what his problem was, but even more importantly, what... exactly... was her own problem?

She scrolled through the pictures a few times. They weren't remotely what she'd requested. They weren't remotely what she would have done. But nevertheless, they were utterly perfect! Not only did she look good... extremely good... she also looked vulnerable... and she looked sexy... and she looked like more than just a pretty face, she looked like a woman... a real woman. And perhaps most interestingly, he'd captured her stated theme of 'Womanhood' perfectly.

Ariel felt tears beginning to form in her eyes, which confused her even more. She wiped them away and called Julie.

"How did it go?" Julie asked, painting her nails again.

"I have no idea."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, he sure didn't drool over me in my sexy lingerie and nylons."

"But? Is there a but?"

"Yeah. But... there were all those unspoken words," Ariel tried to explain, not even knowing whether she understood what she was trying to say.

"Unspoken words?" Julie asked. Ariel sounded oddly insecure.

"I'm sounding silly," Ariel sighed.

She was being too intimate, and "No," Julie said, "but you're not making much sense either."

Ariel didn't want to share those photos with Julie. She felt that somehow they were special. That they were intimate... even though like everything else in her head, that didn't make any sense. "I know I'm not," she sighed, wiping away some more tears forming in her eyes.

"Do you still think he's gay?" Julie asked, trying to open Ariel up...which normally she never needed to do.

Ariel didn't have an answer to that question. Part of her still thought he might be... but then again, those pictures... although he'd zoomed in and ignored her body and lingerie, she sensed he was somehow seeing her beauty... her real beauty... behind her façade of beauty, if that made any sense. Finally after a lengthy pause, she answered with her intuition, "No, now I don't think he is."

"Even though he ignored you in that outfit you sent me those hot pics of?" Julie asked. Ariel had sent her a selfie of herself a few minutes before Bobby was scheduled to arrive.

"Yeah, because..." Ariel said, but didn't finish her thought.

Julie waited for the rest, but nothing more followed.

After the longest silence ever between the two, Ariel said abruptly, "Sorry, I've got to go..." then after a couple of seconds, she finished with, "...and study."

"Um, okay," Julie said This had been the strangest conversation she'd ever taken part in!

"Bye," Ariel said, and hung up. She then resumed looking through the pictures. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and these ones said even more... but she couldn't quite hear the lyrics yet. For perhaps the first time, she was questioning the validity of her life choices to date.

Her... so far fruitless... self-analysis continued when Daniel called, and he wanted to have phone sex. She said she wasn't in the mood... which was kind of true... but it was only because faking orgasms was getting old. She said she needed to study for a test, and Bobby had been tutoring her. Which led to Daniel freaking out about her having another guy in her house... she hadn't mentioned he'd been in her bedroom.

She asked, "Don't you trust me?"

"I trust you, but I don't trust any other guys," he groused.

"Then you don't trust me," Ariel said, seeing through his faulty logic.

"I trust you, just not him."

"If you trust me, then unless he could overpower me... which a nerd like him never could... then whether he's trustworthy or not doesn't matter," Ariel pointed out, getting annoyed.


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