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A Love out of Time Ch. 03

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Finley's love life.
3k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 07/16/2008
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Finley sat pouring over his finances. He could hear his brother, Sanford, in his head, teasing him about working too hard, about not having any fun, but it was his responsibility. If he didn't take care of paying the wages and monitoring the income, then the whole house would fall apart. His brother wouldn't be teasing him then, if he suddenly lost his tidy sum of allowance to play with.

"Ooh Finley," he heard the voice from the hallway, knowing exactly who it was: Cynara. She glided happily into his study, Katherine—who now seemed to be her shadow—close behind.

"How did I know you would be in here?" she asked, a mischievous smile playing on her face.

"What is it now?" he asked, leaning back in his chair. He loved Cynara, he really did. She made Charles happy, which was the most important thing, but he had to admit that he had a soft spot for her as well. She was so unlike anyone he had ever met before, and was fun and interesting.

What he had trouble dealing with, though, was the effect she had on their little sister, the baby of the family. Ever since she was little, Katherine had seemed to take to the brothers' influence of troublemaking like a mouse takes to a pantry of cheese.

The brothers, in their younger years, had humored and even encouraged Katherine's riotous behavior, but Finley had had a change of heart ever since the passing of their father. He was responsible for Katherine now, and he wanted her to make a good match and have a happy life in society, but he feared that he would have trouble doing that if she insisted on acting more like the ragamuffin street child than the proper young lady she was.

And despite all her bravado and outward defiance, he knew that Katherine had a tender and easily bruised heart. Cynara, who was a spitfire core to core, Finley wasn't worried about. If some jealous young women her whispering rumors behind her back, or if she was snubbed from some tea party, Cynara would whole-heartedly laugh it off, if she even noticed or cared. But Katherine, Katherine, he could see her feelings getting hurt. She might admire Cynara and want to be like her, but Finley worried she might not be able to handle the consequences of her actions in the same way.

"Finley, we've decided, since we are such generous, kind-hearted individuals," Cynara brought him out of his reverie by perching herself on his desk, "To offer our expert advise to you, in your time of need."

"What are you talking about?" Finley said warily, knowing Cynara, whatever she was up to, wasn't going to be something he would enjoy.

"Finley," this time Katherine spoke, "We've decided to offer some advise in the area of... pursuing a woman," Katherine tried to put delicately.

"And what do you know about pursuing a woman?" he asked Katherine, who in his mind, was too young to dealing with such matters.

Cynara scoffed, "We are women, give us some credit."

"I don't know what suddenly brought this on, nor do I want to. I'm perfectly fine pursuing women, if in fact that is what I want to do, and I don't need your help."

"Finley," Cynara said, leaning forward to put her hand on his shoulder, "I hate to be the one to break it to you, but yeah, you need our help."

"This is absurd, I'm not listening to a thing you are saying to me," Finley said, moving to stand up, but Katherine stopped him with a hand on his shoulder.

"Finley," she pleaded, "We only want to help you." Katherine was tempted to confront him with his love for Jane Withurby, but held back. Cynara had warned her that bringing up the other woman's name would only serve to aggravate Finley more, and it was best not to do so.

Finley looked at his sister, and rolled his eyes. "Fine," he said, sitting back down. "Just hurry up and get this over with."

"Oh goody," Cynara said, clapping her hands. "Okay," she started, turning to face Finley more directly. "Say you like someone, and your alone with her, on a walk or something and the conversation had lagged, what do you do?"

Finley shrugged.

"Okay, no," Cynara shook her head, "You could give her a compliment."

"Tell her something truthful," Katherine chimed in, "Not just any old thing. Tell her what you really like about her."

Cynara nodded her approval at Katherine, "That's good," she turned back to Finley, "Or you could bring up something you have in common, or the surroundings."

"But not the weather," came from Katherine.

"Oh, so true," Cynara agreed, shaking her head like bringing up the weather would be the worst possible thing Finley could do, "Everyone talks about the weather, and it is always so boring."

"You could also ask her something about herself," Katherine added, "Show that you're interested in her."

"You should try and get close to her and see how she responds," Cynara pulled from all the women's magazines she ever read, "If you walk close by her, does she come closer to you or does she pull away?"

"Try to make her laugh," Katherine said, "Women love to laugh, but don't be too overzealous about it, then you could turn into the annoying clown."

"Don't be too personal right away, but don't be too distant either, you don't want her to think that you just want to be friends."

"You should be thoughtful, too, see if she needs anything, or if she's cold."

"Don't come on too strong, don't let her think you like her, but just that you're open to the idea of liking her."

"And be charming, but not in the cheesy way."

"Alright alright," Finley said, holding up his hands, "I get it. Be funny, but not too funny, and charming but not too charming, and so on and so forth. Thank you for all your help ladies, but I really must get back to work.

Katherine and Cynara exchanged looks with each other, before they both left his study. Finley was actually surprised that they left so easily. He sat back down, looking over his papers, only to find that he could no longer concentrate. He was thinking about Jane, and wondering if she would agree with the things Katherine and Cynara had just told him.

Outside the study, the two women were discussing the next step in their plan. "Do you think he really got any of that?" Katherine asked, worried that if they did throw Finley and Jane together, Finley would blow it.

"Oh, I'm sure he'll be fine," Cynara said, waving her hand dismissively, but looking at Katherine's unsure face, she started to feel a bit doubtful.

"What are you two troublemakers up to?" Sanford asked, as he casually strolled past them.

Cynara got a bit of a gleam in her eye, and she glanced conspiratorially with Katherine.

"Sanford, what a lucky surprise," Cynara grinned.

"Oh no," Sanford said jokingly, although he was curious to know what she was up to. Things had gotten more exciting since Cynara had arrived, and Sanford didn't mind that at all. And it was good to have Katherine home to. He had missed her teasing and cavorting about.

"We were just talking to Finley," Cynara explained.

"Uh huh," Sanford said, crossing his arms.

"We've been trying to teach him how to talk to girls," Katherine said helpfully.

Sanford looked surprised for a moment, but then threw his head backward and laughed. "And he let you?" he asked with a disbelieving chuckle.

"Not without reservations," Cynara stated, "And we're still aren't sure if he is truly prepared."

"Prepared for what?"

"We're going to get him together with Jane Withurby, so that they can fall in love," Katherine explained.

Sanford raised his eyebrows. "Just because you teach him to flirt a little, then throw him in a room with Miss Withurby, doesn't mean that she's going to automatically fall in love with him and throw away Trahern."

"We know that," Katherine huffed, crossing her arms.

"Well, it's worth a shot. If we don't do something, Finley could be miserable for the rest of his life. Is that what you want?" Cynara asked.

"No," Sanford said, "But I also don't want him angry with me for the rest of his life for messing with him."

"Fine, don't help us," Cynara said, grabbing Katherine's arm and turning away, "But when Jane and Finley are together, you will get none of the credit."

"Hey, hey," Sanford stopped them, "I didn't say I wouldn't help you, only that it is highly unlikely that this little scheme will work. What do you want me to do anyway."

"Good," Cynara grinned at getting her way, which she almost always did, "You're the ladies' man, right?" Cynara asked, but continued before Sanford could answer, "You obviously know how to woo women, you just need to help Finley a little bit."

Sanford appeared to think seriously about what she had just said for a couple of seconds. "I don't know. Finley seems to be a bit beyond help," he joked.

Cynara rolled her eyes. "Come on," she said, grabbing Sanford by the elbow and dragging him back into the office they had exited only moments before.

"We brought reinforcements," Cynara said as she entered.

"Oh here we go again," Finley sat back, throwing his hands in the air.

"Just shut up and listen," Cynara said, then turned to Sanford, "Go ahead," she encouraged, "Teach away."

"Uhh, hello Finley," Sanford said to his older brother before turning to Cynara, "I'm not really sure what to say."

"Tell him how you get women," Cynara instructed, waiting for Finley to continue.

Sanford scrunched his eyebrows in thought, "I don't really know how I do it," he said shrugging after a moment, "I guess it's just a gift."

"Urgh," Cynara let out a frustrated noise. "Here, pretend that I'm a lady that you want to woo," she cocked her hip a bit and flipped her hair.

Finley looked incredulously at her as she made eyes at Sanford. "What would you do?" Cynara said, batting her eyelashes at him.

"I would run for the hills," Sanford joked.

"Come on, Sanford," Cynara stomped her foot, "Woo me."

"Alright, alright," Sanford took a few steps forward. "You look beautiful today, Cynara," he said, kissing her hand.

"What is going on in here?" Charles voice came from the doorway and Katherine couldn't hold in her giggles.

Cynara laughed as well at Charles' slightly confused, slightly angry face.

"Hey Charlie," she greeted her husband, walking over to him to kiss him on the cheek. "Hey Wesley," she greeted the man who was with him.

"What are you four doing?" Charles repeated, less angry now, and only confused.

"We were just teaching Finley how to get a woman," Cynara explained.

"And your idea of doing that was by having Sanford compliment you inappropriately?" Charles asked, his tone telling just how well he though their plan would work.

"It was Katherine's idea, too," Cynara pouted.

Katherine, who had been surreptitiously looking at Wesley suddenly started and turned her attention to Cynara.

"Yes," she hurriedly agreed.

"It'll never work," Charles hummed in Cynara's ear, having just lectured her earlier that day about her matchmaking schemes and how they were ridiculous and ill-advised. Cynara had since become determined to prove him wrong, not just to rub it in Charles's face later on, but also for Finley's sake.

"Miss Cynara," their conversation was interrupted by the butler, "A Miss Withurby is here to see you," he said professionally.

"Well speak of the devil," Wesley said, as Cynara exited the room, followed by Katherine then Charles, Wesley, and Sanford, and finally by a nervous and reluctant Finley.

"Oh my, I didn't expect so many of you to be here," Jane said upon seeing three of the brothers and Katherine as well as the family friend, Mr. Rubens, who had been visiting for less than a fortnight. She felt a bit overwhelmed at all the faces looking expectantly at her, when she had really just come to visit Cynara.

"Why don't you sit down," Cynara offered her a seat in the sitting area, as she sat down on the small couch next to her. The rest of the family also sat down, waiting for the reason of the unexpected visit.

"Well, I have some news," Jane smiled shyly, looking to Cynara for approval.

"Well, what is it?" she asked.

"I am engaged." Jane might have expected congratulations from her friend, but all she got was open-mouthed shock. Looking around, the shy young woman saw the expression echoed on three other faces. Some of their shock turned to underlying expressions of disappointment, and even a hint of anger. Wesley was the only one who seemed happy. Only Finley's face remained stonily expressionless.

"Congratulations," Cynara forced at with a grimace/smile.

"Thank you," Jane politely replied. If she and Cynara had been alone, she would have asked what the matter was, if there was something about Randall Trahern that she didn't like, but she felt awkward asking that in front of so many people, she didn't want to seem rude.

"Well, I just wanted to tell you that. I thought you might want to hear the news from me," Jane shrugged,

"Yes, yes of course," Cynara seemed to be recovering her shock, "I'm so glad you came to tell," then after a long awkward moment, "Would you like to stay for dinner?"

"Oh no," Jane excused herself, "I really can't, but thank you." She stood up, wanting to talk to Cynara alone, but not quite sure how to, "I really should be going now. Mother will be expecting me. This was only intended to be a short visit."

"Yes, of course," Cynara said, standing as well.

The whole room had such a tense atmosphere, that Jane was actually glad to be leaving it. She usually dreaded when her visits with Cynara ended and she had to go back home.

"It was nice seeing you," she said to the rest of the room, although all she really did was see them, not having spoken a single word to them.

"It was nice of you to come by," Katherine said graciously, hoping to relieve some of the tension.

Wesley, who had no idea what was going on, and who seemed oblivious to the tension, smiled brightly at her. "See you later then, Miss Withurby," he said, waving his hand. Jane couldn't help but smile at the dear man. He reminded her of Cynara in a way.

"Goodbye," she said, leaving through the front door.

After she was gone, after such a short visit, no one knew what to say. It was Finley who broke the silence. "I'm going back to my study to actually get some work done. Please no more nonsensical interruptions," he said curtly, leaving the room.

Katherine was staring at Cynara with a guilty look on her face, as though it was somehow her fault.

"Don't look so discouraged people," Cynara said, though not with the same amount of carefree excitement she usually spoke with, "We can still make this work. Engaged is not married."

Charlie shook his head and wrapped his arm around his wife. "I know you're just trying to help, Cynara, but perhaps it is time to let it go. It will only hurt Finley more if you get his hopes up, or keep bringing it up."

Cynara frowned as she looked at him. "I'm sure he'll find another girl and get over Miss Withurby," Charles said, hoping that for his brother, and at the same time trying to cheer Cynara up, who seemed so invested in her role as matchmaker.

Cynara looked around at the other faces. Wesley seemed to be grasping the situation now, from their conversation, and he looked confused and a little sad. Katherine, who was always ready to jump on Cynara's bandwagon, had an expression on her face that said she was going to agree with Charlie on this one. Sanford seemed to have found something suddenly interesting on the floor to look at.

Cynara opened her mouth to speak, but realized that she didn't know what to say.

"Come on," Charles continued in his quest to cheer her up and get her scheming again, "You can find another girl to fix Charlie up with. I'm sure you'll love to do that. We can go to the dance on Saturday and scout her out."

Cynara couldn't help but smile at Charlie. He was ever the loving husband, and he knew her so well. He knew exactly what would cheer her up. She only hoped that he was right, about Finley. After all, he didn't know Jane that well anyway. Perhaps they could find someone that Finley could love and that would love him back.

"You're right," Cynara said to Charlie, who looked quite surprised at her assessment. "There are plenty of fish in the sea, and we just have to find Finley the right trout for him. There will be plenty of lovely girls Saturday."

"I'll help," Katherine quickly agreed to the new plan.

"No one tells Finley," Cynara said, pointing her finger warningly at everyone in the room.

"Scouts honor," Wesley said, holding up three fingers when she glared warningly at him.

"What's that?" Katherine wondered.

"Don't ask," Cynara and Wesley both said at the same time, then burst our laughing. They had both become accustomed to their standard response for not having to explain future things to the members of the house. They were both laughing so hard that neither noticed the way Katherine pouted at being left out of the joke, or the way Charlie wrapped his arm more possessively around Cynara.


(Sorry it took so long for this story to continue. I can't even believe how long it's been. Hope that you are all still interested, and I'll try to continue in a timely fashion. ~love cellophanesmile:)

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AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
waiting for the next chapter

Wow, great story. But still waiting for the next chapters, it's been a long while.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
i cant wait for more

Im so glad the story has continued with propects for finley and katherine. i just love a romance tat also make me laugh to tears!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago

AMAZING!! im so glad this sstory is back. its one of the best ive ever read. keep writing and please dont wait a long time to continue because your stories are just so good and enjoyable. i reallly hope you keep on writing and fast lol. im a huge fan of your submissions and this one is brilliant

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago

I'm so glad your back. Please update soon this time and don't leave the story hanging.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
Woo Hoo!!!!

I just love this time travel series. I am so happy to see you adding a chapter to it. This was a great chapter and well worth the wait. I laughed the entire time I was reading. It was extremely well written. Now, I can't wait for the next chapter. Keep it coming...........


starry_nightstarry_nightalmost 15 years ago

I'm so happy to see a new chapter of this story! I love reading about this family! It was funny when Katherine and Cynara were giving Finley advice about women. "Be funny, but not too funny" lol. Poor Finley...I still hope he gets together with Jane. Can't wait for the next chapter! Thanks!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
waiting forever

OMG I thought this would never come! You know I love this series. Granted I'm not exactly a fan of "matchmakers" but it fits so well that I can't wait to see what comes next. Please tell me there'll be a new post soon!

little_mermaidlittle_mermaidalmost 15 years ago

hmmm.. interesting... and a new chpapter after so long. but i still would like to see Finley end up with Jane. Besides I dont know how Cyanara can give up and think of setting him up with other girls. i thought she was too tenacious for that...

keep going... and i hope you dont make us wait for the new one as long as you made us wait for this one.

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