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A Matter Perspective

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A tale of infidelity by a loving wife.
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Copyright © 2018 - This is an original work by Zeb Carter and is protected under copyright by U.S. copyright law. It is only submitted at Literotica.Com and any submission to any other site has not been authorized by the Author.

A Matter Perspective

A Story of Infidelity

It was their ten year anniversary. They had gone to dinner and then to a movie, then home for the night. They made love, then Donna fucked her husband Mike hard and fast. She came so hard she passed out. Mike was astounded by what she had done. It was the very first time she had taken control and literally fucked him into submission.

After she came back to consciousness, she smiled at him. He kissed her gently, but she pulled his lips hard against her lips. Her tongue shot into his mouth battling with his tongue for dominance. She won. Mike let her win, just to see where things went. He grew hard, still inside her body. She growled deep in her chest as he did.

Donna started to fuck herself on him once more. Mike just looked up at her with his eyes wide. Donna had her eyes closed and was moaning and groaning as Mike's cock went into her pussy deep.

"Oh my god," she shouted. "That feels so good!"

Mike agreed but didn't utter a word. He was still surprised by what his wife was doing to him. Then he was coming again. Donna slammed down on him when she felt his cum shoot into her. She was shaking wildly as she came too.

"Oh fuck!" She screamed. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, I'm coming."

Her hips were bucking and jerking as she sat atop Mike. Slowly, she settled down then sank down on top of Mike. He could feel his cum flow out of his wife and down his cock, over his balls and onto the sheet under him. He was happy, yet still surprised by what Donna had done.

"Sorry, it must have been the drinks I had," she said sheepishly.

"That's quite all right honey," Mike replied. "In fact maybe you should have a couple of drinks every time we decide to have sex from now on."

"You liked what I did?" she asked.

"I did. It was... different. It was very exciting. It was very sexy," Mike said quickly.

"Oh my. I'm glad you liked it. Maybe I will have a few, couple, of drinks on Saturday nights from now on," Donna said.

"Please do," Mike replied.

They both got up and went to take a shower. Donna was finished first and changed the sheets on the bed. Mike came out and saw his wife, laying on the bed in a sexy pose waiting for him.

"I want to fuck you again," Donna growled.

Mike went to her, kissing her lips hard. Donna pushed him down on his back. He was on her side of the bed. Looking down at him as she slipped her pussy over the head of his hard cock, she told him.

"I don't care if I have to sleep in the wet spot tonight. I just want to fuck you and feel your cum shoot into my cunt."

Mike was surprised once again by Donna's use of the word cunt.

"Slam your pussy down on me baby," Mike replied.

Donna groaned as she did just that. For a long time, Donna fucked herself on her husband's cock. She was having one orgasm after the other almost on top of each other. Mike was far from coming having already cum twice in quick secession. He was now bucking up into Donna, hard. She was loving getting the shit fucked out of her and fucking the shit out of her husband. Then she was coming so hard she just collapsed on top of Mike. He never did cum again that night, but just lay there a long time his hard cock still inside his wife.

"Oh my god," Donna croaked as she came back to the living. "Did you cum honey?"

"No dear, but that's okay," Mike told her.

Donna lifted herself up off Mike's cock and slipped down his body until she could take him in her mouth. Mike's eyes opened wide once again. Although she sucked on him whenever he asked, she had never taken the initiative to fellate him on her own and she was marvelous at sucking cock. It only took her a few minutes to have him coming in her mouth. Instead of spitting it out on him, she swallowed every drop.

"Oh my god, that was really good," Mike said.

"Thank you, dear. I would like to go to sleep now, please?" she asked.

Mike nodded moving over to his side of the bed. Donna crawled up, put her head on her pillow and closed her eyes. Mike's kissed her cheek.

"Goodnight dear," he said.

"Goodnight, I love you," she said.

"I love you too."


When Mike arrived home from work the next day, Donna was all decked out for a night on the town. It was her girls night out. Her girlfriends were taking her out to celebrate her anniversary. She was giddy as she met Mike at the door. As they kissed hello and goodbye a horn honked outside.

"The limo is here," Donna said giving her husband a peck on the lips. "See you later. I shouldn't be too late tonight. After last night, I want some more of your loving." She smiled as she closed the door softly.

Mike just watched her walk down the front walk to the limo. The driver had the door open and Mike could see some of her friends inside the car, already having a good time. As the car pulled away, Mike wandered into the kitchen to find a covered plate with his dinner. He smiled as he uncovered the plate. It was his favorite slow-roasted pot roast with potatoes, carrots, and onions.

Smiling he got a beer out of the fridge and sat down to eat.


The phone was ringing. Mike could hear it but didn't think he needed to answer it. It kept ringing. Mike struggled to get out of his chair. He had fallen asleep watching TV. Looking at the clock, he wondered who would be calling at this time at night. It was one o'clock in the morning.

"Hello?" Mike croaked.

"Mister Lambert?" a male voice asked.

"Yes. Who is this?"

"My name is Jerry Kelly, I'm a Trooper with the Ohio State Police. I'm calling to inform you that your wife, Donna Lambert, was involved in an auto accident this evening."

"But she wasn't driving," Mike said.

"No sir, she wasn't. A drunk driver hit the limousine she was riding in. Her and two other women were hurt. You wife and another women were hurt very badly. You should probably get to Memorial Jackson Hospital. They want to operate on her and need your permission."

"Oh my god? How bad is she hurt?"

"Very badly I'm afraid. Is it okay for me to let you talk to the doctor?"

"Yes, yes," Mike shot back.

"Mister Lambert, I'm Doctor Arcady. I am the trauma surgeon. Your wife needs to be operated on very quickly. I need your permission to operate."

"What is the problem?"

"Her back has been broken in two places. If we can get to the breaks in time, she will have a much better chance of walking again."

"Then what are you waiting for? Oh my god, you have my permission."

"Thank you, Mister Lambert. A nurse will have some papers for you to sign when you get here."

"I'm leaving now," Mike said hanging up the phone.

Mike's mind was going crazy with thoughts about his wife. He went to the bedroom and dressed. Then he was in his car backing out of the garage. He closed the garage door and sped away. It took him thirty-five minutes to get to the hospital. It was the toughest drive he had ever made. At the end of it was his wife, hurt, being operated on, who may not be able to walk again, ever. He parked in the emergency room parking lot and ran to the entrance.

Inside, he stood, looking around, wondering where to go. He was almost frantic.

"Can I help you, sir," said a young lady sitting at a desk just inside the door.

"Yes, yes, I'm Mike Lambert, my wife..."

"Yes, of course, if you will follow me please," the lady got up and led Mike through a multitude of corridors.

They eventually wound up in a waiting room just off the surgical unit. A nurse was there waiting for Mike. She had a consent form for him to sign. Then they sat down and the nurse went through what was happening to his wife.

"Donna is currently undergoing surgery. They are trying to stabilize her spine at the places it was broken. Actually, there were no bones broken, her vertebrae were dislocated and they are hoping the nerves weren't cut. Even though there are procedures to help with the repair of a cut spinal cord, they are hoping they don't have to do any of those."

"How long?" Mike asked.

"She's been in there twenty minutes. The complete surgery will take about six hours. When they are through, she will be lying face down and will be in the hospital for about two weeks."

"Oh my god. My poor Donna. How is the other woman?" Mike asked.

"Courtney Willis, she is also in surgery, her prognosis is better. Her injuries weren't as severe as Donna's were."

"And how are the other women?"

"Minor scrapes and bruises."

"And the guy who hit them?"

"He's in jail, he had no injuries. He has also promised to pay everyone's medical expenses."

"Damn right he will," Mike growled.

"Any other questions?"

"No...yes...where is the cafeteria?"

"Follow the signs on the wall," the nurse said point to the signs on the wall.

"Of course," Mike replied putting his head in his hands.

The worst part of the ordeal was the waiting. After about three hours a nurse, still in surgical garb, came out to tell Mike the surgery was going well and that the first break looked like the spinal cord was only bruised. They stabilized the column and are going to move on to the next break. Mike thanked her and she went back into surgery.

Mike was visited by many people while he sat in the waiting room. There was a couch there, he lay down and closed his eyes and people stopped bothering him. The next thing he remembers is a nurse shaking him. He opened his eyes, to see the nurse from surgery looking at him.

"The doctor is here to tell you about your wife's surgery, Mike," she said.

Mike smiled at her, she was a cute young woman. Mike looked around. He didn't see the doctor. He cocked his head at the nurse.

"Oh, yes. The doctor won't talk here, not private enough. Follow me please."

Mike got up and she opened the doors to surgery. There was a room with a door open off to the right. She led him there.

"Mike Lambert, Doctor Michelle Carlson, Doctor Carlson, Mike Lambert."

"Hello Mister Lambert," Doctor Carlson said holding out her hand.

"Mike, please, I hope it's nice to meet you," Mike said his voice flat, without emotion.

"I understand, Mike. Please take a seat," Doctor Carlson said.

Mike sat. The doctor looked at Mike, then explained what she and the other doctors had done to his wife. She used words he could understand. Mike liked this doctor. He just hoped she was as good in surgery as she was in explaining the surgery.

"Now, once she is released she will still be unable to walk for a while. We, the hospital will provide you with a wheelchair when she leaves. Her rehab will take place here and at home once she leaves. A rehab service has been arranged for, once she gets home. They will come to your home to help her relearn to walk."

After the doctor told him that, she took him into recovery to see his wife. She was still unconscious and on a special bed face down. When Mike squatted down to look at her face, all he saw were the bruises. The doctor told him they would heal without leaving any marks. After a few minutes, the doctor took Mike back out to the waiting area. She told him when they move Donna to a private room, someone would come get him and take him to her.


When Mike got to Donna's room, he went to her, kissing her on her shoulder. She was still face down on the special bed, her face in a padded ring and strapped in so she couldn't move. Her torso was also strapped down. There was a regular hospital bed in the room also. A nurse came in and explained to Mike that he could use the bed while Donna was in the special bed. He nodded, standing next to his wife.

The tears just flowed out of Mike's eyes as he stood there looking at his lovely Donna. Her back was all bandaged up. He just knew there would be an ugly scar to remind them both of what happened. He shook his head as he thought about a hell so deep that no one could get out and the guy that had put her in this condition should be sent there forever. It didn't make him feel any better, but his mind was filled with hate right now. A hate so great he knew he would go to hell if he was to die right now.

As the day passed Donna woke, dazed and confused. Mike was there for her, to explain what happened. When she was in pain, he called the nurse. When she was thirsty he held the straw for her. He fed her when they started to give her food. He was there every day and most nights. His employer had given him the time off he needed to help his wife heal, with pay. He was so grateful.

As the days passed, Donna was moved into a regular bed, she was able to lie on her back. She could finally look up at her loving and adoring husband.

"Honey, I love you," Donna told him. Every day when she woke, she told him.

"I love you too, sweetheart," Mike would tell her.

A month went by. Donna was now in a wheelchair. She hated it, yet she still couldn't walk. She was in rehab every day learning to walk again, yet she still felt nothing in her legs. While they were alone one day, Donna asked Mike to touch her legs. Each place he touched her, she shook her head. When he got to her vagina, she shook her head no and started to cry. Mike pressed his hand harder against her. Her eyes opened wide.

"I felt that. Do it again," she demanded.

Mike did it again. Donna moaned. Mike pulled the sheet covering her and lifted her gown. Her neatly trimmed pussy was a wild mess of hair now. He ran his fingers through the forest covering the Mons. Donna shook her head. Mike pressed against her labia gently. Her head shook. Mike pressed against her hard. She sighed and a smile creased her lips. Mike slipped a finger inside her. Her eyes flew open wide. She stared up at her husband.

"Oh god, that feels wonderful," she whispered. "Keep going, please?"

Mike put two fingers inside her body. Her pussy was now soaking wet. She must feel what he was doing, she was responding. When she had an orgasm, she had to put her hands over her mouth to keep from screaming. Mike knew he had to tell the doctor about this, but right now he was reveling in giving his wife pleasure. Something he thought she might never experience again. He was happy. Happy for her and for himself.

"Thank you, that was wonderful," Donna said as Mike covered her nudity. "I love you, Mike."

"I love you too, honey," Mike replied.

And so it went, she regained feeling in her vagina, her butt and some in her hips, yet her legs remained useless, unmoving and unfeeling. Mike eventually took her home. While Donna was in the hospital, Mike had the house made wheelchair friendly. He also purchased a motorized wheelchair for his wife. She liked it better than her manual one. She also loved what Mike had done for her.


And so the days and months slipped by, Mike would go to work. Donna's day nurse would come before Donna woke and help her through the day until Donna could do most stuff on her own. Then each week the day nurse would cut back her hours until it was just Donna at home. She did have visitors, her physical therapist was there Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. On Tuesdays and Thursday, Mike took off early to come home and put Donna through her physical routine.

After six months her doctors said that she probably wouldn't be gaining the use of her legs back. Donna cried, Mike cried. Donna had the physical therapist stop coming and went into a deep depression. Mike didn't know what to do. She wouldn't even let him holder at night anymore. He was also depressed, but not as deep as his wife. Now Mike had to do everything to keep the house in order.

Donna fell into the habit of sleeping until she was so hungry she couldn't sleep anymore. Then she would get up, make herself something and go back to bed. Watching TV became her sole entertainment. Mike didn't know what to do, so he made an appointment with a psychiatrist . Donna didn't want to go, but Mike wheeled her out to the car, put her in the passenger seat, put her chair in the trunk and drove off to the Doctor's office.

When they got there, Donna found out Mike had put her old wheelchair in the trunk. She couldn't go zipping off on her own with Mike holding onto the chair firmly. That first visit, Donna refused to talk to the Doctor. So Mike and the Doctor talked about Donna. She sat there glaring at Mike. Then she finally told him she wanted to leave. They still had a half an hour to go, so Mike ignored her. The Doctor, however, asked her why she wanted to leave.

"Well, unless you can fix my back, what's the point?" Donna almost screamed.

"I understand, but let me show you something," the doctor said.

The Doctor stood up, took a reflex hammer out of her lab coat pocket held up Donna's left leg up and struck her reflex point in her knee. Her leg jerked. She cried out in pain.

"That hurt," she said.

"I apologize for hurting you, but you have feeling in your legs, both of them. Now why can't you use them?" the Doctor asked.

Donna just stared at her. Yes, the Doctor was female. Her name was Eileen Mc Bride. She was a psychiatrist that dealt with spinal cord patients. Still, Donna stared at her.

"How?" Donna whispered.

"How what, dear?" Doctor Mc Bride asked.

Donna was slapping her legs. The Doctor just lets her.

"I don't feel that," Donna cried.

Tears were now running down her face as she tired of slapping her thighs. Mike was next to her. Holding her hand. She pushed her face into his shoulder.

"Well, that's why we are here to figure out why, dear," Eileen said softly. "But to find out, I need to talk to you and you need to talk to me."

"How will my talking fix my legs?"

"There is a cause to your paralysis. We just found out it's not your injuries, so it has to be somewhere in your mind. The mind is a powerful part of your body. It can turn things off or on, that you don't really want off or on. Your mind can make you not feel pain, or feel more pain than there actually is. Your mind controls your body. All of it. Somewhere in there is a reason you haven't stood up and walked."

Donna just stared at Doctor Mc Bride. Mike nodded and watched Donna. Doctor Mc Bride looked at her watch.

"Our time is up. Donna, I want you to think about why you are afraid to use your legs. That's all. Oh, and how much you love your husband," Doctor Mc Bride chuckled.

"I... I... I will try. I don't know how much good it will be, but I'll try," Donna said softly looking at the floor.

Mike just watched his wife, with love in his eyes and heart. They both said goodbye to Doctor Mc Bride and left.


It had been a year since the accident. Donna was still in her wheelchair. Mike was depressed along with her. At first, when Donna had returned home she had let Mike make love to her at least three times a week. After a while, they started to have less and less sex. The last time Mike had sex with Donna, he had fucked her hard and fast. She came once, just before he did. She wanted him to make love to her, but he begged off.

"Honey I feel like I'm raping you. Yeah, you use your hands, but your legs... I'm sorry but it feels like rape to me."

"Oh honey, I'm so sorry..."

"You have nothing to be sorry about. It wasn't your fault, it was that asshole who smashed into your limo."

"I know, I know," she sobbed as Mike held her.

They lay there in each other's arms. Mike turned out the lights and resumed holding Donna. They fell asleep together.


Over the next couple of months, there were several times Mike came home to find his wife crawling on the floor away from her wheelchair. He would rush to her, pick her up and place her gently on the couch. He would straighten her legs and her clothes.

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