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A Model Mother Pt. 07

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Shannon follows in Emily's footsteps, tentatively - for now.
9.1k words

Part 7 of the 9 part series

Updated 05/24/2024
Created 03/29/2024
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Shannon was still digesting the fact that Emily, her future mother-in-law, had moved past merely posing naked in front of the camera, she'd now graduated to being photographed whilst multiple men masturbated over her beautiful body. Still dazed with this knowledge, she glanced up as a man entered the newsagents.

Emily picked up the pile of photographs she'd been proudly showing Shannon and slid them under the counter. The caller was another of the regular pervs. Shannon was getting used to this. At least half, probably a lot more, of her customers were here for the porn.

Shannon had taken a little while to come to terms with this, but now that she had, she quite liked it. Not like Emily, of course, that was extreme. But Emily had warned her what to expect, and she'd taken the job with her eyes open. The reality was she was basically managing a porn shop which also sold newspapers, sweets and cigarettes.

Just like Emily had before her, she'd taken to bringing magazines home. She'd been pleased to find that Stephen liked her to pose like the girls on the pages, and they both liked it when she'd read him the filthy stories.

Their sex life had improved remarkably, and she attributed that to the fact they were able to communicate so much better. The only issue was that navigating through any magazine without stumbling across pictures of Stephen's mother had become almost impossible. If she wasn't on the cover or centrefold, she'd be in there somewhere, even if it was just on one of the many phone sex line adverts tucked away at the back.

They had both come to terms with this now. Stephen was enjoying the recent developments as much as Shannon, and begrudgingly attributed the change in their relationship to his mother's influence on his bride-to-be. And so, Shannon followed in Emily's footsteps, serving the male population of the town their masturbation material with a smile.

As ever, it was impossible to reason with Emily -- mostly because everything she said made perfect sense, from her perspective. Shannon was initially a little revolted by the graphic images of what Emily had been doing. But the more she looked, the more she began to understand.

Unlike her, Emily wasn't in a stable relationship. She had no anchor, no reason to do anything other than exactly what she wanted. Shannon had started to enjoy asking Stephen to pull out and cover her with his cum, just like Emily recommended. The only difference was that Emily didn't stick to just one man. And why should she? Who was Shannon to tell her that she shouldn't enjoy herself exactly as she wanted?

As Emily so clearly stated, these guys were giving her exactly what she needed. Shannon had now moved through revulsion, distaste and acceptance. Looking back through the final shots of Emily's debauchery, she realised she was wet. Her breathing had become sporadic.

"Emily, has anyone ever told you that you are an extremely bad influence?"

Emily smiled. She continued to like Shannon more each time they spoke. She had become, Emily realised, the one person she could actually share her true self with.

"Not in so many words. But I think I might hear it a lot more in future, if I carry on like this."

The customer, Dave, strode up to the counter. He had two magazines, one of which, 'Girls About Town', Emily smiled at affectionately.

"Hi Dave. Did you have a flick through that one? There's a set of me out and about in Chelmsford, did you see?"

Dave had seen, and was taking it home to wank over, he said. He knew Emily loved to hear this, and he got quite a kick from admitting it openly too -- especially with the lovely Shannon on hand to hear it.

There was, Shannon mused to herself, probably an argument that Emily was having a positive impact on this little corner of British society. There were certainly few signs of sexual repression in her shop. Shannon had been a little taken aback at how forthcoming a lot of the guys were -- Emily had them at ease with their urges, and she encouraged them to express how they really felt.

This had been a shock to Shannon at first, particularly when she was selling porn to guys she'd gone to school with -- even one ex-boyfriend. She tried to think like Emily, and smiled and showed no disapproval at their purchases.

And over time she found she enjoyed it. She'd catch the eye of one of the pervs around town and give them a knowing smile. It was an unwritten rule, she'd never 'out' them in front of their wives or girlfriends, but it gave her a nice feeling, knowing that they liked to wank, an that she was responsible for helping them.

Emily was on another level. Shannon couldn't believe what she did next.

"If I show you something, Dave, do you promise not to tell anyone?" Dave agreed immediately.

"This is from a shoot I did last week. What to you think?" Emily laid the 'artistic' picture showing two loads of cum being jettisoned into her cheeks, as her pretty, smiling eyes stared directly into the camera. She quickly pulled it away out of reach as Dave went to pick it up like a beggar with a ten-pound note.

"Ah-ah! Not so fast!" She smiled, putting it back where it was. "You can look but don't touch!" And look he did. He looked in amazement and wonder. This type of material, in 1994, was impossible to find in the UK, and still very much illegal. If he wanted to see a girl doing something like this, he'd have to travel to the continent.

And here was the stunning Emily, who'd already fulfilled and surpassed any fantasies anyone could realistically have thought up about her, showing him how readily and enthusiastically she took sperm in her face.

"I'll give you ten pounds, right now," he said, feeling in his pocket. "Twenty," he countered immediately, seeing Emily not willing to accept this. "Twenty pounds, just for this one picture!"

Emily was flattered, enormously so. She had half a mind to accept, but this picture she wanted to keep.

"I can't give you this one, Dave, sorry. It's a good one though, isn't it? I can maybe find you another one though. You have to promise me, hand on heart, that you won't show anyone else and, even more importantly, that you didn't buy it from here. I'm deadly serious, I could go to jail!"

Shannon detected a little glimpse of a smile on Emily's lips as she said this. Dave was in immediate agreement, and Emily glanced under the counter, sorting through the pictures to find a suitable one. Dave was not disappointed with her choice. Shannon smiled, noting the casual way Emily produced the picture of herself surrounded by spent cocks and covered in cum for Dave's approval.

"Ten quid," Dave said immediately slapping it down on the counter. "You've got more?"

"I have, but these are originals, Dave. I've got no copies. I'll tell you what, I can give you another one, maybe three in total."

"Discount for buking in bulk?" he smiled. Emily laughed.

"Actually, I tell you what. A tenner each, or I can do five for thirty quid?"

Dave agreed immediately. Emily hand-picked five pictures depicting her exposing herself, masturbating with a bottle and being ejaculated on by six men. Dave had to nip out to the cashpoint but was back in a flash.

"These are absolutely amazing," Dave smiled, taking a long look at the sperm-soaked vision of Emily before sliding the pictures inside his copy of 'Girls about town' with great care. "So, are you going to be selling me stuff like this every week? I'm buying if you're selling. Especially... if you ever decide to, you know, go all the way. Just let me know, OK?"

"Watch this space," Emily winked salaciously.

Shannon waited until the door shut behind Dave before tuning to Emily in disbelief.

"Emily, what the fuck!" She was dumbfounded. "What are you doing! Anyone would think you want to get into trouble!"

Emily grinned in satisfaction at Shannon's reaction. She was growing to love to shock people, and Shannon wasn't as easily shocked as some, so this was an achievement. Tucking the three ten-pound notes into her bra, she shrugged.

"I think that's what's called selling direct, cutting out the middleman," she smiled. "I tell you what, if I can sell all these for a tenner each, we can both retire soon enough! Oh god though, I tell you what, that was amazing. The look on his face, he couldn't believe his luck!"

"So, is that your next thing, Emily? Selling illegal stuff to the guys direct?" Shannon was joking. But she wouldn't put anything past Emily now.

"No. Although it would be hot. And there was no way he was having this one, it's amazing!"

Shannon couldn't disagree. That full-face shot of the two loads hitting Emily's face at once, it was incredible. The longer you looked at it, the better it got. You could make out each little droplet which ricocheted away from her perfect skin. The detail was such that each of her individual pores was visible.

Those eyes, they were like a magnet. That smile -- she was so beautiful. That pure, clear and stunning beauty, being desecrated so completely by those two bulbous, red and throbbing cocks, was just incredible.

Shannon's mind was racing now, she couldn't take her eyes of that picture. She fantasised about herself being in Emily's place. What would that feel like, being the sole object of attention for a roomful of horny guys? Shannon wondered what Stephen would say to a picture of his girlfriend smiling out at the world with two guys wanking on her.

Shannon! She told herself. What are you thinking!

That night Stephen wondered what had hit him. Shannon had, as she almost always did now, brought a couple of magazines home with her. As they ate the pizza Stephen had cooked for them both, his fiancé read from the letters section.

She'd been doing this a lot recently, but usually it didn't happen until bedtime. Stephen didn't mind, although he wondered if it was OK for both of them to get so horny at the tales of casual and unexpected sex. Shannon seemed to have no issue with the renditions of threesomes, illicit encounters, even orgies!

"It's just fantasy," she'd assure him, and he liked that she was so into it. One of his friends was newly single, his girlfriend having left him after finding a porn magazine under his mattress. So, for Shannon to be the one bringing the magazines home seemed amazing, really.

As soon as they'd eaten, Shannon was astride him, still in the kitchen chair, encouraging the erection which her dirty talk had summoned inside a pussy which was as wet as he was hard. Stephen had to do very little work, other than just sit there and supply the cock for his girlfriend to bounce on.

This is new, he thought to himself, as Shannon's fingers found their way between her legs. He felt a fingernail scratch the wet shaft of his cock a couple of times as she sank down on it again and again, her fingers flitting attractively across her clit.

"Tell me when you are going to cum," she said. The words made it a self-fulfilling request.

"Now!" Stephen said urgently, at which Shannon dismounted him and fell to her knees, taking the cock, slimy with her juice, straight into her mouth. He started to tense up and she released him from her lips, wanking him hard with the tip just an inch from her cheek.

Shannon moaned appreciatively as Stephen coated the side of her face. She was still wearing her black t-shirt, and her shoulder was soon covered with thick, white globules as it dripped down from her cheek.

"That was amazing!" Stephen smiled appreciatively. He had no idea what had brought this on, Shannon had never done anything like it before.

Shannon continued playing with her clit, and now stood leaning over the sink and looking at herself in the mirror. Stephen could see two fingers, a blur as they worked frantically to bring her to orgasm. He was delighted to be marrying this beautiful, sexy thing, but couldn't help but feel a little intimidated at her growing sex drive. He only hoped he could keep up with her.

As she came, Shannon was looking at her sperm covered face. It looked a little lopsided, she thought. She'd look much better with cum dripping down both sides of her face like Emily.

Emily was back in the shop for a few days the following week, as Shannon had some time off. One afternoon she was a bit surprised to see Oliver, Shannon's father, come in. the shop was empty, it was mid-afternoon which was always quiet.

"Oh, hello!" Emily said casually. The atmosphere was a bit strange; this was the first time they'd spoken since the engagement party, which was when Emily had realised she'd sucked the dick of the father of the bride, as well as her brother, Oliver's son Richard. She loved Shannon and was cautious of spoiling their relationship. But Oliver did have a nice cock...

"Hi Emily. I was just passing, I thought I'd pop in. How's things?" Emily examined Oliver. He was good looking -- far too good looking for Michelle, his wife.

"Nice to see you," she smiled. "How are things going with the wedding preparations?"

"Chaotic!" Oliver laughed. "Shannon is not one to go for understated. Did she tell you she wants a horse-drawn carriage between the church and the reception?"

"She didn't! Oh, that's just perfect!"

"It is unless you are paying for it," he rolled his eyes.

"Oh, that hadn't even crossed my mind -- listen, do you want me to help out? I know it's tradition, father of the bride and all that, but I'm more than happy to do my bit."

"No, don't worry it's fine. The biggest problem is organising it all. But I'm sure it will all come together. Michelle is on it, she's good at that sort of thing. I just provide the finances."

Emily detected a hint of what might have been resentment when Oliver mentioned his wife. She'd picked up from conversations with Shannon that things probably weren't all hearts and flowers between Oliver and Michelle.

"Well, the offer is open," Emily smiled sweetly. A guy walked in and took down a copy of 'Bad Girls', Emily serving him with a smile before he left them alone again. This gave Oliver the opportunity to change the subject.

"So, listen. I just wanted to tell you that I know about your modelling career, and I think it's amazing. You are doing really well, from what I hear."

"From what you hear?" Emily looked at him intently.

"Well, OK, I've seen some of your sets -- you are beautiful, Emily, you really are."

"Oh, I see! Well, thanks! But I'm a bit surprised -- I've not sold you any magazines recently, have you been coming in and buying from Shannon?"

"Shannon! Oh god no, heaven forbid. No, I've bought one or two magazines - the ones I saw you on the cover. It must be strange for you, everyone seeing you like that?"

"Not strange, no. It's really exciting, I like it. And I must say I'm a little bit hurt you are giving your money to my competitors, Oliver!"

"Oh! I'm sorry. I never thought. I mean, I guess it seemed a bit inappropriate, coming in here and buying a magazine from you, with you on the cover, you know..."

"Because you are going to take it straight home and wank over it?" Emily winked. Oliver froze. Emily laughed at his expression, which wore confusion, shock and surprise, with a hint of excitement. She was warming up.

"Oliver, I know what you guys do with these magazines. And that's why I love what I do. Which ones did you buy?"

"Oh, just a couple..."

Oliver had bought quite a few copies of magazines featuring Emily, as it happened. Emily, as usual, was feeling naughty and proceeded to bring over some of the magazines he'd missed, and they spent a while looking through various shoots. Oliver was really appreciative and complimentary, and she was really enjoying his attention.

Emily knew that it would be a bad idea to do anything with Oliver again, but there was no harm flirting a bit, was there? She found herself trying to impress him, letting out little giggles and touching his arm subtly. As if showing him naked pictures wasn't enough.

After a little while he said he had to go, and Emily felt a little sad, she'd enjoyed spending time with Oliver. As he made to leave, she got a little rush as she realised there was something he'd not seen yet.

"Oh, Oliver. Can I trust you to keep a secret?"

"Of course," he smiled genially. Emily was restraining herself from dropping to her knees for him again, but this was almost as good.

"OK -- so I've done a few naughtier pictures recently. You know, like a bit too sexy for the magazines."

Oliver's eyes lit up.

"Oh! Really?"

Yeah. Do you want to see?"

Oliver did. Suddenly he was in no rush to leave. Emily happily repeated the little show she'd done with Dave, and Oliver found himself watching in growing disbelief as he slowly realised just how far Emily was prepared to go on camera.

"What do you think?" Emily asked girlishly, as Oliver digested the final, sperm sodden shots, her smiling face shining out from each. His eyes moved from the filth Emily was happily advertising, to the stunning, real-life Emily, as usual dressed to kill with plenty of cleavage on show.

Oliver had seen her perfect tits first-hand before. She'd invited him to ejaculate in her mouth before and swallowed expertly. Oliver treasured the memory. And now it was time to make another memory.

"Sorry!" Oliver said, and simply pulled his cock out and started wanking.

"Oliver!" Emily squealed in delight. The shop was still open, someone could walk in at any time.

"Fucking... hell... Emily!" he grunted, eyes glued to the dirty pictures spread across the counter. "What kind... fuck! What kind of slut are you?"

Emily's face beamed with delight to the sight of Oliver's hand pumping hard. She loved any man masturbating over her, but Oliver held a special place in her heart, for some reason. She toyed with the idea of locking the door, but she knew she could make the whole thing finish very soon.

"I'm the sort of slut who loves doing things like this, Oliver," she grinned. "I love spreading my legs for the camera, knowing I'm getting cocks hard. Because I love hard cocks. Look at me! Look at how much I love spunk in my face, in my mouth, all over my cunt! I want you to cum all over my counter now, Oliver!"

Oliver did as he was told immediately. Emily snatched up her precious pictures, saving them from a drenching as sperm started shooting across the counter. She smiled at him.

"That's it, Oliver. Empty your balls all over my counter." He was still shooting as Emily stooped and began licking it up, fixing her eyes on Oliver's as it slowed to a dribble. She leaned over and locked her lips around Oliver's glans, sucking the last little bit of sperm out. As she did so, her breasts squashed into the glass, smearing sperm all over the front of her blouse.

"Oops! Look at me, all covered in cum again!" she giggled. She laughed even more as a woman came into the shop, forcing him to turn away from her, his hard cock still sticking out of the front of his trousers. Emily calmly disappeared for a moment before returning with a cardigan covering her cum-covered chest and a roll of tissue and cleaning spray to make her counter presentable.

Oliver almost stumbled away from the shop in a bit of a daze. If he hadn't met her himself, he wouldn't have believed a woman like Emily existed. She was beautiful, awesomely so. Stunning, there was no other word to describe her. And, with it, a complete slut.

He wouldn't admit it to his friends, but Oliver's wife Michelle had never allowed his penis anywhere near her mouth. Not only that, he hadn't had sex with her for more than a decade. Once the kids had arrived, sex had served its purpose for Michelle.

The contrast between his wife and Emily was stark. Emily was open, warm and approachable. Michelle was cynical, sarcastic and cold. Emily was beautiful, sexy and alluring. Michelle was sexless and dowdy. Emily was an utter, unrepentant, cock-hungry whore.

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