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A Modern Harem Pt. 01

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Not all office parties suck...
6.2k words

Part 1 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 12/01/2021
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A Modern Harem

Author's Note:

First chapter of a multi part story. As always, all persons involved in sexual situations are 18+. Please enjoy part one!!!


It is said that while a man plans, God laughs. Throughout my whole life, all I ever wanted was a normal life. Decent job, wife, kids, a dog named Rover; that's all. As I was growing up and even when I became an adult, it certainly didn't seem to me like a big ask to have that kind of life. But as we all know, fate deals out different hand to each one of us.

This is mine.

My name is Alan McDonald and when this story began, I was 27 years old. I worked at a hospital as a billing specialist in Raleigh. It was a good life and a good job, if not very exciting, paid well enough for me to rent a condo in the downtown area. My father died when I was just a baby and my mother died two years ago, leaving me with really no family.

Still, I managed to try to be optimistic about life as I went about my normal routines, day in and day out. The one area it seemed like I could make no progress in was women. Now, I certainly dated and had relationships, but most petered out after a month or two and I really had no idea why. I certainly wasn't a bad looking guy at 5'11" with a medium build. I had a good sense of humor and always treated women kindly and respectfully.

I had even been told several times by my partners that I was the best lover they'd had, if you actually believe that sort of thing. So why? Why couldn't I hold on to a girl and manage to have a real relationship?

When you ask questions to the heavens, sometimes, they answer you back.

My answer arrived at a work party during the spring on a Thursday. The hospital liked to throw parties for the staff on occasion in order to promote better cooperation for all the departments. That was the idea anyway. The doctors were almost all arrogant assholes, who only talked to the administrators who could either give them tenure or a promotion.

The nurses all tried to get the attention of the paramedics or the cops that were there and the rest of the staff just milled about. I normally only went to these things because they had an open bar. Have a few free drinks and take a car home. I was on my third and last drink, just sitting and thinking about what I was gonna watch on TV that night when I heard someone sound frustrated come up to the bar.

"Man, this party is a bore hole," I heard the feminine voice say.

"Always is," I answered without looking up. "Thank God for the open bar."

"Amen!" I heard the voice say closer to me. I looked up.

I was in awe and doing my best not to stare. 5'8", olive skin, jet black hair and flawless skin. Her dress wasn't revealing, but I could tell that she was packing heavy hardware, DDD's possibly and she seemed like she had an ass to match them. I tried to keep my cool.

"Only reason I come to these things," I told her.

"Oh, you don't believe in the whole 'teamwork' thing?" I looked around the room and raised an eyebrow. She let out a laugh that was maybe a little louder then it needed to be. "Good point," she said still trying to stifle her laugh. "I'm Monica," she said offering her hand.

"Alan, nice to meet you," I said in a friendly manner.

"Same," she said with a smile. "What do you do here?"

"I work in the administration section. Billing."

"Ugh," she said. "I applaud your ability to sift through that shit."

"Miraculous things can happen with the incentive of a paycheck."

"Very true," she acknowledged with a giggle.

"How about you?"

"Psychologist," she said with a shoulder shrug.

"Fancy," I told her.

"Ehh, not really. No MD, and the stuck-up doctors don't give you the time of day."

"Fuck 'em."

"Not a chance," she said. I damn near snorted my drink.

"I don't blame you in the least."

We talked for at least an hour about different things in the hospital, various people we knew, and joked around about all of them. I was still amazed at her beauty but was also just a fan of hers. She was funny, smart, witty, and sweet. I got a look at the time and saw that I should probably get home.

"Well, it was really nice to meet you Monica. Have a great night," I said getting up from the bar.

"Can I get your number?" she asked. My heart was pounding.

"Sure," I said as she handed me her phone so I could type it in.

"Don't you want mine?" she asked surprised I hadn't given her mine. I knew this game.

"I'll get it when or if you reach out to me," I told her. She gave me a cute grin as I bid her good night. I got a look at her big, firm ass as I left and damn near tripped.

I slept that night, but barely. I kept wondering if she'd actually reach out. I knew about the three-day rule, and I knew that some people would've probably said I was insane for giving her all the power to contact, but I figured maybe I'd look better if I wasn't pushy.

The next morning, my theory was proved right when she texted me at 9:40 in the morning.

Hey, it's Monica from last night. Like I needed a reminder. I really enjoyed talking with you at the party. Did you get home ok?

She was next day texting me and seemed concerned. My heart was pounding at the mere possibility that she was interested in me, even just as a friend.

Good Morning! I replied. I got home just fine thank you and I hope you did. I enjoyed meeting and talking with you as well.

I was doing my levelheaded best not to seem to eager or anything. Even though we were both at work, she messaged back quick.

Thanks! she replied. You made a lame party a lot more fun!!

The texts continued like that for a few days. I never saw her or sought her out at the hospital. I was always a believer in letting the woman make the first move. Even all through the weekend, I don't think we went an hour without a text message of some kind being exchanged. Some were informational, what I was doing/watching and what not. Some were a bit flirty, and some were just funny.

It was Monday when she started pressing me.

So, any chance you'd like to have dinner or drinks or something with me on Friday?

JACKPOT!! I steadied my breath before I responded.

That would be great! What were you thinking?

There's a steak place downtown I like, if that works for you.

Absolutely! 7pm?

Perfect. I'll meet you there.

I was fist pumping in my chair when I received another text from her.

One more thing. I'd like you to get an STD test. I don't sleep with a guy on a first date, but I try to be careful.

I scratched my head at this, but since I worked in a hospital, it was free for me. Just play cool and do it, I figured.

No problem at all. I'll get it done today.

She waited a few minutes before responding.

Cool! Thank you!

I thought the request was a bit odd in the age of condoms, but maybe she had an allergy or something. I went down to the clinic and got the test, getting the results on Thursday. Friday, I went home early and got dressed in a sport coat and a pressed button-down. I got there five minutes early and found she was already there, over at the bar.

"Hey!" she said as I approached her. "Nice to see you again!" She was still dressed somewhat conservatively, but her curves couldn't be hidden. She had light makeup on, and her hair looked like she'd spent considerable time on it.

"You too," I said as she gave me a kiss on the cheek as I sat down next to her. She held up a restaurant pager.

"They said it'd be a few minutes; can I buy you a drink?"

"I think that's my line," I said in jest, "but yes, thank you." She smiled at that as I ordered a mid-level scotch.

I'd learned over time that if a woman wants to pay for something, let them. I planned on paying for dinner, so a drink wasn't that much. We chatted for a few minutes before the pager vibrated and we were seated at our table. I even pulled out the chair for her.

"Wow," she said, "real chivalry." There wasn't any trace of sarcasm in her tone.

"I'd like to think I was raised right," I said with a smile while sitting down.

"Good on your parents," Monica said with a smirk.

"Mom made sure of it."

"And Dad taught you how to score right?"

I stayed quiet for a moment.

"No," I eventually said. "Not really."

She looked up concerned. I shrugged.

"My father died when I was little."

The look on her face was shock.

"I'm so sorry," she said. "I had no idea."

"Of course you didn't. Frankly, it would've been creepy if you did." This got her to giggle a bit, but she still looked pensive. "It really is fine. Don't worry about it," I told her reassuringly. She eased up at that. "Are you close to your family?"

"I am but..."

"What do you want to drink?" the water said rudely interrupting us.

"Uh," I said looking for the wine list, "we didn't even see it here. Sorry about that. Can you give us a few minutes to look it over, please?"

"I'll come back," he said leaving abruptly. I looked at Monica.

"Must be hard to get tips when you have an oar shoved up your ass," I said quietly. Not that quietly apparently. Monica laughed pretty hard at my joke but pulled herself in before people began to notice.

We looked over the wine list and made a choice between us for a medium-priced wine. The 'friendly' waiter came back.

"Well?" he said rudely. Normally I wasn't the confrontational type, but this was different. Enough was enough.

"Excuse me, is there a problem?" I asked him calmly.

"What?" he replied, confused and terse at the same time.

"I mean is there a reason you're talking so rudely to us? I've been here before, and I've never been treated as rudely as I have this evening. Now, can we start over, or do I need to get a manager?" The man looked shocked and ashen.

"I'm sorry sir, madam," he said contritely to us both. "There's no excuse. Another table was quite rude earlier, and I let it get into my head. I profusely apologize to you both."

It seemed legitimate and I was fine to let it go. I accepted the apology and ordered the wine.

"The wine will be complementary," he said genuinely contrite. "Again, my apologies," he added as he walked away.

I then suddenly remembered Monica and how she must've thought I was a complete dick. I saw her face grinning.

"Impressive," she said seeming genuine.

"I'm not normally like that," I admitted, "but there's no reason you needed to deal with rude service."

"A true gentleman," she added with a smile.

The waiter returned with the wine, and we ordered our meals. We toasted and settled in a bit.

"So, did you get the test?" she asked slyly. I reached into my jacket pocket and pulled out the folded paper.

"Here you go," I told her slipping the paper to her. She took it slightly stunned.

"Wow," she said softly, "I would've taken your word for it."

"Well, it seemed important to you, so I wanted to make sure you knew." She smiled again.

"Well, I took one too, I just didn't bring it with me." I waved her off saying that it was fine.

We soon settled into a pleasant conversation. Where we grew up, schooling, interests and so on. Apparently, she was homeschooled most of her life as her parents wanted a different kind of education for her and her siblings. I listened and asked questions, ensuring that she knew I was interested in what she was talking about. She smiled and laughed at my jokes and everything.

Our food came and we dug in, the food being delicious. The waiter was now ensuring that our meal was perfect, and I made every effort to show that the incident was behind us.

Once we were finished, we ordered espresso and kept talking. Just like at the party, I found it so easy to talk to her and though I was enchanted by her beauty, I didn't let it get to my head. Once we were done, the check arrived. She reached for her purse, and I supplied my credit card from my pocket.

"Oh please, let me pay," she said.

"No, no. You paid for the drinks; this is the least I can do."

"Ok," she said quietly, "but I'm paying next time."

Next time? YES!!! I tried to play it cool.

"Next time, huh?"

"If you're interested," she said pushing her hair back with a smile.

"Indeed," I replied putting my card down.

"Dinner and a movie tomorrow?" she suggested.

"I'd like that," I replied.

"Good!" she said happily. "You pick the restaurant and I'll pick the movie."

I recommended an Italian restaurant that was close by. She'd never been there but was keen to try it. We agreed to meet there 6:30 tomorrow.

I walked her to her car, and she grabbed my hand as we walked. It felt so warm and inviting, not to mention natural. When we got to her car, I didn't try and kiss her. I decided that slow and steady would win this race. She said she'd text me when she got home safe, and she pulled away.

Going home, I felt like I was walking on air. The night went well, and I got a confirmation for a second date. I had just gotten home when my phone buzzed.

Home safe! Thanks so much for tonight. I had a great time!!

I smiled and responded.

Glad to hear you got back ok! I had a great time too!

Have a great night! Can't wait to see you tomorrow!!

She couldn't wait?! My heart was floating at this point.

Saturday went by quietly. Mostly played video games and relaxed, trying not to think of the impending date with an amazing woman. I even set an alarm so I would know when to get ready. I was killing zombies on my game console when the alarm went off. I showered and dressed into a similar style as last night. I ensured I had enough time to get there early and wound up being ten minutes early. To my surprise, she was already there. When I saw her, I was stunned.

Every outfit I'd seen her in was classy and conservative. This was classy, but very not conservative. Her dress had a plunging neckline that showed off her ample bosom quite well. The rest flowed over her body, hugging it in marvelous places.

"You look amazing," I told her trying not to ogle.

"Thanks," she said looking over herself, "I wanted to look good for you."

"You've never disappointed so far," I told her, eliciting a broad smile.

We were seated at our table and an attractive waitress that had served me before came over to us.

"Hey, Alan," the Asian said coming over to us.

"Hi, Ashley," I said in reply. "This is my friend, Monica."

"Hi, Monica!" she said very cheerful, "it's about time you bring a gorgeous woman here!" We ordered from the wine list as Ashley gleefully went to get it.

"I think she likes you," Monica said with a smirk.

"I like you," I replied with a smile. She smiled too.

"Friend, huh?" she said with the same smirk.

"Well, I didn't want to push something out there you were uncomfortable with." She smiled broadly again.

"You really are such a considerate guy," she said, seeming genuinely appreciative.

"I try," I said meekly. Ashley returned with the bottle and poured. Monica ordered the veal parmesan, and I ordered the lasagna. She took our orders and left with a smile.

"I better up my game before she steals you," Monica said flirty.

"She's just nice," I said dismissively. "But don't let me dissuade you."

She was beaming at this point. We talked all through our salads. She told me how close she was to her family and always felt loved and appreciated. I told her more about me and my boring life, but she seemed to eat up every word.

Ashley soon arrived with our entrée's, and we dove in. Monica just seemed so different from the girls I'd dated in the past. Most of them seemed only interested in themselves, making me feel like I was an afterthought. Monica was different. She seemed genuinely interested in me and what I had to say. She also seemed flirtier then the first date.

"So, what do you look for in women?" she asked me as she ate.

"Mostly, I look for nice," I told her. "I've dated women that only seem interested in themselves and didn't give a damn about anyone else and I got tired of it. I like women that care about others and maybe to a small extent, me." Her facial expressions indicated that she liked what I'd said.

"So, first," she said taking a sip of wine, "kudos to you for calling them women instead of girls. Also, I couldn't agree with you more. Some people give no thought to others and only care about what they can get from anything, including a relationship. It makes all women look bad and kinda pisses me off."

"Well, don't get too pissed off," I told her. "If they didn't act bad, I wouldn't be able to be out with you." Now she was almost blushing.

"You know, another guy, I'd think that was a line," she told me. "I really don't think it is with you." She then took my hand into hers on the table. Ashley came over with the check and put it in front of me. "I got it," Monica said quickly, remembering my promise from yesterday. Ashley seemed flustered.

"Oh, ok," she said nervously as Monica opened the receipt wallet and placed her card inside. She handed it back to Ashley, who walked away quickly. Monica giggled to herself.

"I think she meant for you to see that," she told me.

"Why's that?" I asked.

"Cause it said on the receipt 'Don't fuck this up, she's a fox!'" she told me.

"Accurate," I said plainly, causing her to smile more.

Hand in hand, we walked over the movie theater which wasn't far. I figured a rom-com or something was in the offering. Wrong again. Apparently, the theater was showing a classic movie that night, The Blues Brothers.

"Have you ever seen it?" she asked me. I quickly got out my phone and showed her a picture of my apartment, which had an original poster. Monica's eyes went huge. "Is that an original?" I nodded my head. "Holy shit! I knew I liked you!" She then gave me a big kiss on the cheek.

Scoring points left and right.

I paid for the movie, popcorn and drinks and we sat in the theater. To the disgust of us both, not many people were in there.

"No one appreciates the classics anymore," I offered.

"No kidding," Monica said, equally disgusted. "But at least it allows for some private time."

I tried my best not to jump up and down with joy, but my eyes had to be dancing. We got seats and sat down, me eating popcorn out of the tub perched on her lap. She kept smiling at me as the movie started.

The movie was great as always, maybe even more so because I'd never seen it on the big screen. Monica was holding my hand for a good portion of the movie, and halfway through, she put her head on my shoulder. The effect of that being that it gave me a perfect view of her ample cleavage. I mostly kept my eyes on the movie, but it wasn't easy.

Once the movie was over, she invited me for a nightcap at her place. Again, I was internally skipping through a field of flowers, but I kept my cool and accepted graciously.

Her apartment was very nice, complete with a balcony and a much more modern kitchen then I had. She poured us two glasses of scotch and handed one to me, inviting me to sit next to her on the couch.

"Alan, I had a really great time tonight," Monica said smiling.

"Me too," I said returning her smile.

She leaned closer to me and gave me a soft kiss which I returned. I fought the urge to go further or use my tongue, letting her set the tone. She broke the kiss, looked back at me and smiled.

"The scotch tastes better from you then the glass," I said raising my glass, toasting her. She smiled and I could swear blushed a little.

"Thank you," she said softly.

We talked more about each other and a bit about our dating history. Monica seemed to have the same issues I did with going on a few dates, but things petered out quickly. We kissed a few more times and she leaned her body closer and closer to me. I still was resolved to control myself and she seemed to appreciate it.


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