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A Mother Son Camping Trip

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David & his mother go on a camping and their lives change.
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AN: With the blessing of the author I have created this revised version of their excellent story. If you haven't read Sethp's story I highly recommend it. All characters in sexual activities are 18 or older. Nitpickers, please accept that the narrative occasionally is first person from the POV of the main character and that the grammar is how I intended it to be. Thank you and I hope that you enjoy this story. Let me know what you think.

Bryan stuffed the last of the camping gear into the back of the family's silver Tahoe. He wasn't particularly looking forward to this holiday weekend anymore. It had started off as a grand multi-family adventure, with all of their neighborhood friends going along, but life, as it will, intervened. There were all kinds of last-minute business and family emergencies. Bryan and his best friend, Richard Jones, had made plans for jet skiing, rock climbing, portable video games, and all kinds of other stuff. It was supposed to be an epic last big weekend before his friend left for college. They had both just turned eighteen. Richard's family had to go out of town to attend to a death in the family. Their other neighbors, The Smiths, all came down with food poisoning While the Robinson's truck was totaled the night before by a drunk driver. Ironically it was already loaded and ready to go before the accident.

The final person to back out was actually Bryan's dad, Ralph Miller, who had gotten called in to work at the last moment. He was the head of human resources at an emerging tech firm. They had been the victims of a huge electronic security breach that required his immediate presence, probably for the entire weekend.

"Let's make the best of it, Bryan," his mother said, coming out of the house with several bags of food.

Bryan knew better than to argue with his mother but he liked camping and always enjoyed her company so really, what was the point? Sure, he could have just said no and walked away. He was eighteen after all, but that would have been bad. He had heard his mother that morning, nearly in tears, arguing with his father about having to go to work. His parents haven't been getting along for what seemed to Bryan, like years. He noted that as time went by it was only getting worse. Bryan had hoped the weekend would fix things between his parents, but now it was going to be a long weekend alone with his mother. He figured he could get some reading done and go on some hikes by himself. Resigning himself to have fun Bryan climbed into the driver's seat to give his mom a chance to relax and hopefully cool off.

His mother started the Tahoe and off they went. "I'm sorry that it's just you and me, Bryan."

"It's okay," he said, meaning it. "I'm going to make the best of it, and you should too."

"We already paid for the camping site. I need to get away even if it's just with my son. You can still do all the things that you wanted to, I promise that won't bother you at all. Okay?"

"I promise mom, we're going to have a great time," Bryan said, looking out the window at the passing scenery.

A few hours later they reached the camping site. My group reserved two spots right next to each other; with one big enough to park the neighbor's RV and plenty of room for several tents. It had a huge picnic table, a large shaded tree and was close to the restrooms and shower facility.

"Oh, this is nice right?" Bryan's mom said happily. "Look how close to the lake we are! This will be great. There will be plenty of privacy in this little corner of the woods too. You start setting up the tents and I'll go check-in and get us some firewood." She hurried off to the ranger's office.

Bryan started unloading their equipment and setting everything up. He just about had both tents up when his mother came back. "Okay, we're good to go."

Bryan and his mother set up the camp together. When they were done it was well past lunchtime and Bryan's mother fired up the grill and cooked up some hot dogs.

"Thanks again for going camping with your old mother," she said as they finished eating.

"You are not old. To prove it let's go rent a canoe this afternoon."

"Okay, that's a deal. I'll make us up some cheeseburgers tonight after we get back."

Bryan was surprised, but he had a great time out on the lake paddling all over the place and exploring the little coves and beaches with his mom. They found one beach that was almost completely hidden from view until you were almost on it. It was there that they stopped for a break. Bryan laid out the blanket while Michelle pulled out the cooler with some snacks and Gatorade.

"Are you doing okay, Mom?" Bryan asks. He can tell his mother is a bit flushed from the trip.

"Yes, I just forgot how much hard work this can be," she replied before taking a big drink.

She was still a little out of breath, even though Bryan was trying to do all the work in the canoe. Bryan worried about his mother and her health. She had gained a lot of weight in the last couple of years. Most of the weight had gone to her bust but she had rounded out a bit in her tummy, hips, and ass. The dockmaster even had a hard time finding a life vest big enough to fit over her enormous breasts. She had taken it off as they took their break. Bryan caught himself glancing at her massive, heaving chest and turned away before she could see it.

"You okay, dear? Your face is so red."

"Yeah," he said, getting up. "It's just a little hot. Whenever you're ready we can start heading back."

"I'm ready. Can you help me up please," she said, holding up her hand for him.

Bryan helped her to her feet. As he readied the canoe for the return trip to the dock, he looked over at his mother. She was having a hard time with the clasps on her vest again, and he couldn't help but stare as she wiggled and jiggled and grunted and mashed her breasts together; squeezing the vest over her mountainous chest. It was a mesmerizing spectacle.

"Shit," he muttered as he turned away. For the first time in his life (second time in the last hour), he had been perving on his own mother.

"All ready," she said a moment later. "Let's get back, I'm famished."

They made it back to the dock in good time. Bryan looked back at the western sky and saw some black clouds heading their way. Usually, it was his father's job to ready the campsite for any incoming storms, but it would be up to him this time. When they got back to the campsite, Bryan set about making sure the car windows were up, picking up anything that might blow or float away, and rechecking that their tents were set up on the good high ground. Satisfied, he went over to help finish setting up for dinner.

"Wow! Just last year we would have been yelling and looking all over for you to help and now you're doing everything on your own. I didn't even notice the clouds over there till after you started putting everything up. Thank you," said his mom.

"Oh. Well, you know. Dad's not here and I figure I have to take care of all his duties on this trip."

Bryan's mother looked down at the ground for a moment before continuing her preparations. It was quick and she recovered well, but Bryan could see that his talking about his father had upset her. He didn't know what to do. They ate in silence and afterward, he helped clear everything away. His mother went to the car to grab a couple of bags and Bryan went to work on starting the fire. He had it roaring in no time and was playing a game on his phone when his mom came over. She had changed into sweat pants and a long white T-shirt. "My camping PJs," she said, handing him a soda from the cooler.

"Thanks," he said, looking over at the large cup his mother was holding.

"I hope you don't mind, but we still had all that tequila and whisky and mixers in the car, and I need to unwind."

"Of course, I don't mind," Bryan said, although he did, a little. His mom was prone to drinking when she was upset, usually ending up sloppy drunk and stumbling around. He figured she'd be okay here and he wasn't tired in the least, so he'd stay up playing on his phone and keep an eye on her. She would probably pass out early.

She took a big drink and then looked at him lovingly. "You're so grown up. You know I'm very proud of you." She took another big drink. She wasn't going slowly tonight.

"Thanks, Mom. Are you okay?"

"Yes. I had so much fun today. Tomorrow, I'd like to hike up to Stone Peak together."

"Are you sure that you can handle that?" Bryan joked.

"What? I can handle anything you've got," she replied, laughing. Then she drained her glass and made to stand up. "I guess I'll..."

"Not on your life," Bryan interrupted. One of his father's responsibilities was getting fresh drinks for his wife while they were camping. Well, at least that's how it went in happier times, Bryan thought.

"I've got this. Remember that I'm handling all of his work on this camping trip!"

"His? Who... oh yes!" She laughed. "He, who shall not be named! Do you...?"

"Yes, I know what you're having and I'll be right back."

A few minutes later, Bryan returned with a fresh drink for his mother and another soda for himself.

"Will you be able to sleep with all that caffeine?" she asked, draining half her cup. "Oh, this is good! Much better than when I made it."

"Thank you!" he said, proud of himself. "And yes, I will be able to sleep. Don't worry about me." He was even more proud of himself for making her drink twice as strong as usual. She'd be asleep soon and he wouldn't have to deal with her drunken stupor. He smiled.

"Oh, very proud of yourself, aren't you?" she said, slightly slurring her words and draining the rest of her drink. "It's time to perform your duty, good sir," she thrust her cup in his direction.

Bryan laughed. He had forgotten that his mother and father fell into this mock-pseudo-Medieval dialogue when they were drinking. It used to be cute. He was their little page, back in the day. Now he wasn't sure what he was. "Yes indeed, my fair, uh, Queen? I'm your..."

"Knight! You're my handsome Knight!" she laughed hysterically. "And yes, I am the queen!"

"Uh... yes... um... well, your handsome knight will fetch a liquid refreshment suitable for thy great beauty," he stuttered and went to get her another, stronger drink. He sucked at being a knight and he wasn't sure if he had said something wrong. His mother was quiet over there. He was embarrassed and glad that she wouldn't remember anything in the morning.

"Here you go fair maiden," he said, kneeling down and offering her the cup as though it was a chalice.

He wondered if fair maiden was an appropriate title for a queen or if that was reserved for princesses?

She laughed. "Verily, I am pleased by thy great servitude," she stumbled on her words, laughed again, and took a deep drink.

She took a little longer to finish this one and Bryan enjoyed the peace and quiet of the darkness and the relaxing sounds of the crackling fire. Every once in a while they could hear another camper or children playing off in the distance but overall it was very quiet.

Bryan lost himself thinking about his mother while staring into the fire. He loved her and hated to see her like this: drinking herself into oblivion. It had bothered him that she was out of breath during their canoeing session earlier, and he vowed to help her start a training regimen when they got back home. He didn't consider her fat by any means. But she needed to lose a bit of weight for her benefit.

"Hey, young knight!" his mother called over to him. She was leaning way back in her chair smiling at him and holding out her cup to him. "It's time to perform your duty, good sir."

Bryan popped up and smiled. "Of course, fair lady," he said, taking her cup and heading back over to the picnic table and cooler. He decided to make this the strongest one yet.

He hadn't been paying close attention to how much alcohol he'd been putting in her drinks. He knew it had been a lot, at least double of what his father usually made for her. He brought the fresh concoction over to her, hoping this one would do the trick and knock her out. "Here we are, fair lady," he said, remaining in character.

"Such a lovely young lord, thine are," she said. Her eyes were glassy. It was starting to get chilly out and Bryan's eyes nearly popped out of his head as he realized for the first time that night that his mother wasn't wearing a bra. Her large nipples were poking out against her shirt. He glanced away quickly and retreated to his seat by the fire and back to the games on his phone.

Bryan was almost to the next level in his game when his mother's chair fell sideways, with her in it! He rushed over to his mother. She was laughing hysterically. She still had her cup in her hand. It was empty. "I can't... shit... baby... I think you bether... bet her..." she slurred as she giggled.

"I think I better help you to your tent," Bryan said.

"Yesh!" Michelle slurred between fits of laughter.

Bryan took his mother's hand and pulled her up to her feet. She stumbled into him, nearly knocking them both into the fire. It took all of his strength to keep them both on their feet. He was supporting nearly all of her weight.

"Come on... we're almost there," he said helping her across the clearing to her tent. He had his arms around her. She shifted against him, stumbling over a rock, and in his effort to keep her up, he grabbed one of her large breasts. Her thick nipple was poking hard against his hand. He involuntary squeezed her boob.

His mother sighed and mumbled something into his shoulder. He was devastatingly embarrassed, and to his horror, a little turned on. His cock twitched in his pants. "Shit!" he said too loudly, hurrying his mother along.

"Whatsit... whatsit, baby," she slurred incoherently against his shoulder, as they neared the tent. She never called him baby. In her drunken stupor, she must be thinking that he was his father. Then she grasped his hand in hers holding it firmly against her breast. "I know... I know what you need."

Bryan only knew that he needed to get her inside the tent so she could sleep it off. They finally reached the front of the tent and Bryan, somehow, managed to get her safely inside. She sprawled out on her sleeping bag and was snoring in seconds.

"Shit," Bryan said aloud as he walked back over to the fire. "That was crazy."

He thought he heard thunder off in the distance. He knew it was going to rain, but thought they still had a pretty safe spot. He took one last walk around the campsite, making sure everything was secure and safe, and then he went into his tent. It was a nice summer evening, so he stripped down to his shorts and put his phone into his bag, and turned off his flashlight. As he lay in his sleeping bag thinking about Judy Summers from biology class he began to get hard. She wasn't really his type, or to put it into proper perspective, he probably wasn't her type.

Judy was very popular and was the head cheerleader. She had long flowing blonde hair, ice-blue eyes, and a creamy complexion. She stood about 5 feet 7 inches tall and had enormous boobs and the cutest smile he had ever seen. The more he thought about her in her cheerleading outfit the harder he got. Soon he was reaching into his shorts and started to stroke himself. Oh, how he had dreamed of Judy and what he would do to her if he had the nerve to ask her out. He imagined them making out in the front seat of the family Tahoe, and then crawling to the backseat, where he unbuttoned her blouse, revealing her amazing, round, young, firm tits. As he thought about molesting Judy's tits, they suddenly morphed into his mother's bigger, heavier ones. "Shit," he said quietly, but he never stopped stroking his cock. Those were the only tits he had ever touched and he had to admit that they were wonderfully heavy and full. He tried to imagine what that hard, amazing nipple looked like. It had felt impossibly long and thick against the palm of his hand.

Just then a raindrop splattered on his forehead. "What the...?" Another raindrop hit his forehead and then another one, and another and another. He rolled out of the way, grabbed his flashlight, and pointed it at the roof of his tent. There was a big Grand Canyon-sized rip, running halfway down the seam that he hadn't noticed earlier.

"Damn it," he yelled. Before he had a chance to figure out his next step, the deluge started. Sheets of rain came down and his tent rapidly filled with water. His sleeping bag was soaked within seconds. Bryan quickly grabbed the essentials and sprinted over to his mother's tent. He fumbled with the zipper and flap but managed to make it inside. It was nice and warm and dry in here. His shorts were soaked and he peeled them off, threw them outside, and toweled himself dry.

His mother was still passed out but had rolled onto her back. He turned on his flashlight and looked around for her bag of clothes. He needed something to wear but, she must have stashed it back in the Tahoe. All he had were the t-shirts in his bag.

"Fuck," he muttered. "Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!"

The tent was big enough to accommodate them both though, and his mother was sprawled out on a blanket. Her sleeping bag was unzipped on her sleeping mat off to her side, and one of her pillows was there. She always slept with two pillows. In addition, his mother always brought a sheet for those nights it was very warm. Bryan figured that he could spread out the sleeping bag and pull out the sheet and they could just snuggle up together. Bryan would then explain things to his mother in the morning.

At some point in time after bringing her to the tent, his mother must have made herself more comfortable as she was still in her long nightshirt but had discarded her sweatpants. Bryan lay on his back and despite the calamity of the weather, he fell asleep a short while later to the hypnotic sound of the rain, while dreaming of Judy Summers.

Sometime in the early morning, Bryan awoke from an amazing dream, featuring Judy, of course. He didn't know where he was at first. Everything was pitch-black and someone was snuggled up against him. It was his mother. Her warm full-figured body was snuggled against his in her sleep. He still had a raging hard-on from his dream with Judy and then he realized something was off.

During the night his mother must have gotten hot as she was now naked. Her extremely large and heavy breasts were pressed against his arm and chest, and her leg was snaked over his. She had one hand on his lower stomach, dangerously close to touching the tip of his throbbing cock and her head was resting on his shoulder.

He had to admit that it felt amazing to be cuddled up against a real naked woman. It was just too bad that it was his mother. Bryan had to think. He had to disengage himself from her without waking her. How could he ever explain why he was snuggled against her, naked in her tent in the middle of the night? "Fuck," he muttered as he slowly pulled away, trying to disentangle from her. As he did so, her hand slid down his stomach and touched his cock. He stopped breathing and froze.

Her breathing hadn't changed. She was still asleep, he thought. Then she did something astounding and truly terrible. She moved her hand down further and firmly grabbed his cock. "Where... you... where r... you going, baby," she whispered, as she started to stroke his cock. "So hard for me... mmmm... country air good... doing you good, Hunny."

Bryan was paralyzed with fear and horror. He couldn't move and he couldn't talk. He could barely breathe. His mother thought she was stroking his father. They had similar builds and she had to still be drunk with as much alcohol as she had consumed just hours ago. Then, thankfully, she pulled away from him. Bryan started to sit up so he could run to the Tahoe, but before he could move, he felt her hot breath on his cock. She had maneuvered around so that her head was in his lap.


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