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A Mysterious Ring Ch. 01

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Jake finds a rings he uses at his birthday party.
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Disclaimer: This is my first story, and English is not my native language, so please be indulgent. I welcome all constructive criticism.

Jake was in his senior year of high school. He could not wait to go to college. One more year and he would be free to start anew. He planned to be a better person there. Here, he was this shy weirdo that no one really noticed. He had some friends, sure. He hung out with Murph and Nick since his freshman year, but last year, Nick got a girlfriend (which Jake didn't really understand; sure, he was probably more attractive and charismatic, but he was also a weirdo, how the hell did he get a girlfriend?!) and from that point, their groups merged and things weren't the same anymore.

First, there were more girls. Zoe, the girlfriend, was often in the same class as Claire, Valentina and Esther. Juan was a friend of Valentina that repeated his junior year and while they weren't in class together they still hung out a lot, so he was sort of in the group. Nick had some classes with Zoe, that's how they met.

Second, there were way more parties. Jake didn't really like them. He didn't drink and his shyness often left him feeling like a spectator at parties, which he found uncomfortable. That was one of the things he would change once he'll get to college.

Third, and lastly, his friends were way more driven by the girls than by their friendship. Less videogame afternoon or rpg campaigns, and more wandering in the mall and, well, parties. Jake liked the girls too. Well, maybe not Esther... He liked her a little, arguably. She had the biggest boobs of the girls, but was also somewhat short and chubby. She had her charm, a great smile, and was very funny, but she compared poorly with the others. Claire was a blonde with with dark streaks at the top of the head, with a slim body and big boobs, a perfect face, and a smile that made you melt. She felt both very gentle and seductive in her ways. Valentina was also hot, but differently. Her body wasn't as spectacular but she had that latina vibe. She had (sexy) glasses and seemed more serious than her friend. More studious maybe. She was taller, though, and this latina vibe. Damn.

But the real deal was Zoe. Because Zoe was hot. She was probably the hottest of the four. Also, perfect face, perfect boobs, perfect ass. Not too big, nor too little. She was a brunette with salient traits and a very seductive eyes and smile. But not only was she hot, she was also very popular. She was very sociable and talked (and loudly) with many different people. She was fun and kind, everyone really loved her. How the hell did Nick get to date her, again? Damn.

Well, anyways, Jake liked the girls but never really succeeded to go further than basic "friendship". They weren't really his friends, but school companions he got along with well enough to spend his recess and lunch time with. He used to be more closer to the guys but, well, when you don't see each other that much, you can't really develop your friendships, right? The truth is he almost felt he didn't just make the social transition and felt both his habits and fantasies resided more in his head than in the reality.

Around the second month of the year, something strange happened. He was in the library searching books for some middle age fighting details to write a future campaign when he found a ring hidden of one of the books. The pages were precisely cut, creating just enough space to hide it, much like in the movies. The book was nothing particular, just black and plain among other black and plain books. Old technical books weren't really known for their cover art and their vibrant colors. The ring was in silver, with some beautiful ornaments on it. Some strange characters and symbols, that were carved with great details while being subtle. Whoever hid this ring here though no one would ever open this book. He hid it in his fist, in his pocket and quickly left the library.

It must have some value, thought Jake. And it would go nicely with my clothes for this weekend.

This weekend was his birthday party. Yet another party. But he liked that one. He was the center of the attention, kinda. People tend to quickly forget about the birthday to focus about the party, but still. And he could pick on some girls dancing, which I clearly liked too. He had some explicit thoughts lately about Zoe and adding some real life pictures to his mind won't hurt his imagination. God, what he would give to have a lap dance, or, dare he think, a striptease.

Lost in his thought, he arrived home early and took care of himself. Still two more days before more fuel.

* * *

Saturday arrived quite quickly. Jake's mom drove him at Claire's house, where the party took place. Claire's parents lived in the country (so no neighbor to annoy them with the volume of the music) and they were quite tolerant about alcohol. Or completely oblivious. Their estate was so big that the group could party in an outbuilding far away from them. Their philosophy was to let the young enjoy their youths. Or whatever. That was quite convenient when the youngs wanted to party.

Jake took his sleeping bag from the trunk of the car, kissed his mother goodbye and went to join his friends in the yard where they were chatting over the beginning of a barbecue.

He couldn't help but notice the very revealing clothes his favorite girls were wearing. Zoe wore jeans and a white tank top with a big cleavage. You could see her bra on the side of her top, pushing her boobs right where you wanted them to be. The jeans were perfectly fit to her ass and legs. Claire wore a shirt slightly too tight which emphasized greatly her chest. Jake loved women in shirts. The two girls were chatting together alongside Juan and Nick. The others sit on the grass, much closer from where Jake came from.

"Nice ring, birthday boy," said Valentina, eyeing the jewel.

"Thanks. It's new, I got it last week ... for my birthday."

"It's nice!"

He noticed she was looking at the ring with much insistence. His other friends were in their conversation as he was a little far from them. Jake wished this ring would finally make his make out plan come true. If one of the girls thought it was a great fit, maybe he would also appear handsome to Claire (or Zoe, but Nick ...). His wishful thinking was stopped by Murph greeted him and like that he joined and carried on the conversation.

The evening went great. The first part was quite uneventful. A simple dinner around the embers, some chatting and laughing. They started to drink some light beers that Esther brought. She had some acquaintances who supplied her with alcohol.

Then came the gifts. The boys went for a joke-y t-shirt and some add-on role playing book. Esther and Valentina bought some books and Zoe gave him a somewhat expensive bottle of whisky (her parents had quite the money, and she was probably planning to try some later that night).

When Claire came with her present, she seemed embarrassed. She also looked insistently to the ring. For a moment, Jake really thought the ring had some effect on the girls but when he opened the present he discovered ... another ring! She mumbled an apology about it not being his style (or at least of a different style of the one he was wearing), that she should have been more original. Jake didn't really understood her stance : a guy could wore multiple rings could he not? Maybe it's about which finger, or whatever? But then she got closer to him and whispered near his ear : "I'll make it up to you tonight. I have a another big surprise". Her tone became instantaneously more confident and seductive, which made Jake really curious (and hard; she never got so close to him before).

Jake waited a few hours before his other surprise arrived. Everyone was started to feel the effect of the beers and the bodies were dancing mindlessly on the music. Jake too. It wasn't his habit but the alcohol plus the anticipation made him more extraverted this night.

Then, the music stopped.

"Hey guys," shouted Claire. "This night is Jake's night and the girls and I thought to give you an extra special gift. We were fighting over who among us would give the best lap dance and only a man's answer would give a definite end to this debate."

"Don't you think?" she said, getting seductively closer to him and putting her arms between his neck.

The crowd was shouting in agreement. The boys raised their glasses and the girls jumped in place.

What the hell was happening?

It was a thing that Claire proposed this, she was acting sexy weird all night but every girl? Even Zoe? And Nick was here, a drink in hand ... celebrating this? This has to be something to do with the ring, how was it possible otherwise? Even Claire who was particularly proactive tonight never really looked at him like that before. They never really spend quality time together, not only the two of them at least. She was nice, and they talked together from time to time but it was never more than cordial. Maybe he just missed the signs? That was too big to believe. If she was just flirting with him, maybe, but a lapdance? With every girl?

Not that he complained, it was like his dream come true. Actually, it was. Literally. He thought about a similar scenario in a sexy daydream the day before. Every girl dancing with him, and he was the king of the night. They were craving to touch him and kiss him and lick him and ...

Claire, still her arms behind his neck, starting to get her hips moving. She maintained eye contact with Jake who was beyond excited and very scared too. He was freezing. He wasn't prepared to that. He let her do her thing while enjoying it very much.

He had a great view over her cleavage, especially since she pressed her chest against him. Then she turn around and started moving her butt against him. She went down and up, up until her ass met with his crotch, enjoying the contact over the clothes for a few seconds. She continued moving with the music, letting him enjoy these new sensations. And with her last ascension, she put back her arms behind his neck while dancing. This made her boobs even bigger and Jake had to force himself not to grope them. Instead, he went on the hips and she smiled. She turned again, to face him, kissed him on the cheek and said : "How was it? Who's next?".

Then it was Esther's turn. She was shyer than Claire but pulled off a pretty good job nonetheless. She was smaller, too. The smaller of the group and her ass never succeeded to apply the same pressure on his dick than Claire's. He was disappointed but felt he started with one of the best so the comparison was harsh on Esther. He tried to mask this as a kindness to his friend who was really doing her best to make him aroused.

After Esther went Valentina. She was way taller than the other two so she had the most range to play with. Her technique was astonishing. She pressed her back against him and he could feel his body from his thighs to his chest. She also had the smaller boobs so the view wasn't as great but her enthusiasm made up for it. It was a great performance and Jake had never been as hard in his life.

But then, the final part of the show, his ultimate fantasy : Zoe. She completely stole it from everyone else. She went very aggressively on him, her beautiful ass moving against his dick. Like the girls before her, she went up and down but stayed on his dick for so long he thought he would cum. It was almost as if she stroke him with her ass. Like Valentina, she pressed her back against him, and like Claire, her hands behind his neck but then she took his hands and put them on her side boobs. Jake went with it and carressed her down to her hips, up against to her boobs, skimming her bra. He would have wanted more for sure but was still uncomfortable that her boyfriend was watching them. He was enjoying the show, as if it was something spicy on TV, but still, it was weird. Zoe moaned a little, played with her hair, give slower movements and went back to the crowd. The mood was ecstatic.

"So, birthday boy, who was the best lap dancer?" Valentina asked with a smirk.

His preference went to his crush, Zoe, but he was still uncomfortable recognizing that. Claire was giving him a wink while Esther blushed a little looking on the floor. She was probably the least good and she probably knew that. But he liked her performance too. It was already incredible that all four of them were willing to do that for him. Maybe his ring was the reason, no matter how, but it was incredible nonetheless.

"I liked everyone of you!" answered a somewhat honest Jake. "But my vote has to go to ... drumroll" (the guys were stamping their feet in unison) "Claire! She won by a small margin with her enthusiasm and her technique."

"Yes!" she cheered.

She rushed to Jake hugging him and kissing him on the cheek.

"Come, Jake, I have a last thank you present for you," she whispered.

"Thanks everyone," concluded Jake while being taken away from the main room by Claire.

Murph was giving him a thumbs up, and Nick was smiling with his cup full. Claire dragged to the small room that served as a kitchen. She made him enter then locked the door.

"What are you doing?"

"Relax, Jake, and enjoy your present," she smiled.

She was so confident, and so hot. She lowered her eyes and saw the hard-on that was going on for the last twenty, thirty minutes and smiled back at him again. She got closer and kiss him passionately. Jake never kissed a girl, let alone a girl that hot. She put a hand in his hair, the other on his back under his arm.

Jake was dreaming. He was tasting Claire's tongue. He still did not believe what was happening to him. The passion was started to made him feel audacious (and less frozen) and he started groping her ass. She responded with a slight moan then licked his lips. And kissed him back again. He wanted to feel her breasts but she started moving towards a chair and pushed him back on it.

"You'll see I'm not only good at lap dancing," she teased.

She took an elastic band from her pocket and tied back her hair. She went on her knees and started to caress Jake's tights. She slowly went up, and up until she was over his dick. Oh, Jake felt his breath accelerating. She undid his zipper and took his member out of his jeans. She started stroking it with slight intensity, sniffing it and smiling. She took a lick, from bottom to top with the flat of the tongue. It made Jake itch on his spot. As she began to accelerate, Jake took her head with both hands and moved it to the top of his dick. She opened her mouth and started to blow him properly. Jake felt even more passion when he touched her head. She started moaning and blushing even more.

He let her go and watched his hands. His hand with the ring, more specifically. What are you? he thought. Can you control them? Can you suggest them stuff? Do you ... force them? While the idea made him harder, it disgusted him a little. He wanted her to want this, he wanted her to need this. Sure, he fantasized about control and domination, but ... was it raping if they were mind controled?

"You sure you're okay with that?" he asked, as if reality came back to bite him.

She slowly stopped her (very exciting) motion and looked at him.

"Obviously, Jake. I was the one who pushed for it. I had to make amends for my crappy gift, and since you judged me as the best lap dancer, I had to prove myself worthy of that praise."

"You sure it's not the alcohol talking, or ... something else? Do you feel strange?"

"I feel fine and in perfect control of myself. This is what I want, so enjoy yourself, okay?"

"Oh, I am!"

She went back to his shaft and used her tongue magnifically. He felt the hotness of her breath and the wetness of her tongue from top to bottom. But he wanted more. He wanted to try to test the limits of the ring. He got it close to his mouth and focused. Please, make this work.

"Hey Claire. What you're doing is awesome, really, it's like the best night of my life. But I would like to try again these lap dance skills of yours? If you could, maybe, I don't know ... strip while doing this? It would be the greatest gift ever!"

She stopped and observed him. She waited for a few seconds in silence. Was I wrong? he thought. Did I push my luck too far? Maybe it wasn't the ring...

But she obliged with a smile and lust in her eyes. She stood up and seductively started to dance. She was moving her hips left to right, right to left, in slow circles while moving graciously her arms. She started to unbutton her shirt. Jake could see her red bra beneath. As she completely removed her shirt, he could see her perfect chest. It was big enough to bounce from her dancing while being small enough to be perky and perfectly shaped. Well the bra helped, but it seemed like the perfect size.

Claire started to unbutton her jeans and slowly removed it with her shoes. This time, it wasn't as gracious but seeing her almost naked top, the forbidden view of her boobs, leaned forward, was all Jake could focus on anyway. While in her underwear, she sat down on him, her panties touching his hard cock. She was rubbing his cock against the fabric. Their faces were so close they could feel the warmth of their breaths. They stared into each other's eyes with lust. Jake's breath was getting louder and louder. Claire turned around. She still rubbed her against him but now he could feel her whole back on him. He quickly removed his top to let her skin touch his. He groped her boobs and she leaned her head backwards to kiss him passionately. This position was too much for him. This was so exciting. One the most beautiful girls in the school was kissing him while he groped her. He felt the rush coming.

Then he stopped her.

"Would you mind ... finishing with your boobs?"

She went back on her knees right between his legs. She unhooked her bra and let those beautiful breasts out. She spat on his dick and put her hands from both sides of her assets letting let capture his member. She started stroking it with her boobs. Slowly at first, to let the time to build up tension again and progressively faster and faster. She started to moan and licked the top of his dick whenever she could.

"Oh yeah, baby, cum for me. Cum for me, Jake."

As soon as she said that, Jake started to contract every muscle on his body and unloaded an unholy quantity of sperm on her face and chest. She released his cock and started to take some cum with her fingers. She seductively sucked her soaked fingers and licked her lips.

Jake was drained. He zoned out for a minute. When he came back to his senses, Claire was dressed.

"Don't stay half naked for too long, someone might enter."

And she left.

The rest of the night was weird. It was like nothing happened. Or, more accurately, like nothing important happened. Like it was a random casual party. Everyone danced and enjoy the rest of the evening. Claire was dancing like she always had and never mentioned again what happened in the kitchen. Jake wasn't gonna force her, even though he wasn't sure what it meant to their relationship. It felt more like a gift than a declaration of love, let it stay that way.

Murph drank too much and ended up in the toilets but no other accidents apart from that. When 3 am came, the most tired of the group (not Jake nor Claire, ironically) started to leave to dance floor to join their sleeping bags in the makeshift bedroom next door. Little by little, the music stopped and everyone went to bed.

But Jake did not sleep right away. He was lost in his thoughts. The ring had to do something with what happened. The coincidence seemed too significant. He even dreamt of a sexy party, with lap dancing earlier. But why did it seemed to focus mainly on Claire? Was it truly about her own gift disappointment? Is the ring related to negative feelings? Or is it just that she is more present in his fantasies than others? Why not Zoe then? Maybe everyone was touched. Maybe that's why the guys didn't seemed to be bothered about the lap dance competition.


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