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A New Job

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Finding a job in can be hard in this current job market.
9.9k words

Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/14/2023
Created 03/14/2023
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PART 1: The Interview

Nick sat in the waiting room for the tech company that he applied for a week ago. It's been almost a year since he graduated from college with a degree in computer science, unfortunately he hadn't been able to get a single job. This company wasn't high on Nick's list, but he needed some kind of income. His parents were starting to get on his case about not having any job yet. They understood that Nick was trying, but they were just getting a little annoyed having to pay his bills.

"You can go in." the secretary warmly said to Nick as he sat there tapping his foot.

Nick sat up and walked into the office and was greeted by a woman sitting at her desk.

"Hello, you must be Nick." the woman said barely looking up from her computer, "I'm Sandra, I'll be doing a quick interview with you." Sandra stood up to shake Nick's hand and quickly sat right back down. The quick second she was standing Nick notice how tall she was. Sure, he was only 5'4 so most people towered over him, but she was easily 6'3 and outweighed him by at least 125 lbs. Not only was she much, much larger than him, she was incredibly beautiful. Nick's jaw almost hit the floor as he walked in the door and laid eyes on her. She wasn't like "a girl next door" kind of beautiful either, she was smoking hot. She had long brunette hair with a little curl at the bottom and rested perfectly on her shoulders. Sandra also had the most stunning pair of hazel eyes that were enhanced by her glasses that were resting in the tip of her nose. And her lips were so luscious and looks so sexy with their natural colored lipstick. But the part that grabbed Nick's attention the most was he massive tits. Sandra's tits were basically popping out of her suit jacket, her cleavage was so deep and seemed to be inviting Nick to jump right in.

"So Nick, on your resume it says that you graduated with a computer science degree about a year ago. So what have you been up to since then?"

"Um... Well," Nick stammered and tried to think of an answer that didn't sound like he was pathetic and couldn't get a job "well, I've been applying to a lot of jobs and doing some internships and volunteer work."

The next few minutes felt like an eternity, Sandra would ask a question and Nick would stumble his way into an answer and look for any sign of approval from his interviewer. She however not only didn't give him any approval, she didn't seem interested in the entire process. Sandra would barely give Nick and eye contact and she was constantly typing on her computer, and seemed to be giving more effort towards whatever work she was doing on her computer.

"Well... I think my biggest stre-"

"Sorry, but I'm gonna cut you off right there." Sandra said interrupting a nervous Nick. "You see, this job that you applied for has basically already been filled. The person who I interviewed right before you had a perfect resume and I would've been stupid not to give him the job."

Nick looked crushed, yet another job that he didn't get and he was going to have to go back to the drawing board.

"I went along with the interview because you were already here and I didn't want to be rude" She said in a consoling tone "You seem very nice and capable of this job, but it just isn't the right time"

Nick stood up from his chair and shook her hand, "Well thank you for your time, have a good rest of you day" he turned to walk to the door

"Wait" Nick stopped in his tracks and turned to the massive woman who was now standing out from behind her desk. Her legs looked so sexy in her heels and her work skirt. Not only that but her ass was magnificent, it went perfectly with her huge tits. Even facing him, Nick could tell that her ass was massive. "Maybe there is a way for you to work here after all."

Nick started to walk back towards her "Whatever it is I'll do it! I'll clean the bathrooms, I'll take out the trash, I'll get your mail! Anything, I mean it, I'll do anything! I just need a job!" If Nick had been on his hands and knees he wouldn't have looked anymore desperate than he just did.

"Whoa, whoa, slow down there kids," Sandra said while holding out her hands to try and calm him down. " You're job won't be any of that manual labor"

Nick took a deep breath then a bit of a sigh of relief, he was a bit of a feminine guy and was never good at manual labor. He was very weak and couldn't even lift his own weight if he tried.

"Now listen," Sandra continued " you will be my 'personal assistant', ok?"

"Whatever you need me to do I'll do it" Nick blurted out, he was so excited to actually get a job "Thank you so much ma'am!"

"Ok, ok, I need to make sure you can provide what I need you to do" Sandra started to take her skirt off.

Nick got incredibly red very fast and was so confused. He thought "Am I going to have to please her? I've never been with a woman and my penis is so small that it wouldn't be able to make please a woman like her."

As her skirt was getting lower and lower, Nick started to get more and more nervous and scared about how she would react to the sight of his tiny little dick.

Then her skirt hit the ground and what Nick saw hurt his brain trying to understand what was going on. Between her beautiful legs was the biggest, meatiest, juiciest cock he had ever seen his entire life. Out of all the porn and images Nick had seen on the internet, the cock right in front of him dwarfed all the dicks he had ever witnessed. The cock wasn't even hard yet and was already longer and thicker than his forearm. Nick's eyes couldn't look away for the massive horse-sized cock in front of him. The bitch-breaker was already leaking pre-cum profusely and a little pool had began to form at her feet.

"No way! I don't suck cock!" Nick exclaimed while walking backwards "What's wrong with you! I'm not gay, I would never suck cock!"

"Listen, you need a job and I need someone to help me." As she spoke Nick was still slowly making his way to the door. "You said it yourself that you haven't had a single job since graduating a year ago. So here's the deal, you could come over here and suck my cock and make some money."

"What my other option?" Nick asked meekly, scared of what she could do to him against his will.

Ms. Sandra sighed "Or, you could walk out the door and forget this ever happened. I was never gonna force myself on to you." Nick had a sigh of relief as he put his hand on the door handle. "But if you open that door the deals off the table, you can't come back at any point and ask for it."

Nick stood still for a few seconds with his hand on the handle and thought about everything. About how disappointed his parents are going to be if they find out he lost another job. About how finally making money would feel.

Nick turned around and walked towards the gorgeous woman, "I'll take the job."

"Whoa, whoa, hold your horse" she said while holding out her hands. "Unfortunately you didn't have anything cock-sucking accomplishments on your resume. So you have to show me that you can perform and are capable of this position."

Nick was starting to get nervous, he had never been with a futa before. He didn't know if he could even please her cock or if he would just embarrass himself. He took a deep breath and sighed, "Ok, I'll do it" and he got on his knees in front of the goddess before him.

"That's a good boy" she cooed "You made the right choice. Don't worry, I'll treat you right and pay you a good wage."

Nick sat on his knees and contemplated what he was doing while looking at the long piece of hanging meat infront of him. He was now face to "face" with the monster cock and could feel the powerful heat coming off of her dick. The musk permeating from her bitch-breaker and the pre-cum was so alluring it was making Nick rethink his entire sexuality. Sandra flexed her cock causing a string of pre-cum to fly up and land right on his lips. He accidentally got some on his tongue had the tastes was so salty, yet not like anything he had ever tasted before. His body then reacted instinctively before his mind could catch up, and he latched on to the tip of the cock and wrapped his lips around and he started to try and suck out more of that delicious cum.

"I knew you were just a little slut" Sandra said while smirking. "Go on baby, show me you want this job and make me cum"

She place her hand on his head as he began to bob up and down on her massive cock. It was so big and taste of pre-cum flooded his tastebuds and his mind and made him try harder. Nick wasn't able to get her massive dick that far down his throat without hitting a wall. He then took the dick out of his mouth and moved to right next to her giant ball and began to lick her cock from the base to the head and back down. He proceeded to give every single inch of her cock a tongue bath.

Ms. Sandra then grabbed his hair " Alright, enough teasing you whore." She then took her cock and proceeded to impale him with it. She managed to get her massive cock about halfway down before he started to gag and tears rolled down his face.

Nick fought against her by pushing against her thighs and trying his best to catch a breath. She reluctantly let him off of her pole, but she still had her hand on his head.

"Hey slut!" Sandra expressed while looking down at a man with tears running down his cheeks, "Use some spit, promise me, it'll help."

Nick then took the cock completely out of his mouth, yet was still connected to her meaty pole by many thick strings of saliva. He spit all over the head of the dick and used his hands to rub the saliva over the entire cock.

He went back to work using both of his hands and swirling his tongue around the tip of her cock as he bobbed up and down on her meat pole. Nick looked up at who he hoped to be his new boss and saw her take her tit out of her suit and began to pinch and squeeze her nipple while she moaned in ecstasy. He was able to get further down on his own than before and for some reason was kind of proud of himself. He was going faster and faster and he could feel her getting harder and pulsating in his mouth. Nick was working so hard for a chance to taste some of her cum.

"You're doing fine right now, babe,"Ms. Sandra said while grabbing his hair again. "But I really need to fucking cum!" She proceeded to force his face down on her massive girth and right back up. Before he could even comprehend what was happening to him, Sandra shoved his face right back down. She moved her hands to the back of his head and fucked his face for the next few minutes. The sound of gagging flooded the room, Nick was pleading to slow down and stop (Unfortunately Sandra doesn't speak gargling.) The wet sound of his mouth traveling up and down her long shaft again and again would be engrained in his memory for a very long time. Feeling her girthy pole filling his mouth and invading his throat was such a unique feeling that Nick couldn't compare to any other experience.

"A little bit longer baby!" Sandra exclaimed while pistoning in and out of the person she was supposedly interviewing. "I'M CUMMING!!" She screamed while throwing her head back and releasing deep in his throat. After a few minutes of cumming directly into his stomach, Sandra pulled her cock out a little to allow some of the cum to land in his mout to allow him a taste. Her cock however came all the way out and got on his face. Almost unfazed, Nick quickly swallowed every drop of cum in his mouth and immediately used his finger to perfectly clean his face of all of the spunk.

Ms. Sandra grabbed her cock about 3 or 4 inches away from the base where it changed from spit-soaked to relatively dry. "Not bad for a first time, you'll make a great cock-sucker. And you'll be and even better futa cumdump." She was impressed by how quickly he swallowed all of her load and how much he seemed to enjoy it.

"Now, there are a few things we need to go over before you start." Ms. Sandra sat back in her chair. "I should tell you that... well, technically the job I offered doesn't exist at this company."

"What the hell?!" Nick jumped up and was visibly upset. "So you made me suck your cock for nothing! I can't fucking believe this!"

"First off, don't you dare act like you didn't have the time of your life sucking this sissy-maker and swallowing all of my delicious baby batter!" Sandra snapped back causing Nick to slink down in his chair and get really quiet. "Secondly, don't worry, I'm still going to pay you. This company doesn't have this kind of position, so I'll be the one paying you straight from my paycheck and you'll technically be my employee."

Nick had a bit of mixed feelings towards the job offer. On one hand, he couldn't believe it, he just got his first job. Sure, it wasn't what he dreamed of as a kid, but what are you gonna do. He couldn't wait to tell his parents that he actually got a job (obviously he was going to leave out the details about what he had to do to get it and what the job entails). On the other hand, he was ashamed of himself for essentially becoming a prostitute.

"What made you pick me for this job? Am I the first person you've offered it to?" Nick questioned as he say back thought about the situation a little more.

While putting her glasses back on and typing on her computer, Sandra told him "You look like you would make a perfect cock-sucking sissy slut. You're short stature and nice thick hips and plump ass." Nick felt his hips and ass and began to blush a bit. "Not to mention you're absolutely adorable face and kissable lips."

Nick was a little confused, he didn't know if he should've offended by being called a "sissy", but he liked the feeling of being found attractive by someone like Ms. Sandra. Nick tried to hide a smile creeping up on his face and his cheeks became bright red "Th- Thanks, I guess."

"Like I said your job title doesn't exist in this company, so no one in this building can know you are here. When you are here you will be under my desk and you will be tasked with sucking my cock every second of every work day. But if someone comes in to my office, you must be extremely quiet, because if anyone finds you I'll get fired and you'll also lose your job in the process. That does not mean you wil stop sucking my cock even for a second, just be quieter. And also, in order to get into the building without getting caught, we'll need to get here really early and get inside before anyone else gets here. We'll also need to stay late and be the last to leave."

Nick sat in his chair and was trying to take in all of the information that was just thrown at him. All of the sudden his mouth began to water and he started sweating. He was tapping his foot up and down and got this weird feeling in his stomach. It felt like a desire or a craving for something badly, but he didn't know what it was.

"You're already addicted." Sandra calmly stated while looking up from her computer and taking her glasses back off. "This fast, but I guess you did have a lot of it for a first timer."

Nick began to panic, "What do you mean addicted? Addicted to what exactly?"

"Do you not know how futanari work?" she asked, Nick only responded with a blank face. "Ok then, some futa 101 can't hurt I guess. Whenever futa cum in ingested, the person who ingested it will eventually become addicted to it. The addiction will start at a different time depending on how much cum and the body weight of the individual. Also it depends on the person, some people have a abnormal high tolerance to futa cum for their size and vice versa. And if you didn't know any of that, I assume you don't know that when males get futa cum in their system it will start to shrink their penises and make them more submissive and obedient."

Nick jumped out of his chair, "What the-!" He immediately checked in his pants, he was never that big but it feel a bit smaller.

"You won't be able to notice any changes yet, so calm down." Ms. Sandra said while shaking her head. " Listen, you are now officially addicted to futa cum and you won't be satisfied until you get another load in you. If you want you can get under my desk right now and clock in for the first time."

"Wait, you just came, won't you need to rest before going again?" Nick asked puzzled while slowly walking around to the other side of the desk.

"You really do know nothing about futanari," she expressed almost amazed by how someone could know so little. "A futa can cum about 10 times before she even begans to even start to slow down. So don't worry you're going to be very busy while you're under this desk."

Nick shuffled over to her side of the desk and she backed up on her chair to give him room to fit under the desk. He got on all fours and crawled to what would be his new workspace and watch as his boss scooted forward blocking his only exit with her gorgeous legs.

"What are you waiting for?" Ms. Sandra kicked his leg softly, "Get to work!"

"Yes ma'am." Reaching for her girthy cock, Nick's mouth was drooling wanting another taste of his new addiction. He started by using his tongue to lather the entirety of her shaft in his saliva as best he could, while also savoring the taste of her glorious meaty pole. After a few minutes of licking all over her cock, Nick wrapped his lips around the tip and swirling his tongue around and gathered any pre-cum that leaked out. He was more or less making out with her cock and lightly moaning while slowly bobbing his head up and down on his boss's massive dick.

The musk coming off of Sandra was delicious. Her cock and pre-cum mixed with the smell of her perfume and lotion was intoxicating and Nick couldn't get enough of it. Every single thing about his boss was beautiful and perfect. From her gorgeous looks to her stunning body, her curvaceous figure and luscious lips, to the potent musk permeating from every pore on her magnificent body. The feel of her girthy member in his mouth and around his hands was nothing short of perfection, the way the veins and bumps felt around his lips as he bobbed back and forth was so subtle yet enhanced to experience so much. And the taste, the best part of the entire time under the desk was tasting this goddess of a woman. Cum from their last session was still present on her cock, but it improved a flavor that Nick didn't think could possibly get better.

Bobbing his head faster and deeper as the time progressed, he could feel her slowly growing in size and becoming more and more erect. This feeling excites the newly made cock-sucking slut, he was determined to reach the base of her cock before she came. Loosening his throat as he pushed himself harder and further down on the gigantic piece of meat. Going further down while also continuing to bob up and down was tiring, however he loved it so much and would gladly do it for the rest of his life if she asked him to right then and there.

He felt her hand on his head, "You're doing so good baby, you're so close just a little closer." Ms. Sandra encouraged him and he was so close to the base of the massive cock.

With one more final push, he reached the end of the magnificent juicy cock. With his face smooshed against her stomach, Sandra didn't have a 6-pack but it also wasn't a belly. Her stomach had the perfect amount of cushion and felt like his face was laying on warm pillow. Nick's chin was resting on her balls and her could feel them starting to work and pump more cum towards her cock. Taking her dick all the way to the base was incredibly satisfying and felt like his greatest achievement.

"Good job baby," Sandra was lightly patting his head, "But now I need to cum so you're not quite done yet babe."

Nick pulled his mouth off of the cock and used his strings of saliva to lube up the meat pole he had started to fall in love with. Wanting more of her addicting cum, he began to move his hands and mouth at a speed not even he thought possible. Sandra also seemed surprised as she bucked as her started going at this new high speed. She could only last about a minute before releasing all over and inside her new assistant.

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