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A New Life Pt. 03

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Jo gets fucked by more strangers but so does Bill.
18.1k words

Part 3 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 05/15/2019
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I was laid in bed still, Bill having gone to work, my fingers gently toying with my labia, thinking of what to get up to that day, when Bill called.

"I've got to go to Chicago tonight for a couple of days, to meet a potential new and important client, Jo, and I thought you'd like to come with me. I've booked us into one of the big hotels in the centre, with lots of windows you can expose yourself from. I got flights for us, though at short notice, the only one I could get is the very last flight tonight."

Wow, that sounded fun. I hadn't been to Chicago for several years, and the prospect of standing naked at the window, looking out at the twinkling lights of the skyscrapers was already getting me excited.

"That's brilliant, Bill. I'll pack for both of us, if you like."

I was going to have to rearrange my planned meeting with June, when I was hoping to persuade her to let Bill fuck her, but the prospect of a completely new audience to expose myself to was irresistible. I called June and put her off for a day, and by the time I had sorted out clothes for me and Bill to take in just a carry-on, I had a text from June, suggesting a meeting in town in three days' time, which fitted perfectly.

The flights certainly were late. It was approaching midnight when the taxi from O'Hare dropped us at the hotel, and when we walked into the room, the lights of downtown Chicago were sparkling through the floor to ceiling glass window of the bedroom. Although it was late, I just couldn't resist it.

"Come on, Bill, fuck me against the window," I said, throwing my clothes off, and pressing my naked tits, belly and pussy against the glass.

I had no idea how many people might have spotted me from the hundreds of windows within sight of our room, but the thought of lots of people watching me get fucked had turned me on in a big way. Who knew, someone might be laid in bed, then see me out of their own window, and jerk off looking at Bill ramming his cock up my cunt from behind.

The idea must of got to Bill as well, because first he stood next to me, showing off his stiff cock to whoever was watching, before pulling my ass cheeks apart, and sliding his dick up me so hard my tits were flattened against the glass, making a squeaking noise as my body was forced upwards.

"Just imagine all those people watching you Jo. Open your legs a bit more, so they can even watch my cock sliding in and out of your fucking hole, the men wishing they were me, and women dying to eat your cunt once I've come up you, darling."

Oh fuck, believe me, I was imagining alright. My cunt felt as if it was on fire, my belly full of his cock, and my tits squashed against the window, though my stiff nipples were still trying to push it away.

"Look, Jo! I can see movement at some of the windows. Wait! I think I can see the flash from binoculars or a telescope, and they must be able to see every inch of your tits and your stretched cunt, Jo."

I wasn't sure I could see what he said, but I wanted to believe it, and anyway, our out of control imaginations meant we couldn't last long. My fingers fought with Bill's for prime position on my clit, and Bill's cock was pumping in and out of me like crazy. I screamed against the glass as I came, and I felt Bill squirting his spunk deep in my vagina.

"Just stand with your legs open, Jo, and let them watch my sperm drip out of your hole," Bill whispered, after he'd pulled out of me, and moved his hands around to cup my breasts, released from their pressure against the window.

I waited while the thread of spunk grew longer, and eventually dropped on to the floor, christening the room with a little pool of white goo, just like the ones we kept leaving either side of our front door at home. Then we showered, and cuddled each other to sleep, leaving the blinds wide open.

When I woke in the morning, Bill had already left for his business meeting, but he must have ordered room service, because there was cereal, croissants and half a pot of coffee on the table in the lounge. Could I resist the lure of the window, though? Of course, I couldn't, and I ate my breakfast standing naked next to the glass, confident that some of the windows in the adjacent buildings must be offices, and there were bound to be people daydreaming and looking out.

As I imagined the bored workers wondering 'is that woman naked?', 'is she really caressing her tit?', or 'is that really her slit I can see?' I was wondering myself how to fill the whole day on my own. It was all very well exposing myself at the window, but I wanted to be closer to the people who saw me, so I could see the reaction on their faces as they saw bits of a strange woman that they definitely shouldn't be able to see.

My chance came sooner than I'd expected, when there was a knock on the door.

"Housekeeping," a woman's voice announced.

"Come in, come in," I replied, turning to face the door, to give the maid the full benefit of my naked body.

The woman was probably no more than in her early twenties, with the dark hair and skin of one of the many immigrants from countries south of the USA, and as she realised I was undressed, her face took on a look of surprise and horror.

"Oh! I'm so sorry. Sorry, I'll come back later," she mumbled, and turned to leave, but it seemed to me, not before she'd hesitated enough to get a good look at what I had on show.

"No, that's alright ..." I tried to say, but she had already closed the door.

Still, not too bad a start! I just loved the expressions on people's faces when they unexpectedly saw my tits and my pussy revealed in front of them. Perhaps a bit of shopping, first? There were bound to be some lovely shops, and a whole new set of sales assistants who wouldn't recognise me, and know what I was going to get up to.

Well, after I'd got dressed and taken a cab to one of the main shopping malls, I found that there certainly were plenty of shops with all the latest designer clothes, but they were so much bigger than at home. There were more changing rooms, but they all seemed to open only on to corridors off the sales floor, and most had solid doors. I did buy some nice things, but apart from flashing a tit or two at other women, it was frustratingly poor for my exhibitionist side.

When I went past a beauty salon, I remembered that it was about time my pussy got waxed again, and the thought of a strange woman playing with it set it tingling immediately. To my surprise, I managed to get a slot straightaway. Maybe with being such a windy city, it's also a hairy one as well?

It was a glorious feeling to get on the couch, pull everything up, and show my cunt to a woman old enough to be my mother.

"Are you sure you need waxing?" she asked, as she ran her fingers over my pubes, "it still feels pretty slick to me."

The way I'd started leaking as she touched me, it was going to feel a lot slicker if she wasn't careful.

"Yes, I just need it to be perfect. My husband's coming over with six of his buddies tonight, and it would be so embarrassing if one of them commented about my stubble when they fuck me," I replied, lying, but wishing I wasn't, and enjoying the scandalised look on her face.

In the end, she cleaned me up, and she did a top-class job of it, trimming my tight little bush, and leaving everything else smooth, without a lot of pain given how smooth I was to start with. I loved the touch of her hands as she pulled my pussy lips around, and rubbed around my asshole to check that she hadn't missed anything. I was tempted to ask her if she'd get me off. I mean, surely women who do this for living can't be immune to the attraction of another woman's vulva, can they? But she gave me a stern loom when she noticed how wet my slit had become, so I chickened out. Damn.

I had yet more frustration when I went back to the hotel and found that the room had been serviced, so I couldn't even catch that maid again. My cunt was itching and tingling as if it had been bitten all over by mosquitoes, and those big windows drew me back again. I undressed, and pressed myself against the glass, which was now warm with the sun shining on it.

I pulled myself open with one hand, and bent backwards, sliding the slippery flesh inside my gash over the heat of the window, making little squealing noises, and leaving a wet streak of my cum down the shiny surface of the glass. The other arm I waved backwards and forwards, close to the class, hoping to attract attention. Oh yes, I wanted all of those workers to spot me there, then look over as see my open cunt pressed against the window for their inspection.

When I thought I'd got as many watching me as I could, I moved my waving arm down and pulled a tit up to my mouth. I sucked hard on my nipple, then pressed back against the window, holding my breast in place. I moved my arm down further and started playing with my clit, using my fingers on it, then putting a finger on each side, rubbing the stiff, tingling nub against the hot glass. All the time, I tried to keep my lips wide open, so that anyone with good eyesight, and better still binoculars, could see up my open hole.

God, it was good: the heat from the glass against my flesh, almost too hot to bear, my nipple in my mouth, and my fingers in my cunt. I made it last as long as I could, holding myself on the edge, imagining the people in the offices taking bets with each other when I was going to come.

You'd have thought I'd have won had I been there, but you'd have been wrong. It took me totally by surprise when I came, and I banged my forehead against the glass as the intense feelings of ecstasy gripped my cunt, making me bend, my clit trying to escape the torture from the glass and my fingers,

Shit, felt my legs buckle, and I slid down the window, ending on my knees, my face against the top of a long streak of cum down the glass. It took me ages to recover enough to stand again. My first idea was to clean off the window, but then I thought how much more fun it would be for the hotel cleaner to work out how the dried-up mess got there.

However much I enjoyed coming like that, I hadn't completely got rid of my frustration, longing for a closer interaction, with more shock and surprise than when I flashed than the woman who waxed me. Still, I wasn't going to give up. I discovered that the room provided white towelling robes for use to get to the pool or spa, and matching slippers, so I took off my clothes, put on the robe and slippers, wrapped a towel over my arm, and set off to explore the hotel.

I mean, the robe just had a simple tie, so I could hardly be blamed if it came a bit loose, and bits of me popped into view, could I? Well, maybe I should have had a swimsuit underneath if I was going to the pool, but given it was on the ground floor, I thought I'd give that a miss. The good thing was that I found I could just wander along the corridor, and when I heard the elevator or a room door opening, I just had to walk towards it, and I managed a couple of good tit flashes, loving the shocked expression on the faces of the people who saw it.

However, it still wasn't quite doing it for me. I went back to the room for a pee, and then I saw a message from Bill, saying that he was going for an early dinner with the clients, so I should get myself something at the hotel. Shit, I was looking forward to getting fucked against the window again before a nice dinner with Bill in the smart restaurant at the hotel, but now it seemed I'd be on my own.

I did a bit more corridor flashing, and as I was walking towards a smart-looking couple, who were obviously going out to dinner, I dropped my towel. Somehow, in the flap of trying to pick it up without my tits falling out of the top of my robe, my belt came undone, and I managed to give them a view of my pussy as well.

"OH!" the woman gasped.

"I'm so sorry," I said, lying through my teeth, as I struggled to get myself covered again, one of my tits escaping again as I hid my pussy.

That was more like it, but I wanted more. Suddenly, I had an idea, and I don't know why I hadn't thought of it before. I went back to the room, called reception, and changed the restaurant reservation to the next night, hoping that as we were due to fly back home the next morning, Bill would have finished business and be able to join me.

Then I studied the room service menu, and called in an order. I'd been looking for a real, American carnivore's dinner for a change, and I wasn't in the mood to miss out. I ordered French Onion soup, then a beef fillet, medium-rare, with asparagus and fries, and a bottle of the best Californian Cabernet Sauvignon they had. With what I had in mind, I'd need a bit of courage from the alcohol, but maybe there'd be some left for Bill when he eventually came back.

I could barely contain myself while I waited the half-hour they said it would take, hoping that it was a guy who brought it, and one who wasn't gay. In fact, it took a bit longer before the knock came on the door, and the cry of "Room service!"

Yes! It was a man, and when I opened the door, he certainly didn't look gay. No, quite the opposite. I asked him to set everything up on the low table in front of the armchair. I'd stayed in the robe, of course, and made sure it was only tied loosely, so as I bent forward, my tits were visible, right down to my nipples.

Even better, I could see his eyes were on my breasts for as much time as he dared as he laid the table for me. I still had one trick to pull off, which I'd practised time after time while I was waiting. As I slipped in sideways to sit in the armchair close to the table, I 'accidentally' caught my robe between the arm of the chair and my hand I was using to stabilise myself.

It worked just as I'd hoped! As I moved further to position myself to sit down in the chair, my robe pulled right open.

"Oh no," I said, as I tried to look as if I'd had to sit down faster than I normally would have done, my legs apart, and my butt nearer the edge of the seat, so my cunt was fully exposed.

I was getting good at looking as if I was trying but failing to close the robe over, and when I looked up, I could see the guy's eyes drinking in the full glory of my twat. I eventually got it done, but when he handed me the check to sign, I managed to get one tit to pop out again. I didn't bother to put it back, but just looked up and smiled at the guy.

"I'll call when I've done, and you can collect your tip then. Maybe something a bit better than a few dollars. Yeah?"

I could see from the way he ran his tongue over his lips before he replied, that he hadn't missed the implication of what I had said.

"Yes, ma'am, I'd like that. But first, please enjoy your dinner."

Believe me, I did. The food was great, the wine wonderful, and the fingers of one hand in my cunt while I ate and contemplated how I'd play the guy's return were divine. Actually, the wine was so good that I drank it all, and the empty bottle gave me a wicked new idea.

I was slightly worried what Bill would think if he came back and caught me in the middle of the plan, but what the hell? He'd left me on my own, hadn't he? I called down to room service, asking for the same guy, saying I'd forgotten his tip, then I got ready. I opened the room door, and left it hooked open on the bar that will let you open the door just a little bit, then I went back to the chair, and completed my preparation.

It was considerably harder than I had imagined, and I confess I couldn't stop myself coming accidentally, as I worked at getting myself ready. In the end, though, I managed to set up the scenario my wicked mind had dreamt up. When the guy knocked, I called him in, and told him to let the door close.

I saw the disappointment in his face, as my robe was fully closed, my legs were together, and nothing that shouldn't have been was exposed.

"Did you enjoy the dinner, ma'am?"

"Yes, I did. Very much. But I seem to have had a bit of an accident with the wine bottle. Perhaps you could help me?"

I undid the robe, pulled it open, and carefully opened my legs a bit. The look on his face was beautiful, and I almost came on the spot. I'd shoved the wine bottle up my cunt, not the neck end, but the wide end, and it was sticking out of my hole, the opening stretched wide and visible. God, I felt so dirty, but so pumped up, as the guy studied my filled vagina.

A few months earlier, I'd never have even dreamt I'd be doing this, and if I had, I'd have thought it disgusting. But I was absolutely loving it.

"Yes, we always recycle our bottles, ma'am, so I'd better get it out," he said, his face full of lust, although the bulge in his pants showed that the lust wasn't just on his face, either.

He walked over to me to stand between my open legs. He grasped the bottle, and I reached up towards his belt. As he pulled the bottle out of me with a plopping noise, I unzipped his pants, and pulled his cock out. I could feel my cunt was still gaping open, and I smiled as I saw him staring up into my hole.

"Now fuck me to collect your tip," I whispered, pulling his pants and boxers down to his knees, and sliding further down in the chair.

He was a live one, alright. He dropped to his knees, and put his arms under my legs. The positioning was even better than I'd hoped. With my legs over his shoulders, his cock was at just the right height, and he rammed it up me, only stopping when his balls banged against my ass.

"Fuck me. Fuck me hard. Fuck my dirty cunt," I yelled, though goodness knows why, because that was what he was doing anyway.

I felt so alive, every inch of me feeling intensely sensitive to touch, and inside I felt that familiar feeling of everything tingling, feeling as if a series of explosions was going off between my legs, while at the same time I knew it was just the build-up to a much bigger one that would blow me apart.

God, it was gorgeous. This stranger's hands were kneading my tits like the toughest bread dough, and his cock was driving in and out of my cunt, his balls audibly slapping against my ass with each stroke. The only downside of inviting being fucked the way I had, was the risk a guy just wanted to come inside me, and didn't give a thought to getting me to come.

Still, having to do a bit of finger work myself wasn't a big chore - I loved the feel of my slit - and anyway, given the message I'd delivered in the bottle, I could hardly fail to forgive him just screwing me with all the energy he could manage, could I?

"Suck my tit, and fill my dirty little cunt with your spunk!"

I could feel him getting close, and shit, I was at the point where I could no longer control myself.

"Oh, fuck me! FUCK ME!"

I let go, surrendering my body totally to this man I'd never met before this evening. I felt the pulsations in his cock, and even before I felt his cum being pushed out of my hole as he kept pumping in and out, I knew he was filling my vagina with his sperm.

We were both panting like mad, and as we fought to regain our composure, he seemed to become all embarrassed, and shy.

"Was that a good enough tip?"

"Um ... yes ... very satisfactory ... but I need to get back, before my boss wonders where I am."

I'd had the forethought to bring a box of tissues from the bathroom beforehand, and he just wiped himself off quickly, pulled everything up, collected the tray with the empty plates and the doubly-used bottle, then disappeared while I was still catching my breath.

I lay back, just enjoying the action replay in my mind, while my fingers rubbed the spunk dripping out of my hole right along my slit. Oh yes, this was the life.

"Fucking hell, Jo, what have you been up to now?"

It was Bill, or course, who'd come in while my mind was elsewhere. He could see the wetness on one breast where it had been sucked, and even more telling, the while fluid oozing out of my cunt. So I couldn't have lied, even if I'd wanted to.

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