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A New Life Pt. 03


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"You weren't here, darling, so I had to have room service, didn't I, though the red wine has gone to my head a bit, I confess."

"I thought room service was just food, Jo, and didn't include fucking guests when their husbands were away?"

I knew from the smile on his face and the bulge in his pants, though, that while his words may have suggested annoyance, he was enjoying the whole scenario as much as I was.

"Well, it is a five-star, full-service hotel, isn't it? Come to bed, then darling, and while you slip your cock up my spunky cunt, I'll tell you the full story of my day," I said, smiling back, then turning towards the bedroom.

By the time I got into the bedroom and on to the bed, Bill already had his own clothes off, and his cock was pulsing up and down as I opened my legs and let him see my spunky cunt again. It still amazed me that he didn't mind, no, seemed even to enjoy sliding his cock up into my vagina, full of another man's sperm, but I loved that he did.

"You're such a slut these days, Jo, but I love it, and I love you. Tell me everything, darling," he said, between kissing me, and gently stroking his cock in and out of my slippery, wet hole.

As I told him the story of my day, I had another of those blinding revelations which are obvious once you've had it, but you've never even considered. One of the challenges of being married for a long time, is that sex with the same partner can become routine, even dull, so you start not doing it so often. This certainly had happened to me and Bill. Making love had become more of an obligation than something exciting.

It was trying to reclaim that excitement, and to feel like a woman lusted after by men, that set me down the route of exposing myself deliberately, after I accidentally flashed my tit at the delivery guy. I loved people seeing my naked body, whatever their reaction, and yes, I absolutely loved being fucked by a stranger I probably would never see again. It was so much better than I'd ever imagined.

But the odd thing was, that somehow the novelty, taboo and excitement of being fucked by a stranger carried over, and when Bill fucked me afterwards, it was even more exciting and satisfying. Maybe it was just the knowledge that if he wanted me enough to fuck me with another man's spunk in me, he must really want me and love me.

And I really loved and wanted him too. It was absolutely magic, telling my husband all of the details of another man screwing me, while he was fucking me with just as much passion, and our two hands were swapping places on my tits and my clit, as we navigated each other towards our climaxes.

Oh fuck, as I described the feeling of the room service guy pumping me full of his spunk, I could feel Bill's balls clenching as they hit my ass, and he added his spunk to the load already in my vagina. As I heard the squelching noise from between my legs, and felt the cum running down to my ass, I came, screaming.

I guess the alcohol had got to me, because I was thinking that after we'd cleaned up in the shower, I'd let Bill take his turn fucking his wife's nice clean pussy, but as soon as I put my head on the pillow, I went straight to sleep.

When I woke in the morning, again Bill had already left, but this time he hadn't left breakfast for me, just a note, which read 'Love you, thought you might like to try room service again for breakfast ;)'.

God, I did love him. He knew me only too well, now: an early morning fuck would be wonderful. I called room service, ordered OJ, coffee and scrambled egg. When the knock came on the door, I undid the tie on the robe, and just let it hang open. It wasn't the same guy as the previous evening, which set me tingling even more than I was already.

I went over to the armchair, and let the robe gape open, giving the guy a perfect view of my tits and cunt. Shit, the look on his face wasn't what I wanted at all.

"Excuse me, ma'am, but you're exposing yourself. Please cover up, else I'll have to report you to the management for sexual harassment."

Fuck! All I could think of was that he must be gay, or some sort of religious fanatic. I mean, what red-blooded man would turn down an invitation like that, even if he only looked?

I ate my breakfast, trying to calm myself down. I might not have a perfect body, but I really was fuckable still, wasn't I? It was silly, looking back, but I somehow felt inadequate and ugly, like I did when I was still on the booze. I needed to expose myself again, and get a positive reaction.

I decided to try wandering the corridors again in my loosely-tied robe, and was cheered by a smile from a guy, who got an elbow in his ribs for it from his wife, when I gave them a flash of my pussy as I swept around a corner. I hadn't been that far the previous day, and was a bit surprised when I came across an entrance way.

"Back to Nature Spa' the sign above it read, 'Rejuvenate your body with full and part body massages and intensive treatments, using only natural, organic, vegan and proven technology'. Alongside was a set of pictures of men and mainly women being given massages, showing their radiant skin, and a series of quotes from satisfied customers.

Well, with a build-up like that, I could hardly resist, could I? I walked in, and when I reached a rather attractive woman in a pristine white uniform, I opened my robe, and put in my request.

"I'd like a full body massage, please. The whole works. Do I go over here?"

"Um ... well ... normally we expect you to keep your panties on, and um ... to keep yourself covered until you get in the treatment room ..."

"But it says 'Back to Nature', and what could be more natural than this," I said, completely removing my robe, and giving a twirl, just as a man in a tightly fastened robe came out of another door, getting the full benefit of what was on show.

"Well, I can only agree with you there, madam, but I don't think my wife would agree ..."

The receptionist obviously figured that this could all get out of control if she wasn't careful, and she quickly ushered me into another room, which held a large massage platform, covered with clean white towels. As she closed the door as soon as I was out of the way, another woman came in from another door at the other end.

She was also dressed in the same white uniform, with her blond hair tied back. Her steely-grey eyes looked me up and down.

"Well, I do my best ..." she said, cheeky cow. "Please lay on the table and I'll get started."

I made sure I gave her a good look at my pussy as I climbed on to the massage table, but to my disappointment, as soon as I was laid down, she put a small white towel over it.

"I understand, madam, that you want the full treatment? Yes?"

Apart from checking how much this was going to cost, which turned out to be a small fortune, I should have done a bit more research on what exactly it all entailed. First, she exfoliated me, which involved rubbing salt in jojoba oil and Aloe Vera all over me, well, all except my pussy unfortunately I thought, until I felt it scraping my flesh away as she rubbed in over the rest of me, hard. Apparently, it was some special salt collected from rock crystal in the Himalayas, but I was pretty sure that the location just upped the price, not the effect.

At the end of this, I felt as if my skin had been ripped off, even more so after she made me have a hot shower. If only I could have got my hands on her! I'd fuck her first to wipe that superior smile off her face as she inspected my naked body, then give her the same treatment she'd given me.

I had to take that back a bit, because next she wrapped me in some sort of green algae, which did take the sting away, and after another shower, she gave me a full-body aromatherapy massage. Having let my skin recover, it was no time for my limbs and muscles to get the full treatment.

I was pummelled and twisted, stretched and compressed. It was so painful on my legs that I didn't even notice how exposed my cunt was, and apparently nor did she. At least the perfume, which she assured me was all from natural, organic and vegan ingredients, was beautiful, and relaxing.

"That's wonderful," I sighed, "but it still feels tight down under my butt. Maybe you could give that a massage?"

The cold bitch knew what I meant, alright, but the only dirty thing she was prepared to give me was the look on her face, and she worked harder on my arms and shoulders, making the joints snap and click, which sounded awful, and felt worse.

Finally, she gave me a hot stone treatment, which consisted of laying heated, smooth stones over my body. As I lay there, I suddenly realised that actually my body was feeling really good. My skin was smooth and silky, my muscles were relaxed, and I smelled gorgeous. I suppose it was that feeling that was my downfall.

"Oh, doesn't Gwyneth Paltrow recommend putting this sort of stone in your vagina?" I asked, picking up one of the stones, and shoving up my cunt.

Fuck, it only felt warm on the outside of me, but it felt as if I'd put a red-hot coal inside me. I scrabbled to get it out, but it was slippery with my cum, which had been liberated by all of the massaging, and my fingers kept slipping off it.

"Come on, help me get it out," I cried at the woman, who was stood there laughing her head off, as the other stones fell off me, bouncing loudly across the tiled floor.

Once I'd got stood up, the stone slipped out of me easily, but the women made me put it in the basin and wash it. She gave me a receipt to sign, and I nearly fainted when I saw the final cost, but it had taken almost two hours altogether, and I was feeling good.

"Thank you, madam. I recommend, though, that you stay at a lower-class hotel next time, which is more used to handling women of low morals, and who don't look after their bodies. I certainly will not accept you as a customer again."


I was still feeling irritated when I got back to the room. I noticed a housekeeping trolley outside, and when I went into the bedroom, the maid who'd walked in on me the previous day was bent over the bed, sorting out the pillows. Her skirt had ridden up over her butt, showing me plenty of stocking-covered legs. If I couldn't find a man to fuck me, perhaps I could work my frustration off on the maid?

"Oh, I come back later," she said.

"No, no, it's fine. I just need to get changed before I go and get some lunch. I've just had one of the full works massages in the spa - what do you think?" I said, shrugging off my robe, and doing a twirl right in front of her.

The maid was just stood looking at me, her mouth open, and an expression on her face I couldn't read. Still, she hadn't dashed off, so I thought I'd move it up a gear.

"Feel, my skin is really silky now, isn't it?"

I grabbed one of her hands, and pulled it to one of my breasts, forcing her to run her hand over it and down to my nipple, which of course, stiffened immediately. Her face had gone bright red, then she looked me in the eyes, and from her expression, I could have sworn she had enjoyed touching my tit.

"Oh. Mustn't do this, ma'am. Must go."

She pulled her hand back, and turned away, almost running out of the door into the corridor. Shit, maybe she was an illegal immigrant and couldn't risk being fired, though the room service guy who'd fucked me the previous night didn't seem to be deterred.

The trouble was, that although I felt great, my skin zinging and my muscles ready for anything, my poor old pussy was feeling left out. I put on a low-cut top and a flared skirt, with nothing underneath, and went to the restaurant for a sandwich, hoping to find something to satisfy my lust as well as my hunger. I managed to flash my super-toned tits a couple of times when I leaned forward when the waiter was next to me, but he seemed too busy to pay much attention.

When I got back to the room, I was as frustrated as hell. My body felt as if it could cope with anything, and my cunt was ready to take on as many fingers, mouths and cocks as it could get, so I went back to my robe, for a bit more flashing in the corridor. Maybe I'd try the pool, I thought? Perhaps I could get away with seeming surprised that I'd forgotten my costume when I took my robe off?

I was just leaving the room, not having bothered to do up the tie on the robe, when I realised I'd left my key in the room. Shit, I tried to grab the door, but the spring closing it was aggressive, and nearly took my fingers off, so I had to pull my arm back in a hurry. Slam. The door closed.

Ah well, I thought, I'll just have to go down to reception and get another key. Not a bad thing, because I could maybe do a bit of flashing down in the lobby. As it turned out, I was about to do a hell of a lot more than 'a bit of flashing'.

As I turned to walk towards the elevator, something seemed to be holding me back. When I looked round, I could see that one side of the robe had got caught in the closing door, and was trapped. Surely, I thought, I should be able to pull it out, even if I had to tear the robe a bit?

Shit, shit, shit. The robe was caught firm, and no matter how hard I pulled, I couldn't get it to budge, not even a little. And that towelling material was a heck of a lot stronger than it looked, because I couldn't get it to tear at all.

Fuck! I supposed you think it served me right? I wanted to expose myself, and now I was going to have to. At first, I thought I'd just have to go back to the spa, and endure the censorious looks of the staff, but when I got there, it was closed up for lunch. 'Back at 2pm' the sign read, and even I didn't fancy wandering the corridor, naked, for an hour and a half or more.

No, the only option I could think of, was to go all the way down to reception with no clothes on. Of course, the prospect of lots of people seeing my naked body, especially as buffed up as it was now, set off that familiar tingling between my legs. Strong as that was, though, the fear that I'd be reported, arrested even, virtually cancelled it out.

I started trembling all over, my knees knocking together in the way I thought was nothing more than a fiction. Did I really have the courage to take the elevator all the way down, walk to the reception desk, and ask for a key? If only I'd put my phone in the pocket of the robe. Or better still, the fucking key.

I was starting to get cold under the air conditioning in the corridor, which seemed to have stepped up a notch, making my nipples stiff, and my skin come up in goose bumps. Shit, I was just going to have to brazen it out. What a story I'd have to tell Bill, though, and reliving it would likely become my favourite masturbation fantasy.

Oh, well, here goes, I thought. I walked to the elevator, and called it, standing ready to walk away if anyone was in it when it came. I couldn't believe my luck when the door opened, and the elevator was empty. I quickly turned to press the button for the lobby, looking out to check that no one was coming to get in with me. Yes, I was going to manage to get to the lobby okay, and would just have the walk to the desk!

At least, that was what I thought, until something made me turn around. Shit, I'd forgotten that the rest of the elevator was curved, clear class, with just a safety rail, so that anyone who looked up from the atrium could see me.

What was worse, was that the other elevator was moving upwards, full of people, and I got the strangest looks as they passed, and they tried to fathom why there was a naked woman in the other one. I could always say it was being filmed for one of those prank shows on cable TV, maybe?

When the doors opened, I could see there were dozens of people in the lobby, and I heard the gasps as some of them spotted me. Still, no one tried to stop me, and I discovered the one good thing about it was that I got immediate attention from the guy at the desk, who stopped checking in a couple, and asked me what I wanted.

"I know it's silly, and I'm totally humiliated to have to do this, but I left my key in the room, and my robe got caught in the door. I'm locked out, and well, I'm a bit short of clothing. Can you help me, please?"

He took his time sizing up my tits, that were rested on the reception desk, before he grabbed a master key.

"Let's take the other elevator. We can change to the guest elevator on the empty floor. Let me cover you up," he said, which having got this far wasn't really what I wanted.

However, all he did was take off his jacket and put it around my shoulders, which really didn't cover anything important at all, and I liked the way he was checking my ass out as we walked to the elevator that was close to the reception desk.

This was a fully enclosed, metal elevator, which part of me appreciated, while part of me still craved for the glass so I could be seen. However, that craving was to be more than satisfied sooner than I knew. When the doors opened, it wasn't an empty floor at all, but what seemed to be a convention centre, full of people dressed like superheroes. I saw Batmen, several Wonder Women, lots of Avengers, X-men and other strange beings I didn't recognise.

"Oh shit, I forgot about the Comic-Con event," the guy from reception muttered, and tried to steer me quickly towards the normal pair of elevators, which were way across the room.

He hadn't reckoned on the curiosity of the Comic-Con attendees, though.

"Which superhero are you?"

All of a sudden, I started tingling all over, as I realised that here I could enjoy my nakedness with dozens of other people in bizarre costumes, who remarkably, thought I was just in a rather extreme one.

"You've heard of Cat Woman? Well, I'm Pussy Woman, a sort of adult themed version. The scent of my cunt lures people to me, but it turns out that my cum is lethal, so when they eat me out, they die."


"Wow, what a fantastic costume, but you could do with a better cape."

"Hey, have a feel, it's just like real skin."

"Even the nipples change, look!"

Of course, to the dismay of the guy with me, everyone seemed to want to cop a feel of this new wonder material which looked just like naked flesh.

"Yeah, they even got the lubrication realistic," I said, dragging the hand of a man dressed as Ironman to feel inside my slit, which was now very wet indeed.

"That's amazing," he said, holding up his fingers to show the moisture on them, and to my delight, a whole load of other hands fought to touch me. "Guess I'd better not taste it, though, just in case?"

Quite honestly, and I apologise to any readers of this persuasion, it just confirmed my view that maybe people who spend their time fixated on comic characters, aren't the brightest stars in the Universe, and I was pretty sure that at least a couple of the guys had never actually touched a woman's cunt before.

I could see that my guide was getting fretful, and I started to worry that maybe somebody would have a neurone fire and realise I was really just naked. Apart from anything else, all those fingers poking my vulva had really got me going, and if I took much more of it, I was going to come, which would also have been a bit of a giveaway.

"Sorry, guys, got to get to a TV interview," I lied, and the hotel employee and I headed of for the normal elevators.

After the elevator had arrived, I pressed the button for my floor, then turned to face the lobby through the glass. I was still buzzing like mad from the wonderful feeling up I'd had, and anyway, most of the people in the lobby had probably seen my cunt already, so I might as well give them a better look, hadn't I? What was great was the number of men, and even some women who were watching my naked body disappear upwards, though other women were trying to drag their partners away.

I turned to face the guy again, my pussy tingling, as I was virtually naked, in a small space with what I now realised was a younger and more attractive guy than I'd thought. Hang on, though, what was he doing with that key in the elevator panel? I soon found out, as the elevator shuddered to a halt half a floor below mine.

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