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A New Way of Seeing Things Pt. 02 Ch. 06

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Back to Liz's place.
6.2k words

Part 33 of the 85 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 08/01/2013
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"Natalie, I don't have a change of clothes. I didn't know we'd be staying over." Her sister-in-law was back behind the wheel of the SUV, heading down the two-lane on their mission to get some wine for the evening while Liz picked up the Chinese takeout she had called ahead for.

"I thought there might be a chance she'd ask, but I forgot to pack a bag, too. Guess I had other things on my mind. Oh well, if you can stand day-old clothes for the ride home tomorrow, so can I."

"I don't have anything to sleep in, either," Gwen said in a quieter tone.

Natalie laughed. "You don't need anything. Liz's daughter is with her ex this weekend, so it's just us big girls. We don't bother with much in the way of clothes when it's just us at her place."

Oh, I remember from my last overnight, Gwen thought ruefully, but said nothing.

Tim had been full of questions about how she had spent her afternoon when she called to ask if she could stay the night. "Of course, have fun, I'll take care of things here," he had hurriedly assured her before asking for more details about the shoot. She promised to tell him all he wanted to know when she returned, and wondered whether his imagination could even begin to approach the actual events.

Liz was first at the condo, Gwen and Natalie arriving after completing their errand. Gwen had questioned the need for 5 bottles for three women, but Natalie just hushed her and laid down her credit card.

The tall redhead had changed into a loosely cinched terrycloth robe that came only to mid-thigh. Natalie disappeared down the hall as plates were produced for the containers of food spread out on the table, reappearing a moment later wearing only her t-shirt. She reached into an upper cupboard for wine glasses, the shirt riding up to expose her bare bottom, and Gwen was reminded that her sister-in-law had not worn underwear today.

Liz made her own trip down the hallway as her guests began to fill their plates, returning with a t-shirt in hand. "Thought you might want something more comfortable to sit around in," she said, handing the garment to Gwen.

"Oh, uh, thank you, that's very nice of you." She was grateful for the shirt, aware that she was overdressed, but unsure if she had the courage to follow Natalie's clothing choice. "Would it be alright if I use your bath room?"

"No, you have to change right here." Liz smiled to show she was joking. "Of course. Use the guest room. Down the hall, first door on the left."

Gwen remembered the way from her first visit, closing the door behind her before examining the garment. It appeared to be a sort of athletic undershirt, half-length black sleeves attached to a grey body with a button-up V-neck. Still clothed, she slipped it over her shoulders and let it fall to mid-thigh. Despite the masculine cut of the shirt, the faint smell of perfume left no doubt it had been last worn by a woman.

"Much too short to be decent," Gwen thought, "more like a miniskirt..." She removed it along with her shirt and jeans, leaving her underwear in place. She took her time in putting the athletic shirt back on, briefly considering removing at least her bra, before the Lady insisted on some small bow to modesty.

Liz and Natalie were sitting on the floor with their backs to the couch, around a coffee table loaded with three plates of food and three bottles of wine. "Nick always liked that shirt," the redhead smiled as Gwen rejoined them, "so I made sure he lost it when he moved out. It did look good on him; it looks nice on you too, though."

Gwen blushed and smiled as she did her best to seat herself across the floor from them without letting the shirt shift and reveal too much. "Thank you—it's very comfortable."

"You scared the hell out of Natalie when you disappeared in the middle of the shoot like that," Liz said as she poured the first glasses. "She thought you had freaked out and left."

"I was worried it was more than you were prepared for," her sister-in-law added.

"I'm not sure what I was prepared for," Gwen said softly as she pushed back the annoying erotic comparisons between what she had seen and her "education" with Miss Ritter. "But it wasn't that. Sandra asked me to speak with a young woman who was thinking of having some photos taken—some like I did."

"Yeah, Barry told us that when Nat got ready to chase you down before you squealed out of the driveway. Speaking of your photos, I'd really love to see them some time."

Gwen looked across at the redhead. "Really? They're not much."

Liz's stare made the blushing woman look down to study her rice. "Really. I heard they're beautiful. The next time you come over, please bring them." The tone made it clear it was a command, not a request.

Gwen looked up and nodded, her mood suddenly and inexplicably changing to one of irrational elation. She would be coming back! The possibility that she might be included in their little circle of friends made her almost proud. The Lady rolled her eyes in frustration even as the Slut purred with satisfaction, wondering what other benefits being part of this club might have. She quickly took a gulp of wine. "So, how did the rest of it go after I left?"

More of the same," Natalie grumbled good-naturedly. "Liz got to play dominating bitch, I played submissive slut. How much did you tell him, really?"

It was artfully done," the redhead replied calmly, looking at Gwen for her reaction. "It's not like you got spanked or pegged or anything. And I didn't tell Barry anything. I'm guessing he kind of had an idea about who would be better in what role."

"She was teasing me pretty good," Natalie groaned as her focus went to Gwen. "At one point he had me bending over that bench at the waist, my boobs dangling, and he had Liz right behind me. I thought maybe he had given her a strap-on as another surprise."

Liz laughed. "And all you got was a little tickling from my pubes. Did that disappoint you?"

Natalie ignored the question. "And you got a pretty good handful of my tits. I'm surprised you didn't leave marks."

Gwen took another gulp of wine. "Well, I was afraid I was going to have to come to the rescue when I saw the leather collar, and I didn't know how."

Liz smiled. "Like I said, it's not the first time your sister-in-law has worn one."

Natalie could see the confusion on Gwen's face. "Liz likes playing control games, so for certain occasions like birthdays and divorce days, I let her be in control. You know, wear what she wants me to wear, do what she wants me to do, wait on her hand and foot, stuff like that."

"And do you, uhh, get the same present on your birthday?"

"Natalie laughed. "No, Liz doesn't really like being told what to do. Me, I can go with the flow. I like being the one giving orders more, but I can play along for a good friend." She smiled wickedly. "So I take it out on Adam after and make him my bitch for an evening. Sorry, too much information. I forget he's your brother sometimes."

Gwen raised her glass for another gulp only to find it empty. Liz quickly reached to remedy the situation. "It's alright, I know you two, uhh, have sex. You don't have to watch what you say around me. I'm a big girl."

The dishes were cleared and the last two bottles of wine were brought in as reinforcements for their rapidly emptying brethren. The women again took their places around the table, Liz with one leg casually pulled up to her chest, threatening to make the robe useless, Natalie with her legs spread in a V under the table's surface. Even Gwen now sat crosslegged, her shirt nearly up to her waist, no longer caring if the others saw her underwear.

"The chili sauce they use on the shrimp is usually pretty hot," the redhead declared as she untied her robe and began flapping the edges in an effort to fan herself. Gwen caught multiple glimpses of the quivering breasts underneath. "But they must have put in an extra kick this time. Anyone mind if I lower the A/C?" She didn't wait for an answer, leaving the robe untied and briefly flashing her naked ass to the woman across from her as she climbed to her feet. The robe flapped as she returned, teasing Gwen with glimpses of what lay beneath. Liz resumed her position behind the table, leg again drawn up and robe still untied, exposing a tantalizing strip of flesh from her neck down between her barely-covered breasts and on below the table's surface.

They talked for some time after with an alcohol-induced openness, Liz and Natalie recounting the photo shoot, how nervous they had been at the start and how exciting it had been by the end, the wine making it seem only natural for Gwen to join in and admit that being on display for the young woman in the office had only inflamed the arousal that watching the two women pose had ignited.

"Well, I don't know about you two, but I'm ready for bed," Liz announced, again giving Gwen a brief peek as she climbed to her feet. Without a look back, she disappeared down the hall.

The two remaining women rose as well. "You go ahead, I'll clean up," Gwen told her sister-in-law, sensing her desire to retreat to the bedroom as well.

"Leave it 'til morning, It's not going anywhere. Listen, uhh, Gwen, if you want to stay with us tonight, Liz's bed is plenty big enough," the suddenly blushing blonde stammered. "We don't mind."

Gwen was stunned by the suddenness and enormity of the question. Both the alcohol-addled Lady and Slut tried to make sense of the offer, one shouting a strident "not in a million years!" a millisecond before the Slut filled her mind with images of three entwined naked bodies.

"I'm uhh, pretty tired," she lied, desperate to somehow leave the door open for her to change her mind. "Maybe later?"

Natalie smiled in understanding and stepped forward to hug her. Her hands gently rested on Gwen's rear as she drew her close. "C'mon in any time," she whispered. "The door's open—you won't be interrupting." She released the startled woman and retreated down the darkened hallway.

Gwen stood there for several moments after, weighing her options. The Lady counseled going out to the truck and sleeping there, so as to remove herself from all temptation. Natalie had the keys to the SUV, however, and it would be awkward to ask for them, not to mention the silliness of sleeping in a parking lot when there was a perfectly good bed available. She could just go to her room and close the door behind her until morning, when the wine would not be talking for any of them and calmer heads would prevail. Or, she could join them.

In the end, she decided the safe route would be the guest room, although the Slut made sure it was understood a heated masturbation session—maybe two—would be in order. The time-honored habit of making sure the stove was off and only one small light on was followed faithfully before making her way down the corridor.

A soft light spilled out from the open doorway next to hers—Liz's room, Gwen knew. She stopped and listened to Natalie's soft laughter, again wondering what it would be like to join them. The Lady won this round, and she retreated into her room, leaving the door open as a compromise.

The underwear's gotta go if you're gonna play with yourself, the Slut advised. T-shirt, too. She quickly stripped off Nick's shirt and carefully lay it within reach at the end of the bed, then laid her bra on the jeans and shirt she had taken off earlier. The panties were last, a sodden mess that would need to dry before she could put them on again. Even in her inebriated state, the thought of reusing dirty underwear, dry or not, seemed repugnant. She would cross that bridge

tomorrow, she decided, but best to prepare for it now. There was an air conditioning vent set in the floor on the other side of the bed, under the window; perhaps she could set them on that for faster drying. Gwen bent over, backside presented to the door, and busied herself arranging the panties over the cool flow of air. The current quickly blew the scent of her arousal back up at her and seemed to fill the room. She briefly wondered if the others might smell it as well, an idea the Slut quickly dismissed. No, their own scent was much closer and every bit as strong.

"Uhh, Gwen?"

She straightened and whirled to see her naked sister-in-law standing in the open doorway, a purple tapered cylinder held upright between her breasts. Gwen marveled at how she no longer felt an urge to cover herself, and bowed to an irrational compulsion to check between Natalie's legs to see if any further trimming had yet been done.

"You're more than welcome to join us," Natalie continued, not waiting for a response from the nude woman, "but if you don't feel comfortable, I—uhh, we, understand. Liz thought you might need something to help relax after the day we've all had, you go." The vibrator was gently laid on the bed. "Sleep well. See you in the morning."

"Thank you. You too. And, uhh, thank Liz for thinking of me."

Gwen waited until Natalie's swaying bottom disappeared around the corner before moving to retrieve the toy. She twisted the knob and the vibrator rumbled to life with a noise she was certain could be heard from the other room. She fumbled to turn it off, unwilling to advertise her interest to the other women. The toy was gently placed on the nightstand and the lamp turned off as well.

Soft light still spilled into the hallway from Liz's room, and Gwen stood near her open door, transfixed by the difficulties of her choices. All was quiet for several moments, and the possibility the two women had foregone pleasure for sleep was examined. Gwen was about to retreat to her own bed—to give yourself at least one good come, the Slut demanded, no matter what they decided to do!—when she heard a soft sigh, most likely Natalie, she guessed. The noises of lovemaking grew in intensity, sighs, groans, and laughter. It certainly sounded more lighthearted and carefree than the serious business she had experienced with Miss Ritter, and Gwen's finger found its way between her folds while the other hand gently fondled a breast. She imagined herself with them in there, entangled with them, letting herself be swept up in their perversion, and the Slut urged her to turn it to reality while the Lady maintained a tenuous hold on her remaining self-control. Instead she stood and listened until her legs could no longer support her and flopped back on the bed, where they would certainly see her if they chose to come in, legs spread wide in invitation as her fingers danced and plunged.

She finished before they did, thankful for her training in the art of silence, her sexually charged wild abandon giving way to her more traditional need for control. Her orgasm passed, and she managed to crawl under the covers without the energy or desire to retrieve the t-shirt. The door was left open as well, the Slut making the point that if they didn't want to be heard, they shouldn't have left theirs open, either.

Even in her satisfied state, she listened intently to the sounds coming from the next room, pairing them with visual images the Slut conjured. Natalie came first, Gwen recognizing the soft higher pitched wail, Liz soon after, grunting primally. There was soft laughter and mumbled words, and then the hallway went dark and the room silent.

The lightheaded feeling of inebriation was more noticeable as Gwen's sexual desire temporarily slackened. She had drunk far more than she should have, she knew, and it was making her behave irrationally. The Lady continued to insist she close the door and dress, but sleep overtook her before her body could be compelled to act.

She awoke a couple of hours later, the wine beginning to wear off, a slight headache and a great thirst replacing her buzz. A trip to the kitchen for something to drink, then. Gwen rose and the wine had its last hurrah, emboldening her to take the walk down the hallway naked. The others were asleep; they'd never know. Liz's door was still open, she noticed, no sound other than the soft woosh of the air-conditioning and the steady breathing of the two women in the room. Gwen risked a look.

The soft light from a street lamp filtering through the window's thin curtains kept the bedroom from total darkness. Sheets and blankets lay tossed about the king-sized mattress. Natalie lay on her side, her naked body facing away from the door, while Liz lay behind her with an arm thrown over her bedmate's waist in a loose spooning position. It might have been a little tight, Gwen mused, but there probably is room for me. She shook her head at the imagined perversion and turned for the kitchen.

The nude woman managed to find a glass in the cupboard and drew some water from the faucet. Aspirin would be nice, she thought, but it's rude to poke through someone's medicine cabinets, so that will have to wait for morning. The dirty dishes in the sink gnawed at her need for order. As quietly as she could, Gwen began to load the dishwasher.

The sound of feet scuffling in the carpeted hallway told her she had not been quiet enough. Gwen panicked, the Lady screaming about her lack of clothes, and froze in place as she realized she had nowhere to hide.

An equally-nude Liz walked by on her way to the refrigerator. "I thought I heard someone out here," she said, apparently unconcerned with either woman's clothing choice, "mother's ears. Gotta see why Ashley's up and about after I put her to bed. I'm sure you know all about that."

Oh, yes," Gwen stammered, unwilling to face the woman. "I always woke up when my daughters got up after bedtime."

"Ashley never gets up to do the dishes, though" Liz said calmly, taking some juice out of the fridge. "What's the matter? Can't sleep?"

"I just needed something to drink. And I saw these, and..."

Liz laughed softly. "And you're a maniac for doing dishes at 2am. They'll wait. Go to bed. Unless there's something else you need..." Their eyes met and Gwen found herself unable to hold the contact.

"I, uhh, could use some aspirin..."

Liz stepped behind her and reached up to the cabinet above them, her body pressing into Gwen's. Breasts dragged along shoulder blades as she stretched, the tickle of pubic hair on the skin just above the cleft of the smaller woman's bum. A plastic bottle was retrieved and placed on the counter, but the bodies remained lightly pressed against each other. "Anything else?"

Gwen stood paralyzed. "No, no I think that's it."

The redhead's hand snaked around to her stomach, her little finger gently resting in the top of her guest's thatch. "Go to bed," Liz said as she kissed her shoulder. "I promise to take care of the dishes in the morning." The hand was removed and the contact was broken, and Gwen was again alone in the kitchen.

The condo was silent as she padded back down the hallway, back to her room. She resisted the urge to again look in on Liz and Natalie, aware that the tall redhead might still be awake.

She slipped under her covers and fell back with a sigh to stare at the ceiling. Sleep was close, she knew, but it would be easier to find without the resurgent need making her sex tingle. Her hands traced patterns across the skin of her stomach and chest while her mind began to imagine.

An image of her sandwiched between the two bodies in the next room came to mind, warm and comfortable and desired, with someone else's hands doing what her own were now busy at. The movie reel was abruptly stopped—too perverted, too dangerous, too close to possible, the Lady sputtered, and Gwen knew she was right. The scene switched to a more familiar one, to being on display, on the grounds that while it was still perverted and dangerous, it was not ever going to happen.

She was there on the platform, the center of attention for many naked, faceless men, each showing their approval for what she was showing them by casually stroking their erections. A faceless woman stood above her—no, it was Liz, the Slut insisted—goading her into various lewd poses with the riding crop she held. Liz poked and prodded, opening Gwen for the crowd's view, putting her on hands and knees before again flipping her over and spreading her legs impossibly wide. Gwen was handed a vibrator as she reached for the real-life one on the nightstand, and she knew what she was expected to do.


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