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A New Way of Seeing Things Pt. 03 Ch. 04

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Wardrobe selections.
6.4k words

Part 54 of the 85 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 08/01/2013
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For those who have stumbled across this story for the first time, please be aware that this chapter may or may not have much or anything to do with the selected category. Many of the earlier chapters do fit more neatly into the exhibitionist area; please be sure to go back and start from chapter 1 if that is where your tastes lie.

Now, standard disclaimers.

This is a story about sexual exploration and, open relationships. Open relationships can and do happily exist; but they are not for everyone. If you do not believe it is at all possible for open relationships to exist without damage to any and all involved parties, please do yourself a favor and don't waste your time reading this.


Also, this story takes place in a world where STDs don't exist and only babies planned for and wanted do—in other words, a fantasy world. Any resemblance to real-life people is purely coincidental.


Tim waved from the open workshop bay as Natalie's SUV rumbled in to the yard a full half-hour before she was expected. He wiped his hands on a greasy rag and ambled over to greet his sister-in-law, smiling at her as she slid from the driver's seat. "I thought Gwen said noon?"

"It was, but I thought I should get here a little early and take care of a couple of things. She inside?"

He nodded. "Yup. Been ready to go since 7."

The blonde lowered her voice. "Excited, huh?"

"More like nervous, I think, although she'd never admit it. I can't believe you got her to do this, but then, hell, a lot of what she's been doing since you two got on more than speaking terms I woulda never thought she'd do, so who knows? You're a bad influence, Natalie." He smiled to make the joke a bit more obvious.

She smiled back. "You're welcome."

He turned serious again. "You'll watch out for her, right? Don't let her get in over her head? I'd hate her to, uhh, go backwards."

"You know Gwen better than anybody. She's never let herself take risks—but now she's figuring out that letting her hair down a little sometimes can be a hell of a lot of fun despite what your tight-ass mother in law told her. I know she likes to think she's a no-nonsense tough bitch but I also think she likes it when other people take charge so she can pretend she has to go along with them to be polite. Don't worry, I'm sure she'll be fine and I'm still making sure you're going to continue to get laid on a regular basis in lots of interesting ways. But, yes, of course, I'm always looking out for her, and I like having her as one of those people I know are looking out for me. She's inside, right?"

He smiled and nodded, then wandered back to the shop.

She found Gwen in the kitchen, rewashing a clean glass. "You're early."

Natalie smiled. "So I am. Want me to come back later?"

"Don't be silly. Did you want to leave now? I'm ready."

"What a surprise. Let's make sure we're all nice and cleaned up first. You probably have some 5 o'clock shadow downstairs, and it may not be convenient to take care of it once we get there."

"Right now?" Her eyes strayed out the window, towards the shop.

"Come on, it'll only take a minute." Natalie didn't wait for an answer as she headed for the bedroom. Gwen followed, closing the bedroom door behind her and continuing on in to the bathroom to collect supplies. When she returned Natalie was next to the door she had just re-opened, naked from the waist down.

"Can you check me first?" the blonde asked as she took the towel from Gwen and laid it on the bed.

"Uhh, sure," Gwen replied distractedly, her focus on the open doorway as Natalie lay back and assumed the position. "Don't you want that closed?"

"Wouldn't want anyone to think we're up to something in here," she said with a grin.

"We ARE up to something in here." Gwen decided that debating the issue would only make it more likely they might be interrupted and kneeled to perform her task. There was really nothing to do; Natalie had been ruthlessly efficient in removing any traces of hair from the region. Gwen quickly ran her hand over her lips and mons twice and found nothing but smooth skin. "I think you got it all," she announced, standing and looking nervously over her shoulder into the hallway.

"Yeah, thanks, I took some extra time in the shower this morning. Just wanted to make sure I didn't miss anything," she replied, standing and reaching for her jeans. "Okay, your turn. Come on, strip down and hop up."

Gwen took one last look towards the kitchen and hurriedly shucked off her pants and underwear. She lay back and waited until her sister-in-law had finished dressing before opening her legs.

"Yeah, just a little bit of stubble on either side," Natalie murmured distractedly after running her hand across the reclining woman's sex. A wet washcloth was next, and then a dollop of shaving cream.

"I tried, but I always get nervous with a razor down there," Gwen explained as Natalie took the first small stroke.

"Takes some practice."

The sound of the kitchen door opening was followed a half-second later by Gwen trying to snap her legs shut and bolt from the bed. Natalie stopped her with a firm open palm to her stomach. "Careful," she said softly, "sharp instrument down here."

"Hey Gwen?" The woman on the bed tensed further. Tim.

"In here," Natalie called back over her shoulder, a reassuring smile on her face as she gently pried open the thighs that had captured the arm between them.

Tim made it most of the way down the hall. "Hey Gwen I—damn, sorry—sorry!" The flustered man turned and retreated.

"It's alright," Natalie laughed, "just giving your wife a trim. You can come in—you've seen her like this before, right?"

Tim returned to stand in the doorway, his curiosity overcoming his embarrassment. "Uhh, not like that exactly, no. So that's how you, uhh, get it so smooth."

"One way. Just like when you shave, right?"

"Not like that at all..."

Gwen, blushing furiously, tried to maintain a shred of dignity despite her feeling of complete and utter exposure in front of her husband. "Tim, did you need something?" she asked with feigned calm.

"I, uhh, yeah!" His eyes snapped from the body between his wife's spread legs to her face. "I was getting ready to head out to run errands and wanted to say goodbye before you left."

"Hang on—I'll be done in just a minute," Natalie said as she concentrated on her razor strokes.

Tim was happy to delay. "Is what you're doing important? They'll be able to see down there?"

"I'm not taking it all off," Natalie replied as she shifted a little to allow him a view of the sparse thatch on his wife's mons. "But you can never tell what they might see...In case you haven't noticed, lingerie can be revealing. So, we want to make sure it's all nice and neat just in case. Gwen's already checked mine." Tim groaned inwardly at the thought of his sister-in-law and wife in each other's current poses. "You're okay with other people seeing more of your wife than normal, right?"

"Uhh, sure, if she is..."

"Good, 'cuz now," she announced with a final stroke, "I think she's ready to be seen." Natalie wiped away the remaining foam with a towel and leaned back on her haunches to examine her work, a cautionary hand on a thigh to keep the half-naked woman open for inspection by both pairs of eyes. She glanced over her shoulder. "Whaddya think?"

"Uh, it looks good?"

"Good? It's beautiful!" Without waiting for a reply, she bent and firmly planted a kiss on the immaculately groomed pussy lips before getting up.

Gwen hurriedly rolled to her feet even before the body between her legs was clear, grabbing for her pants while checking her husband's reaction to what he surely could not have missed. He did his best to hide his shock at what Natalie had just so casually done and concentrated on the woman struggling to put her underwear on. His wife's frantic motions calmed a bit after her jeans had been buttoned and zipped, thankful that Tim's embarrassed half-smile was not a look of anger or disgust.

Natalie moved to where Tim stood and looked back. "Want me to close the door so you two can say goodbye in private?" she asked with a grin.

"Well, I have nothing left to hide, apparently," Gwen replied with mock irritation, but followed her sister-in-law into the kitchen. Tim found excuses to delay his departure until the women had made theirs.

"I can't believe you did that!" Gwen cried as soon as the car started down the driveway.

The blonde batted her eyes innocently. "Did what?"

"Let him see me like that—and then you kissed my-it!"

"Oh, that. Sorry, couldn't resist. It just looked so pretty I figured he would want to admire the view, too! And he knows I've kissed you there before, right, that it kinda works that ways with girls? I will admit though, I was trying to get Tim flustered for once, which by the way I think we did-I swear his jeans were getting a little tight up front."

"You were checking out his crotch?"

"Sure! Why not? Always fun to imagine what a guy might be packing. Someday you're going to have to let me look and see if I guessed right after all these years. So you think he'll jack off now or wait until later, you know, let his imagination get all carried away? Or maybe now AND later? Now and later," Natalie decided with a quick nod of her head. "He can get it up more than once a day, right?"

"Yes, he can...he looked excited? I didn't notice."

"As one who has some experience looking, yeah I'd say he liked what he saw. Just the hint of a little girl-on-girl drives guys wild, even—or maybe, especially- if one of 'em is his piece of ass."

Gwen wondered if Natalie was right and he was lying naked on their bed even now, his fingers curled around his shaft, pumping while lewd images danced in his head. She had come to enjoy watching him do that, paying close attention to his preferences so she might pleasure him with the same techniques later. Maybe he would give a repeat performance if she offered a detailed description of what happens when he's not there?

"So anyways," Natalie continued, "you ever do any acting in school? Plays, talent shows, that kind of thing?"

Gwen laughed. "Oh God, no! My mother didn't think that was something young ladies should take part in. Why?"

"Well, tonight might be a good time to give it a try if you ever wanted to. I have a feeling you might like showing off a different side of Gwen. Let the inner Slut out, you know?" So she does know about me, the corseted figure on Gwen's shoulder purred while agreeing to the suggestion. "Ham it up for the guests, act innocent, sultry, playful, whatever you think they want to see and you've always felt like doing. To the guests, that kind of behavior is expected out of people like us."

"And what are 'people like us?"

"You know, the hired help. Seeing us get a little naughty gets them in the mood to toss money around, which means more sales for Cho and the more Mrs. Danning collects for her charities—"

"Wait, wait," Gwen interrupted. "Mrs. Danning? You don't mean Sylvia Danning, do you?"

Natalie grinned. "The one and only! So I guess you know who she is, huh?"

Thirty years ago, Sylvia Danning had been Sylvia Perkowski, a twenty-something New York socialite with classic beauty, irresistible charm and rather limited means. But then she met Jubal P. Danning, the sixty-six year old real-estate and media tycoon, and after a whirlwind two-month courtship, married him. Jubal's friends, family and business partners had made every effort to convince him of his foolishness and that she was a gold digger, but despite their advice the couple had apparently been very happy together right up until his death some ten years later. There had been whispers that his young wife had fucked him to death; but his closest friends knew that whatever the cause of his demise, he had been never been happier than during his marriage to her. The erstwhile Danning heirs had repeatedly tried and failed to separate Sylvia from the massive fortune Jubal had left her, and to their dismay she had proven them wrong and was considered a very competent and financially conservative successor to the elder Danning. His holdings had continued to grow under her watch in the years since his death.

Gwen was only barely aware of that part of the woman's past, though; the Sylvia Danning she knew was one of the leading figures in the American equestrian community. Her wealth and grudging acceptance into the highest echelons of the upper class had allowed her to indulge a long-simmering passion for horses in a big way, and in the past thirty years she had become a leading figure in all things equestrian. The Nelson family knew her particularly well as the one-woman selection committee for the Danning Cup.

The Cup was awarded each year at the Perry, GA event to a promising junior equestrienne; it had been derisively nicknamed the "Redneck Rider Reward" by society's elite as it normally ended up with girls closer to working-class roots. Sylvia Danning never publicly discussed her selection criteria, but she had privately acknowledged to a trusted few that she wanted to ensure the scholarship money that came with the Cup would be appreciated and used. KD had won the award five years ago and while Gwen knew the Cup's nickname as well, she didn't care; the $10,000 a year for her daughter's college education had been appreciated, and she had no doubt that KD had been the best rider there, regardless of social status.

"Yes, I know her. I can't believe someone like that is hosting a party like this."

"Rich people have sex, too," Natalie laughed, "probably more than average. Money and power make it very available in whatever form they prefer. Our hostess knows Cho from somewhere, and from what I understand, she puts this on once a year and invites her inner circle of friends, and those who want to be in her inner circle. The toys and lingerie are secondary, we're just scandalous entertainment while Mrs. Danning pretends she's sharing a big secret with them and hits them up for donations to her causes. You know how rich people like the thrill of being in on big secrets." Gwen had to agree with this; even her own mother gauged much of her standing on how much "in the know" she was, and what she had on others. "The guests know not to talk about what goes on in order to stay in their host's good graces, and we don't talk about what went on because of the Non-Disclosure Agreement we signed."

The Lady's urgent warnings of imminent danger and subsequent doom had Gwen's attention. "Natalie, what goes on that that makes this so secret? This isn't one of those sex parties I've heard about, right?"

The blonde smiled. "It's just a homewares party that gets a little, umm, risqué. But Mrs. Danning and her guests have reputations to uphold, and being outed as a connoisseur of big black dildos on the Sunday paper's society page is not something they would appreciate. And no, it's not a sex party, but some of the things Cho's offering just need to be demonstrated to be appreciated...like I said, you can help out with that part as little or as much as you're up for. You won't get pushed into anything you're not comfortable with, but it's a fun night to show off a little." The explanation did little to quiet the Lady.

Natalie spent the drive filling her sister-in-law in on some of the finer points of the evening while vaguely answering Gwen's increasingly frantic questions and then they were pulling into the now-familiar parking lot of Sensual Sensations. The shop was busy, and Gwen looked about as women (and men) casually handled the wares, comparing them, holding them up for their partner's examination and approval. A young clerk greeted them and led them to the back where she opened the door to a brightly-lit octagonal room with a small round stage in the center and mirrors on four of the walls, not unlike the fitting rooms in the bridal shops she had visited with Alison.

"Ladies!" Dorothy, the older woman who had assisted her in selecting Cricket's gifts, rushed from a garment bag she was packing to hug the newcomers. "I was so glad to hear you agreed to help us," she said as she pulled Gwen into a hug.

"Nervous?" Cho asked as she added her own greeting.


"You'll be great. Let's start you with a glass of wine to help settle some of the jitters. I have a few things for all of you to try on," she said, already pouring. "I have an idea of your measurements from the corsets that first time you were here. Did you bring the things I asked for?" Gwen nodded, holding up a small travel bag. "Great!" Cho exclaimed, pushing the glass into the startled woman's hand while taking the bag from her. "Mind if I take a look?"

Gwen nodded and took a gulp of wine. Cho quickly unzipped the bag and began to pull items out, examining each. "Beautiful boots," she said softly, "I usually ask the models to bring their own footwear so fit correctly. Remind me to get who makes these from you so I can add them to the catalog and see if they do custom work. Yes, they'll do just fine."

"For what?"

She smiled. You'll see. But now," she said, holding out the little black dress, "can I see you in this?"

Gwen glanced around for someplace to undress in private but saw that Natalie had no need for one and was already down to just her thong, Dorothy attending to her. She eyed the closed door, wondering if the shoppers on the other side might get a free show should it open. "Will the others be coming in to try things on, too?"

"Already did this morning. They all modeled for me last year, so I had a pretty good idea what would work. They're going to meet us there." Gwen eyed the door again before calming herself and undressing down to her underwear.

"Might as well get rid of those, too," Cho advised as she waited patiently. "You won't need them for the things you'll be trying on."

Gwen took another gulp of wine and reluctantly complied, the dress going on faster than the underwear had come off. Cho nodded appreciatively. "Oh yes, you will do just fine, too." Off to the side, Natalie giggled as Dorothy stuffed her oversized breasts into an undersized half-cup bra.

Dorothy and Cho began to scramble back and forth between the changing area and the shop floor for more exact fits and colors as the models tried on a variety of things that became ever-increasingly revealing. Gwen was thankful that she couldn't see the customers through the frequently open door from where she stood and she therefore could not be seen by the customers, but the items selected for her continued to shrink in size and modesty and she knew she would be practically naked in front of strangers sooner or later today anyways. The alcohol-aided Slut worked to push her perverted dreams of being displayed to others into her consciousness, and the idea her twisted thoughts might somehow be made real both terrified and thrilled her. Her palms grew moist with sweat even as her sex grew slick.

Cho approached holding a wide strip of supple black leather and a cord attached to triangles apparently cut from the same material. She eyed Gwen thoughtfully, examining her. "Try this," she finally said, holding out the items.

Gwen took the wider strip first and tried to make sense as to what to do with it. "It's a skirt," Cho said helpfully and took the leather piece back. "Turn around." The strip was wrapped about her and fastened together with a single eye and hook just above the split of her buttocks. It was a skirt in name only; the leather ending not more than a couple of inches below her crotch, and the part sitting on her partially exposed bottom felt like it was gaping open like some sort of obscene hospital gown. Cho reached around and placed the tiny triangles she held over Gwen's nipples and tied the cord into a sort of bra, not that it would offer any support whatsoever. Her reflection reminded the barely-dressed woman of some sort of pornographic warrior princess. "Okay, turn around again." She shuffled in place to face Cho. "I like it. Wear your boots and gloves with this one, please."


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