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A Night at Uncle Woo's

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His first pussy-bed experience.
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Hello you naughty girls and boys.

This is a little different than my usual fare. As our scene opens we have a man and woman on the streets of some far off world at night. And there is tension in the air. Shall we take a peek and see what unfolds?


"You've got to be kidding me. Listen we don't have the time. You know they are looking for us and if we don't move it, and I mean fast, they are going to get to the docks before us."

I couldn't believe that she was suggesting such an idea; an idea we didn't even have time to argue about. She needed to talk fast.

"And that's what makes this such a great idea. Hear me out. We lay low, which they aren't expecting. We stay here which I very seriously doubt they would even consider. This way we avoid running into an ambush at the docks and they'll be checking every ship leaving tonight. We let them get ahead of us and tomorrow we sneak out behind them. They'll be checking all the wrong routes and passenger lists. Plus this way we can get some rest cause were gonna need all our energy to make it to the end with this box."

She stopped, giving me a moment, a moment we didn't have, to make a decision here on the street. I had to admit there were points I liked about her little plan.

I had already agreed to make a run through the slums and sex district for similar reasons; they weren't likely to look for us there unless they saw us go that way. It was also a longer route to the docks, once again something we wouldn't risk. But that's why we had done it. It was unexpected. And in my years in this sort of business being unexpected was of higher value than a boatload of tech or chips worth of skills.

But my thoughts had been for a mad dash from there to the docks. We would have to press hard to beat them there but they wouldn't be on our tails. It was the risky part of our move and now she was offering something to remove that risk. And she was offering something even more unexpected. What if we didn't make it out tonight? Most of their efforts would be in chasing us down or getting ahead of us; they probably wouldn't spend too many resources searching in town. And if they did search I would have to agree they weren't likely to look for us here.

So we would fool them by not being at the docks; and they would likely expect they just missed us or couldn't nail down our ride out. We would stay hidden by hiding in a most unlikely location. And then tomorrow after a night's rest; well the rest was still suspect, but some time tomorrow we could make our way out and it would be harder to track our exit. I was convinced.

She was looking around, checking our surroundings and hoping I would agree and agree fast. I took another look at the building before us. The lighted signage which failed to illuminate much of this dark street read 'Uncle Woo's House of Pleasure Dreams' in what I'm sure was supposed to be reminiscent of old earth neon signs. I looked back at her and nodded my agreement and we quickly stepped through the doors.

As we stepped into the lobby she squeezed my ass cheek as she threw an arm around me and pulled herself close to whisper in my ear. As for me, I grabbed her waist and planted a kiss on her neck which then became a small bite.

"Remember if we do this, we do it right. Wouldn't want Uncle Woo to get suspicious."

She didn't have to tell me that. It was almost an insult, but then we hadn't worked together before and I might have said the same thing. We were a couple looking for some thrills at the house of pleasure dreams, and we certainly weren't involved with a box that people would kill for, nor were we just using the establishment as a place to hide out.

We paused before reaching the counter and I put a hand up her skirt to squeeze her bare cheek in return. Mission aside, it was a very nice ass cheek I held in my hand, she was so soft and smooth. In another place and time I could really enjoy spending time exploring this woman's body. It may have been for show but I did enjoy holding her.

"Oh Sebastian, just you wait until we're alone. I promise you won't regret the next three days. But you have to keep you're promise too. I get to choose and no limits."

She spoke to me but she was in her role and spoke loudly enough to be heard. She wasn't shouting, just a bit uninhibited, or so she would have anyone believe. I gave her my 'there, there darling, anything you wish' routine as we made it to the counter.

"Ahhh what a lovely couple, a couple in love I think. How may we humbly serve your desires?"

'Uncle Woo' was dressed in a long silk robe and sported a long thin moustache which reached down past the counter top. Hard to say how much of him and his mannerisms were just who he was or were the business man in him working an angle for more customers. No matter really.

"Uh, excuse me sir but...well...I was wondering if this place has any of those special beds. You know, the ones that make you feel so alive. I really want to snuggle into a warm, wet bed if you have one of those."

Man she was good. The way she offered him a look at her cleavage, enticing him while at the same time coming off completely non-threatening. And she did the 'shy but excited' bit perfectly. I almost felt as if I was on a date with this beauty I wanted to impress and not the operative I had been planning with in the street outside just moments ago.

"Oh, you want a woman's bed, a pussy bed. Yes we can supply you with that. We have a pussy bed suite available. Very good choice."

"Great! See Sebastian they do have them. Oh I've always wanted to try one. This is going to be amazing."

It was indeed a good cover; but it also wasn't cheap. The 'pussy bed' was a science marvel; at least to the adult entertainment businesses. I couldn't tell you what group of mad scientists first came up with the idea, but they had found a way to make a giant living pussy, minus the rest of the woman. They were about eight to ten feet long and came in as many varieties as the natural born pussies which inspired their creation.

So what does one do with an eight foot pussy? Turns out, the most common use is for people to crawl inside and sleep in one. Sure when they first came out some places tried to charge for a half-hour of sex; which meant sliding inside and being squeezed until both parties came, but that turned out to be rather impractical. The living pussies needed rest and time to recharge. Plus the matter of cleanings between clients, made the notion too intensive for the money it raised. However as a bed, the pussy could recover during the day and during the night provide for sensual squeezing, and if the partner so desired he or she could excite the pussy for more active 'sex'.

As time went on, improvements were made both to these new living sex organs and their care. But by the time one might have been used for quick turnaround business, they had already carved a niche in adult hotels and spas. So they could be used day and night but like a real woman, it depended a lot upon their mood and stamina. They were still an expense and having one was a matter of some prestige.

Looking at the charge I grimaced, both in and out of character. One night wasn't a small thing but three nights was an expense I hadn't planned on. Still I had to admit it was a good plan. Though we didn't plan on staying three days it would be yet another way to throw off any chase or search.

"May I have your name sir, for the registry?"

"Yes Sebastian; Sebastian...Smith."

"And your method of payment?"

I handed him my ident card and bankcard, knowing that it listed Sebastian Crunkle and not Smith, but it was all to sell the con. And of course Sebastian Crunkle wasn't really me, just an alias I was using for this job. I was making the classic blunders of a first-time guest on a first-time affair with a beautiful woman. Let Uncle Woo think me a fool.

Having taken secured payment and taken care of all business, Uncle Woo called for a girl to show us to our room. She too was Asian, at least in appearance, but rather than looking like a concubine out of history, she looked more like a flight stewardess. She had a close cut dress with no sleeves and a short skirt held by a wide belt. And she wore calf-length boots and a small hat.

The outfit and the girl would have been quite attractive just as that, but the fact that the entire outfit was made of a clear transparent plastic material, left nothing to the imagination. She wasn't technically nude and somehow that made the outfit all the more enticing than if she had just walked up to us naked.

As she turned to lead us to our room I was happy to see she was just as attractive from the back. As we made our way to the suite my present partner leaned in to remind me it was her I was supposed to be infatuated with. I gave her a look that said I was just playing my part, of a horny male ready for some action.

She opened the door to our room and went over the amenities. After ensuring there was nothing else we needed she closed the door and left. Seconds later we both let out a sigh which we had held for hours.

We really didn't pay much attention to the beds; two of them, as it was discovered that trying to put multiple people in one, even couples, didn't really work out. Instead we went over our plans and contingencies and each took a shower. Eventually we were satisfied and there was nothing to do but get some rest.

I didn't really know how to get into my pussy bed. While I was aware of them and how they worked I had never actually experienced one. Claire noticed my contemplation and it was quite clear she had been in one before, or at least was more comfortable in their workings. She regarded me like a cute little virgin before she came over to offer assistance.

Claire, if indeed that was her real name, was taking the lead at this point. She had an alias as Constance but if she was like me her 'real name' was just another deeper alias. I went along, both because it was her idea and because I didn't know all the ins and outs of adult hotels. Perhaps she had used them in the past to cover her tracks.

She came over to my bed and began to explain the workings. First, she told me, one had to greet the bed. You couldn't just run up and jump inside. She told me to take a moment and just admire it. Then she instructed me to stroke it much like one was smoothing the sheets and covers of a real bed. Next was to lie on the bed, which I did as she indicated. Then a little more stroking and rolling over and the crease in the middle began to open slightly.

As I ran my hand along those large lips I could feel the slickness coming from them. I slid hand then foot inside, and in just a few moments I slipped the rest of my body inside up to my neck. I was like a warm, wet sleeping bag; and then I felt the sleeping bag hug my body.

"This really is different."

"Yes it is. A nice unexpected plus to our job. I think you're going to love this."

Then she pulled a packet from the bed stand and opened it. There was a small curved cylindrical piece attached to a small strap and from that strap was a transparent rectangle about the size of a piece of paper. It looked like it could have been some sort of bib.

Close, but I was to learn I had it upside down. The cylindrical piece rested behind my neck and the small strap made it into a collar. Then she peeled a layer off the transparent sheet and as she explained, she put the thin film over my face.

This was to allow for breathing and to keep other fluids from getting into my eyes. It was necessary for safety if one was fully inside, and fully inside was the only way to go. The collar also monitored my vitals and could trigger a variety of protocols if I was in any discomfort or danger.

Claire told me to feel free to try it out. I should just think of myself as being inside a very large woman and do what I could to please her. It would be good for our cover. However if I wasn't comfortable with that she would be creating a racket with her bed and enjoying herself so our cover would be maintained even if I only wanted to sleep. Then she wished me pleasant dreams and playfully pushed my head inside.

I did dream. Not right away as I was trying to adapt to this new sleeping arrangement. And Claire was getting busy inside her bed, so I spent awhile just listening to her. I moved around a little inside of Sabrina, that was the name of the living pussy I was currently inside of, and I guess I was teasing her somewhat. But I soon decided, interesting as it all was, I needed to get some sleep and remember the mission.

So eventually I began to dream. My first dream began with me hiding in a closet. Then as dreams often do, the scenery suddenly changed and I was hiding in a well, with water up to my chest. It was night and I kept trying to glimpse the moon high overhead. After that my dreams turned more sexual.

I was with Claire, but we weren't on any operation. We were safe and relaxing and sharing a room somewhere. She was naked and as lovely as ever and now we were able to enjoy each other. She sat on the bed in front of me and I ran my hands over her breasts. Then as she leaned back on the bed I ran my hands over her sides, her stomach, and her legs as I got to my knees.

I began licking her beautiful pussy, enjoying its taste and texture on my tongue. I spent a lot of time there between her legs before she pulled me up onto the bed. However once there she soon had me on my back and it wasn't long before her pussy was once again in my face, this time as she sat upon it.

I had some difficulty breathing as she rode me to multiple orgasms. I also learned she was a squirter and my face was drenched with her juices. She was grinding against my face rhythmically when she said "I want you inside me". But she couldn't pause long enough for us to change positions. Eventually she rolled over onto her back but she held my head between her thighs as she did so.

I tried to pull away so I could put my cock inside her but she was too strong for me; incredibly strong. She just held me in her moist muff as she moaned and gyrated against my face. Her pussy was all over my face and I felt it was spreading over my cheeks. Then alarmingly she pushed the back of my head down and my face suddenly went inside her pussy!

Part of me knew this wasn't logical but part of my dream self just accepted it. It was weird but also intensely erotic that I had my entire head inside of Claire's pussy. I licked for all I was worth and tried to rub my head against her inner walls feeling for her g-spot.

It was working, because I felt her groan and tighten around me and then she thrust my shoulders into her opening. In my dream state I didn't think she could get much more of me in, totally disregarding how ridiculous it was that I could even have my head inside her. But then I felt her reaching down and grabbing my ass and a few groans and thrusts later and I was inside of her past my waist.

At this point my arms were free and I pushed against the slick walls and tried to get the rest of myself inside. It was a simple matter and soon my feet had cleared her opening, an opening which shut tight behind them.

It was dark inside her pussy but not as pitch black as it should have been. I found I was able to see the pink walls close around me. I tried to orient myself and I rolled onto my back so I could find her g-spot. I located the nubby patch and I immediately went to work on it. I rubbed my arms and hands in the area while burying my face and licking and sucking.

She responded as her whole pussy shook with me inside it. I was then squeezed several times as the walls closed in around me. It was like the most erotic hug I had ever received. Then she began a series of squeezes. It was if she was milking my whole body, and indeed I didn't last long before I was milked and shot my load inside her. I could feel my cum all over my stomach and chest as I was still deep inside her.

Then I felt more vibrations shaking the pink walls around me. They paused for only a second before beginning again. After a few sessions of vibration she went back to milking my body. It was intense and this time the pressure against me was noticeably tight.

And then I noticed her juices were flooding around me. I was reminded of the squelching sounds of a manicured finger deep within a sopping pussy, only this time I played the role of the finger. A few more squeezes and this time it was a little uncomfortable for me.

More squeezing and vibrating continued. I was sure she had reached orgasm with me inside her but now I wondered how much longer she could go on. I was only too happy to please her but now I was being squashed harder and harder within her pussy and I was actively trying to keep my head from being submerged in her juices.

But she was far from done with me. More squeezing, more squashing, more milking, more vibrating, until I was registering real pain and a panic was setting in that I may drown inside of her. I was having trouble breathing both from the crush of the walls and the fluids which now ran down my throat. I tried to signal her my desperation but she was oblivious.

A few more pulses within Claire and I began to feel Sabrina might kill me. My mind suddenly spun and I found myself not inside of Claire but inside of Sabrina. I was trapped inside the pussy bed and she was having her way with me. I think pain and fear of death woke me but as my mind cleared I was filled with a new panic.

I was no longer dreaming but my situation had hardly changed. I was inside of Sabrina but she was still squeezing and milking me and I was having trouble breathing and had already swallowed at least a gallon of her love juices. I tried to clear my head and think. Surely by this time the safety collar should be acting to get me out of this.

I didn't know just how it worked; if Sabrina would be sedated in some way or if there was some reflex to eject my body when in such distress. But surely my rescue would happen soon. As the seconds ticked by my body was crushed and bruised and I had an image of myself as a simple dildo. But a dildo didn't have feelings and a dildo didn't need to breathe.

I swallowed more juices and couldn't determine what had gone wrong. I was trapped tight and could barely move at all. And now it was dark. As I woke up, rather than seeing light, my surroundings turned darker, and not just figuratively. I was for all intents and purposes, blind. I was a blind sex toy for a giant living pussy; a pussy that was having a marathon fuck!

I tried to scream, I tried to beat the walls, but I feared how pathetic my attempts were. I wondered what Sabrina looked like on the outside right now. I could imagine her red and swollen lips but would there even be any indication that someone was trapped inside? If I could punch her inner wall would it be noticed on the outside? And how could I move my arm to make such a punch.

Then Sabrina had a spasm and I was held in a crushing vice as I was flooded with a fresh outpouring. She had climaxed; again. I didn't know how many times she had up to this point but I certainly felt the wrath of that one, and I feared I could not survive another. Surely someone had to know there was trouble and that I needed a rescue.

And that was the first time since waking that I had thought of Claire. She was more experienced with these pussy beds, surely she would know how to free me. And surely even if she had been sound asleep my recent struggles must have wakened her. But I could not hear her outside my pussy prison.

As my abuse continued with nothing I could do to stop it, I waited for Claire to rescue me. After several minutes or perhaps just seconds I had another awful thought. What if Claire wouldn't rescue me? It seemed insane but now, even in my physical state, I had to think back to the mission.


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