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A Night of Filth

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Sienna’s roommate invites her to a night of perversities.
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This short story is for the 2021 Winter Holidays Contest. Your vote would be much appreciated. Thank you for being naughty and nice! Possible trigger warning: Consensual non-consent .


I'm snowbound in Rockaway Park, New York on a freezing Christmas night. Cancelled flights, icy sidewalks and four feet snow banks separated me from the rest of the world. But that doesn't mean a girl can't have some fun. Sorry mom and dad, I miss you, but I'm freshly showered and I haven't been laid in over a year. If I'm lucky, I'm going to have a very slutty Christmas.

Snug in the warmth of my cozy bedroom, I gazed at my reflection in a propped up full length mirror and smiled at the sight of me looking all sexy in my naughty Mrs. Claus costume. I looked more like Regina George from Mean Girls than a sexy Mrs. Claus in my short red dress trimmed with white fur and black high heeled boots that went all the way up to my thighs. My eyes glittered like brilliant grey sapphires. My home dyed blonde hair shined like champagne satin. Mike won't be able to resist me.

My introverted landlord house mate, Michael Hoffman, has no idea that I've been crushing on him ever since I moved into the ground floor bedroom in his two story town house two years ago. Nothing has ever sparked between us. Not a wink, a smirk or a saucy inuendo. I understand. He sees me for the reclusive girl that I am. Besides, he has a gorgeous girlfriend; a German yoga instructor, vegan chef, and Instagram influencer named Tatiana. I met her once before they disappeared upstairs and into his bedroom where he banged her brains out. But Tati has been stuck in Australia for the past year and it's been quiet around here. I kind of miss the loud moans and bestial grunts they made while having wild ass sex.

Mike and I started remote working from home sixteen months ago. I maintain content on a city website while he works as a commodity trader for some international firm based in Singapore. Still, we still rarely see each other as he rarely leaves his room which I've dubbed his evil lair. He's a twenty eight year old guy who's cute in a nerdy way; the kind of guy doesn't know how cute he is. Whip off the glasses, tear off the shirt and Clark Kent turns to Superman. He's fit with an average build with a mass of unruly dark wavy hair. His brown eyes have a glimmer of unpredictability like a killer sizing up his prey.

He's got to be horny as I. He has stuck to his strict no socialization rules we'd agreed to last year when the virus was running wild. He's a bit of a germaphobe and the town house has been a true bubble. I give him clues that I'm horny. Last week, he was rummaging in the kitchen drawer looking for a flashlight and when he found it, he tried clicking it on before shaking the empty Maglite. My guilty eyes shifted around the room as he opened the flashlight to see there were no batteries inside.

"What the fuck?" he said. "I put fresh batteries in it last month."

"I took them. My, uh, vibrator died the other morning and there weren't any D batteries in the pantry and the corner store was out of batteries and I couldn't go to Costco because I couldn't find a mask and..."

He stared at me as though I were a cockroach.

Flustered, I blurted out, "Just use the flashlight on your phone."

"Oh," he said, setting down the flashlight to retrieve his phone from his pocket.

He tapped on the white hot pen light then went back upstairs to his bedroom and slammed the door behind him. God, this guy can be so absent minded and still, I want to fuck him. Knocking back a third shot of tequila, I was ready.

I pulled on black satin elbow length gloves before placing my floppy Santa hat onto my head and grabbing an unwrapped candy cane. I left my bedroom behind the kitchen, positioned myself in the living room near the base of the stairs and yelled up, "Hey, Mike! Mike!!"

I heard a door creak open on the second floor.

"What?!" he yelled.

"Come here!"

He stomped down the hall and appeared at the top of the stairs in a faded black t-shirt and red plaid flannel pajama bottoms. Was that bulge in his pants a hard-on? Oh my God, was he watching porn?

My outfit had the desired effect. His eyes widened a bit and his lips parted as he looked me up and down. I twisted a lock of my hair with my finger as I looked up at him with big doe eyes while pouting with ruby glazed lips as I licked the candy cane.

"What's this?" he asked. "What's going on?"

I coyly replied, "I didn't get you a Christmas gift but Mrs. Claus is down for anything."

After studying me for a few more seconds, a wry smile settled onto his face. "Anything?"

My heart fluttered as I nodded, my nipples became a little bit harder.

He asked, "Want to go to a party?"

"Sure. Where?"

"In my room."

I coyly replied, "Your room, huh?"

"On PartyBox."

I dialed back my smile at the mention of the videoconferencing house party app. "Oh."

"It's going on right now. Come on."

"Oh, okay."

I couldn't imagine a party at this late hour on such a pure and wholesome night as Christmas night, but there's lots of lonely people missing family so I guess there's a need.

After wearing nothing but sneakers and house slippers for the past year, I was as wobbly as a newborn filly as I climbed the steps in high heeled boots. Mike shifted from foot to foot giving away his impatience until with a sigh, he came down the stairs, picked me up and slung me over his shoulder. My Santa's hat fell from my head, but I giggled with delight and held on to his body for dear life as he carried me up the stairs as though I were a prize plundered from another man. He carried me all the way down the hall to his bedroom where he dumped me on his bed where I landed with an oomph. He moved to the far side of the room as I sat up and brushed aside my hair which had fallen in my face. I looked around his dark bedroom lit by two thirty-four inch computer screens. Clothes were strewn all over the place and it smelled of a man's stale musky funk. When I turned my attention to the two screens and leaned in to get a better view of what people were doing in their squares on the communal grid, my eyes opened with pure shock and my hand flew over my slack jawed mouth. The party consisted of rooms of strangers doing all kinds of sex acts! I thought we'd be having a bourbon laced eggnog sing-along with people dressed in ugly sweaters, but instead, the screens were full of people indulging in sexual fetishes.

"What the fuck?" I said as I watched a man's pointed tongue wiggling through a woman's pedicured toes as her foot smashed his face.

Mike nonchalantly answered, "It's a Christmas night of filth."

There is was, resembling a Christmas card in a corner of the screen; Welcome to a Christmas Night of Filth.

A Night of Filth?! And filth it was. Filth was all over the dual screens. Every square had its own sex show going on. Kinky couples and throuples romped on dimly lit beds. Various guys stared into their cameras as they masturbated, making sure their cocks could be seen as they stroked away. In one square, a dominatrix's high heeled latex boot was grinding the tiny flaccid penis of a stone faced man. Some chick's wide open vagina was on display. Her red stiletto fingernails punched in and out of her glistening pink womanly depths as she unabashedly masturbated inches away from a camera's lens. And no one seemed to care that a world of strangers was watching them. It was probably a turn-on for many of them. It seemed to be a turn-on for Mike.

Mike approached and pushed me back on to bed. In a single move, he flipped me over onto my stomach and swung my legs onto the bed. I thought he was going to pull down my panties and jam his cock inside me but instead, he grabbed my wrists. I had no idea where he got the zip tie restraint but he deftly slipped the readied loops over my hands and jerked the stiff plastic tight around my wrists.

"Hey," I cried.

"We're just going to have some fun," he said with a pacifying tone.

For some crazy reason, I trusted him. I trusted him with my life.

I turned my head from the bedroom's wall to face the screens once more. Then I spotted it; a camera on a table top tripod set up between his screens aimed our way. A bright red pin light shined above its lens and it finally hit me that he was broadcasting us! We were part of the party! I started looking for us when Mike lifted me up by the hip and shoved a pillow beneath my pelvis to prime me for sex. Then I heard him open his nightstand drawer. I could hear him rummaging around and turned around but couldn't see what he was doing. I could hear the sound of things being set on his nightstand until it went quiet once more. I turned my head back to the deviant virtual party of freaks. My eyes landed on the back of grey haired man head was tucked between two thick brown thighs. My eyes grew large when he turned to the camera and smiled with tongue smeared with brown.

"Oh my God!" I exclaimed, as the man on the screen smiled just for me. "Is that shit on his tongue?"

The man reached across the screen to pluck a silver wrapped Hershey's kiss from a bowl. He unwrapped it, stuck it between the girl's pussy lips, and returned his face to her pussy.

The bed rocked as Mike moved between my legs to flip up my skimpy skirt. Then as quick as a cat, his hand shot out, grabbed my panties' waist band and ripped them off with one savage yank.

"Oww," I feebly complained.

Mike reached around my head to stuff a wadded red silky ball made of my panties into my mouth before settling on the bed behind me. I could feel him gaze at my backside before his fingers ran raked down my butt and thighs. My skin shivered from his touch. Then he spread my thighs even further.

I was in some kind of dazed stupor, unmoving and ready for whatever. I held my breath at the sound of squirting oil. Then Mike's wide hand slapped my entire nether regions with warm oil. He slathered it on me, from my clit to my asshole. It wasn't necessary. I was already wet. Back and forth went his hand as he messaged the oil into every fold in a slow and deliberate way. Every time oily fingers pressed into my slippery clit causing a suction which exquisitely popped sent me into orbit. Unable to remain still, I began to hump his hand, moving my hips up and down against his greased up palm.

He muttered, "You miss getting fucked, don't you?"

My reply was a stifled moan. His hand continued to rub between my now oil slicked thighs. An orgasm threatened to burst forward. My impatient butt wiggled in the air. I wanted him to stick his dick into me so badly. And when his hand withdrew from me, I looked back over my shoulder and watched as Mike reared up on his knees to pull down his pajama bottoms which he quickly shucked off. Oh my God! Mike's penis was the longest penis I'd ever seen! It had a slight curve, but it had to be nine or ten inches long!

I turned my head away from him, still in awe at the length of his dick, when I felt oil trickle into my butt crack. Then his finger penetrated my anus, pushing oil inside it until his hand withdrew from my constricted hole. I waited for him to shove his dick into my pussy but instead, he placed his hard cock's tip into my asshole began to push it in. I gritted my teeth, chewing into the wad of panties in my mouth and kicked my booted legs from his impaling hard shaft driving further up my asshole. Then he pulled out. I went limp. My clit twitched from its longing to be petted. My vagina ached to pounded. I looked over my shoulder to see him staring at the monitor. I placed my head upon his plush down pillow and tried to catch my breath. But he entered my still tight asshole and began to slowly fuck me, each time plunging just a little bit deeper as he stretched my rectum. A film of perspiration sprouted from my brow as I took my pounding. With each thrust, I felt myself becoming detached from my body; thrown into my own universe where the pain had magically transformed into some kind of perverse pleasure. When all ten inches were in me, and his pubic hair ground against my butt cheeks, I couldn't take it and let out a muffled cry. He withdrew a bit but never left my asshole. His straight arms trembled against my body as he steadied himself above me. His thighs rub against my thin skinned inner thighs. I could feel his cock throbbing in my butthole. And then, he started to fuck me again, pushing into my tight asshole with his slippery long cock. My wrists strained against the ties as his groin slapped against my butt. And I received pleasure from it all. He stopped to reach under my groin to grind his fingers into my slippery hooded clit. I knew we were on camera and that everyone could see us. It was degrading and yet, I'd never been more aroused in my life! I'd never been a submissive. Not even in my fantasies. But being bound and fucked was liberating. It was exactly what I needed to feel alive again.

Face down in his pillow, I could hardly breath and when I did, I inhaled his scent lingering on his pillowcase. His hand continued to rub my oily pussy, his finger teasing my clit. And with one last flick of his finger, I lost it. An orgasm ripped forth from my quivering pussy, desperately longing to grip a hard shaft of flesh that just wasn't there. I screamed into my gag as my hips began to buck from an orgasmic cascade of rippling spasms.

I was still cumming when he pulled out his cock pulled and left me tortured by a muscle jerking orgasm without a hard cock to milk. I opened my eyes to look behind me. I was begging him to fuck me as my orgasms continued to shudder through my body. Mike leaned back to grab a big white candle off his nightstand. He lit the blackened wick and set it down before reaching into a nightstand drawer to pull out a red ski mask which he promptly placed over my head. It smelled of Tatiana's perfume. He was kind enough to adjust the nose and eye holes to accommodate my sight and breathing before returning to Dom mode.

I turned my face to the screens and finally caught sight of myself on an upper corner box on the screen. The red balaclava made us stick out from the crowd. My eyes were riveted to the sight of me on screen wide eyed and blinking, breathing hard as I laid lengthwise on Mike's bed lit by the monitors' screen light. My hair sprouted in a blond spray of mess from the mask. My tits had fallen out of the costume now bunched around stomach. The wadded red panties stuffed between my lips and my bare butt in the air. The sight turned me on even more. My loins warmed and roiled with the sensations of a trapped snake.

Mike had also turned his attention towards the party on his screens. He leaned forward to read a chat room message out loud.

"'Hey girl in the red ski mask, let's see your gaping ass.' Okay."

He grabbed me by the hips. His long hard penis bounced as he pulled me off the bed. My booted feet hit the floor. With my arms still bound behind me, he positioned my backside to his computer's camera. I rested my upper body onto the bed. I could feel all of the masturbators' eyes burning upon my exposed ass. Mike pulled a box cutter from his desk and cut my bindings.

His face was in mine when he snarled, "Spread your cheeks."

I did as he commanded, grasping my butt cheeks to spread them apart for the world to see. The bed bounced as Mike moved away.

I was staring at his wall when a drop of hot wax hit me between my butt cheeks jerked me from my thoughts. My knees trembled and I wanted to stand up. But I remained there with my hands planted on my butt cheeks waiting for more. The pain was exquisite! He dripped more of the white wax upon me. Small trails of wax dripped over my fingers and the edge my hole. I stifled a scream as my clit jerked from a climax with each dribble of hot wax. His dick was still hard as he leaned towards the screen to read the comments flowing into the chat.

There it was again; that mixture of pain and pleasure that makes my clit throb. I remained ass backed to the camera, spread cheeked, staring at his bedroom wall until the wax cooled. In an adjacent mirror, I watched Mike enlarge our box on the screen, zooming so he could see my ragged gaping anus up close where a pool of white wax pooled had gathered and dribbled all over my ass. It looked like cum. I can't describe the feeling as Mike peeled cool wax out of my asshole. Once the wax plug was removed, I could feel that inner fuck oil bubble up and out of my ass. Still bent over, my cheeks pulled apart, I watched him grab a Lucite butt plug off of his nightstand. It had three ridges and was topped with a manageable spade. He slowly shoved it inside me. I thought I'd pass out from the pressure. I let go of my ass and fell upon the bed, my fingers clawing at his bed covers until the butt plug was securely inside. He then left me alone to join the party, typing on his keyboard as he watched other people. A minute went by and then a few more. How long was he going to ignore me? I held my position until I couldn't any longer.

"Mmmwwwawwmmwwwa." I mumbled through my gag.

He replied with his usual bark. "What?"

He yanked the panties from my cotton dry mouth. I gazed into his menacing eyes and timidly asked, "Can I please lie down?"

"Yeah, sure."

Mike grabbed me by my legs and my body spun around to swing me firmly onto the bed. The butt plug was still securely wedged in my ass as I wriggled to get comfortable on his now rumpled bedspread. I laid my head on his pillow and looked towards the screens as Mike moved behind me on the bed. I laid there utterly spent from his anal obsession, damp and breathing hard and taking in all the sensations from a butt plug in my ass when I spotted someone familiar on the screen. No! Yes! It was Mike's girlfriend, Tatiana! The profile of her face filled her box on the screen. Tati was deep throating a guy. His light brown pubes mashed against her lips as her mouth was filled with cock. I watched her gag until the uncircumcised cock pulled out of her mouth.

I asked, "Is that Tatiana?"

Mike leaned over me and stuffed my panties back into my mouth before saying, "Yeah. She's a fucking slut."

The bed rocked as he moved behind me once more. The hum of vibrator filled the room. Then he inserted inside my soaking wet pussy. I groaned from pure pleasure filling me as I slid over puddles of white wax littering his bed spread. And when I bucked against the vibrator set on a tortuous low setting, Mike delivered a harsh slap to my ass. I stopped moving. He fucked my pussy with that vibrator at a deliberately slow pace. It vibrated against the butt plug as he pulled and pushed it in and out. The humiliation of being helpless, being DP'ed by a vibrator and a butt plug, and the knowledge that Mike was receiving pleasure as well, made me climax once again. I clinched my butt cheeks and arched up into the air as I had the strongest orgasm I've ever had. The panties fell from my open mouth and I emitted a guttural moan before collapsing on the bed. For what seemed like ten minutes or so, I orgasmed over and over again. Then suddenly, he cruelly pulled the vibrator from my still quivering cunt. My body was as limp as a rag. He fumbled with my costume's zipper.

He growled, "How do you get this fucking thing off?"

He yanked off the dress over my head and flung the aside the red velvet dress before flipping over onto my back. There I was, dressed only in a ski mask and shiny black boots. He lifted my legs into the air, reached between my butt cheeks and ripped the butt plug from my ass. I cried out from the tortuous removal and laid exhausted on his bed.

Mike positioned us until we were sitting on the side of the bed, in front of the camera. He dragged me up to sit on his hairy thighs over his cock and forced me to sit down on his lap. My head lolled back over his shoulder as his hands mashed my tits before one travelled down to my clit where rubbed and pinched my swollen clit. Pleasure, pure pleasure, ran through my body. I basked in the touch; of his mouth sucking on my neck below the now moist ski mask. I lost track of how many times I orgasmed.


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