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A Night Out With the Girls and Boys

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A surprise in a bar exposes two cheating spouses.
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I would like to thank kenjisato for a great job in editing.

A Night Out With the Girls and Boys

The night of the end and the beginning

I was sitting in the Stagger Inn bar about 6:30pm on a Friday, having a soda I don't drink. Since I didn't drink, I had my 'designated driver' badge on. I was there alone, but I used the badge to get free soda and snacks all night.

I was annoyed that my wife decided to have another night out with the girls, so not wanting to sit at home, I went to this bar that I thought would be fun. I didn't want to be bothered by anybody, so I kind of sat off in a corner, where there were small tables. It was a table close to me that was open, and an attractive lady sat down.

Being a friendly guy, I said, "Hello, how are you?"

She said, grudgingly, "I'm okay, how are you?"

"Well, the wife's out with the girls tonight, so I'm just gonna sit here and enjoy the ambience. By the way, my name is Dave."

The woman replied, "Husband's out with the boys tonight, so I'm here to watch the ambience, too. My name is Mary."

So we sat for about an hour and talked about nothing and everything, just as platonic as could be. We talked about where we worked, we were both middle-school teachers, but in different districts. I had taught six years, and she two years after starting her family with two kids, Richie six and Jannie four; her mom was watching the kids tonight.

Then we found out our spouses worked at the same hospital, mine a nurse, and her husband, a microbiologist. We both said such a small world. She had come from a middle-class family, and her husband came from a rich family. She said with joking disgust, that she had to sign a prenup.

I said, "Damn, I had to sign one, too," since my wife came from a rich family that had extensive landholdings.

I laughed, "My wife, Sue, is too pretty for me to cheat on, and I get all the loving I need."

She said, "My husband, Richard, is too handsome to cheat on also, and I get the loving I need." She added with an eye roll, "Except boys' night, but you men need to do that male-bonding thing."

I came back with a chuckle, and an eye roll of my own. "As if women don't bond?"

We then talked about school stuff-- students, parents, duty, administrators, etc.

We had a happy-hour group between us, and the rest of the bar.

Bar Surprise!

Suddenly, she said, "Oh shit," while looking at the front door.

I turned and looked at the door. I, too, said, "Oh shit!"

Walking in, arm in arm, were our spouses!

She said, "That's my husband with some bitch."

"That ain't no bitch, that's my wife!"

We looked at each other, like deer caught in the headlights. We both took our phones out; I started to video, and she started to take stills. After about twenty minutes, we had recorded our spouses kissing and playing 'I'll touch you and you touch me' on the other side of the bar's main room.

We then realized that, at one point, one or both of our spouses would need to use the restroom, which would take them right by where we were sitting. So, we made an exit plan. The hall that led to the restrooms, also led to the backdoor of the bar. I caught the waitress' eye and pointed to Mary and me, and threw down a twenty-dollar bill to pay for our last drinks. We headed out the back door, and agreed to meet a block away to discuss what we had just seen.

First, we compared notes on how often our spouses had a night out with the girls and the boys, and realized they matched like gears in a clock; and the time they usually would get home, for both was about 12:00am to 12:45am. While we were sitting in my car, Mary saw her husband's car coming down the street. I saw my wife move her head into his lap. I started the car and followed them; they turned into a motel. We pulled into the lot, and parked close behind a truck. Mary got out and took pictures of his car with my wife in it, including the motel sign.

I moved to where I thought they would enter the room, after he got the key, Sure enough, that was the where they were. I got some pictures of him grabbing my wife's tit, and of her grabbing his cock. When I got back to my car, Mary was as white as a ghost.

She told me that she thought I had confronted them.

With a smile, I said, "I'm not that stupid." I drove her back to her car, where we exchanged numbers, and said we would call each other in the morning.

At Home

I got home before 11:30pm, and turned on the TV.

About 12:05pm, Sue came home saying, "Boy, what a night. The girls were really wild tonight."

So I said, "I'd love to get wild with you now, babe."

"Oh, honey; I am so tired, I think I will just take a shower and go to bed."

She stripped off her clothes, and went into the bathroom. We never close the door when showering, so I looked into the bathroom, and saw she was flooding her pussy with the shower massage. The only time I knew she did this, was after we had made love, and she did not want to smell like sex. It dawned on me that she had always done it when she came home from her 'girls' night out.'

The next morning, I decided to tell the wife I was going over to my school to do some prep for next week. I had done this many times, so there was no suspicion. When I parked by my room, I locked my door so I would have time to hang up if Sue would come to see me. I called Mary who, when she answered, said she was out for a 'stress' relieving run, so she could talk.

I told Mary I was going to divorce my wife. She said she wasn't sure what she would do. I told her I had a lawyer friend, Robert Long, who I had played College Lacrosse college lacrosse with. Robert was a family law lawyer. I told her I bet he'd see us together. So I made an appointment for both of us Monday at 4:30pm. Robert said he would stay late and not charge us extra. I told her to bring all she had from the pictures to the prenup, and any papers that looked important. Robert had a copy of my prenup.

Robert Long, Esq.

Monday at 4:30pm, we showed up at Robert's office. Robert looked at the two of us and his eyebrows moved up into his scalp. We signed papers so that he could do both our divorces, and that we could exchange information. I brought the hospital's personnel guide, and it clearly stated that there was a no-fraternization-among-employees policy. Robert talked to us for an hour and a half; thank God we were only being charged for a half hour. He was salivating by the end of our meeting, and said what we would do is to hire a P.I. to watch them.

We got better pictures from the P.I. than he expected. He said he would take a lawsuit for both of us against the hospital for not watching their employees in regard to the personnel policy. He said he would sue the hospital for both of us, and we both would get approximately seven-hundred-thousand to one-million dollars each, depending how quiet the hospital wanted to keep it.

Mary and I had the deer-in-the-headlights look again.

We both said that we didn't want the hospital to fire our spouses. He said, "Right. We need them to be working during the divorce."

Prenups, prenups, we don't need no stinken prenups

Both prenups were the standard 'leave with what you came in with' unless there was infidelity and THEN it was 'Katie bar the door, we have the evidence!'

Robert said the prenups were wonderful, since the families never thought our spouses would be the ones to fuck up. He told us to continue to be the 'loving' spouses we always were. But we didn't have to have sex with them.

We both sarcastically said, "Oh darn."

Both Mary and I had been forced by our prenups to have our own bank accounts, then make deposits into the joint household account for bills. Robert told us that he bet that both our spouses made more than we did, and they did.

Since I did the taxes, I had all the information about our finances. Mary was able to go through her family's papers, copied them and put them back in the home files. Some of the papers she found, seemed to be hidden. Mary told me how she took pictures before she started to search, so that she could put everything back the way it was. This lady was smart! So we both had the financials taken care of. We still had to find out if either of our spouses had any hidden accounts. I'd be damned they were hiding money! Robert said he would give a 'big' friends-and-family discount on the divorces, but would take his normal fee for the lawsuits.

Mary's had the usual order because of the kids, removing the husband from the house; with mine, since I was the aggrieved spouse, I was able to stay in the house, as I had the dogs to take care of. He added an order of protections to top it off. I had a four-bedroom house, Mary had a three-bedroom house.

Surprise at the hospital: Finally, the day of service arrived.

Robert had scheduled that the two of them would be served at work, and the hospital was to be served with the lawsuit at the same time. It would happen when we had our lunch breaks, knowing that we would probably get a phone call. Robert gave us a copy of the orders 'to post on the front door.' Very Martin Luther-ish. I thought that was kind of funny and cool.

About ten minutes into my lunch. I got a call, looking at the call identification. It was Sue. She was in tears.

"What's going on David?"

I hated to be called David. I said, "Did you read the order?"

"A little," she started to cry and wail...

"Well, I'll be home not this Saturday, but the next Saturday from ten AM to twelve PM, as the order says. You can come get your clothes and personal items then; they will be all boxed up for you. There will be a police officer present for a civil standby." I found out later that she had collapsed, and was taken to the ER.

I have a friend, a softball teammate of mine, Bill, that would be off duty from the police department, and he said he would do the civil standby as a favor.

Mary received no such call.

Robert told me that he had arranged for the collecting of clothes and personal items by each spouse at the same time, so they couldn't come together. He said this rather gleefully. Again, there was a civil standby; a friend of Bill's at the department did it. Both Bill and his friend dressed in the full street uniform. Hat, bulletproof vest, taser, handcuffs, service weapon, extra magazines, bright shiny shoes and belt, and the icing on the cake-- Bill and his friend even had their K9s with them. It cost me a couple rounds of beers the next softball night. Also I had to tutor Bill's son in math, so he could pass ninth grade, easy-peezy.

While Sue moved her stuff, I sat quietly, and drank a soda from a glass with the bar's name on it-- 'The Stagger Inn.' When she saw it, she began crying again, and whispered, "The Stagger Inn."

The hospital settled with both of us really quickly, by Thursday! Any publicity would kill their donations. Their insurance paid seven-hundred-fifty-thousand dollars after fees for me, and nine-hundred-thousand for Mary because of the kids, to be dispersed after both our divorces were final. That seemed a little under-the-table to me, but Robert told me not to worry about it. They agreed to not fire our spouses for at least two years, and we had to sign a nondisclosure agreement, which worked both ways (they could not tell our spouses about the agreement and keep them employed two years, and basically we could use any info in our divorces, just not name of the hospital or point blame.) I think Robert made a nice chunk of change 'working' on the lawsuit-- over three-hundred-and-sixty-thousand dollars for 'two-and-a-half days and a couple of phone calls.' In the divorces, we had done a lot of information gathering. I think I should have gone to the 'dark side' and become a lawyer.

Mary and I had started to have regular weekly phone conversations on the 'girls'-boys' night out.' We would meet for dinner somewhere away from where our spouses were known to meet, thanks to the P.I. Robert had hired. We ended up even going to the same middle-school educational conference. The dinners started out very platonic, but once our spouses were served, Robert said there was no reason we couldn't be seen together. We ended our dinners with a very nice kiss; as it went on, the kisses were better and better.

Mary and I would just happen to meet at the zoo, when she and the kids were there. My sister wondered why I was so interested in taking my six-year-old nephew, David, yes he was named after me, to the zoo, the movies, the ice cream shop. But, she never said anything, because this gave Ellen and her husband some adult time without the kid, and that's what I played up to her. The boys really hit it off, like they had known each other for years. This helped give me a reason for running into Mary.

A small world story, my nephew was in the same class as Mary's oldest. My sister was the Room Mother, so she had met Mary before, and had one time told her that her brother (me) was also a middle-school teacher. So when she had met Mary the 'first' time, they just both laughed. No wonder the boys knew each other.

Sue called my sister and asked why David was with me so much lately. Ellen said, "It is none of your fucking business! And how do you even knew what my family is doing? Are you a fucking stalker?" You have to love family.

Now the divorces started.

Mary's divorce was first. When financials were received, Robert found out there were a couple hidden accounts. This did not make Sue or Mary's husband happy. At the time, both our houses were hit by the housing crisis, so my house had almost no equity. Sue's hidden money paid off her equity in my house. Mary's house used all of her husband's hidden funds to pay off the mortgage, she got the house free and clear to do what she wanted to do with it, and child support. Plus, we both got a small amount of spousal maintenance.

My divorce was 'great,' Robert did not have me testify at Mary's divorce, but Robert had Mary testify at mine, it caught Sue and her lawyer off guard.

During this time, we started to see the same woman at the restaurants we were going to; turned out to be a P.I. my wife had hired. We found out there were pictures of us eating together. Robert objected and explained that we were discussing our cases. The judge ruled it sustained and irrelevant. Robert really earned his fee, our spouses' lawyers were high priced, but Robert had both divorces tied up in a nice, tight bow.

The prenups held in the battle of the high-priced lawyers; it took time, but we got what we wanted. I had a seventy-five-twenty-five split, and Mary got an a ninety-ten split... I thought, wow, she must have had a good lawyer back when the prenup was signed, but it was his lawyer who drew it up, thinking that Mary was a gold digger as Mary was pregnant and still in college at the time.


Part of the divorce proceedings was the dreaded marital counseling. Mary found out that Richard had been cheating on and off, since they met in high school-- that counseling lasted two sessions.

During my sessions with Sue, I found out that she had a miscarriage during the summer, while I was working out of town, and that she told no one except for Richard. She felt that she was being ignored, so when Richard started complimenting her, she fell for his bullshit. She admitted that she should've come to me first. She actually told me that I was a good husband, and still loved me; she begged me in every session to take her back! Imagine that. This counseling lasted about four sessions. She could not trust me with the most important occurrence in our married life? That hurt. I had almost had a child, and she even took the grieving away from me. How could I ever trust her after that?

Jobs went 'poof'

By the time the divorces were final, it had been almost two years. All of a sudden, both of our ex-spouses received very poor evaluations, and were put on ninety-day improvement plans. Somehow, they did not improve, so they were fired.

We found out that our ex-spouses were 'dating' and cohabitated, and then they married.

Mary and I started to date in earnest. We would take a couple weekends out of town a month (her ex, without him knowing, became our babysitter for our 'romantic getaways.'

I decided to take our romance public. I took Mary and her kids to see my parents on Mother's Day, and I asked her to marry me. My family went bananas; sister, mom, dad, brother-in-law, and nephew. Her family was told on Memorial Day; another bunch of bananas.

Mary found out that her contract was not going to be renewed (budget cuts). We were about to delay our wedding, until I found out one of the teachers at my school was moving out of state. We polished her résumé; she had a good recommendation from her principal and district, and we went in together to my principal. First, I told him that we were getting married.

I said, "Would you like to give us a wedding present?" He looked at me funny. I said, "How about you give my wife a job? She's a good teacher!"

He asked me to step out of his office, and he interviewed her. It turned out she was exactly what he was looking for, and the only negative thing about her was that she was marrying me! Haha. Before the first of July, she had a contract. Since July was the vacation time for administrators, my principal was happy that he had filled the position before he went to his summer cabin.

Wedding bells

We had decided to get married before school started, so that would be in August. My sister volunteered to be matron of honor. Robert told me if I ever wanted any more discounts on legal fees, "You need me to be the best man." No problem.

We had to report to school at the beginning of the last week of August, so we got married the first week of August; Mary's parents took the kids during our honeymoon.

Our honeymoon was a camping/hotel tour of the Rockies

There is no better loving than in a tent.

I had a copy of 'The Joy of Sex' and we got through all two-hundred-eighty-eight pages by October, most of it during the honeymoon, but there were some pages we 're-read.' When it came down to it, the favorite positions that Mary liked were cowgirl, doggy, and missionary, and she really liked sixty-nine. BUT she loved to give blowjobs. One time, we were driving on an interstate, and Mary decided to 'do me,' I was surprised I did not wreck the car.

It turned out my ex only let me do missionary, but had let Mary's ex,'go through' at least a quarter of the 'Joy' book. Mary had wanted to experiment with her ex, but he was a 'Polaroid lover'-- kiss her and in sixty seconds he was 'done!' Mary and I never understood why marital sex had been so routine with our exes; we had both wanted to do more in our individual marital beds.

Before we got married, mine and Mary's lovemaking was very reserved, but satisfying for both of us. After our wedding, we turned into one hot, loving fireball. Once the kids were asleep, we would just look at each other and the fireworks would start. Our own marital bed, got quite a workout (see 'Joy of Sex'), especially on the weekends, when my sister reciprocated for my taking my nephew for her 'adult-time' weekends.

We found out that my ex was able to get another nursing job, but Mary's ex was having a hard time and got way behind with child support payments and alimony. And he started drinking. One night, he beat Sue and put her in the hospital. It might have been because she told him she was pregnant; she lost the baby and had to have an emergency hysterectomy. He was arrested and he got seven to ten years, mainly because of the loss of the baby. When he was found guilty, his family disowned him. He had no more money. He had a lot of legal bills from Mary's divorce, more from Sue's divorce, and from the trial. And he would be, for at least seven years, in jail.


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