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A Really Big Favor

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The poor man couldn't even jerk off. Brooke agreed to help.
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The call came in at almost midnight. Brooke hopped out of her relaxing bath to respond to the emergency. She threw on a light sundress and some flip-flops, grabbed her keys and phone, and was on her way.

She hurried through the hospital doors at just after 1 a.m. Rosa met her in the waiting room, nearly hysterical.

"I need a favor," she sobbed. "A huge, huge, huge favor. You can say No. I won't get mad, I promise. But then I'll have to do it myself. That would probably be a mortal sin and I'd have to go to Hell. But I'll do it if I have to."

"Calm down," Brooke urged. "Take a breath. Start from the beginning." Rosa took several deep breaths, but then the tears started to flow, and the hiccups came.

"Relax!" Brooke demanded, pulling Rosa into a tight hug. "Calm down! I'll do it. Whatever it is, I'll do it. Just tell me what you need."

Slowly, between hiccups and sobs, the story came out. Rosa's brother Matteo had been in a motorcycle accident. He would survive, but he'd suffered multiple fractures in both arms. This was not actually news to Brooke. She hadn't seen Matteo in years and had never much liked him even then. But Rosa paid close attention to every little thing he did, and she insisted on keeping Brooke in the loop.

Matteo had been in traction for four weeks. He was expected to continue like that for another four. The shattered bits of bone would knit together only if they didn't shift around. And afterward, the muscles would be so weak, it would take a year of therapy to regain anything close to full function.

"But Matteo's fucking, worthless, piece of shit girlfriend decided to break up with him," Rosa spat, "She can't handle her responsibilities to my brother."

"What responsibilities?" Brooke asked. "The doctors and nurses are helping him get better. Insurance is covering all the bills, you told me. Beth is a flight attendant. She flies all over the country. She can't exactly sit by his bed 24/7."

"She was in town for almost two days. She left at one p.m. yesterday. But when I visited my brother at 1:30, he was popping a boner under the blanket. Beth should have taken care of him before shipping out. Instead, the bitch broke up with him."

"This is the favor you want?" Brooke asked incredulously. "To get your brother's rocks off?"

"Well, he can't do it for himself, not with his arms in traction. And guys aren't like girls. Guys need to pop on a regular basis. That stuff builds up in their balls and turns sour. They get depressed and moody. They lose confidence. Deprival can even lead to cancers and ulcers and strokes and worse. But you can say No."

"I already said Yes," Brooke grumbled. "I won't go back on my word. But you are going to owe me big time. So, what are we talking about? A handjob in his hospital bed?"

"If that's all you can do, that's all you can do," Rosa said, which meant, of course, that she expected and hoped for a whole lot more.

Brooke glared at her friend and stood up from the table. "What room is he in?"

"318," Rosa said. "I wrote it down for you."

Brooke took her time. And she took the stairs. She'd made a commitment, and she'd honour it, but she was in no hurry to make a slut of herself. Time waits for nobody, however. And all too soon, she was standing in front of Matteo's door, checking the nurse log.

According to the logs, someone was checking in on him every hour. She had about 45 minutes until the next round, 40 to be safe. She had no desire to be caught by a nurse.

Brooke quietly entered the darkened room. She chose to leave the lights off. It was way past visiting hours. She didn't think anyone was enforcing it, but she didn't want to tempt fate with a glowing window shining out into the corridor.

Carefully, she approached the bed. Matteo was propped up in a reclining position, as if he were dozing in an easy chair. Brooke studied his shadowed face and listened to him snore. She hadn't seen him in years, and she was curious what kind of man he'd become.

The mustache suited him, she decided. She didn't ordinarily like facial hair but it worked for Matteo. He'd been an ugly child and had grown into a much uglier adult. The mustache hid some of his face and was therefore a good thing. A beard, a hat, some sunglasses, and maybe a ski mask would do well for him.

Under normal circumstances, Brooke would not touch him with a ten-foot pole. But she'd made a promise. Very slowly and quietly, so as to avoid waking him, she pulled back the blanket covering his midsection, revealing his blue pajama bottoms.

Gently, she gripped the edges of his fly and pulled it open, until Matteo's flaccid penis emerged from the opening like a sleepy groundhog, not yet ready to end his hibernation. Brooke did not want to touch him directly yet. Soon, they would be very intimate. But the flesh-on-flesh contact would surely wake him up, and she did not want that to happen until she was fully engaged. No awkward questions, thank you.

She grinned down at the floppy little penis. It was so tiny and cute. An erect cock was impressive. Imposing, commanding, even intimidating. A stiff dick had a specific purpose and the target was the nearest vagina. Even a welcome invader was a shock to the system and the sight of a ready boner could be alarming to a vulnerable female. But flaccid, it was a weird-looking worm.

But time was ticking. The nurse would be here in 38 minutes. Brooke took a deep breath, knelt on the bed, and brought her face down to Matteo's crotch. She stared at the strange creature for a long moment, then opened her lips and scooped the floppy worm into her mouth.

Matteo gave a little sigh and started waking up. Brooke sucked on his soft little member and it immediately started swelling in her mouth. A spurt of really salty pre-cum oozed onto her tongue. He wasn't very hard yet, but he was already making noises of distress, moaning and panting, writhing on the bed. It was dark, and she could barely see his face, but he actually looked panicked as he neared orgasm.

The first blast popped hot and bitter on Brooke's tongue. She'd given only a few blowjobs in her life, but the cum had never tasted like that. And it was usually thick, like egg yolk, not watery like Matteo's. Rosa had told her that semen went sour if a guy didn't cum regularly. Brooke hadn't really believed her. It sounded like a guy's pathetic attempt to persuade a reluctant date. But maybe there was something to it after all.

She swallowed the first spurt, which was followed quickly by the second and third. She kept gulping it down, as it was now just free-flowing from his dick. She'd never known a guy to cum like that. Matteo gave a long, sighing moan of relief as he poured himself into Brooke's mouth. She was chugging it dutifully when she suddenly realized that Matteo wasn't coming. He was pissing. Matteo was pissing right down Brooke's fucking throat.

She was furious at the sick bastard's arrogant presumption. Brooke hadn't consented to this. And she had little choice but to continue drinking his pee. If she released him, he'd piss all over her face and hair when his fountaining dick pulled free of her lips. If she let it dribble out, it would get all over her clothes. The hospital was forty miles from her house. She was NOT driving that distance drenched in piss, stinking up her car. She was NOT letting the bastard ruin the sweater her grandmother had knitted her for Christmas.

So she kept swallowing. Gulp after gulp of the acrid yellow stuff. In college, during the Dorm Olympics, Brooke had won the Beer Chugging event two years in a row. That experience served her well now. Matteo pissed for what seemed like three eternities, Brooke drinking down every drop.

When he was finished, Brooke waited a moment to be sure, then carefully eased back. "Why the fuck did you do that?" she demanded.

"Why did I do that? Are you kidding? Why did you do that?" he asked, completely astonished.

"I was trying to give you a blowjob," Brooke snarled. "Why the fuck did you piss in my mouth?"

"Why were you giving me a blowjob? I don't even know you. Do I?"

"Answer the fucking question! Why did you piss in my mouth?"

"Okay! Okay! I had to pee. Really fucking bad. I'm supposed to let the nurse know when she checks on me. She gets a bedpan, points my dick into it, then cleans me up after. I tried to hold back, but I'd been holding it for two hours. The tongue massaging my dick was loosening everything up. I couldn't stop it. I'm sorry."

Brooke wanted to be mad. She wanted to hate him. But she'd been there. She'd spent two nights in the hospital after a spider bite. She'd wet the bed twice waiting for nurses. She found herself sympathizing with Matteo's plight.

"All right," she said. "I won't kill you. But I just drank about a gallon of your piss, so I'm not happy with you either."

"Why were you giving me a blowjob?" he asked. "I don't even know you."

"You knew me when we were kids. I'm a friend of your sister. She asked me to do this since you can't do for yourself."

"My sister hates me," Matteo said.

"No," Brooke disagreed. "She disapproves of your lifestyle, but she doesn't hate you. The fact that I'm still going to give you a blowjob, even after you peed down my throat, should prove that. I owe your sister big time and this is how she's calling in the favor."

Matteo's dick had gotten huge just from the stimulation he'd already received. Brooke leaned over and took him back into her mouth. He still tasted of piss, but she was going to be burping that odd flavor for the next several hours. It was way too late to start fussing about that now.

At least he was properly hard this time. This was the manly sword that made a girl's insides lube up in invitation. And she remembered how much fun it could be to blow a man. A puppeteer could pull a few strings and make a marionette dance. But Brooke had even more power over a living human male. She could lick his balls and make him moan. If she gently sucked the head, letting cool air flow over moist, sensitive flesh, his back would arch and he'd start panting. If she tongue-tickled the tip of him, he would probably yell.

Brooke chose to swirl her tongue around the head of his cock just to watch him writhe and hear him gasp. But that was just a bit of fun for herself.

She had never really liked Matteo. Rosa had assured her that he'd changed in the last fifteen years. He was no longer the arrogant buttwipe bully he'd been in high school. But even Rosa thought he was a drunk with a sleazy job. And even if he did have a reasonable explanation, Brooke hadn't forgiven him for pissing in her mouth.

Brooke would do this thing, and she'd make him enjoy it. But it would be fast and basic, just to make him blow. No loving cock worship today. This was for duty, not intimacy.

The quickest way to finish a guy from a blowjob, in Brooke's experience, was to use lips, tongue and fingers together. She took the head of his cock between her lips and licked the sensitive spot where the crown met the shaft. At the same time, she stroked him with one hand and massaged his balls with the other.

She licked tiny little circles on that sweet spot until Matteo was panting in desperation. Then she wet her lips and bobbed up and down on him with quick, shallow motions, passing her lips back and forth across that spongy ridge.

He was close. He was grunting in sweet anticipation of release. Brooke readied herself for the creamy elixir about to pour onto her tongue. It wasn't the most pleasant-tasting treat, but it was one of the most satisfying. And it was a hell of a lot better than a mouthful of urine.

Suddenly, Rosa's voice was whispering in her ear. "What the fuck are you doing? That isn't Matteo!"

Brooke drew back in shock and horror, "Not Matteo? You're lying. It has to be. I drank his fucking piss!"

"Matteo's in the next room."

Brooke stood quickly, and ran to the door, turning on the lights and glaring back at the bed. The man there had both arms in traction, but was at least fifteen years too old.

"You're not Matteo," she accused.

"I'm James," he said.

"You should have told me I was in the wrong room," she told him.

"I did tell you that my sister hated me," James said. "Janice would cut my dick off and feed it to her dog. She'd never arrange to have someone suck it."

Brooke opened the door and went into the hall. The doors to 316 and 318 were next to each other and the nameplate for 318 was right between them. It was a confusing placement. And it was one o'clock in the fucking morning. She was worn out. It was no wonder she'd gotten the wrong room.

As the door closed, Brooke made the mistake of looking back in the room. James was looking back at her, frustrated and forlorn, his dick still poking out, hard and throbbing from Brooke's unfinished attentions. James hadn't deserved her attentions, but neither did the real Matteo. And it was cruel to tease.

With a resigned sigh, she grabbed the door before it shut and went back inside. "I hope you appreciate this," she growled, then came back to the bed and resumed her interrupted blowjob.

This time, she cheated. A blowjob is stimulation of the penis with lips and tongue. Brooke no longer had the patience for that. She put her mouth on his cockhead, licking the underside, and stroking his shaft to achieve the fastest results.

He had been so close before, right on the very edge. It took her less than a minute to bring him back to that state. His whole body went abruptly rigid. A tiny squeak escaped his lips. Then he was coming, spilling his seed onto Brooke's waiting tongue.

Cum was not Brooke's favourite flavor. But after all she'd been through to get this man to pop in her mouth, it was a better reward for all her hard work than chocolate or brandy. She let the semen collect on her tongue as James poured his weeks of frustration into her face.

James' cock was a magnificent instrument. It had poured out a hell of a lot of piss earlier and now it was pumping an impressive amount of sperm into Brooke's mouth. In more ways than one, his poor dick had been neglected and it had fallen to her to relieve his needs. Feeling sorry for the deprived man, Brooke took every last drop he had to give.

In her experience, guys loved to see their women behave like porn stars. So Brooke let him finish, then eased back and opened her mouth carefully to let James see the cum he'd deposited on her tongue. Then she swallowed it down and showed him it had disappeared down her throat.

James gave out a weak little whimper. There was a dazed and satisfied expression on his face. Brooke was proud of herself. She didn't give many blowjobs, but she was damn good at it. She tucked his spent little soldier back into his pajama pants and said, "You're welcome."

She walked back to the door, where Rosa had been waiting impatiently for her to finish. She shut off the lights and now led the way out into the hall. She checked her watch as she went next door and entered the correct room. She had 23 minutes until the nurse made her hourly check. She would try to finish in under 10.

Brooke approached the real Matteo, experienced now, with purpose and plan in mind. No more unpleasant surprises. She patted his cheeks until his eyes fluttered open. "Do you have to pee?" she asked.

When he answered yes, Brooke quickly located a bedpan and added a minute to her estimate. She eased his dick out through his fly, pointed it into the pan, and waited for him to answer Nature's Call. A man's urination was not something she'd ever paid much attention to before, but the events of the last ten minutes had given her a keen curiosity.

To Brooke's surprise, the real Matteo started the same way as the fake one. A spurt, a dribble, and then the flow. The genuine Matteo took much less time to finish peeing than the imposter had. But Brooke was honest enough with herself to acknowledge that it might be an illusion. When a girl is drinking the stuff, it seems to go on forever.

When he was through, Brooke tapped him to shake off the last few drops and massaged him to be sure he was empty. Her attentions had the added benefit of giving him a hard-on.

When he was clean enough for her tastes, Brooke bent over the bed, pursed her lips and went down on him. She took her cock slowly into her mouth. Since this Matteo was awake, she thought he should have the visual and sensual benefit of slow, oral penetration.

"What kind of nurse are you?" he gasped, watching his dick disappear between her lips. Since the nurses usually took care of his pissing needs, it seemed an understandable error.

"She's not a nurse," Rosa said. "It's Brooke, Matteo. Remember Brooke?" She had followed her friend into the room this time to make sure her brother got what he deserved. But she kept her eyes closed and her back turned. It was inappropriate for a girl to see her brother getting his dick sucked. But she was listening hard to make sure it happened.

"Brooke?" Matteo said in surprise, adding, "Oh, God!" when she swirled her tongue around the head of his cock. She took him deep in her mouth and licked the base of him. She used her thumbs to gently rub soft circles on his balls.

Brooke only had a few minutes. She had to make this fast. She licked and sucked and stroked him for all she was worth. Her whole world was reduced to the penis in her hands and mouth. But every time she got him close, he started going soft on her and she had to start over.

"I'm sorry," he panted. "I'm sorry. It's not going to work. I can't come from blowjobs."

"Why the fuck not?" Brooke broke off to ask. "What kind of guy can't come from a blowjob? Most guys would do anything to blow in a girl's mouth."

"Teeth," Matteo answered meekly. "I'm afraid of teeth. I got a nasty scrape once."

"Dammit!" Brooke snapped. Her pride was at stake. She'd made a promise to Rosa and she was determined to keep it. But she'd promised herself she could finish Matteo in ten minutes, modified to eleven because of his need to pee first. A quick check of her watch told her she had just over four minutes left. Luckily, she'd just thrown on a light sundress when Rosa had called her on this mad mission. In her swift response to the "emergency," Brooke had skipped bra and panties.

She quickly mounted the bed and straddled Matteo. She lifted her dress, took hold of the cock, and guided it into herself. She was plenty wet for him. Despite her grumbling, this adventure had turned her on. In less than one half-hour's time, she'd let a complete stranger come in her mouth. She'd even let a complete stranger piss in her mouth. She hadn't exactly enjoyed it, but it was the nastiest, dirtiest thing she'd ever done in her life. Now she was fucking her friend's brother in a hospital room, where anyone might walk in and catch her. She felt like a whore. It was enough to wet any girl's pussy.

And she suddenly became aware that she had an audience. The room was dark, and she hadn't noticed before, but Matteo had a roommate. There was a rapt face peeking out from behind a privacy curtain. What the hell, she figured. Let him look. Let him ogle. She rode Matteo's cock, feeling him filling up her deepest places. And she pulled off the sundress, letting it fall to the floor. She arched her back and thrust out her tits, inviting the roommate's eyes to feast.

Forbidden sex, stolen sex, is always so much hotter than the regular Wednesday night. She was doing this for Matteo. She was doing this for Rosa. But the taste of James' cum on her lips, the feel of Matteo's cock in her cunt, and the sense of the roommate's eyes on her tits was affecting her more than she realized. The orgasm hit Brooke completely by surprise.

The slow-motion explosion ignited in her clit, primed by the drilling dick, fueled by the liquid heat her pussy was producing, and sparked by the hot eyes of the roommate. Brooke grabbed Matteo's shoulders for stability, then rapid-humped the cock inside her, stabbing her own cunt over and over and over.


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