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A Reluctant Trade

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Laura's morals are compromised.
10.8k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/16/2024
Created 12/14/2023
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Laura D'Ath was attractive, intelligent and diligent in her teenage years, spent growing up in late 1960's, small town America. She'd made the Head Student team in her final year of High School and won a scholarship to a College interstate. Being from a Christian family, Laura was also very well behaved. She began going with Gerry Bowen when they were both 16 years old. They had a small group of Christian friends who they mixed with. This group had fun, but no alcohol, no drugs, and certainly no sex. They viewed themselves as superior to other teens, who indulged in these vices.

Intimacy was restricted to kissing in the back seat of Gerry's parent's car. Laura accepted this, but privately had an awareness of her sexuality. Despite it being frowned upon by her Church, in the privacy of her bedroom, she touched herself freely. She felt more guilt that her fantasies never involved her boyfriend Gerry. Instead, they invariably included boys from the High School sports teams, who she'd see around school, but rarely ever conversed with. Gerry never played sport.

Laura left for College, where she boarded with the Mr. and Mrs. Kerr, an older couple. Every holiday she'd return to her hometown, where she'd find Gerry and her friends waiting for her. Initially, he was understanding of her desire for a College qualification, but as the years past he began pressuring her to return home.

"We can marry and then I'll provide," was Gerry's viewpoint on there being no need for Laura to gain qualifications.

For three of the four years, Laura batted away these pleas and continued her studies getting high grades. Two events then occurred to alter her thinking. The first involving her at College, the second Gerry at home.

Throughout College, in the early 1970's, Laura's private attraction to the larger 'sports-jock' type of male had continued. Being away from Gerry, she became more at ease with this, never divulging it to anyone, but merely accepting it for what it was. Only on one occasion did Laura come close to acting out her special fantasy. A friend persuaded her to attend a party, where she'd had a couple of wines, and a tall handsome boy caught her looking at him. Laura was embarrassed, but he had an easy going manner and they were soon talking freely. When he suggested they go outside for air, Laura knew what this would entail, but went anyway. They kissed and she'd enjoyed it, her body reacting. However, he'd then run his hand across her jeans and squeezed her but cheek, well into the cleft, near her pussy and suggested they find a spare room. Laura, concerned by both her reactions to his touch, plus what might happen in the spare room, politely declined the offer.

"Maybe we could, meet for lunch in the cafeteria one day," she'd innocently suggested.

"Nah, my girlfriend wouldn't like that," came the reply, and he walked away.

Laura had felt deflated and somewhat used by his final statement. The interaction led to two things happening. First, Laura determined that she should avoid such situations and remain faithful to Gerry. Second, it provided her with a memory that she masturbated feverishly too, for the next few months.

The second happening Laura heard about from a friend, who told her that Gerry had dated another girl from church, Edith Bennett. She'd confronted Gerry about this, and he'd made a weak excuse about helping Edith out, because she'd recently broken up with her boyfriend. This did not put Laura's mind at ease and worse followed when she discovered Gerry had dated Edith more than once.

Drawing on her own moment of weakness, Laura determined Gerry and Edith would have kissed. She loved Gerry and didn't wish to lose him, so at the end of her Junior year she delighted him by announcing she would not be returning to College. This left her one year short of her accounting degree.

Laura returned to live with her parents, resumed dating Gerry and they immediately became engaged. She began work at an accounting firm run by a friend of her father's. Gerry continued working as a clerk for a local hardware company; a job he'd held since leaving school. He now had his own car, but they both continued to live with their parents. Now older and engaged to marry, their intimacy moved on from kissing to fondling through their clothing. Gerry became increasingly demanding and once hands moved under clothing; Laura knew she must act.

"We need to marry now Gerry," she announced one night in the back of the car, as she lay topless, his fingers trying to push their way into her panties.

Gerry was delighted and they were married with such haste that Laura was unsurprised to hear talk that must be pregnant.

Once married, sex with Gerry had been exciting at first, but Laura soon found she was left wanting. Being a dutiful wife she'd never say as much, and the couple settled down to save money for a family. Three years later Laura Bowen continued to work at the accounting firm. She'd proven very competent, earned promotion and was on a good salary. Gerry continued to languish in the same clerical job. The baby they both desired showed no sign of arriving, no matter how much they prayed.

At this point Laura took herself to her Doctor, who referred her to a fertility clinic. There she learned that she was indeed very fertile.

"The issue most likely lies with your husband Mrs. Bowen. He'll need to come in for tests."

Laura felt she couldn't raise the matter with her husband. He was already feeling somewhat emancipated that her job paid so much more than his. Not wanting to knock his esteem further, she kept quiet about her visit to the specialist.

"God will find a way," she hoped.

One day her husband arrived home to their small rented house and announced that he'd been offered a position at Hughes and Co Mining, in a southern state, many miles removed from their hometown.

"That's great news Gerry," Laura had gushed at first. "It's a long way off, but we'll make a go of it. Do you think there'll be a job for me?"

"I don't think so darling. It's a conservative, one company town. You might get a job as a typist, but I wouldn't want you to try for that. I want you at home resting up and looking to get pregnant."

Subsequently, Laura cooled on the plan Gerry had thrust upon them, without consultation. She had no wish to leave her job, which she found the most fulfilling aspect of her life. Nor did she wish to leave her friends and family, to move interstate, some 700 miles distant. Her main disquiet about the move involved her remaining at home and trying to get pregnant, when she knew full well this would not happen. She also worried how her husband would handle the work, and was perplexed about how he could have gained the position.

Laura did not outright refuse to move, but she left Gerry in no doubt she was no longer in favour of it. However, he remained committed to the idea and would not change his mind.

"We'll do so well out of this move darling. You can't work forever. Once a family comes along it will be up to me to provide."

They made the move, with the Company providing them with a house to rent in the small mining town, where most everyone worked for Hughes and Co. The house was larger than their previous one and Laura was pleased about this. She joined the tennis club and a book club. At times she became bored, but being adaptable, she made the most of it and wasn't unhappy. However, four months after their move, her worst fears were realized.

"I got called in today by Mr. Creek. He told me they might have to let me go."

"No!" Laura gasped in disbelief at her husband's news. "But we've only just got here. You've been with Hughes and Co. such a short time."

"I know, I know. But I've been struggling with the work and Mr. Creek says it's a cutthroat business. Sink or swim he told me and..."

"That's so disappointing Gerry. You know I was reluctant to move, but I've made a go of it here. Now we rent this lovely house, I've joined the women's tennis club and begun to make some friends. All our plans... you know...."

"Yes dear, I know, but unless I can prove myself real quick, we're going to have to leave. It's a one business town. There just aren't any other jobs."

"Is there anything I can do?" Laura asked, to which Gerry merely laughed dismissively.

"I know it's the 70's and there's Women's Liberation and all that, but in small town America, work is my domain to sort out. You do a great job keeping house baby, and I appreciate that, I really do," he replied, reflecting the values of the day.

Laura felt deflated, but said no more, letting it lie. However, she couldn't stop thinking about the dilemma they faced. The next evening she asked Gerry if he'd heard any more.

"Interestingly, I got talking to Colin Jennings today. He's been with the Company over ten years and seems to know what goes on. He suggested I send my wife to talk to Mr. Hughes."

"The Mr. Hughes... the big Boss?"

"Yeah, the Company owner. Colin says he acts tough, but said he finds it difficult to resist a woman's pleadings. I thought about it on the way home, but I don't know if..."

"I'll do it. I'll go and see him."

"No, I don't really like the idea. I doubt you'd even get in to see him He's a very busy man. Have you ever spoken to him?"

"Yes, at that function we attended. He seemed nice enough. I think he'll see me."

"Well... maybe. Let me think about it for a few days."

"Yes darling."

They went to bed and her husband was soon sleeping soundly beside her. She couldn't sleep. Despite having agreed to leave it for now, Laura knew she'd have no trouble at all getting to see Kirton Hughes. The function she'd referred too had occurred only a few weeks earlier. She lay quietly recalling the events of that evening.

Gerry had arrived home and announced they must attend a work gathering. He told her such functions occurred three times a year, and every employee above factory worker level was expected to attend, with a partner.

Given her mundane life in the small town, Laura had been quite excited about Gerry's news. She put on her best dress, keen to make an impression at this first public event. Still only 25 years old, not tall, but very pretty, with perfect skin to match, her figure was slim, with a full bust. Prior to leaving for the function, she looked over her shoulder, into the mirror and knew she looked good. However, she was concerned that her butt cheeks showed through the tight blue cocktail dress. She considered changing, when Gerry came into the bedroom.

"Gosh, you look amazing," he gushed. "I'm one lucky man."

Laura left the dress on. Upon arrival, Gerry introduced her to a few of his work colleagues, who in turn introduced their wives. About an hour later she'd relaxed, mingled and was enjoying meeting new people. At one point, Laura found herself back with the group of wives. She knew one of them, Diane, from her tennis club. While two of the wives dominated the conversation, talking about their children, Laura scanned the room. That's when she saw him. Standing at the end of the bar, surrounded by other men who were conversing. While he listened to them, the large man appeared to be looking in her direction.

At first Laura thought he might be looking at Diane or someone else nearby. Embarrassed by his intent gaze she excused herself from the group, moving back to her husband's side. When she subtly glanced up again, the large man continued to fix her with his gaze.

Laura might have led a relatively sheltered life, but she knew enough to know what such a look from a powerful man meant. A married woman should not wish to be the subject of such a look. All her concerns about her dress returned. She wished she'd worn something far more conservative.

"Maybe something is out of place," she wondered, looking down to check all was right with her dress, running a hand across her butt cheek in the process.

Everything appeared in place, and she looked around to check if anyone else was looking toward her. Nobody was. She again glanced in the large man's direction and was mortified to see him continuing to look toward her, even as he spoke to those around him. One of his group followed his eyes, noted Laura furtively looking and smiled toward her.

"Oh gosh!" she exclaimed, looking quickly away, mortified at having been discovered.

"You alright darling?" her husband enquired, upon hearing her quite exclamation.

"Yes, good thanks. I'm enjoying myself. I just need a drink that's all."

"Right, we can soon see to that," one of her husband's group said, taking two wines from a passing waiter and handing them to Laura. "Can you take one to my wife, over there in the white dress."

Laura thanked the man and returned to the group of women. She handed the wine to the woman in question and began to engage Diane in conversation. Within minutes one of their group announced.

"Watch it ladies, he's headed our way."

Laura's heart went into overdrive when she followed their eyes and noted the large man walking toward them. He nodded and greeted people as he went.

"Hello ladies. Enjoying the evening?" he asked, upon arriving at Laura's group.

She was now able to observe hi close up. He was older and not particularly good looking, but he was large, with a very strong male presence.

"Oh yes, thank you Mr. Hughes!" one woman gushed, while another quickly replied that they were indeed having a good time.

"Splendid! Now I recognize all of you except this lovely young woman."

"Laura Bowen; Mr. Hughes," Diane said.

"Well lovely to meet you Mrs. Bowen," he said, placing a hand lightly on her arm. "I hope you enjoy your evening and your time here in my little town. Now if you'll excuse me I need to mingle."

Laura hadn't expected the touch. She flushed and felt a flutter in her lower stomach. Embarrassed, she took a quick breath to steady herself.

"Golly we are honored. Mr. Hughes very rarely ventures out from his position at the end of the bar," one of her group announced.

"Yes and he's not mingling at all. He's returned directly back to the bar. He came over to see us," another wife added, as they all began chattering among themselves..

"He came over to see you," Diane whispered to Laura.

"Oh... no. I don't think so." Laura responded quietly.

"Yes he did, and I think you enjoyed the attention."

Laura found the remark somewhat catty and thought of further denying the fact. However, Diane immediately turned away. With no one to engage in conversation with, Laura merely listened to others, while feeling very flustered by events. The attention of such a man, powerful in both status and physique was not what a married woman should court. Worse, his presence had indeed aroused her, just as her new friend had accurately observed. Embarrassed by both facts, she knocked back her glass of wine, before sliding away from the group. Returning to her husband's side, she collected a refill from the circulating waiter.

For the rest of the evening Laura stayed close by her husband. Every time she dared to look, she saw Kirton Hughes continuing to watch her. At one stage he raised his glass to acknowledge her looking back. Laura quickly turned away. The final time she glanced he'd gone. Full of conflicting emotions and feeling a little unsteady, she wanted to leave as well.

"We going to leave soon darling?" she whispered in her husband's ear.

"Are you ok?"

"Sure I'm just a little tired now and I want to be alone with you."

Gerry just looked at her, and said they wouldn't stay long. He conversed for a little longer before turning back to Laura.

"Ok, it's starting to thin out. We can go now."

Briefly putting her recollections on hold, Laura got up from beside her sleeping husband and went to get herself a drink of water. The next part of the memory caused her some disquiet and she turned over and attempted to go to sleep. However, sleep would not come, and she soon resumed her recollections.

On the walk from the hall to the car, Laura had felt incredibly lightheaded, almost stumbling a couple of times. She also felt horny and guilty. Laura concocted a plan to alleviate both.

"You sure you're ok, darling?"

"I might have had a little too much to drink." Laura slurred.

"Ha, ha, That's Ok. It won't do any harm once in a while," he laughed, as they arrived at the car.

Laura fell against the car and then turned with her back to it.

"Kiss me Gerry," she said.

"What here?" Gerry questioned, raising his eyebrows, looking around the parked cars.

Seemingly happy no one was watching, Gerry kissed his wife. Laura knew it would be a brief peck, so placed one hand behind his head and held her husband in place, while she kissed him aggressively. As the kiss continued, the large man pushed his way back into her thoughts. Laura made no effort to deny the image, pressing into her husband's body. Eventually they broke apart, both breathing heavily.

"Wow! That was nice," Gerry said breathlessly. "Seems like we need to get home real quick'.

Laura's plan did not involve waiting until they'd driven fifteen minutes home.

"Remember the back seat of the car Gerry. We haven't been there for a long time."

"We don't have too. We've got a comfortable bad."

"Yes but... the back seat was sexy, and we haven't done that for such a long time. We're married now, so we could go further than we used too," Laura replied.

"Ha ha, Ok. Let's find a spot and we can park up."

"Why not right here?"

"Well I guess," Gerry said uncertainly, once again surveying the cars some way distant.

They both giggled as they opened the rear door and stepped in. Despite the years that had passed, the back seat remained familiar to Laura. Memories of the frustration she'd felt came flooding back. She was drunk, horny and now, with the ring firmly wedged on her finger, no such restraint was required. She hoisted her cocktail dress high and moved her bare legs across her husbands. There she resumed their passionate kissing, but soon desired more.

"Check no one's coming," she ordered, as she slipped back toward his knees.

"Someone could be coming."

"I don't care if the whole party's on their way over here to watch us," Laura said crudely, unbuckling Gerry's trousers and fetching out his cock, finding it already semi-hard.

"Oh Laura," Gerry muttered, as she began to lightly pull on it.

She continued this, her arousal growing still further as he grew hard in her hand. She released him, reached behind to unzip herself and hauled the dress down to expose her strapless bra. She was desperate for him to touch her breasts, but there was the usual hold up while he fumbled with her bra clip.

Gerry had been hopeless at this to begin with, and had improved very little since. A few of her bras had been ruined after he'd lost patience. The bra she wore this night was expensive, so she acted.

"Let me, let me," she said, reaching behind, unclipping and discarding the item. "There... "

Her breasts now free, she rose higher, allowing him full access. He greedily went at them with lips and tongue. Basking in this touch, Laura became urgent, taking hold of his hand and directing it to her exposed, white satin panties. Gerry knew what she wanted and pushed his fingers under the panty line.

"Wow you are horny," Gerry announced, discovering her wet.

"You do that to me baby," she lied, delighting in the touch of fingers on her pussy.

Soon Laura needed to feel him in her. However, despite facing him with a leg either side of his thighs there was no thought of pulling panties to the side and lowering herself onto him. They'd never fucked in this manner, so she dived to the side, moved onto her back and immediately hauled dress and panties down her legs and off. Naked, she pushed her head back into the corner and spread her legs wide.

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