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A Sergeant Comes Back Home Ch. 02

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Dealing with dad being around.
2.9k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/12/2023
Created 01/05/2023
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Next morning mom went to work as usual.

I arrived home at 10 am and went to see my dad.

He was watching an old Western on TV with a bottle at his side.

"Dad, I asked you nicely to go to AA and try to quit the booze. Don't you see that it ruined your life? You cannot work as an accountant, you don't help with house chores and you cannot accomplish your husbandly duties to mom. You failed once, but you can still try again!"

Dad held his bottle tight and mumbled, "It's too difficult. I won't do it!"

"Look dad, I am trying to explain it nicely. Don't you understand that your part time job is only a charity that the firm gives you out of pity? The money you earn does not cover even half the expenses of the alcohol you use... Your constant drinking makes you impotent!... You are still young in your mid 50s. Isn't is worth it to rebuild your life? Don't you care about mom anymore?"

He grabbed his bottle and turned away from me.

This was the last straw...

"OK dad. From now on the rules in this house are going to change. Instead of being the man of the house you chose to become a dependent, so you'll be one. You'll keep your room and when mom is at work you can use the living room too. You'll eat dinner with us in the kitchen, but the rest of the time you'll be in your room with your TV and your stinking booze. As of now I am the man of the house! I'll help with money as well as with house chores. Mom may be still officially your wife, but she is going to be MY WOMAN. These are my rules! Do you have any comments, questions, regrets?..."

He looked at me, "So I can have as much Whiskey as I want?..."

I looked at this pitiful of a person that was my father, "Is this what you really care about?"

He whispered, "Yes..."

I left the house thinking about my father with utter disgust.

The only good thing - Mom could now be mine without the need to hide anything behind my father's back!...

Mom entered the main door at 6 pm. She looked tired.

"Mom, no cooking today. I am going to order Chinese food. It will be here in 30 minutes.

Mom smiled.

The 3 of us ate dinner quietly. Dad finished and went to watch the TV in his room.

Once mom was done with her food, I served her hot tea with lemon the way she liked it.

She smiled again.

"Do you want to watch TV or go to sleep?"

"I'll watch TV for half an hour and then go to sleep."

"Mom, let me talk to you first."

I explained to her my morning encounter with dad. I told her that I offered him another opportunity, but he gave up on work, gave up on life and gave up on her... He only cared about his liquor. I explained that he didn't show any resistance to me becoming the man of the house and... mom would become my woman...

During my short speech mom's head was bent down, as if the weight of the whole world rested on her shoulders.

"I knew that this would be his reaction," she said sadly, "I lost dad many years ago... Initially I thought that it was because of me. I gained weight and it was awful... But now, with your help, I look and feel better and he still doesn't care... Robbie dear, I really wish to be your woman..."

I kissed her lips gently and told her that while certain nights I'd have to be in the barracks, I'll move some of my stuff home and prepare to live with her in her bedroom...

"Robbie... my Robbie... you'll be mine at last!" She kissed me and her beautiful eyes became teary.

"Mom, I need to go back to camp in half an hour. Why don't you lie down and I'll massage your tired legs."

"Robbie, you need to leave soon, don't waste your time on my stupid legs..."

"Mom, don't you get it? I am not doing it for you... It's just an excuse... It's my opportunity to caress your sexy legs..."

Mom sighed, "You are such a lousy liar! But you are a wonderful son... Thank you."

I brought oily stuff from the bathroom. I massaged her feet and calves for 20 minutes.

Before I left she whispered, "Robbie, I missed you so much when you were gone. You were the only one I loved in this house. Now that you are here, I see that I was right all along... I love you, LOVE you, L O V E you..."

I kissed her forehead and ran out.

Over the next few days I moved all my personal stuff home.

Mom vacated enough space for me in her closets and drawers. I didn't need much anyway.

Seeing dad at dinner on the first day back at home felt weird...

All three of us knew that in few hours I'd go to sleep with his wife in their bedroom...

The tension was too high, especially for mom... I just hugged her and kissed her good night.

The next evening at dinner dad looked at me and mom 'differently', but he didn't talk.

The second night I wanted more of mom... And I got the feeling that she wanted it too, but was uneasy about it.

I understood her dilemma. It was the first time we both wanted to touch and play with each other while dad was at home...

I guess I might have felt the same, if I didn't have our prior discussion...

When we were in bed at last, mom just glanced at me with pleading eyes. She didn't talk.

I kissed her eyes and then moved to her luscious lips.

She resisted for a second or so and then her lips opened for me, giving in...

After a short dance of my tongue inside her warm and accepting mouth, I disengaged and whispered to her, "Mom, I love you! I want to make love to you..."

"Robbie... my Robbie... I want you too. I want to feel your hard body on mine. I want to feel you inside me. I want you to cum in me... But please son, be gentle... I don't want to scream with dad around..."

"OK mom..."

My hand caressed her flowing long hair as I kissed her lips again.

My palm moved to her sensitive earlobe, trailing the ear's crevices.

Her breathing stopped for a second and then resumed at a faster pace.

Mom placed her small hand on my upper body, feeling the muscles on my hairy chest.

"You are so strong, yet you can be so gentle when you want to be..."

Her hand continued it travel, touching my six pack, "Your body is perfect!..."

Her soft pat woke my dick. Without being touched it began filling in and rising up.

It met mom's hand, that was still feeling my tummy.

"Robbie, can't you tell your naughty pecker to be patient?... I want to touch all your body before getting assaulted and abused..."

"Mom, you are so right... Unfortunately, this thing doesn't listen to me or to logic... He thinks that you are too sexy to play games... It wants it's prize right now..."

"But it's not fair! Your hands touch and massage every inch of my body and I never have the opportunity to do the same..."

"What can I say, of course you are right again... Mom, I'll just lie down on my back, put my hands to the side and let you do whatever you want..."

She smiled, "Sounds good to me..."

Mom knelt on my side. She removed the thin blanket and her eyes surveyed my whole body, up and down and up again.

"A perfect specimen! How can your body be so amazing if 50% of your genes are my own?!..."

I didn't bother answering. I looked at her admiring eyes...

She placed her hand on my flat muscular abdomen.

Her gaze moved to my eyes as her hand slowly creeped down to my engorged cock.

"Robbie, you are so big... and hard... and wonderful! I barely touched it and I feel myself getting soaked... I wish to kiss it..."

Mom's head moved down and met my erect pole. She kissed my pee hole.

It bounced slightly and a drop of precum appeared on top.

"Robbie, your buddy is crying... Shall I kiss it again to dry it's tear?..."

"Mom, I think that he'll like it..."

She bent again and licked it, "When I cry, my tears are salty, your cock's tears are sweeter... Yes, I like yours better..."

Her delicious lips engulfed the head and she gave it a quick little suck. It felt really good...

"Mom, isn't it time for me to take a more active role?..."

"Yes it is, but do not interrupt MY mission..."

My hand found her heavy tit. I squeezed it lightly and then tweaked her dark nipple.

It responded by protruding forward, poking my tummy.

By now mom's mouth was slowly making progress on my shaft, advancing toward my hairy sac.

Then I felt a soft tissue blocking my cock's progress.

Mom gagged and the soft membrane was no longer there.

My long cock entered her pharynx. Another inch and it was completely inside her amazing throat.

Mom gave me a winning stare and then she began slow bobbing of my aching organ. Every time her head was moving back, her expert tongue was lapping the shaft and her mouth milking the head.

She was doing such an excellent job, that few minutes later I was fast approaching a big one.

My hand found the way to her cunt. Her folds were puffy and wet... Mom was ready as well!

"Mom, your mouth is doing miracles on my prick, but I think it's time for him to penetrate another hole... Don't you think?..."

Her face moved away from my so SO READY cock, "Robbie yes... I want you inside of me. I want to feel your hard monster inside my pussy..."

I've never heard mom talking like that before... She must have been very horny...

"Mom, that is our last chance to stop... Would you reconsider?..."

"Robbie, stop the BS! I told you already that I wanted you from day one!... I do not want to go back! I want you to ravage my body, you motherfucker!..."

I was more than happy to oblige...

Less than a minute later my cock was buried all the way in her hungry pussy.

It felt like swimming in heaven. Her snatch was soaking wet and I could hear my cock pushing the excess moisture inward... Her cunt was so tight... Obviously, it wasn't used for ages... Luckily this beautiful tunnel could never undergo disuse atrophy...

I waited patiently for mom's vagina to expand around my invading weapon.

When she was ready, I began pounding it, gradually going faster and deeper.

Mom initially held back on making any sounds, but later her moans became quite loud.

Her hands were pulling my ass cheeks toward her pelvis, desperate to push my cock as deep as possible.

Mom was very close. She whispered to me to block her mouth if she started screaming.

It was too clear that dad's shadowy presence was still on her mind...

We climaxed almost together with my mouth covering hers in a deep French kiss.

After we came, she held me tight and wouldn't let go, "Robbie... My sweet Robbie... You are so good to me!..."

I whispered in her ear, "Mom, I L O V E Y O U... You have no idea how many times I fantasized about being with you before... Imagining having you all to myself...

We slept together spooning the whole night.

The next morning it was time to be more practical.

I told mom that I wanted our first intercourse in the house to be pleasant for HER, so the night before I did as she asked, blocking her mouth from making any noises. However, from that point forward, we'd enjoy sex like every other MARRIED couple. We'd ignore anybody else.

She looked at me, "Robbie, what exactly do you mean by that?!..."

"Mom, dad gave you to me for a constant supply of alcohol!... Yes, it sounds awful! But if he 'sold' his devoted wife for a drink, I want him to get used to the idea that she can and shall enjoy life without him! Yes, there is 1% chance that the shock of seeing his son fucking his wife will wake him up, but I doubt it will happen... He is so much into his Whiskey, that any mental anguish will NOT last too long..."

"Robbie dear, do you hate your father?!..."

"Not really... I think that the jerk ruined his own life and he was on the way to ruin yours too... But I don't hate him. I despise him and ashamed of having him as my biological father!..."

"Robbie, when he was younger, he was a wonderful husband and I'll never forget it. When you were a baby and then a toddler, he cared for you a lot..."

"Mom, he may have been a great husband and father LONG TIME AGO. However, marriage and fatherhood are a lifetime affair. If he wished to divorce you, I'd understand... But he never wanted to. He became a parasite! You didn't do anything bad to him... Don't you see? He didn't just neglect you and YOUR needs, he became your dependent... A useless dependent and a stinky drunk!!!"

Mom touched my arm softly, "Robbie, I don't want you to be upset. I know what you are saying and you are right, but I think that God punished him enough already. At work he is a nobody, at home he is worthless. He has no pride left... You cuckolded him and you see that his reaction was very tame... Lover, I want to enjoy our unique bond to the fullest, but I don't want you to think of it as a vindication or revenge... please..."

"Mom, you are right... I love you so much and sometimes I still see your former life with him in my nightmares... You are so pretty and attractive - He reduced your appearance to that of an ugly bag lady... You hated his drunkenness and still half YOUR salary went to pay for his addiction, instead of buying nice clothes or at least have a helper at home... OK mom, we'll just ignore him. BUT, and it's a big but,... I do not want to hide my affection to you at home, whether he is around or not! I may hug and kiss you in the kitchen, even if he is here and watching us..."

"As long as you do it as a spontaneous gesture, it's acceptable and I'd like it, but if you do it to annoy dad, you'll upset me..."

"Mom, I love you too much to think right when I ogle you... I promise to try my best to ignore him, but with you being so sexy, I may end up playing with your body IN SPITE of him being around..."

"Robbie, dad has an addiction to alcohol and I see that you're addicted to my body... What is wrong with you men?... I think I should have double mastectomy for you to love me the way I am and not just a set of big tits connected to a body that incidentally has a brain too... a small one..."

I laughed, "Mommy love, you are correct that I am infatuated with your glorious breasts. But I love all of you! Yes, sex with you is as good as it gets, but I want to SLEEP with you. I want to TRAVEL with you. I want to go to movies and restaurants with you..."

"I know dear... You were so distressed about your father, that I had to distract you... Now it's 1:0 for me honey..."

"Mom, you tricked me! You have no respect for soldiers... We protect you from enemies and you mock us!... I am debating whether I should sue you or beat you up..."

"Let me answer it for you," and a moment later a pillow hit my head...

I lied on the floor and started 'crying', "My head hurts so much... I am not sure... You may have caused me a brain hemorrhage! Well, a loving kiss may help somewhat..."

Mom chuckled and bent down trying to kiss me.

I rolled her over gently on the floor and held her arms up, "You are my prisoner now. Under the army code of conduct, throwing a pillow at a soldier who's rank is higher than yours deserves the death penalty! The alternative is for the defendant to make love to the victim until he reaches an orgasm, so his brain will reset itself to the preattack condition... Ma'am, what will it be?..."

"Robbie, you are awful, you know that?!... Blackmailing your sweet mother is against the law in our state! I am so frightened now, that I forgot the number I need to call... Is it 911? 666? 69?..."

"Mommy dearest, you make me laugh."

I tickled her armpits and her body quivered, trying to avoid my dancing fingers, "Robbie, I give up..."

"Mom, later I plan to abuse your body! I am not sure how to say it politely, but your wonderful tits are on my menu too!... Any questions?"

She stood up, raised her hand to her forehead in a mock salute, "No sergeant, not really!..."

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Diecast1Diecast1about 1 year ago

Only rates 4 * on this chapter.

Foxterot7aFoxterot7aabout 1 year ago

Excellent, realistic, and logically developed story. The author handled the interaction between the "father" and son in a perfect manner. As in real life, if you do not care about yourself why should anyone else care? The motther deserved better in life and she got better. Chapter 2 rated 5 stars.

CharletteCharletteover 1 year ago

I am going to guess that this author is rather young and or english is not the first language.

Sex4lf57Sex4lf57over 1 year ago

Wished it was longer. Four stars.

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