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A Shocking Judicial Punishment Ch. 03

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Punishment Day.
3.1k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 07/28/2022
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On Tuesday morning, July 20, 2032, I was up early and determined to get through what was going to be an extremely difficult day. I promised myself I would not freak out and would take my punishment like a brave warrior.

I spent some extra money to take a driverless Uber to the Punishment Center for a couple of reasons. The humiliation of having someone drop me off there was too much. More importantly, I needed some alone time beforehand. I didn't want the usual chit-chat that drivers were always making as a way to get better tips and ratings. While riding there, I made a mental note to do the same on the way home.

Not wanting to receive extra punishments for being late, I arrived at the Hereford County Punishment Center at 7:30, half an hour early. A cute receptionist took the summons and ID, promising to return the ID when I left. She then confirmed my punishment and told me to have a seat. I was the first one there and I sat on that seat fiddling with my collar for a full two hours waiting to be called.

During that long wait, I lost all my nerve. At 7:30 I was full of positive self-talk but as time went on, fear started creeping in. My left leg was shaking like it always does when I am nervous and butterflies were flying through my stomach. More than once I wanted to run to the bathroom and throw up but I was afraid to move. If I stood I feared I would fall on the floor and start balling.

Others had arrived and now there were about a dozen people in the room. None of them looked happy. I saw one guy whose left leg was shaking just like mine. I decided he was a kindred spirit. A teenager and her mother were there. The mother kept looking at her daughter with pursed lips and the girl was trying to be defiant but I could tell she was really scared.

For the first time all week, I did not feel self-conscious about my collar. There were three others in the waiting room wearing them. Two people were constantly pulling on their collars. I guess it wasn't unusual that I was doing the same all week.

I noticed one girl come in with a smile on her face. She looked confident like she had done this many times and was almost excited about her visit. After she handed over her ID and summons something within her suddenly changed. Perhaps she wasn't getting the punishment she expected. When she moved to her seat she was white as a ghost.

They weren't taking people in the order that they arrived. I watched as others went ahead of me. The ghost-faced girl went in almost immediately and was followed shortly by a chubby girl who looked about my age.

Finally my name was called. I stood and managed to make it to the door without having my knees buckle. A male officer greeted me, confirmed my name, and led me into a little office with no windows. A female guard sat behind a small desk in the middle of the room.

Just like the officer before her, she confirmed my name and punishment. She handed me a medical form which I filled out the best I could. I was wishing I had some valid medical reason not to have electricity sent charging through my chest.

She then said the words that I knew were coming. It still was a surprise.

"You need to remove all your clothes. They will be held here for you and returned when you are done."

"Here? Now?" I tried to say. My voice had suddenly disappeared. It came out more like, "He? Noo?"

She understood what I was saying, replying, "Yes, here and now. From this point forward you will be naked until you are released from the center. This is how we control our inmates."

As shocked as I was about having to 'strip here and now', I flinched at the word inmate. I stood quietly for what seemed like a few minutes not able to do what was expected of me.

Finally, the woman spoke again. "Here and now means here and now, inmate." There was that word again.

I looked at the male guard standing beside me. "Umm, does he have to be here?" I asked the officer.

"I could have him leave but he is going to be taking you to the next station so you are not going to get away from being seen by him or the other men working here." I strongly suggest that you strip down right now so that you don't face additional consequences."

I felt defeated. For the first time in my adult life, I was going to be naked in front of a man. It wasn't as I expected. Instead of getting ready to have my first sexual encounter, I was preparing for a painful and humiliating experience.

I pulled off my dress leaving only my bra, panties, and sandals. I held my dress in my hands not knowing what to do with it. I quizzically looked at the woman at the desk.

"Place it on the desk, inmate."

I did as instructed.

"You might want to fold this so it doesn't get wrinkled," she growled. The statement reminded me of my mother telling me to take better care of my clothes. I picked it up and folded it properly.

Next, I had to take off either my panties or my bra. It was a lose-lose situation. My hands went to my panties, I put my thumbs in ready to push them down. Then I stopped. I decided that the bra had to go first. My hands started shaking as I raised them and reached behind my back. They were shaking so hard that I had trouble with the clasp. I couldn't get the fucking thing off. I looked at the male officer who was enjoying my nervousness. Not wanting to make it any worse I just yanked at the clasp which I learned later broke into pieces ruining the bra.

With both of the officers staring at my small breasts and extra large nipples, I moved to my panties and pushed them down my legs. Part way down I realized that I should have removed my sandals first. With my panties around my knees, I leaned down exposing my pussy to the male officer, unbuckled, and took off my sandals. Not the best way to get undressed in front of someone. I tucked that away for the next time I do a public strip.

As soon as I placed my shoes and panties on the table, another guard was called. She came in with a cardboard box and loaded up my clothing. In that one moment, all of my clothes were gone.

And there I was, naked as the day I was born (except for my shiny collar) standing in an office in the Hereford County Punishment Center waiting for whatever was to happen next. I noticed the male guard eyeing me. I followed his eyes down to look at myself. I couldn't help but notice my distinct tan lines that pointed out the parts of my body that I didn't want to be highlighted. My breasts and pussy were bright white compared to the rest of my body. It was almost like they had lights shining on them. The male guard was happily staring at the lit up parts.

The woman officer didn't seem to care that I was naked. I guess this is just normal for her. For me, it was anything but. She looked through my paperwork as she continued to talk to me.

"Inmate, you are to receive 90 minutes of electric shock punishment as prescribed by the county court. The punishment will take place at the Labor Prison as we do not have equipment here at the center."

Wait! What? I have to go somewhere else, I said to myself. I hate to use the word shocked on this of all days but there was no better word. I was naked with no clothing in sight and about to be transported to another location. "Um, how does this work?" I asked. "Do I get my clothes back to go there?"

"No" The response came quickly. It had probably been asked many times before. "All inmates must remain naked until their punishment is complete. We will transport you safely and securely to the location and you will be returned here when you are done."

The woman continued her canned speech. "You are now going to be prepared for transportation. You will be chained and will wait in a holding cell until you and two others are ready to be sent to the prison."

Oh good. Here it is my second time this week being handcuffed. And this time I am naked. That is a first. The creepy male guard stood in front of me and told me to put my hands on my head and spread my legs. I could see this guy leering at me as he prepared what seemed like a lot of chains for handcuffs. It turned out I wasn't just being handcuffed. The guard took a chain and reached around me with both hands, coming close enough that my naked body was pulled into him. Now I was sure that he was enjoying this. After locking one chain around my waist he connected a second one behind me and brought it down between my legs. Back in front of me he reached between my legs to grab the chain and in doing so rubbed his hand against my pussy which I immediately realized had become quite wet. He must have noticed it too as he looked up to my face with a knowing tell.

Once that was done he brought my hands down and placed them in handcuffs that were connected to the chain at my waist. He stood back to look at his work.

Raising his eyes he looked right at me and said to the other guard, "It looks pretty good. Just needs some minor adjustments." With that, he stepped forward, placed a hand between my legs, and pressed his fingers into my already wet vagina. I instinctively pushed back against him. He slowly pulled his wet finger forward and pressed against my clit. At that moment I knew and he knew I knew that he wasn't adjusting the chain. He was trying to get me excited. And he realized that he got his way when our eyes met and he heard my breathing quicken.

I was so humiliated that I could only look at the floor. Here I stood in a small room naked, chained, and turned on. There was nowhere I could hide. My humiliation was interrupted by the announcement that it was time for me to be moved to the transportation waiting area.

The male guard took me by the arm and guided my naked body out of the room. As I felt his hand on me I could only think of the fact that his hand had recently been between my legs. I thought I felt the wetness on his hand but that was just my imagination getting away with me.

Walking down the long hall, we passed some other inmates. They were all naked and were being led by guards. A naked came down the hall toward us being led by a male guard. He was stooped over with his head down. As they got closer, I could hear him crying and could tell that he had just been beaten somehow. I felt my guard slowing us down. I couldn't believe it; the two guards were stopping to talk leaving me and the naked crying guy standing in front of each other.

I haven't seen a lot of naked men. The ones I have seen have mostly been in porn rooms in the metaverse. This was live and very real. I couldn't help but notice his flaccid penis hanging between his legs. Even standing in front of a naked girl a bit younger than him, he wasn't at all excited. I listened as my guard talked to his colleague.

"Where are you comin' from?"

"Caning Center," answered the other guard. "This guy balled like a baby," he went on as if the poor naked man couldn't hear him. "Where you headed?"

"Transport for ET," answered my guard. It took me a hot second to realize that ET was short for electrotherapy.

"Uh, I hate that place. It gives me the creeps."

"Drinks later?"

"Yea, see you at the gates after work."

As we started to move away the naked man looked up and our eyes met for a moment. I could see the pain in his face and the marks on his cheek from his tears. He was a beaten man. I felt sorry for him but I also wondered what I would look like coming back down this hallway.

We were off again and soon came to a door that said TRANSPORT WAITING CELL. The guard unlocked the door and pushed me through it and then disappeared. The man who had just minutes before almost brought me to a humiliating orgasm was now off to his next victim. I was glad to be rid of him.

There were two other girls sitting on a bench. One was the girl whom I had noticed in the reception room, the one who arrived unusually happy and then turned white as a ghost when she left the receptionist. I couldn't help but wonder what her story was. I didn't recognize the other girl.

Like me, both were naked. The girl I hadn't seen before was wearing some sort of a metal bra that looked like it was pressing tightly against her chest. She had a large belly and I guessed that her breasts were large and droopy. She looked extremely uncomfortable. Both girls were especially quiet and did nothing but stare down at the floor.

There was no way to tell how long we were there but it seemed like it was 15 minutes before a new male guard appeared and looked the three of us over. I could tell that his eyes stayed on me the longest. I usually like being the prettiest girl in the room but here and now I didn't like that feeling.

As the others stood I noticed that they both were chained like I was. However, both had the chains pulled tightly between their legs. They looked like they were having trouble walking. Perhaps that touchy guard did me a favor by not tightening my chains.

As we filed through the door which led directly to a van, I saw the guard grab the breast of the girl who wasn't wearing the bra. She just stopped and let him do it. I guess that she didn't have much choice as she was chained up. I made it by him receiving only a creepy smile.

Inside the van, yet another man looked us over and locked us up in little cells for our ride to the labor prison. The trip was amazingly uncomfortable. My bare feet hurt on the rough metal floor and there was little ability to not get thrown around as the vehicle zig-zagged through the city streets. There was a small bar that my handcuffed hands could just barely reach. The good news was that I didn't think people outside the van could see us, though I couldn't be sure. I hated being naked with no clothes anywhere nearby. What if we broke down or were in an accident?

It was also hot in the van There was a fan blowing hot air on us. Not necessary for a warm summer day. Bra girl called out asking to turn down the heat and got a stern NO from the guard. I guess they wanted us to be hot and sweaty when we arrived at the labor prison.

Once we arrived we were unloaded into the cooler air. All of us were relieved to be out of the van but we soon found that our next stop would be much worse. After checking in we were taken to a room with chains hanging from the ceiling. They took me first, undid my handcuffs from my waist, dragged me to one of the hanging chains, and connected it to my cuffs. I was now on my tiptoes with my shoulders aching as they stretched above my head.

Once they were done with me they focused on the bra girl. They put her up on another chain and in moments she was hanging by her arms, only inches from me. Once they had her strung up they started work on the metal bra that was locked on her. As soon as they removed it she screamed in pain. Her rather large boobs fell to her oversized tummy and I could see how they had turned purple from the hard press of the metal. She also had red puncture marks which led me to believe that there was some sort of spikes inside the cuffs. The girl continued to cry as she hung by her arms.

When all three of us were hanging, the guards spoke to each of us, confirming our names and punishments. I learned that the bra girl was Charlotte and that she was scheduled to receive 30 strokes to the breasts by a flagellation machine. I felt bad for her even though I couldn't imagine what it would feel like even to have boobs that big.

The other girl, named Rebecca, was sentenced to 18 strokes on her vagina by the machine. The guards yelled at her for not shaving her crotch and threatened further punishments. There was something odd about Rebecca. I noticed that she didn't always respond to her name. Maybe she normally went by a nickname or possibly she wasn't Rebecca at all and was taking someone else's punishment. My thoughts were interrupted by more action around the other two girls. They were getting barcodes stuck onto their bodies. Charlotte's was near her breasts and Rebecca's was above her crotch. I didn't get one and figured that it had to do with the flagellation machine.

They then went to work on shaving Rebecca's pubic area. I could tell that the cream was exciting her and think I even heard her having an orgasm. When they were done she started crying. It seemed that the cream they used was burning her. She calmed down after a bit and the guards released the other two girls and took them away. I never saw either of them again and have always wondered how they managed their punishments.

I was left on my tip toes hanging from the ceiling until another guard finally arrived, took me down, and brought me to a door marked ELECTROTHERAPY

Up next: Chapter 4: Preparations for Electrotherapy

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I enjoyed the story which basically ends where Fraudulent Judicial Punishment Chapter 4 did.

For Rebecca's story see Fraudulent Judicial Punishment

DevanDeliciousDevanDeliciousalmost 2 years ago

This story just keeps getting better and better! I’m excited to read the next chapters still ahead and hope this story doesn’t end

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Nice story, keep it up. Perhaps you could do Rebecca's story also!

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