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A Slave To Lust Ch. 07


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"Why am I like this?" she lamented, "Why do I crave to be used?" The demon inside her, who had remained silent, now began to laugh, the chilling sound echoing in her head.

Leading her back into the center of the room, the man produced a pillow from somewhere and dropped it on the floor in front of her. "On your knees, Slut!" She obeyed without hesitation.

"C'mon over, Boys! Get those dicks out. We're going to give her mouth a workout."

She could hear a scramble of boots approaching her, buckles being unfastened, pants dropped. She kept her eyes downcast until she felt a fat erection smack her across the face. Knowing what to do, she opened wide to engulf the throbbing penis. Two others crowded in on either side of her. Hands entangled themselves in her hair, controlling her head. Other hands cupped her plump boobs and pinched her nipples hard.

She didn't even see the men the dicks were attached to. They were just a series of cocks, shoving themselves at her face. There were huge ones thrust to the back her throat, causing her to gag, and smaller ones that crushed her nose into their pubic hair. Some were clean, still others smelled of urine and body odor. After a while, her jaw began to ache from being held open by the demanding shafts thrust into her face. Most didn't cum, knowing this to be the preliminary event, but a few couldn't hold back and pulled out, coating her face with think, strong smelling spunk. When they decided to move on to the next act, her face was a mask of slime, making it shiny, goo dripping from her chin.

As the men moved back to the periphery, the man that had put her collar on grabbed her by the hair, forcing her neck back so she was looking up at him. "You are one messy slut." he said with a chuckle. "Let's get you cleaned up." he continued and emptied a bottle of beer over her, drenching her hair and face. He took the thumb cuffs off of her and releasing her, he then placed two metal dog bowls in front of her. One had water in it, the other contained hotdogs cut into bite sized pieces. "Eat. Drink. The night's just begun and you're going to need all the strength you can get."

Masquerading as a rest break, it became an exercise in humiliation, making her eat and drink like a dog, in front of all these men. They all, both Sheila herself and all the men present, perceived her as something a little less than human, from this little display. A few tears dripped into her water dish, but still, the ever present need, to be touched, to be used gripped her tight and she found herself more aroused than she could ever remember being.

"Get up!" he shouted to her as he used the leash to yank her to her feet. He led her over to the saw horse and bent her over it, her breasts and belly resting on the padded leather top. She shuddered in excitement as she passively allowed him to restrain her wrists and ankles to the legs of the saw horse. Helpless and exposed in a room full of men, each sporting angry erections, her pussy oozed in excitement and she moaned shamelessly.

Then it began in earnest. A bolt of pleasure rocked through her hips and spine at the first nudge of a cock head against her swollen labia. It slipped in easily, just the head, an almost shy gesture in such an environment, when her naked desire was so evident. At the same time, one of the men had placed his large hands on either side of her head and, gripping it firmly, aimed his thick shaft at her already drooling lips. She opened as wide as she could, hungry aching to be filled at both ends. The man entering her from behind was picking up speed, thrusting himself into her fully, his heavy scrotum smacking into her engorged and sensitive clit, sending even more waves of pleasure throughout her body.

Sheila could feel the impending wave of ecstasy that was building inside of her. The rhythmic pulsations of her vagina as it needfully gripped at the length of meat inside. The prodigious amounts of drool dripping from her mouth as her tongue frantically lapped at the underside of the cock filling her, making her cheeks and throat bulge, desperate for a salty load to swallow. Her arms and legs tightly gripping the sides of the wooden contraption to which she was bound. All the sensation jumbling up and washing over her. The smell of the man's crotch, who was fucking her face relentlessly. The sounds of bestial grunts from the two men on her and the lower, background murmur of those anxiously waiting their turn. Sight was all that was missing, as she closed her eyes tight, losing herself in her other four senses.

Suddenly, the man holding her head tightened his grip even further, cramming his cock to the back of her throat, where it stiffened and swelled. Spasming in her mouth, it spurted gout after gout of cum, coating her tongue and some even leaking out from her lips. A heartbeat later, she felt the man taking her from behind go still, holding himself inside her, and then shudder. She felt his cock swell and paint the walls of her cunt with his sperm. Then they withdrew from her, leaving her with a heart wrenching feeling of emptiness, longing to be stuffed and for the orgasm that had been building steadily.

This feeling only lasted moments, and then two more men stepped up to impale her from both ends with their cocks. This time, the man behind her had an immense penis and she could feel the delicious stretch of her pussy as it accommodated him. Grasping her hips, he pumped himself into at an agonizingly slow pace. Sheila unleashed grunting moans that were barely muffled by the meat filling her mouth. Moans turned to screams as she came powerfully, the man entering her from behind speeding up his thrusts, nearly lifting the saw horse off the ground as he strained to fit all of himself inside her. Her entire body bucked and convulsed against her restraints as inhuman waves of sensation rushed through her.

Every sensation gave her a thrill of pleasure. The man's cum, as he ejaculated into her pussy felt hot and slick, and as he pulled out, a few errant jets sent warm, sticky globs of it over her ass and back. The insertion of the next cock into her pussy but a second later. The man slapping her face and commanding her to suck his cock, because she was beginning to lose track of what was inside her. She obeyed him and deep throated his shaft with renewed vigor.

Orgasm followed orgasm, and soon Sheila was lost to these primal feelings. Everyone and everything around her disappeared, as her eyes rolled back in her head and she moaned and babbled incomprehensible gibberish. She was briefly brought back by a new sensation as one of the cocks pushed at the entrance to her anus. Explosions burst behind her eyes as she came hard, this next hole newly violated. The tight sphincter ring provided unexpected resistance, but between the lubrication from her pussy and the thick coating of goo from several earlier men, all it took was a forceful thrust and her asshole stretched around the fat erection as it slid into her.

For the rest of the night, time had no meaning. All conscious thought had been driven from her, pushed away by the sensation of warm flesh and rigid shafts entering her over and over again. By the bitter and salty taste and smell of the sperm of countless men. By the sound of her own moans, both the ones coming from her and hers from the many videos of her that were playing on repeat to encourage the men.

When all the men had been sated, someone released her from her bonds. Weak and dazed from being a cock toy for hours, she simply rolled off the saw horse and splattered in the large puddle of bodily fluids that had accumulated underneath her. One of the men, drunk and high from the night festivities, walked over to her supine form and emptied his bladder onto her, his hot stream of urine prying one final orgasm from her wracked body. The man was severely chastised, more from the people who knew they were going to have to clean up afterwards, than any concern for their fucktoy. Eventually, someone wrapped her in a blanket and carried her back to the cage.

She awoke hours later, disoriented by the dark, cavernous space she found herself in. Crawling around a bit, she quickly encountered one of the chain link walls and remembered where she was. The stench of cum and urine on her and the soreness in all her orifices brought back other memories of the evening and she curled into a ball and wept silently. The shame of what she had done hit her squarely in the gut and she wanted to vomit, but resisted, because she feared so much cum would come out that it would be an even more brutal reminder of the evening. She remembered allowing herself to be used, to opening herself up for anyone that wanted to stick his dick in her, to moaning and begging for more. She even remembered the video camera recording the whole thing. A soft sob of despair rose up, realizing that her imprisonment meant that that was probably to be the first nights of many.

Then came the demoralizing thought that, as ashamed as she was of her behavior last night, there was also an intense desire to do it again. She suddenly noticed a pair of eyes looking at her from the darkness. They blazed and burned like glowing coals, and she added a new emotion to her heart as it was pierced with a sharp stab of fear.

"You did well tonight, my pet. It's been a long time since I've seen such a wanton display of depravity, and I live in Hell." The voice seemed to emanate from the darkness itself, deep and oily. A surge of adrenaline caused Sheila to sit bolt upright, gripping the blanket tightly around her, eyes wide.

"Now, now, my dear. You've nothing to fear from me. Not yet, anyway. You proved yourself a most adept student of lust. It's almost as if you were born to it. You probably would have begged for their cocks, were they not already shoved inside you. Now, I admit, some of that was me, but don't deny that you have quite a bit of slut in you." Sheila hung her head in shame, believing his words, feeling aroused even now, crusted with cum and caged for the amusement of her captors.

"But, but, I..." She feebly tried to deny her lust, but she was quickly silenced.

"Quiet!" The demon hissed. "We have been summoned! I have been summoned, but for the moment, we are one. And after the cock hungry whore you've proven yourself to be, I have so much more in store for you." A low, moan of despair came out, unnoticed by anyone.

"We are going to need to leave soon. Keep your eyes open. We will need a vehicle. I feel the pull and it is not pleasant."

"But I'm in a cage! How can I leave? What is going to happen to me?"

"Ah, you leave that to me, my child. Trust me, they will let you out. How could they resist? You who are young and beautiful. You who will willingly offer any of your holes for their use. They will let you out. Just be ready when they do."

Sheila knew she should insulted at his description of her. That she should be ashamed of what she had done. And while she did feel shame at the depths to which she had sunk, his words filled her with something else. Something that she hadn't experienced in a long time. She realized it was pride. She was beautiful, and those men, all those men, would come for her again and again. Imagining the next inevitable orgy, she feel into a sound sleep dreaming of cock.

A loud metal sound awakened her and she blinked at the sunlight filtering in through a few high windows. There was a grizzled man locking the gate to her cage, and she noticed the two metal dog bowls from last night near her head. They had been refilled and thrown down beside her. A ravenous hunger rose from her belly and she got on all fours, eating and drinking from them like a dog, reenacting her debasement from last night. The man stood at the door of the caged, hypnotized, his slack jaw hanging open, hands limp at his sides and a growing bulge evident in the front of his pants. She continued to look at him while she dined, a come-on smile planted on her face and doing her best to make eating on all fours look lewd and sexy.

She paused and raised her head. "I could, ah, really use a shower. I must have acted like a total whore last night and I seem to have cum all over me. I'd really appreciate it if you could take me to the shower. Maybe wash me off. It could be fun." She elongated the last sentence, saying it in her most suggestive, baby-doll voice.

The man backed up, stumbling over himself and falling to the floor, never once taking his eyes off of her. "Ah, ah, I gotta see about that. I, um, I have to ask the boss man, first. But I'll be right back. I'll get you your shower." He scrambled back to his feet and, finally prying his gaze off of her, nearly ran out of sight.

She finished her breakfast while waiting for him to return and soon heard a din of voices approaching. Three men walked up to the cage. One was the man she had just spoken to, one was the one she knew as Joe from her first arrival to the warehouse and the third she did not recognize. They were arguing amongst themselves and trying to ignore the raging hard-ons they were all sporting.

"I'm the one she asked to take her." The first man whined.

"Quit yur bitchin", Pinky. I told ya'all's that Howie put me in charge of her. Now git. I can handle her." Joe snatched the keys to the cage out of Pinky's scrawny hands and stalked closer, an evil leer on his face.

The third man, at least as big as Joe, was trailing close behind. "You might need some help with this one, Joe. I'm willing to bet she can be ...slippery." He chuckled at his own lewd terminology and kept following.

Arriving at the door of the cage, the three men stopped and stared at Sheila in unison, not talking, motions frozen. She stared back and felt a chill, a moments unease at being looked at as something to be devoured. An uncharacteristic surge of strength rose in her though, a fountainhead of sensuality that pulsed within her loins and flowed outward to all parts of her body. Keeping her gaze on them, a lascivious grin slowly broke across her face and she cooed at them, "Are you going to keep me waiting all day, boys?"

They exploded into action, fumbling with the keys and pushing each other out of the way, anxious to be the one to open the cage. Finally the door swung open and the three men stood in the doorway, licking their lips and looking at her, but seemingly reluctant to step inside, confused by their own uncertainty.

Sheila, in stark contrast to their flustered attitude, stood tall and dropped the blanket that she had been wrapped around her like a cloak. She displayed herself for a second, appreciating the audible gasp that escaped Pinky, and then walked out the door and into their midst. "Is someone going to lead me to the shower?"

Again, a flurry of activity, with hands groping her butt and breasts, arms wrapped around her waist, a minor melee of the three in an attempt to be the closest to her. In all this activity, they did eventually make their way to the room the shower was in. There was a large hand grasping one of Sheila's large breasts, and she firmly placed one of her hands over it. Simultaneously, she placed her other hand on Joe's chest, and looked each of them in the eye, one by one. All motion stilled as they gave her their rapt attention.

"I think I proved last night that there is plenty of me to go around." A familiar heat rose from inside her and she felt herself grow moist once again, but there was a difference now. Where once was an overwhelming desire to be used, a need, an addiction for which she would suffer any humiliation, now she felt a powerful lust that would not be denied, that would command and take what it wanted. A distant part of her wondered at the change, but, as with most times that the lust consumed her, most of her conscious thought was lost, carried away on the tidal wave of arousal that tore through her.

She strolled into the shower room like someone walking onto the stage. They still stared, dumbfounded, erections prominent underneath worn jeans, but still confused on what to do. "Come on in, boys. Aren't you going to help me wash up?" She beckoned.

She turned on the water, wanting it hot, and watched amused, as they crowded inside and clumsily undressed. Their body types were so different. Joe, his broad chest and wide shoulders, a sparse patch of dark chest hair, leading down his rounded belly and navel, to the bushy patch of pubic hair that surrounded his protruding manhood. Pinky, thin and pale, salt and pepper hair, flesh just starting to sag in places, average sized penis with a scrotum that hung low. The other guy, she had no idea what his name was, not quite as large as Joe, and with slightly more of a gut, but possessing thick, muscular arms and legs. None of these men would ever be paid to model in a fashion magazine.

Sheila was aroused by them nevertheless. Somehow, she saw all bodies as beautiful, as desirable. The perfect outline of a clavicle caused her heart to race, the masculine shape of one's hand caused her pussy to tingle in anticipation. More than anything, the desire that shone in their eyes. In those, she saw the need to be used that she knew so well. In those, she saw the key to her power.

"Help me get clean, boys" she said to them and they were at her side in an instant. Joining her under the spay of water, they soaped and lathered every inch of her. They became a tangle of bodies and limbs, a different hand clutching each breast, two more on her ass cheeks, fingers exploring her wet pussy and her hands caressing all of their cocks in turn. The moans and pants echoed off the walls of the tiled room, a symphony of lust.

Abruptly, she shut the water off, again throwing the men into a stunned confusion. They felt stoned and dumb around her and they loved it. Stepping over to the rack of towels, she turned and appraised them, smiling benevolently.

"So, that thing I said, about there being enough of me to go around? Yes, well, I lied. After being used by god know how many men last night, a girl just wants to feel, I don't know ... special. Just have some one-on-one time with that special guy. Which one of you wants to be that special guy?"

Their voices ran together in simultaneous confessions of love and promises of ardor. None of them were poetic, or even coherent, but they were heartfelt, each man meaning his affection perhaps more than ever in their lives. Sheila silenced them with a look, that had initially been playful and affectionate, but quickly turned cold, dismissive.

"Its going to take more than words to convince me, guys. A girl like me wants action, if you get my drift."

The unnamed man was smarter than he looked and was the first to get her drift. He landed a solid punch to Joe's jaw, knocking him to his knees, followed up by a kick to Joe's ribs, driving the wind from him. Pinky, snapped into action by the sudden violence, landed an ineffectual punch to the unnamed man's gut. The man grabbed Pinky by the throat and, pinning him against one of the walls, punched the man repeatedly in the face until he was unconscious. Dropping him to the ground, he heard a moan rise from Joe lying at his feet. A swift, booted kick to Joe's temple silenced him. He then looked at Sheila, like a child hoping for approval, and beamed at the smile she gave him.

"Good job, uh, um. I guess I don't know your name, but that doesn't really matter. You'll need to wash yourself off again. Go ahead. Clean up."

The man restored the water and began to rinse the blood off of himself, while Sheila looked at the bodies on the floor. Picking up the clothes the men had discarded, she rummaged through the pockets and found two sets of keys, fifty-six dollars in slightly moist and crumpled bills, three credit cards, two driver's licenses and some assorted change. Appraising the clothes, she put on the set worn by the smaller man and, by the time that the man in the shower was drying off, she was dressed in the ill-fitting clothes. Upon seeing her dressed, the man looked crest fallen and confused.

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