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A Small Conquest

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Sehraa, regaining her strength, conquers a small village.
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A Small Conquest


Author's Note:

I once again apologise for the hiatus, though in this case it was a drop in motivation brought about by a medical concern involving my hand. It hasn't affected my writing ability much, but once I noticed it, it became a bit harder to write without focusing on how it hampered me. This on top of hardware issues I'm not sure I've solved but things seem stable for now. Nothing to do but to get back into the swing of things.


Sehraa's awakening was still recent. A scant few months since she had returned to being to find her old domain lost. She could not recall the how or the why. She had suspicions, but no evidence to support them. And a profound grief over the loss of her precious subjects; her people, her servants, her admirers, her followers, her lovers, her children.

All gone.

But, she had composed herself then. Taken stock of the situation before her, her task clear; reclaiming what was hers.

The dominions that used to border her land were gone, or changed. The races that comprised them remained familiar to her, though it seemed it was mostly human settlers and frontiersmen that had taken it upon themselves to tame the still somewhat wild heartland of her old domain.

She had already claimed several villages. The corruption was beginning anew, and she had already sent out her warning; if people wished to remain untouched, they needed to leave. Go beyond her borders, if they could ever work out where they were once defined. Such time had passed, the Dark Goddess Sehraa had become a legend.

It was a harsh sentence, perhaps; few could really afford to leave, especially after the investment to settle in these lands. Settlers could not relocate on a whim, and any peasantry were beholden to a noble who may not have heeded any warning.

Of course, there was no terrible fate in joining her. She had learned of the legends from those who already joined her. Old tales that some did remember, recalling the twisting horror that was the Spawn and the Dark Goddess. How it corrupted one's mind, turned one into a monstrous shell, devoid of identity and soul.

The fear such tales instilled in people was admittedly... tantalising. They were starting to spread, now that people were becoming aware of her growing resurgence, as her Creep spread from her place of awakening.

But such practises, to destroy the minds of those she corrupts, was... distasteful to her. She wasn't a killer, physically or psychologically. She moulded the untainted into something sensual, beautiful, and - for the most part - free.

Stronger, healthier, more salacious, though admittedly beholden to a hierarchy, if it were enforced upon them.

But they did not mind... they would never be condemned or treated cruelly.

Well, no cruelty that didn't exact delicious moans, at least.

Nevertheless, she appreciated a bit of fear. It was potent aphrodisiac for her and her Spawn.

Sehraa stood upon a bluff overlooking a valley shrouded in early-morning gloom, thick wood choking the hilly terrain below. But further south, it thinned a little, and within it, a clearing, partly natural and partly created, where a small village resided, the trees clustering tightly together just that little bit further south, surrounding the village, though it remained connected by a road that cut through the slightly thinner southern forest.

There was likely no more than two dozen or so buildings, constructed around the central road, though the buildings on the outskirts were oriented less orderly.

The land on the eastern-side of the southbound road was dominated by a small farm, using up as much space as feasibly possible.

She sensed at least a hundred humans living there, going about their morning duties and life in general as best they could in such an isolated locale. Perhaps that was why she could sense no children; all were of age or older. Maybe they were even having a crisis of conception, struggling to conceive new generations.

Sehraa was more than happy to help them in that regard.

The sun began to rise over the far distant tree canopies and hilltops, bathing the village in honeyed beams. Soon it would be a bright morning and the village would grow livelier.

They just didn't know how lively.

Sehraa smirked, and then closed her eyes and concentrated; she was still regaining her strength, so it took time to gather the power she needed to swiftly conquer even a small village.

She felt the Creep answering her, seeping through rock and soil as it converged on her summons. She would break upon the village like a force of nature, ensuring no escape. The debauchery would be delectable.

The Creep built up beneath the ground. It began to seep up through the eroded cracks in the rock, the inky substance reaching up with a thick viscosity, twisting and worming like unnatural tendrils.

Tentacles of goopy black emerged from along her spine, and connected with these wriggling, rising roots. She drew strength from them, and directed more towards the village, moving beneath the ground, having an easier time passing through the soil than the solid rock of the mountain.

Her eyes opened, their bright blue glow shining with invigorated intensity.

She licked her lips, knowing it was time.

Sehraa lost all shape and form, melting into a puddle that flowed into the cracks of the rock. Through stone, wood and soil, she travelled near instantaneously; wherever the Creep was, so was she.

She emerged from between two gnarled roots of a large oak on the edge of the woods facing the village; dark tendrils of Creep encircled and choked the oak, seeping into its deepest layers, corrupting it from within and without.

Anybody who managed to escape this way would find no safety amongst the boughs, trunks and roots of the woods... pleasure, on the other hand, would be delightfully abundant.

Sehraa fixed her eyes on the village ahead, licking her dark lips with her inky tongue; she was going to enjoy herself. Thoroughly.

Sehraa opted for no fancy strategy or cunning scheme. She had a craving for brute, lecherous force, at least by her standards. She was in the mood to be a Dark Goddess.

She approached the village on foot, in full view, her dark, inky body naked and glossy in the early-morning sunlight as the tendrils from her back waved lazily like streamers floating in the wind.

Beneath her, below the ground in the soil itself, a great concentration of Creep kept pace. Ready to burst forth at her will, the slimy corruption an extension of herself.

She saw her first prey, a young man piling firewood up by the wall of a building, his back turned. Dark hair and specks across his neck hinted at a youthfulness, though his physique was mature and toned from hard word. He wiped his brow, already sweaty, and turned around, his blue eyes widening and his boyish features tightening as he saw Sehraa, unable to comprehend what he was seeing.

"Who the...?" he trailed off, but he was given no chance to call out an alarm; the tentacles on Sehraa's back shot forth like serpentine lances, reaching him before he could even comprehend what was happening, coiling around his arms and legs all the way to his torso. He yelped as he was reeled in, struggling madly as his frantic eyes looked around for any hope of freedom.

But all he would soon see was Sehraa's azure orbs staring right into his soul, the burning lust within more than any mere mortal could hope to sate.

She clasped her hands to the sides of his face, the youthful features scrunched in bewildered terror, still squirming as the tentacles that held him began to work beneath his brown flax clothing.

Sehraa opened her mouth... and let her tongue lunge forth, pushing deep into his with sudden vigour.

Her tongue was engorged, enough to spread the man's jaws a little as it pushed into his mouth, filling it with its thick, slimy presence.

Muffled, startled screams tried to leave his mouth, but the cries of panic were distorted by her inexorably exploring tongue, pushing deeper into his mouth and gliding over his own tongue. Her gooey tendril secreted oily fluids, coating every inch of his mouth in the tingling taint of her corruption, sweet and intoxicating.

But the goddess' real goal was his vulnerable gullet, her tentacular tongue contracting with each advance. The tip of her organ began to wriggle down the back of his tongue, keeping it pinned beneath its lecherously wriggling mass, ever coating that dark corruption onto his taste buds.

Inch by inch, she invaded his throat with her slippery appendage, looking deep into his eyes as she subjected him to this alien violation.

He continued to struggle, only dimly acknowledging the cries of panic and screams that were beginning to erupt from around the edge of the village, as a veritable lake of Creep began to bubble up from around Sehraa's feet, spreading out and sending forth roots of searching Creep, the villagers unaware that Sehraa had already cut off their escape.

The Goddess murmured luxuriously, the poor human twitching as he felt the tentacles that bound him slither and explore, their moist touch leaving behind gloomy residue that prickled his skin with sensitivity, a gagging gasp caught in his throat as the exploring tendrils found his nipples, teasing the nubs with slow, circling touches.

Sehraa smirked around her own engorged tongue, scenting the pheromones of fear and poorly-suppressed arousal as he tried to fight her, in vain.

Then, her tongue convulsed... and with rippling, rhythmic contractions, she began to pump her corruption right into his body; his neck, already bulging and shifting from the twisting and kinking of her exploring tongue, began to bulge repeatedly like he was swallowing thick liquid over and over again.

He gagged and gurgled, trying to fight off this sensation... but with her corruption now directly injected into him, and the tinted residue she left behind on his body... now beginning to cling and seep into his skin... his arousal only began to grow. Grow stronger than his shaken willpower. A moan followed, and with his cock erecting within his pants, his fall was assured.

Another of her tentacles crept up his leg, slithering into his pants and finding his hardened member, coiling around it with slimy grip. It began to pump, and stroke, the slick noise of its motions reaching Sehraa's ears even amongst every other sound she heard. It made her moan in delight as her corruption spread.

The man's struggles soon dwindled to weak, stimulated twitches. He couldn't help moaning himself; so much corruption pouring into him, she could see him being overwhelmed. His eyes rolled upwards, his mind gave in to her exerting influence. She could see his mind now, his thoughts writhing much like his body would have been, were she not restraining him.

His hips began to buck involuntarily, precum oozing profusely from his tip as the slimy secretions from her tentacles began to soak through his clothes.

Now, small tendrils of dark corruption began to creep over his lips, spreading across his face. And elsewhere, where her tentacles had lingered for longer, smearing their creep onto him, slowly spreading, sinking into his skin until it began to discolour beneath the outer layer, veins turning dark ahead of the gooey film that spread across him slowly, but inexorably, in several parts of his body.

Creeping tendrils from his mouth reached one of his eyes, and it began to blacken as the corruption took it.

And finally, the ecstasy he was now experiencing proved too much to bear, and the hapless human gurgled in bliss, hips bucking violently as he came into the stroking tentacle, its tip fondling his balls to encourage his ejaculation.

With his orgasm, she released him from her 'kiss', recoiling her tongue from his mouth with a long, drawn out retraction, flicking free as dark ooze briefly flowed out of his mouth, garbled pants leaving him. Sehraa's tongue flattened to more 'normal' proportions as she licked her lips.

Half of his body was now coated in dark creep, slowly covering the rest of him.

She smiled, and let him drop to the ground, the pool of creep at her feet cushioning his fall, her tentacles releasing him, leaving him to writhe and twist in ecstasy as his corruption continued unabated.

Sehraa sighed in satisfaction, stepping over the 'doomed' man as she began to advance into the village.

Everywhere, she saw the chaos she had wrought, villagers fighting against creeping puddles or aggressive tendrils, running from the encroaching corruption as it twisted and meandered in ways to corral them from quickly escaping the small village.

A man was desperately trying to free his foot from dark slime, whilst a nearby woman writhed and could not help touching herself as she all but sank into the ooze.

Elsewhere, a woman was using a hoe to try and fend off several branching streams of Creep, whilst her husband tried to lay a ladder from their position onto the roof of the building next to them. Their efforts were quickly nullified when a wave of creep formed behind them, and they were swamped into the veritable river of corruption that slowly flooded the village, their screams turning into moans.

Sehraa strolled calmly through this pandemonium, delighted at the scenes she was witnessing. It was then she saw a curvier woman burst from a nearby building, clutching books in her hand, red, frizzy hair flowing as she ran, her pale green cotton dress almost tangling her legs, her boots only just fitting, hastily put on.

The Goddess' attention was caught, and with a low, devious chuckle, they reached out with their arm; it grew in size and length, melting into a tentacular appendage with an amorphous hand, lunging at speed until it grasped the woman, Sehraa's fingers melting into a single gooey mass at the end of the enlarged tendril, restraining the woman's form, the books she clutched sinking into the mess, and being dropped out beneath her as Sehraa reeled the woman in with no effort.

Now that Sehraa could see the human's freckled face, the Goddess was taken by the endearing beauty the woman possessed, her screams doing little to detract from her charming looks, green eyes darting about frantically as she squirmed helplessly.

Sehraa's enlarged arm melted away to become several thick tendrils rising from the pool of creep below, her 'normal' limb emerging just fine from the mass, allowing Sehraa to begin exploring the woman's curves, sliding cool, slippery hands up beneath her dress, leaving residue trails behind as they roamed, wheeling around to the woman's sides... before converging upon her bust.

The woman could not help gasping, but she quickly resorted to pleading.

"Please, let me go, I beg you!" she cried, tears beginning to roll down her cheeks.

Sehraa let one hand 'melt through' the woman's clothes like water, allowing her to clutch their cheek in her hand, pressing a thumb to her lips.

"Shhhh," Sehraa silenced. And then, she looked deep into the woman's eyes.

There was a moment of terror in the human's own, and then... a small but sudden shock. Sehraa could see her luminous eyes reflecting in the human's green orbs, as the Goddess exerted her will upon their mind. They couldn't look away, mesmerised, but somewhat aware of the mental invasion, a look of subdued fear still on their face.

Sehraa was dispelling the despair from the woman, calming her just a little bit... so that she could resume exploring their body with salacious probing. She tugged down the woman's shirt, exposing both of her generously endowed breasts, as freckled as her face was.

If she chose to keep her humanly visage once she was Spawn, her ability to lure in other untainted would be exemplary.

But that was for her to decide. Right now, Sehraa wished to enjoy their catch, leaning in to clasp her lips around one of the pale nubs capping the woman's breasts, earning a sharp, whimpering gasp from the human.

Sehraa swirled their tongue around the peach pink areola, pressing against the erecting nipple as it circled the cap, whilst the goddess' lips gently worked and slid against the peak of the woman's breast as she suckled. Every now and then, Sehraa moaned and tugged on the breast in her mouth, earning more whines from the human as they tried to squirm, but intermittently, they let out a hot gasp.

Sehraa wasn't keen on just suckling from the woman as though there were something to drink, she wanted to make this human squirm like everyone else in the village... her creep somewhere else slowly enveloping an older man as he desperately tried to crawl away, the lecherous corruption sensitising his skin as it seeped into him through every opening it could find, until he was 'drowning' in the blob of creep that had him captive.

In another corner of the village, a woman found her bedroom offering no salvation as creep pushed between the boards of the walls and ceilings, slowly spreading across every surface until tendrils snaked out to grab at her body, imprisoned in her own house.

She could see it all, feel it all, taste it all... it was all her, after all.

But she liked her more personal conquests too, sliding her hands down the woman she currently held before her, until they came to their hips... she pulled down their pants and underwear, exposing their nethers. Sehraa moved one hand between their thighs, and one between the woman's curvy rump, all to start circling fingertips against their clitoris and their pucker, respectively.

The woman squirmed and whined and pleaded, but she couldn't keep the pleasure out of her system, the Creep already affecting her senses, stimulating her, exacerbating her sensitivity.

Even the slimy mass that clung to her midsection made her twitch in stimulation from its gentle rippling grip.

Sehraa crooned against the breast in her mouth, gently salivating upon it... that saliva spreading across the woman's mound, the dark patch expanding and coating the woman's skin steadily.

Down below, Sehraa's teasing fingers upped the ante, pushing inside both pussy and ass at once, starting to piston back and forth, the slimy secretions of Sehraa's body, solid to the touch but pure gooey Creep, the perfect lubrication, easily slipping inside the two human's holes as they thrust in an out steadily.

Now, the woman couldn't help but moan in stimulation, even if she was still struggling in futility. Her skin was no doubt aflame with sensitivity, especially in the parts where Sehraa's corruption was sinking into her skin and the flesh beneath, changing her being on a fundamental level... making them into something better.

Sehraa switched breasts, giving the other mound the attention it deserved... whilst intensifying the efforts in the woman's nether holes. She added a second finger each, making the woman gasp sharply at the mild stretching she felt in her rear... before crying out in surprise and shock when the two pairs of fingers melted together, each merging into a single amorphous, writhing tendril, both pumping in and out of their respective passages with reckless abandon.

Her cries mixed with the moans of those nearby who had already been overrun by the Creep, giving into its pleasures as it altered them, changed them, tainted their very beings into something sinister and sensual.

The tendrils in the woman's body gained additional mass, stretching her just that bit more... and they hit every spot that drove her wild.

Sehraa released the second breast, and now simply watched the scrunching expressions of pleasure on the woman's face as they endured the 'fingering' of their two holes.

The two appendages reached down, caressing the woman's cervix and wriggling against her most sensitive spot, and touching every nerve in her rear passage.

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