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A Special Kind of Love Pt. 07

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Katie's journey to become her mother's toilet gathers pace.
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The bedroom filled with the smell of shit as Katie sat crossed legged on the bed. She stared down at the pile of excrement her mother had dropped in front of her only seconds before.

Katie was experiencing all of the familiar signs of sexual arousal that human waste evoked in her. She was used to the reaction from her own excrement but now, in recent days she was experiencing the same response from her mum's.

An excited Katie had just witnessed her mother dumping her faeces on the bed. The sound of her mum's urine filling the same glass as yesterday just added to the sexual desire now starting to overwhelm the young woman. 'I wonder what dad would think if he knew what his favourite glass was being used for now', was just one of the thoughts that sprang to Katie's mind amidst the darkest, dirtiest ones that swirled around in Katie's kink laden head.

"I've finished darling, mummy wants you to lick her bottom clean now." Lucy's words woke her daughter from her dream-like state and sent another surge of sexual energy straight to Katie's clit. Not waiting for or even needing a reply, Lucy leaned forward and shuffled backwards towards her daughter's face. She had to be careful and steady herself as the mattress was not the most stable surface.

Katie eagerly grabbed her mother's butt cheeks, pulled them apart and buried her face between them. This was where Katie knew she belonged, finally able to practice the kink which aroused her nineteen-year-old body the most. The act of eating and playing with human excrement. Now, finally she was not alone, these last few days had been a revelation. After only being able to play with herself for so long she was never 100% certain how she would react to scat play with another woman. She needn't have worried, Katie had found the experience even more exciting and sexually stimulating than she had ever imagined.

With her face buried firmly up her mother's dirty bottom, this was foreplay to Katie. Her tongue travelled excitedly towards what she knew would be a source of tingling energy that would surge through her expectant body. Then she reached it, just as she knew she would. The moist, warm, soft mass of faeces that still clung to its owner, reluctant to leave. The mass was only small, Katie knew it would be but that didn't matter. It was symbolic, the act of cleaning her partner's dirty anus. The fact that it happened to be her own mother just seemed to magnify the stimulus. The cleansing swipe of Katie's tongue came next bringing with it everything Katie had dreamed of and desired. She felt it, on the tip of her tongue, she knew it was there without even seeing it. There wasn't much taste but she could feel the moist substance that was her own mother's shit clinging to the end of her tongue. Katie pulled it back into her mouth and squashed it into the roof of her mouth. Every G-Spot in her entire body seemed to respond and suddenly crave attention. Attention that Katie knew they would probably not receive.

It didn't matter to her though, Katie knew she had a job to do but she was also determined to enjoy the moment as best she could. She worked the small piece of her mother's shit into the top of her mouth with her tongue. Katie wanted to entice every last tang of flavour from it before sending it to its final destination.

The combination of taste and texture coupled with the knowledge of performing an act most people would consider as gross, caused Katie's vagina to moisten and her clit to crave stimulation.

By the time she swallowed there was nothing to go down her throat, nothing much to speak of anyway. What there was had coated the inside of her mouth, lingering for Katie to enjoy that little bit longer.

There was still work to do though and Katie knew it. Her tongue darted back out towards her mother's dirty anal opening. This time Katie went to work on it, her tongue lapping away like a dog licking up water from its bowl. Darting, probing, swiping actions followed intensely. Occasionally her tongue would be drawn back home to take in any small amounts of faeces which would then paint Katie's mouth in filth.

"Katie darling, this feels beautiful." Lucy knew the words of encouragement would spur her daughter on.

Katie responded and curled her tongue to stiffen it so that she could attempt to penetrate her mum's anus. Lucy felt it and pushed back as though she was trying to push out another log. The action designed to relax her spincter slightly and help give her daughters tongue entry to her darkest hole.

The effect was only minimal but it did allow Katie to push the curled tip of her tongue ever so slightly into her mother's anus. Probing, stabbing actions followed as Katie tried desperately to gain access. This interspersed with cleansing, swiping actions drove her mum wild with pleasure.

"OMG Katie! I love the way you clean and lick my bum darling!"

The extra encouragement caused Katie to pull her mum's bum cheeks further and further apart as she buried her face deeper between them.

Eventually, but in reality after only a short time, as it didn't take long to lick the dirty bum clean, Katie pulled back. She was satisfied her work was done and her partner's anal opening was spotless.

"You enjoyed cleaning mummy's bottom didn't you sweetheart?"

"Yeah, you taste nice mum." Came Katie's reply, her face showing the usual beaming smile.

Now that Katie's nose was not squashed up against Lucy's flesh she could smell the pile of shit directly in front of her. Katie reeled back a little from the intense aroma.

"Fuck, your shit doesn't half stink mum!"

"Don't you like it darling?"

"I didn't say I don't like it but it's going to take some getting used to though."

"You'll just have to keep sniffing it then 'till you do get used to it. There'll be plenty more where that came from!"

"You're awesome mum!"

As Katie had said, the smell did not deter her though as she dissected the pile with her fingers. By now mum had turned around and was fascinated watching her daughter meticulously dismantle her pile of shit.

"Would you like to eat some more of it today Katie?" Said Lucy, not wanting to wait any longer to see her daughter eat another home cooked breakfast.

"Try stopping me!" Came Katie's reply.

"You can eat a bit more today if you want to but no more than half of it."

"I'll be okay eating all of it mum, I don't mind."

"Half of it Katie, my way or no way!"

Katie knew her mum meant well and why she wanted to take things slowly so she didn't argue. The pile of shit Katie had dissected was now in three sections, each containing one turd. The first pile contained the first log out and was by far the largest, easily more than half of Lucy's total dump. The other two piles were made up of much smaller pieces of shit.

"Can I eat this one please?" Asked Katie, picking up the largest turd carefully so as not to let it break in two.

"That's more than half Katie!"

"Please mum, it looks so beautiful and sexy!" Katie replied and gave her mum the look that would melt an iceberg.

Her mum knew Katie had won her over with that sultry look. "Go on then."

"Thanks mum, you're the best!"

Lucy couldn't help but smile, not knowing whether to be pleased or shocked that her only offspring was a filthy bitch! She knew she shouldn't really be surprised though, Katie had got that trait from her after all. Deep down Lucy knew herself that she was a filthy bitch and proud of it.

"I'm looking forward to watching you eat it Katie and while you do I'm going to masturbate so don't let that put you off. I just get so turned on watching someone eat my shit!"

"So, can I play with myself as well then?"

"NO! Katie, I've already told you, no sex until at least tomorrow!"

Katie didn't argue, she was starting to accept her place in this rather unusual relationship. Instead she simply commented on the turd she was holding.

"It's beautiful mum."

"What is darling?"

"Your shit, it's beautiful, look." Katie held up the turd for her mum to look at properly.

"Is it now?" Lucy remembered that this was Katie's reaction yesterday. "I'm pleased you think so sweetie."

"You don't get it do you?" Katie sounded a little exasperated and also a little disappointed.

"Katie, people enjoy scat in different ways, most don't enjoy it at all. Others, like me enjoy covering our bodies in it, kissing with it in our mouths and enjoying sexual acts involving scat. Some, like you, enjoy eating it. We are all different darling and we should embrace who we are. I think it is beautiful that you think my shit is beautiful."

"Do you mean that?"

"Yes darling, of course I do. Now are you going to enjoy it and let me masturbate or are you going to talk me out of an orgasm?!"

"Sorry mum, I'll shut up! Still think your shit's beautiful though!" Lucy and her daughter both burst out laughing.

Katie held the brown, firm log in front of her face and kissed the side of it. Then she kissed it again and again. Lucy looked on, her mouth slightly open in astonishment. It didn't stop her placing her hand between her legs though and she was surprised by how moist she had already become.

Katie noticed the move, a sign that her mum really was about to masturbate in front of her. It prompted Katie to lick the full length of the turd she was holding. She made sure it was carried out in a seductive manner for her mother's benefit.

Finally Katie could hold out no longer, she desperately wanted to eat this beautiful meal she was holding.

"You're so gorgeous, I'm going to gobble you all up!"

Lucy's level of astonishment showed no sign of abating when her daughter started talking to a piece of shit! She rammed two of her fingers straight into her cunt when Katie said 'gobble you up' and immediately bit the top off the turd and started eating it!

Katie coughed and choked a little but it was more from the smell than the taste in her mouth. With very little chewing the first mouthful slid effortlessly down Katie's eager and willing throat. As it did though, something very unexpected happened!

Katie's whole body shuddered and she felt a flow from between her legs. Her mind froze but her physical form shook and convulsed. Lucy noticed the expression on her daughter's face.

"Katie? Are you alright?"

"I think so." She said, still shaking a little. "Did you just have an orgasm?"

"I don't know, I think so! What's happening to me mum?" There was genuine concern in Katie's voice.

"It's alright sweetheart, come here darling, give mummy a hug."

Katie was still holding the turd in her hand and used her other hand to move the two smaller turds out of the way so she could go to her mum. Lucy for her part removed her fingers from her, by now very wet snatch and held her daughter.

"That's not supposed to happen is it?" Said a confused Katie. "I didn't touch myself, honest."

"I know you didn't sweetheart, it's alright. I've heard of them but never had one or know of anyone who has, at least not until now."

"What are you going on about, I'm scared mum!"

"There's no need to be scared darling. It seems you've just had, oh, I don't know what it's called, something like a spontaneous or involuntary orgasm."

"What! What the fucks one of those?"

"Some women can have them when they least expect it. They can be quite embarrassing I think. Hey, I don't know, I've just heard of them that's all."

"Well it wasn't completely spontaneous or involuntary or whatever you called it, was it now? I was turned on like fuck before it happened."

"I know you were sweetheart, I could tell but an orgasm without any physical stimulation is rare."

Katie tried making light of it. "Hah, maybe I've got a G-Spot in my throat that's only aroused by shit then!" She started laughing but her mum didn't join in.

"Katie, don't make fun of it! I think the women it happens to have their lives disrupted."

"Yeah, ok sorry."

"That's alright luv. I don't know about a g-spot in your throat but it certainly tells me everything I need to know." Lucy ran her hand seductively down her daughter's back and stared expectantly into her eyes. "You're perfect Katie. You know why I've been taking things slowly don't you?"

"Yeah, of course, I understand and I don't mind".

"Well, now all of my doubts have been answered Katie. I now know that you are ready to be mummy's toilet."

Katie flung her arms around her mum and nearly squashed the turd in her hand all down her mum's back! "Do you really mean that?"

"Yes darling I do, now come on and finish eating what's in your hand before you drop it! Oh, and Katie, still only one piece today though!"

Katie was far too excited to argue and couldn't wait to bite off another piece. She brought the turd round from behind her mum's back. Now it was up close against both their faces and Lucy's clit twitched expectantly as her daughter popped the end of the turd into her mouth.

The bite took off a large chunk of shit and was followed by Katie's familiar beaming smile but now there was a glint in her eyes as well. All of a sudden though Katie could feel as though she was going to gag on it. She moved out from her mother's embrace so as not to cough in her face.

It wasn't so much the fact that she had a piece of shit in her mouth, more the size of it. In her excitement, Katie had bitten off quite a large chunk that in turn released the usual pungent smell. As her mouth was fairly full Katie inhaled through her nose and drew in a sudden intake of her mum's rather foul smelling faeces.

Katie gagged on it, instinctively she put her free hand up to her mouth. Katie had been brought up properly and she knew to place her hand over her mouth whenever she coughed. Her upbringing wasn't the only reason though, she wanted to make sure none of the shit escaped her mouth. To that end Katie successfully achieved her goal.

Tears ran from both her eyes as she tried containing a laugh as well. As she did so Lucy noticed a brown saliva trickling out between her daughter's fingers.

"Has my naughty plaything been a little bit greedy?" Lucy said, enjoying her lover's predicament.

"Yeah, I think so." Came the mumbled reply as Katie struggled to say anything with her mouth full and trying not to laugh at the same time.

Lucy noticed that her daughter was still managing to chew though, which in turn prompted another smaller gag as she tried swallowing a piece. By now Katie's hand was spattered with brown saliva and small pieces of excrement.

Katie was not deterred though, she fought back any attempts by her body to reject the disgustingly smelly intrusion in her mouth. Lucy looked on in utter astonishment at her daughter chewing and using her hand to stop any shit from oozing out of her mouth. Shit still managed to squeeze through in places though and filth laden saliva dripped down onto Katie's breasts.

It all reminded Lucy of the time her daughter crammed her mouth with chocolate Easter egg all those years ago. The sight was similar, the scenario couldn't be more different.

The first mouthful was eventually swallowed with ease and much to the relief of Katie. She had definitely embarrassed herself by biting off too much but, more importantly, she didn't want her mum to think eating it was causing her to gag.

"I made a bit of a mess of that mouthful didn't I?" Katie said grinning.

"You could say that! If only you could see the state of your face." Came Lucy's reply, followed by a little laugh.

That caused Katie to burst out laughing as well. Mum and daughter felt like giggling school girls again. Lucy was mainly referring to the shitty drool that had ran from her daughter's mouth. Katie couldn't see it but she could see the shit splattered mess in the palm of her hand.

Not wasting any time, there was over half a turd still to eat after all, Katie licked her palm clean then licked her fingers clean. She licked them one at a time and in the seductive manner that Katie seemed to excel at.

"Fucking hell Katie, you are one sexy, dirty fucking bitch!"

Katie didn't reply, her grin spoke volumes for her.

"I'll clean your mouth sweetheart."

Lucy had become so aroused by her daughter's less than dignified toilet duties that she simply had to kiss the filthy mouth in front of her.

Lucy closed in onto Katie's mouth and snogged her, undeterred by the shit she could clearly taste. It was, after all, her own and Lucy was never one to turn down the chance of a shitty snog.

As they parted Katie could see shit smears all around her mum's mouth.

"Now that's what I call a sexy looking mouth!" She said with a beaming smile.

"Couldn't let you have all the fun now, could I?"

There were clear and obvious signs that both women were becoming increasingly more comfortable in their dirty little games.

"Come on darling, you've still got more breakfast to eat!" Lucy said, getting more and more excited knowing her daughter would be swallowing more shit very soon.

Katie wasted no time but first she reached over for the glass of urine. Taking a large mouthful she made sure the first bite of turd was washed down her throat and able to settle into her stomach.

Lucy placed her hand on her daughter's tummy and rubbed it gently, just like you would gently rub a pregnant tummy.

"Does mummy's shit feel good in there darling?"

"Yeah." Replied Katie rather nonchalantly. "Needs some more in there though." She continued before taking another bite from her mum's turd. A smaller bite this time and one which proved to be far more manageable. In fact, Katie had chewed it and swallowed the filth before her mum had time to register and enjoy the sight.

"How can you do that?" Mum enquired.

"Do what?" Replied a puzzled Katie.

"Eat it as quick as that.... and with no choking or gagging!"

Katie just shrugged her shoulders seemingly surprised by her mum's question. She then followed up with a spoken reply. "I dunno, I just like it. It's nice." There was a short pause. "...and naughty."

"Oh Katie! That just about sums you up perfectly... nice 'n naughty! Everything you say and do just turns me on so much!"

Katie twisted around slightly so that she could wipe her middle finger gently between her mother's labia.

"Wow! I see what you mean, you're soaking wet down here!"

"Tell me about it Katie! I know I am!"

Katie wiped her finger the whole length of her mum's vaginal slit then brought her finger up to her face. It was glistening with Lucy's creamy vaginal lubricant. The temptation was too great and Katie popped her juicy finger into her mouth and tasted her mother's fluid. Katie grinned at her mum as the taste complimented the flavour of excrement already lining her mouth.

"Fucking hell Katie! I need to cum!" There was desperation in Lucy's voice.

"I'm going to masturbate this time!"

Referring to the aborted attempt earlier, Lucy's hand instinctively found its way between her legs with an uncontrolled determination. Katie though, stopped her and grabbed her hand as Lucy's fingers entered her own cunt.

"Hold on! Julie was your toilet wasn't she? Why are you making me out to be so special?"

Lucy sensed that Katie realised something wasn't right and that more detail was needed.

"Oh Katie, I'm sorry, you deserve an explanation. Julie WAS my toilet, or rather I used her as my urinal. No problem there, I urinated in her mouth on many occasions and she would happily swallow the lot. Julie was a bit like me and she also loved scat sex, in fact we enjoyed a lot of scat sex together, particularly at weekends. There was however, one little problem in our relationship. I wanted Julie to be my full toilet, you know, eat my shit as well. Julie, bless her, tried but she wasn't a shit eater. I tried to turn her into one but all I achieved was driving us apart, that's why she left me. Don't get me wrong Katie, Julie ate some of my shit and not just as part of our scat sex, you know, licking it off each other and shitty kisses and all that. She was sweet and tried to eat my turds as part of being my toilet but she found it hard. That mouthful you just swallowed in what? Five seconds? That would have taken Julie five minutes easy and with lots of gagging as well! It would take her ages to eat just one turd! I could tell she didn't enjoy it but she thought she loved me and wanted to please me. I shouldn't have been so selfish Katie, but hey! If she hadn't have left me then we wouldn't be together would we!"

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