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A Special Kind of Love Pt. 10

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Katie prepares for her new life.
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It was now Wednesday morning. Katie and her mum were both woken by the sound of Madonna's 'Like a Virgin' playing on the radio. It was their morning alarm; Lucy had set it so that Katie would not be late for work.

Katie rubbed her eyes as she tried to stir herself from the deep sleep she had just been rudely awakened from. The activities of the last few days had ensured that she was far from the usual wide awake and raring to go state that she would normally find herself in at that time of the day.

"You're not this morning are you my sexy little girl?" Mum said sounding full of energy.

"Not what?" Replied a still half asleep Katie.

"Like a Virgin"

"You what? What are you on about, let me go back to sleep."

"You're not 'Like a Virgin' this morning are you sweetheart? Remember yesterday, Cedric, making love, come on darling wake up you've got work this morning."

"Go away, I don't want to go to work, I want to go back to sleep. Turn the alarm off and give me a kiss 'n cuddle first."

"No Katie, wake up darling, you've got to go to work today and hand your notice in. Then we can be together properly can't we sweetheart? Mummy wants you all to herself!"

Katie turned to face her Mum; she had a big beaming smile.

"That's better, finally waking up now, are we?" Lucy said then gave her daughter a good morning kiss on the lips.

"Sorry Mum, yeah I'll wake up in a minute. Can we fuck before I go?"

"No darling, there isn't time. There's barely even time for you to be my toilet!"

"I can't take all that before I go to work, can I?" Says Katie.

Lucy was put out. "Oh, I see, are you going to be just like Julie after all. 'I can't take all that shit before I go to work'." Lucy responded rather mockingly. "I thought you were going to be better than that!"

Realising what she had just implied, Katie quickly corrected herself. "No, I'll do it, sorry, I didn't mean it like that. It'll be alright then will it, you know, if I take the whole lot then go straight off to work?"

""Why not? It's what Mummy wants sweetheart; I want you to be better than Julie. What's the problem darling?"

"I don't know really." Katie paused then said what she was thinking. "My breath will smell, won't it?"

"Well... Mummy hopes you will start smelling like a toilet soon darling, I would like that." Lucy came over all soppy to her daughter, kissing her with little seductive pecks on her lips then cheekily squeezed Katie's bum cheeks before running her finger across her anal opening. Katie just melted in sensual, romantic bliss.

"I would love to start smelling like a proper toilet for you mum... oh my god... I love you so much."

"I know you do darling and Mummy loves you too. Now you can see why I want you to leave work can't you?"

Katie nodded to confirm she did then flung her arms around her mum and squeezed her so tight she could hardly breathe. Katie felt a tear run down her cheek.

"Clean your teeth before you go darling, there is also mouth wash in the cupboard and make sure you buy a bag of mints from the Co-op at the end of the road on your way to work. You'll be alright darling, you trust your mum don't you?"

Katie nodded, smiled her usual happy smile and popped another kiss on Lucy's lips. "Thanks mum." She said.

"Come on sweetheart, let's have breakfast, you'll be running late if you don't hurry."

Before Katie got out of bed though she asked a question. "Mum?"

"Yes darling, what is it but be quick."

"When I'm your toilet, instead of eating, you know, your poo, from a plate......." There was a slight hesitant pause. "Can I take it in my mouth, you know... straight from your bum?"

"Of course you can Katie, that's how Mummy wants it to be now. Eating it from a plate was all part of taking things slowly darling. I didn't want to go too fast too soon and put you off. A face-full of shit might have been too much straight away. I can dump a lot sometimes darling."

"Thanks Mum, you're really thoughtful but I think I'm ready to do it properly now... you know, straight in my mouth. That's how I've always dreamt it should be."

"And that's how it should be sweetheart and you know what darling... Mummy will show you a special way of eating it soon, if you can but first you'll have to finish work. Now up you get, time for breakfast and a cup of tea. Mummy needs to get her bowels moving for you, doesn't she?"

Katie grinned. "Thanks mum."

Lucy went downstairs not bothering to get dressed, she was wearing the pair of knickers she had slept in and nothing else. Katie took the lead and followed her mum in the same state of dress or rather undress.

They sat opposite each other at the table, same positions as the day before and had breakfast. This time though Katie had a fruit juice, but nothing else. The remainder of her breakfast was still cooking. Mum had toast and a cup of tea. Katie could barely take her eyes of her mum's breasts, something which was not lost on Lucy who made every attempt to show them off as much as possible.

With breakfast now over and the clock ticking down Lucy tried hurrying proceedings alone. She was keen to get her daughter to work so that she could hand in her notice.

"Mummy can do a poo poo now darling."

Katie laughed. "A poo poo! Are you for real? You're definitely a bit kinky mum"

Lucy laughed back. "What, and you're not then!"

"Touché. Okay, I'll give you that one."

"Come on, a little less chat young lady, lay on the floor, I need a shit! There... does shit sound better?"

"Hah, hah. No, I think Mummy can do a poo, poo sounds better!"

They both laughed, hugged each other, kissed, then Katie removed her knickers and laid down on the protective sheet and towels Lucy had already prepared. Without further conversation Lucy whipped off her knickers and discarded them in one swift and well-practiced motion then squatted over her daughter's face. Katie's mouth had already opened in anticipation.

Lucy had positioned herself so that she faced Katie's naked body, her rear end hovered just above her daughter's open and willing mouth.

"Give mummy a little lick first darling."

Katie responded, lifted her neck upwards and extended her tongue. It was a little uncomfortable though.

"Can you get any lower Mum?"

Lucy reacted by lowering herself even further. She now squatted firmly on her haunches with bum cheeks brushing against Katie's face, almost sitting on her daughter.

"That's better Mum, can you hold it there?"

"I'll try sweetheart, but there's something I know I can't hold any longer!"

"Go for it, I'm ready." Came the by now muffled reply.

Katie's tongue started licking her mum's bum hole. It was only seconds later when Katie's tongue felt the anal opening start to widen. Almost instantly her tongue felt the tip of her mum's turd as it began its downward journey.

Katie's heart started beating faster, the moment she had waited years for was now finally happening. Eating shit from a plate was okay but this was what she had dreamed about. A turd passing straight from her partner's bum and into her mouth.

She locked her lips around her mum's bum hole in an attempt to prevent any escape of her beautiful and delicious shit. She wanted it all, every last morsel.

Out it came, a long firm turd escaping one cavity and entering the next - a waiting and very willing mouth. Katie could feel it oozing out from her mum's bum, past her lips, over her tongue which had now been moved to the bottom of her mouth so as not to restrict the progress of her mother's gift.

Down it went, filling Katie's mouth and soon she realised that turds feel much bigger when entering a mouth in this manner. She wasn't going to be beaten though, 'breath slowly, stay calm and let it complete its journey', she started telling herself.

By now Katie had switched to breathing solely through her nose as her mouth filled with what felt like an enormous turd. In reality though it was no larger than normal, it just felt huge. Down it travelled, moving inexorably towards the back of her mouth and towards the entrance to her throat. 'Stay calm' she kept repeating to herself, 'you can do this'. Katie concentrated hard, the last thing she wanted to do was to gag. 'How much more of it!' She wondered, 'OMG, it's going to go straight down my throat in a minute, I'm going to gag!' Her mind raced, those dreaded thoughts of gagging, she knew they would spoil the moment.

Then it fell, finally realised from her mum's bum and now the sole possession of Katie. She grabbed it with her tongue, preventing it from invading her throat and causing her to convulse. 'I've done it!' She thought to herself, she was elated.

All the concentration needed to take that first turd successfully meant that she barely noticed the warm flow of liquid flooding over her naked flesh. Now that her mouth had finally captured its prize though, her full senses had returned.

Katie was now able to acknowledge that her mother was urinating over her. 'Oh my god' she thought to herself, 'this is beautiful'. In fact, this was more than beautiful to Katie, this was everything she had ever wanted. With her mouth now obstructed with what felt like the world's largest piece of shit and the exquisite flow of warm urine pleasuring large surfaces of her smooth soft feminine flesh, Katie now drifted into some parallel universe where sexual pleasure ruled and all other emotions were banished.

Her senses then detected a type of sploshing sound, 'what is that noise?' her mind couldn't quite process the information entering it, such was the intensity of the pleasure emotions that travelled at random through her entire body.

Then, in the random world of turmoil a signal reached her over emotional brain. The sound was coming from her own cunt! Her wet cunt, 'yes that's it'. Her snatch was being frigged furiously, 'one, no two fingers' she thought. Two fingers were masturbating her cunt, oh and there was a thumb, yes, a thumb circulating over and around her clit, 'oh my god it feels so good' she thought.

It was then that another random signal fought through the multitude of pleasure signals that raced and competed for attention.

They were her own fingers and thumb! 'Yes, it's me, I'm doing it, I'm masturbating!' Finally Katie was able to process where the sploshing and squishing sounds had come from, she was furiously masturbating and her cunt was soaked in copious amounts of vaginal fluid. 'So that's why I'm drifting in another universe!' By now all the random signals had lined up in order, Katie was now, finally, able to prepare for the orgasm that would soon be hitting her unsuspecting body and soul.

She could still feel the flood of sensations as urine flowed from her mother onto her, it danced and sang on her flesh before congregating in a joyful chorus on the floor beneath her.

By now her own salivating caused by the turd she was gripping tightly in her mouth started causing the piece of shit to gradually melt and flow down her throat. Katie knew what was happening, 'could this moment be any more erotic?' She thought to herself. She doubted it could be.

Then something hit her in the face, waking her slightly from the pre climatic state she had reached. 'Yes, it was another turd' Katie had registered correctly, she could have seen it fall if it was not for the fact that she had closed her eyes and drifted off into euphoria.

She opened them just in time to see the next piece squeeze out of her mother's anus. It hit her nose, then fell across her left eye, then continued its journey onto the floor next to her head.

Maybe it was the sight of seeing that turd eject itself from her mum's bum that caused it, Katie didn't know for sure but her climax hit hard.

Her body spasmed in the by now familiar fashion. Wave after wave of pleasure fairies ran riot through her body, a body that now seemed alien to her. 'How could anything feel this good' her mind tried comprehending the incomprehensible.

Even though her orgasm was in full flight Katie remained acutely aware that she was holding one of her mother's turds in her mouth. The grip on the invading filth was firm yet still sensitive to the relative softness of the object Katie regarded as the most beautiful thing in the world. The temptation was to bite into it, savour it in all its magnificent glory but Katie wanted to hold it there. Biting into it she knew, would almost certainly cause the top half to fall to the floor and lay alongside its siblings already laying seemingly discarded by her side. No, Katie wanted the magnificent phallic symbol in her mouth to remain there for a little longer.

As her orgasm continued its unstoppable journey through Katie's surrendered body she became aware that her mother had finished defecating over her. The sensations in her throat also made her aware that, despite her best efforts, the formation of natural saliva within her mouth had caused her mum's turd to slowly start to wash away and make its delicious sexual journey from mouth to stomach. She could also sense that drool had run from her lips and down her chin. Even though she couldn't see it she knew that the escaping saliva must by now be the most delightful colour of brown imaginable.

Katie's eyes flickered and opened as her climax gradually subsided and ebbed away from her exhausted humanoid form. Reality began to return; light stung her sensitive eyes as focus slowly returned from the out-of-body experience she had been lost in.

Her refocusing eyes began to detect the welcoming sight of her own mum gazing in to her exposed soul.

"I think you enjoyed that one didn't you sweetheart?" Lucy words were kind and loving, just the type Katie needed as she regained her dignity.

Katie could only nod, she felt ashamed that she had just masturbated in front of her mum again.

Sensing her concern Lucy's reassuring words continued. "It's alright darling, right now you are the most beautiful sight anyone could ever hope to witness."

Lucy could still see her daughter's exposed soul through her eyes and she saw a look of intense love. "Oh, Katie darling, you are the most beautiful thing that has ever happened to me!"

Lucy lay alongside her daughter and took hold of the turd protruding from Katie's mouth. Her daughter slowly released the gift she had received with love from her mum.

The turd now hung suspended but still in Katie's mouth.

"Suck on it darling, Mummy will help hold it for you. I want to watch you enjoy it."

With the large turd still inside her mouth Katie was unable to smile the way her heart wanted it to. That didn't matter though, Lucy was still able to see the happiness in her daughter's facial features even without her usual beaming smile.

The eye contact between both women showed looks of extreme but mutual sexual intensity. The atmosphere was charged with a sexual lust and craving which could only come from two people completely together in their desires and love for one another.

As Katie's mouth closed around the intruding piece of shit she started sucking on the end just like her mother wanted her to.

"That's it baby, suck on Mummy's turd, just as if you were giving a blowjob."

Even though her mouth was full she still managed a giggle, her mum then giggled in unison.

"You've never given a blowjob, have you?"

Katie just managed to shake her head slightly.

"Well sweetheart, you will never find a cock as nice to suck on as Mummy's turd will you?"

Katie didn't manage a reply, she was lost in a sexual pleasure that up until then she had only dreamed of.

Lucy took control of the turd and eased it slowly upwards and out of her daughter's mouth before she pushed it gently back in again. She could see that Katie had sucked on it strongly as the end in her mouth had been drawn down to a point. Lucy was not sure how long her turd had been originally but she guessed that it must have been much longer than it was now.

The excitement building in Lucy was palpable but she contained her emotions. She eased the piece of shit out again, fully this time. 'OMG' she thought, 'There's hardly anything left'. She popped a kiss on Katie's lips. She had intended to make the kiss brief and then pop the turd back in. At least that was her plan. Her emotions finally won over and the peck on the lips turned into a full-on unadulterated snog!

Lucy's tongue searched the depths of her daughter's filth-laden mouth. She tasted her own faeces but didn't care in the slightest. She simply wanted to devour her own daughter's mouth in any way she could. Lucy had always enjoyed a shitty kiss with her former lover. She was however, finding that her new lover took that enjoyment into a different stratosphere.

When the snog finally ended Lucy released her gift and let it fall into the eagerly waiting cavity that was now her own personal toilet. She watched in absolute awe as it was barely chewed at all, merely squashed before starting on its epic journey into the waiting depths of her daughter's stomach.

Katie detected her mother's gasp as her mouth emptied. She sensed another kiss coming and wasn't disappointed, in fact it turned out to be another full-on snog!

"Wow! I love the way you kiss Mum." Said a surprised Katie as the deep French kiss finally ended.

"I love you, Katie."

"I love you too Mum." There was a slight pause. "Put some more in my mouth please before I start crying again!"

Lucy smiled; it was a smile filled with genuine love. She then reached out for one of the turds which had fallen from Katie's face onto the protective sheet below her. She lifted it up and dropped it into Katie's eager mouth.

Lucy looked on, her astonishment showing no signs of wavering as her daughter set about the task of consuming it. A task which took mere seconds to achieve. So quick and swift was the action that it barely gave Lucy time pick up the next turd laying lost by the side of Katie's head. Lucy still managed to recover the next wayward log though and popped it into her toilet's mouth. The chewing that followed was swift and purposeful once again. Lucy's toilet soon despatched it to the sewer of her stomach.

"I think this is the last bit my darling." Said Lucy as she reached out for the only other piece of freshly prepared filth she could find. Her toilet's opening was still gaping wide ready to accept it and it wasn't left disappointed. Lucy dropped it into her new toilet with the word. "Enjoy."

Katie did just that. She had every intention of enjoying her new role in life.

"I still don't know how you can do that Katie but I am so pleased that you can and proud of you darling." Lucy's sentiments were warm and genuine.

"I can do it because I love being your toilet Mum." Katie replied looking up into her mother's eyes, a look which invited a sensual kiss.

Lucy saw the look and read it instantly, mother and daughter's telepathy working perfectly. Lucy kissed her daughter with a now familiar passion. She was as eager to taste her own filth as she was to enjoy their shared intimate love. As she did so her toilet wrapped its arms around her, it needed to embrace the source of the filth now settling in the pit of her sewer.

As they kissed two of Lucy's fingers found their way into the moist slit between her toilet's legs. One entered; the opening was tight but the second soon followed. Both fingers were gripped with an intimacy befitting the growing love now overpowering two very dirty and kinky woman.

Lucy frigged her daughter whilst taking time to marvel at the wonders of the human body. She could feel the tightness of the vagina she was fingering and thought of how amazing the muscle must be. She knew that one day soon it would be capable of stretching so much that it would be taking her fist. She also marvelled at the fact that once over the initial pain, Katie would find the act immensely pleasurable.

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