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A Straight Guy Walks into a Bar

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A man from my past walks into the gay bar I am in.
2.2k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 04/17/2024
Created 04/11/2024
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I was at a local gay bar, the place was fairly busy, not anyone I would ever hook up with, not even the cute little bartender, being honest I had him six months ago and he was like a dead fish in bed. Never again brother. I guess I should describe myself, I am thirty five, I work out I have a pretty good body, fairly thin, told I am a handsome man, full beard, well cut hair, dark brown eyes, eight inch cock.

The bar seemed to thin out for some reason, my plan was to finish my drink then head home, I would watch some tv or look for a hook up on a chat site. I had my face in my phone, I did not see him come in the door. He stood beside the pool table and looked to see if anyone was checking him out, I was busy on a chat site and I had found a cutie, but he decided he wanted something else and not me.

I took another sip of my beer and looked up at the man by the pool table, he was staring at me like he knew me. Taking a better look I did know him didn't I? He was a guy I knew from school I think, he always was a prick I hated the man. He stared at me till I could see he finally knew who I was, he combed his hair back with his hand and slowly walked up to my table.

"I know you from somewhere don't I?"

"Yes you sure do, you are Thomas Bailey and I am Billy Matthews, the guy you were such a prick too in school."

"Billy the fag, now I know you, fuck Billy wow hard to believe I run into you."

"Yeah you're just the guy I hoped to meet at a gay bar."

"This is a gay bar? Makes sense I guess, you're here."

Still a prick in my eyes, fuck I hated him when I was in school, he looked kind of different, he was not very clean on himself, his long hair greasy, his clothes torn tattered and very dirty, he also smelt not very good. I stared at him trying to figure it out.

"Yeah Billy I'm homeless, guess I deserve it for the way I treat people, I always was a prick as you had called me back then."

That's right I had called him a prick in the hallway that one time, the entire school laughed about it cause it was true. Needless to say I got beaten up for it, but it still was worth it, I had heard he had married, he and his wife been together since high school. Not really sure what Rachel saw in him, maybe it was a big cock cause it sure wasn't his winning personality.

"So Billy any chance you would buy an old friend from school a beer?"

"An old friend? are you fucking kidding me? you bullied me daily, I fucking hated you so much. Yeah I'll buy you a beer you fucking prick."

We both laughed and I called the waiter over and ordered us a round, I really checked him out, he needed a shower really bad, the smell and his breath, his face covered in dirt his hands and nails crusted with dirt and grime, his clothes so dirty, and worn out.

"Who would have thought Billy boy, me and you in a gay bar having a drink together?"

"Yeah not me that is for sure Thomas, you would be the last guy I could ever see buying a beer for in any bar actually, so Thomas what is new with you?"

"Well long story, short version, wife left me for my best friend, took the house and the car, we never had kids told me I was a dud, her and my ex best friend have two kids now so maybe she was right. Never liked sex with that bitch anyways, so I lost my job as I used to work for my ex best friend, so now I am homeless and jobless, begging for money on the street, bet that makes you happy Billy, payback for me being such a prick to you?"

"No man I never held a grudge, the bullying made me a stronger person, I don't take shit from anyone anymore, I am a strong and independent man, so maybe I need to thank you for doing what you did to me for all those years."

"Well Billy I am sorry I was always mad at everyone back then, and you seemed to be my target, I hated how happy you always were. You had a great family, your mom and dad were so good to you, my mom left when I was two, dad brought me up to hate the world, he taught me to be racist and to hate everyone, men and women and of course gay guys. Being on the street taught me a lot Billy, I see with open eyes now, not even bothered that you are openly gay, like to call you my friend if I could?"

"Yes of course Thomas, would you like another beer?"

"No I better not, I might be on the floor if I did, haven't eaten since yesterday. Not looking for pity Billy just saying is all."

"Can I order us some food? We could order a pizza they have great pizzas here. Yes let me order, I am starving."

I called the waiter over asked Thomas what he liked on his pizza, pepperoni, bacon mushroom and extra cheese. We had another beer while we waited, I asked him what kind of work did he do previously, mostly construction, repairs, most any kind of work. I handed him my business card and told him to call me on Monday I just might have a job for him.

He looked at the card, impressed that I was the owner of my own company, and I had offered him a job, our pizza arrived and we dug in. For a guy who did not eat for two days he really did not eat much, told me his stomach shrunk from lack of food. We had one more beer then picked at the pizza, he managed to eat three pieces.

We talked about our pasts, school, the people we knew from school, he told me of the people he interacted with and I told him the ones I still was in contact with. He finally asked if I was indeed gay? I told him I always was gay since I was five I would guess. I also told him I had a huge crush on him in school, even if he was a prick to me.

He laughed and confirmed that he was straight, he liked women, I laughed at his comment, I told him I was not hitting on him. The waiter came up and asked if we wanted a last call drink, I could not believe we had talked that long. We drank the last of our beer and I asked if he wanted the last of the pizza, he looked at me and said "Yes".

I looked at him and asked him where he was going to sleep tonight? He said he has a spot under the bridge that he can get some sleep tucked under a certain spot. I felt so bad could I really let him sleep under a bridge, of course I could not. I told him he could come to mine but he would have to shower and let me give him some clean clothes to wear so I could wash his or toss his out.

"Yeah I know Billy I smell really bad, and yeah if the offer is good I will take you up on it."

"Come on man lets go home."

We left I flagged a cab and we got in, the confined space the odor was hard to take, we rolled down windows and that helped a bit. The driver pulled in my driveway, Thomas got out and stared at my home. I had a nice place, three bedroom, two and an half bath, pool in the back yard, completely remodeled inside and out.

We walked in and he stood at the front entrance staring his mouth wide open.

"You live here alone Billy?"

"Yeah my ex boyfriend moved out a year ago, a cheater and a liar, glad he is gone, okay Thomas I will show you your room."

I showed him the spare bedroom and showed him where he could clean up, shave, brush his teeth, shower and he could just put his clothes in a garbage bag. I went to get him clean clothes to wear while he brushed his teeth and got ready to get in the shower. When I came back in he was naked, the man so thin, all his ribs showing, even his hip bones.

His long legs to his tight little ass, he turned and I got to see his cock, the man was hung that was for sure. Six soft and fairly thick, so hairy, his chest a layer of fur, his nipples light brown and pointy, I put the clothes on the bed and he got in the shower. He had to be in there for a half hour maybe more, he came out into the kitchen a changed man.

His long hair shiny and clean, his face shaved smooth, he really was so thin, I asked if he wanted another beer, he said yes and maybe some more pizza. We sat and ate and drank, he looked so different, so young looking with no facial hair. We talked about our families, his Dad had died in a car accident, he said he really did not miss the man.

Once our beers were done I told him I was off to bed, he got up and put his empty on the counter, I put the pizza in the fridge. He stood at the counter his back to me, his body started to shudder, was he crying?

"Thomas are you alright?"

He did not respond he turned and pulled me in and held me to his thin body, I held him to me till he stopped crying and he let me go from his grasp. He pulled back his face covered in tears, I wiped them away and smiled at him.

"Sorry Billy, but no one wants me anywhere near them anymore, I seem to be hated by all of my friends, not one of them will let me stay in their homes anymore and you a guy who I tormented in school is the guy who is there for me right now."

He leaned in and pressed his face into my chest, he ran his hand on the side my my face and he pulled me in for a kiss. I was dumbfounded, what to hell was he doing right now? Why was he kissing me? He pulled back and stared into my eyes, he was so sad looking.

"Sorry Billy been a long time since anyone showed me any kind of affection, to be held by you, and man do you know how to kiss. Again sorry for doing that, really appreciate all you are doing for me is all."

He held me to his body not letting go, this was the guy who just told me he was straight, not the least bit gay but here he is holding me and kissing me. He put his head back on my chest and he and I just held each other, had we rocked a bit and had some music on it would look like we were slow dancing.

"Billy I know I do not have the right to ask you for anything more right now, but could I sleep with you in your bed? I'm a bit sacred to sleep alone in a big house like this is all."

I shook my head yes, I took his hand and led him to my room, I told him he and I would not be having sex, he needed to be tested before we engaged in sex of any kind. He agreed, the way he was living he really needed to see a doctor, and testing made sense. Once in my room I went in and brushed and removed clothes as I did, like I always did.

I came out in underwear only, he was standing by the bed waiting for me to tell him he could get in, he removed the clothes I gave him. He was down to a very tight pair of underwear that I used to wear, they were his now and they looked way better on him. We got in bed and I shut off the lights, he lay there both of us staring at each other.

Now I had fantasized about him and I in my bed when I was in school, but we were not staring at each other, he was on top of me and his cock was deep inside of me. Our lips pressed to each others and my cock was always shooting a huge load of cum when I did fantasize about this man, or had a wet dream about him. He looked so worn down, so beaten up and used.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Hope it turns into a love story.

FreakSlaveFreakSlaveabout 2 months ago

Oh, fuck, yes!

I am bisexual, but publicly have always shown my heterosexual side... but, have had many gay experiences. There are many of my male lovers that I would love to see now. And, my friend that never knew that I wanted to play with his cock, suck it, and feelnit buried deep in my man-pussy... and likewise, roles reversed! (he knows now)...

Cane23Cane23about 2 months ago

It doesn't say, but I hope this is the first chapter of the story! I like the stories where bad guys, after hitting bottom, feel a sincere remorse and take a road to redemption! These stories increase my faith in humanity.

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