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A String of Flowers


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'This is lovely' he said feeling the silkiness of her soft loose hair and as he let it caress over his face.

'How does it feel' his mother whispered.

'As I told you like heaven' he replied, inhaling its fragrance.

'And what is heaven like today' she asked.

Inhaling its aroma he said 'it can be felt not described.'

'You, you have changed Shyam.'

'How' he asked?

'You have grown up. You are not the same as you were earlier.'

'No I have not.'

'Then I think your vocabulary has changed.'

'May be, is it to your liking' he asked.

'Very much, it is very masculine' she replied assertively.

Those words were encouraging. Caressing her hair he let one of his hand drift down and on holding her hand he said 'you know you have lovely hands.'

'Why, what's so lovely about them' she asked.

'They are so soft and so warm' he said lifting her arm.

'Are you gauging its warmth' she asked.

'Yes, they are warmer over here' he said as his fingers reached close to its destination.

'Is it so? Do you think it is warmer up there' she asked lifting her hand a little allowing him more access.

'It is warmer and more exciting to feel' he said sliding his fingers under her arm.

'What's more exciting to feel, my arms or something else' she asked?

'What else would I want to feel' he said without moving his fingers further.

'What you were staring at this morning' she said softly.

'What was I staring at' he asked blushingly.

'What you love to touch and feel,' she replied.

'How do you know that I want to touch and feel you there' he said.

'It's because I saw you staring at it' she replied.

Knowing very well he was caught and to come out of it he said 'is it for that reason you are wearing this shirt' he asked.

'Why? Are you not happy' she asked.

'I am but I did not feel it properly' he replied.

'But I felt your fingers brace them' she said moving closer.

'What did my fingers brace' he asked her.

'My armpits' she replied blushing.

'And what's there in your armpits that I would like to touch' he asked?

'Soft silky hair. ' Her breathing increased as she let those words out.

'Yes, I love to feel them, your soft hair' saying it, his hand slid under her arm and feeling her wet armpits he asked 'why are they so damp.'

'That's the course of the nature' she replied shyly.

Shyam was excited to hear her words and as he tried to cup her armpit his knuckles touched the forbidden softness of his mother's body. Unknowingly his knuckles had braced the swollen underside of her breast and this made him to withdraw his hand immediately.

Maya too felt the light pressure of his fingers on her breast. She had not anticipated this and seeing Shyam baffled and to change the subject, she said 'don't you owe me something.'

'What do I owe you' asked Shyam regaining his lost composure.

'Remember what you had bargained for' she said.

'Yes, I remember it very well' he replied.

'And are you not going to keep up your promise' she asked.

'I would have but for the tight shirt you are wearing' he replied.

'What has my shirt to do with it' she asked, not getting his meaning.

'It is difficult to execute what I have in mind' he replied.

'Are we not talking about the kiss you owe me' she asked.

'Yes, we are.'

'Then what has my shirt to do with it' she asked a little puzzled.

'It hinders in planting the kiss' he said and looked for her reactions.

It suddenly dawned on Maya. Her body sizzled at the very thought of it. She knew then that he wanted to kiss her under her armpits. It sent shivers up her spine as she had never felt before. The warm sensations further encouraged her to continue the chat and she said 'what have I do to receive it.'

'You have to wear something loose' he replied.


'Like a shirt two sizes bigger or you have to bare your arms' he replied.

'Do I have to go to such an extent just to receive a kiss' she said?

'Well it is for you to decide' he replied.

'Why? Can't you kiss me on my cheeks' she asked?

'Yes, I can but I want to . . .' he said.

'What do you want to' she asked again.

'Kiss you there'

'Under my armpits' she asked.

'Yes, under your armpits' he replied.

You are being naughty' she said as she got up to leave.

'So what have you decided to wear' he asked when she got up.

'I won't tell you, you are a cheat' she bawled at him.

'I have an offer to make' he said.

'What is it' she said turning back.

'It is a deal and it is to be finalized' he replied.

'Tell me what you have up your sleeve' she asked.

'It is about what you have up your sleeve' he said and as his mother opened her mouth to scream at him 'I can lend you my shirt in exchange for a kiss, a kiss on my .......'

'Ah! A very bright idea. I will be the looser both ways and you will be a winner hands down' she said.

'You would gain something, think about it' he said.

'What would I gain' she said.

'You would be able to get a kiss which I think no one has offered you before' he replied.

His words made her to think. Yes, no one had offered it and there were not many with whom she had gone so far.

Seeing her in thought he said 'shall we okay the deal.'

'You did not tell me where you want me to kiss you' she said.

'As if you don't know' he replied.

'It is very difficult to judge your intentions, you are naughty' she said as she squeezed his ear.

'Okay where do you want to kiss me' he asked.

'On this pretty face' she said squeezing his cheeks.

'Yes it is on my face, but I want it on a particular spot' he said.

'And I think I have an idea as to where that spot is' she replied blushing.

'You know it' he asked, getting excited on seeing her blushing face.

'Yes, I know it' she replied mischievously.

'Tell me' he said eagerly.

'You want to know it' she asked still squeezing his cheeks.

'Yes, yes' he replied getting excited.

'On your forehead' saying this she ran to her room.

Shyam knew that she had played a joke on him. Whatever it was one thing was certain that his mother was game enough. With these thoughts he went to bed.

Maya felt happy on having teased him. She looked forward eagerly for what was in store for the coming days.

With the night gone the morning stepped in. There was no evidence of what had transpired earlier and everything was casual. When it was time for Shyam to leave for office, Maya fondly strapped his wristwatch and holding his hand she kissed his palm and when his eyes started to roam she pushed him out of the house.

With him out of the way she went to clean up the house. It was then she saw a shirt lying on the sofa. It was light blue in color. Maya knew why it was there. Instinctively she picked it up and as she neared her room she felt her body tremble.

Holding her breath she stood before the mirror and looked at her reflection which she had not done for a long time. She saw her face was gleaming with perspiration and as she lifted her shirt to wipe, she saw her naked waist. She stood still and looked at the exposed part of her body. Seeing her waistline the tingling sensations started to creep up and so did the shirt till it exposed her breasts enclosed in an old bra. The bra being used frequently was tattered at some places and the swelling mounds of her breasts were visible. This heightened her pleasure and as she drew the shirt out of her body she was happy to see her figure.

She was glad that the time had not dented her figure. She was exquisitely built and she was tempted to discard her bra and look at her breasts for which she could not muster enough courage. Her hands took the blue shirt and as she put it on and buttoned up she looked again at the mirror.

The shirt was large for her. The cut at the sides revealed a strip of her flesh and as the texture was light coloured the outline of her bra was visible. This was a shade too flashy for her and if she wore it she felt she would be sending wrong signals to him. It was okay to the extent they had gone and further even it leads to a kiss or two she would not mind. But it had to stop there and to continue would be bad.

With these thoughts she changed her mind. She looked into her closet and came out with a night gown which she had hardly worn. It was loose, it was the same blue color and the main thing it hid her undergarments. No seam or any impressions of her undergarments were visible. It was perfect as it would not send wrong signals.

Having selected it she continued with her work. The time flew and soon she heard her son mounting the steps. She was at the door to welcome him.

Shyam was happy to see her dressed in the long gown. It added an inch to her height and she looked graceful. This made his heart leap out for her. Controlling himself he went and finished his chores.

It took some time for his mother to come out of the kitchen. At first she was a little hesitant but regaining her poise and feeling nothing would go wrong she sat down beside him.

Both were silent. They could not speak for a while and when they turned and faced each other their shyness faded a little.

'How was your day' it was Shyam who spoke first.

'As usual' she replied.

'But I see some changes' he said looking at her gown.

'Yes, I had to wash the other garments' she replied.

'I had felt behind something for you' he said.

'What' she asked as if not knowing.

'I had left behind a shirt for you to wear' he replied.

'Why, what's wrong with this' she said looking at her gown.

'Nothing but I was hoping you would wear my shirt' he replied.

'May be someday,' saying this she lifted her hands to tie her hair in a bun.

'No, let it be loose' he said.

'It is hot today' she said.

'Shall I switch on the fan' he asked.

'It is not that necessary,' saying this she shook her head and let her hair fall loose.

It was a sight to see her hair flying and feeling thrilled Shyam said 'Do that again.'

'What' she asked him.

'Let your hair fly' he replied.

'You like to see it' she asked.

'Yes, yes' he replied.

'I think I have a better idea,' saying this she turned to face him and gripping his shoulders she let her hair fall over his head cascading his face.

Shyam was enchanted when her silky hair fell upon his face. Though it blinded him he was excited to feel the soft silky hair caressing his face. Pushing aside a few strands he looked deeply into his mother's face. It was a blessing in disguise to have an opportunity to look at her radiant face so close by.

Maya too felt a lot better to have her hair shielding most of their faces. She thought it was perfect considering the fact what they had in mind.

Shyam, whose hands were free, took the first step. Lifting them and placing on her arms he said. 'You look exquisite.'

Maya blushed on hearing his words.

'I never expected to see your face from such a close range and it feels great' he said.

'What makes you feel great' she replied.

'On being so close,' he said.

'We had to be this close, isn't it' she said shyly.

'Yes, yes' he said looking deep into her lovely face.

'For what you have in mind' she spoke softly.

'What do I have in mind which needs us to be this close' he asked in the same tone.

'How can you do it without being close' she asked.

'I don't know? It is you who has to do it' he replied teasing her while he held her arm.

'Is this not to your liking' she said feeling his fingers reach up her arm.

'Of course it is' he said as his fingers slid up her arms.

'And it is to your advantage, is it not' she said.

'Like,' he asked, slipping his hand under the sleeve of her loose night gown.

'Like you are close, the light is just enough, your face is feeling my silky hair; the gown I am wearing is to your advantage and what not.'

'How is the gown to my advantage' he asked as his hand slipped inside her sleeve and held armpit.

'For what you did just now' she said getting excited on his feeling her armpit.

'What did I do' he said as his fingers felt her damp armpits.

'Slipped your hand inside the sleeve to touch and feel' she replied.

'What did it touch and feel' he asked as his fingers caressed her damp hair.

'The hair under my armpits' she replied.

'Yes, I have felt your hair' he replied.

'Now that you have touched them, how do you feel' she asked.

'Heavenly' replied Shyam.

'What's so heavenly about them' her body writhed as she let out the words.

'Because you are wet' replied Shyam.

Maya was aghast to hear those words. Her body started trembling, it was convulsing and this was pure desire. This was not love but it was the inner cravings of her body. Her body shuddered when she heard those words and not being in a position to reply, she acted as if she had not heard him and looked at him.

'Why are you so damp there' said Shyam again.

'I told you it is because of nature' she replied shyly.

'Is it because of nature, is it not for something else' he asked.

'I might have perspired more' she replied.

'Can there be any reason for your perspiring so much' he asked looking at her face.

'As I said it is hot today' saying this she looked at him.

'Yes, it is hot today' he replied.

'It is because of that' she said shyly.

'And I love when it is hot' he said.

'What' asked his mother?

'When it is warm and damp' he said as his hand gripped her underarm.

'Do you like things to be wet' she asked softly.

'Yes, I like it to be wet and slippery' saying this he placed his lips on her arm and started kissing her with moist lips.

'You are making it damper' she replied getting excited.

'More the better' he said as he continued kissing her arm and moving up.

'Do you like kissing there when it is wet' she let out those words.

'Yes, I am loving it' saying this he kissed the wet patch of hair.

Maya's body shuddered when Shyam kissed her there and when he slid out his tongue and started feeling her damp hair, it was unbearable as it sent hot waves surging through her body and when she felt his hot mouth take all of her armpit, her body shuddered and unable to control her panting she brought her hand down and held his face captive under her arm.

Maya had climaxed. Not only had she come but in the heat she had made a grave mistake of holding his face captive under her arm as she had wedged his face against the underside of her warm breast.

Shyam was delighted on having kissed his mother's damp armpit and the moment she pulled his face to her breast he was thrilled. He wedged his face further into the warmth of his mother's breast and enjoyed till it lasted.

Maya after regaining her composure looked down at her son and on seeing his face lodged against her breast a new sensation started to creep up her body. She could not believe what was happening. Moments ago she had climaxed and now her body was asking for more.

It was then she thought of her son. Though he had fulfilled his desire of kissing her armpits he had a wish for which she had to oblige.

Releasing him she took hold of his face and drawing it closer, she looked at him. He looked different; she felt he had grown up. She caressed his face with both her palms and when she saw his eyes brighten she brought her face closer.

Shyam was excited to be this close to his mother. He felt he had nothing to fear as it was not his mistake and when he felt the warm breath of his mother on his face, he again felt it growing hard.

Holding her son's face in her hands, Maya, let her disheveled hair fall on his face. This time it had the required effect as she felt her son trembling. Caressing his face lightly with both her hands she said 'this is what you want, isn't it.'

'What, no, yes' he muttered unable to answer her properly.

'I know where you want me to kiss you' she said bringing her lips closer on his face.

'Where,' he asked getting aroused.

'Where it would give you the maximum pleasure,' she said nibbling his ears.

'And where is it' he asked as his arms went round her.

'Is it not here' she said as she placed a finger on her lips.

'Would you kiss me there, on my lips' he asked tightening his hold on her.

'Do you have any doubts' she said bringing her lips down from his ears.

'No, but I' Shyam could not answer her. He has aroused to the hilt and his hard member started pulsating.

Feeling his body writhing Maya knew he was on the brink of coming. She let her finger which was caressing his lips slip into his mouth and when Shyam opened his mouth she let another finger wedge in.

Shyam could not control it any longer. His prick started vibrating and as his mother brought her lips down and placed it on his lips his body convulsed and when she smooched his lips he shot in his pants.

In the heat of the passion Shyam's hands went around his mother's back and he held her tightly while his mother continued kissing him hard on his lips and mouth. He could not believe that his mother had kissed him on his mouth. He held her till he felt his pants go damp with his cum. Both had climaxed.

They were still in each others arms when their passion subsided. Holding him in his arms Maya thought of what had taken place. Was it wrong or not was the question playing in her mind. She thought there was nothing wrong in kissing her son. She wanted to see her son happy and in doing so if she had kissed it was not wrong. This thought made her grow in confidence and as she came out of his arms she smiled at him.

Seeing her smiling face was like seeing daylight. All the fear, tension gripping his mind evaporated in a second and he was normal again.

It was his mother who broke the silence. 'Were you surprised' she asked.

'Yes it was a sweet surprise' he replied.

'Not heavenly' her eyes questioned him more than her words.

'It was heavenly too' he replied.

Tousling his hair she said 'you won twice today and everything you desired came true.'

'Yes, more than I had expected' he replied.

'What had you not expected' she asked softly.

'Well, I never expected you would kiss me like the way you kissed me' he replied.

'Was it not your desire to have me kiss you on your lips?'

'Yes it was my desire but the way you kissed me I could not believe it' he replied.

'And I could not believe what you did which made me kiss you like that.'

'What did I do that was out of the way' he asked her.

'I thought you would peck a kiss under my armpit, but what you did was heavenly.'

'What did I do that was heavenly' he asked her again.

'Instead of kissing my armpits you ravished it with your tongue' she replied.

'And it felt heavenly' he asked.

Saying 'yes' she bowed her head.

'And that made you hold my face captive, isn't it' he asked.

'Yes' was her answer.

'And do you know what happened at that moment.' He looked at her face.

'I have no idea' she lied.

'It was then I found myself in heaven' he said.

'What made you feel like heaven' she asked.

'When I felt something that I had not dreamt of' he said.

'What did you feel' she whispered.

'I felt something soft and warm upon my cheek' he said.

'What do I have that is soft and warm' she asked turning her face.

'As if you don't know where my cheek was lodged' he said.

'Where was it lodged? Does it not have any name' she asked.

'It has' he replied.

'And it is'

'Your breast' he let it out softly.

'My goodness you took so long to name it' she said.

'Tell me how you feel then?' he asked.

'It was nothing new' she replied.

'Why' he said lifting his eyebrows.

'I have felt your cheeks on it many a times' she replied.

'I don't remember. May be when I was young' he replied.

'No not then. Don't you remember you used to snuggle your face up before you left for boarding?

'No, I don't remember it' he said.

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