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Click hereMadeline Prescott woke up and quickly got into her morning routine. A 5:30 kettlebell class was followed by a return home for a shower, waking her two children, preparing breakfast, getting them out the door and into the car for their ride to school. That duty was repeated with her husband thirty minutes later. Then, it was home to clean the bathrooms, vacuum the carpets, figure out what to make for dinner that evening and pick up her husband Mike's dry-cleaning.
Another typical day in the life of another typical suburban house wife. Which was fine for Madeline, whose friends and family called Maddie. She was happy about her station in life- a five bedroom, three bathroom home in a great neighborhood. Good schools for her children, Lauren who was 17 and a senior in high school, and Ben who was 11 and in 6th grade. Her husband Mike was an account executive for a major retail outlet and was just recently promoted. The promotion was welcomed by the family, but it meant more travel for Mike, who was away at the time.
So everything was as it should be, and Maddie was happy and satisfied, except for those moments when she would think to herself," Am I missing out on things in life?" Most times she would pass it off as "You just have too much time on your hands," but she did keep herself busy. She never raised any issue with her husband, but deep down, in quiet times of reflection, she couldn't help but let her mind wander to what else life might have to offer.
Perhaps she should go back to work, she thought. She had graduated from college with a B.A. in Education and had taught second grade for five years until her daughter was born. She had planned to go back to teaching eventually, but Ben came along and Mike's career started to take off. So, it was decided she would be a stay at home mom. Which suited her fine, but also left her wondering- was this all there was?
It's not like she would just sit around the house all day waiting for her husband to come home and give him his martini- she did stay busy. One of the things that kept her busy was being very active in the home- school association for her children's school district. With her educational back ground, she had a lot to offer the association and quickly rose to chairwoman. She enjoyed the interaction with the other parents, and it let her set goals and work towards keeping the schools her children attended running great.
So for six years she had been on the association, and made many friends and acquaintances. The person she grew a friendship with the most was Marci Simms. They had children the same age and soon grew to be fast friends. After six years, the two of them were known as the "dynamic duo" of the association and had it running like a fine tuned clock.
So, besides that little feeling of "What if" she would sometimes ponder, everything was good for the 42 year old blonde- A successful husband, two great kids, and a great house. She could also look at herself in the mirror, and honestly say to herself, "yeah, I still got it. Not perfect, but not bad either." In fact, she was being modest. At '5"4, she had a petite body that still had curves in all the right places. Toned legs, an ass that she could wear tight jeans in and be proud of, 34 B breasts that were still pert at 42, beautiful blue eyes, and blonde hair cut conservatively to her shoulders. People told her she looked like Clare Dunphy from "Modern Family." She was a MILF, but Madeline Prescott would never use that term. She had a conservative upbringing and attended Mass each Sunday with her family. Not that she was a prude, or led a sheltered existence. In college she was a sorority sister and dated a few guys before meeting Mike her senior year. They hit it off instantly and were inseparable not long after meeting. Mike was the third guy she had ever slept with and things felt right with him. As they grew more familiar with each other that senior year, the sex became more frequent, and more risqué. They fell in love and three years later were married.
After arriving home with her husband's dry cleaning, she had time for a quick lunch, and then it was off to the first Home- School association meeting of the school year. She picked up her friend, Marci, and the pair was the first to arrive at the school cafeteria where the meeting was to be held. They both wondered out loud what the make-up of this year's association would look like. How many new members? How many total members? As the members, mostly moms, but two dads, filed in, Maddie and Marci saw familiar faces mixed in with a few new ones.
Introductions of the executive board were made, agendas passed out and the meeting went as planned, with Maddie doing most of the talking. As the meeting ended, and Maddie and Marci were packing up their things to leave and pick up their children, a woman approached Maddie. "Mrs. Prescott, hi, I'm Alex Monroe," said the new woman to the association. "I just wanted to introduce myself, and to volunteer with anything that is needed this school year."
"Hi Alex, please call me Maddie, and this is Marci Simms," said Maddie, as handshakes were exchanged. "Thank you so much for joining the association, and I'm sure there will be a lot for you to help out with this year," joked Maddie. Niceties were exchanged and promises to see one another at the next meeting were made as the three mothers left the cafeteria. Maddie was happy to see some "new blood" step up and take an active role in the association. She was ready to hand off the reigns after six years, and she was impressed enough with Alex Monroe to think she might have potential to take over, eventually.
What impressed Maddie about Alex were her communication skills, her energy and her willingness to volunteer her time. She also was impressed with her outfit, a late summer dress that went right to the top of her knees. She wore it with a light sweater that accentuated her large breasts in a very appropriate way. She had olive skin, light brown hair with subtle highlights, no doubt coming from the summer sun, and very bright green eyes. Not that Maddie noticed these things. Well she did- all women check out other women- is how Maddie justified her observations.
As Marci and Maddie waited in the car line for their children to be dismissed from school, it appeared that Marci noticed Alex's beauty as well. "Alex Morgan seems nice," she said, "what is she like, 5'9"? Probably a runway model before having kids." she joked.
"She is very pretty," added Maddie.
As the school year progressed, Alex lived up to the expectations that Maddie had placed on her. She was assertive, with lots of energy, and took a leadership role on a few committees. She was also very easy to talk to, and joined Maddie and Marci on a few occasions for coffee and planning before the bi-weekly meetings. By mid-October, Maddie had a new friend in Alex Monroe. Not that Marci was jealous in any way, but she did notice how well Maddie and Alex got along, as well.
After the Mid-October meeting, Maddie and Alex were leaving the cafeteria when Maddie turned to Alex and said, "Hey Alex, Marci and I and a few of the other moms are going to meet for drinks this Friday night, and we would love for you to come."
Alex laughed and stated, "That's so funny, because I was going to invite you and Marci and your husbands to my Halloween party I am throwing the following Friday." They both chuckled and agreed to the others invitation.
Maddie and her girlfriends usually had a girls night out every three months or so, and as she got ready by showering and putting on some light make-up she was glad she invited Alex, for no other reason than to inject a fresh face in to her circle of friends. She wore a light brown blouse, and white skirt- the typical fall outfit, except she left an extra button undone on the blouse. She didn't really know why she did it, but it was exciting to be a little naughty every once in a while. Mike gave her a whistle as she kissed him goodbye and left him with the kids for the night. As she was getting into her Uber that she had ordered, her cell lit up and it was Alex. "Hey Maddie, its Alex, is it Okay if my friend Suzanne along tonight?" asked Alex.
"Of course she can, dear, the more the merrier," replied Maddie. "See you there in twenty minutes." The Uber picked up Marci and fifteen minutes later the two friends entered the bar/restaurant that was popular for its happy hour and great food.
Maddie and Marci were the first to arrive and they quickly snatched an eight top table for the rest of their party. Nicole, and Sherri, arrived right after. They were friends with Maddie and Marci from the country club the girls and their husbands belonged to. Drinks and appetizers were ordered and next to arrive were Samantha and Liz, who lived in the same development as Maddie and Marci. All their children attended the same schools. Kisses and hugs were exchanged and the girls began to catch up with one another.
Maddie looked around a few times for Alex, but did not see her. Eventually, she glanced at the door and saw Alex and her friend enter the bar. Her first reaction after eyeing the duo enter the bar was to look at Marci, whose first reaction was to have her eyes almost pop out of her head. Both women were reacting to the two women who just entered the bar, or more specifically, what the two newcomers were wearing. Alex wore an off-the -shoulder top with a midriff. Her skirt barely covered her thong and perfect ass. Suzanne wore less than Alex with a tube top and super short skirt. Suzanne was much shorter that Alex, but her petite frame supported a heavy pair of breasts that stood on their own- This point being obvious to all by the lack of bra on her outfit. She also had a "bubble butt" that made her short skirt flare out behind her. She wore hoop earrings and, like Alex, had light brown hair with blonde hi-lights. The sea parted for the pair as they found the table where the other women waited for them. The male and female bartenders both stared and traded glances with one another as did every man in the bar. These two oozed sexuality.
Introductions were made at the table, and another round of drinks was ordered. All of the women at the table were married except for Suzanne. She was also the only woman present who was childless. At 28, she was also at least 14 years younger than the rest of the women besides Alex, who was 31. This didn't prevent all the women from falling into easy conversation that started off with a conversation about their kids and eventually went to who the hottest guys at the bar were. Suzanne was much more proficient at the latter, rather than the former.
After an hour, a DJ set up and began to play dance music from several different eras. Suzanne and Alex pleaded with the other women to hit the dance floor, which was something the other ladies were not used to doing. But, the drinks had flowed, and after much pleading, Maddie and Marci agreed to join the younger women on the dance floor. Maddie couldn't remember the last time she had danced to upbeat music, and after feeling awkward at first, fell into rhythm and was enjoying herself. Marci, too, seemed to be enjoying herself. But, the real entertainment was watching Alex and Suzanne do their thing. They were "Dirty Dancing" with each other and with the group of men in their late 20's that began to surround the four women. Maddie, a little tipsy at this point, went between being mortified by the come-ons of the young men to laughing and having fun because she forgot how much fun it could be to get down and dance.
After one very good looking guy whispered in Maddie's ear and tried to get her number, she knew it was probably time to go back to the table. After rejecting the "man cub" she was about to leave the floor when a hand grabbed her wrist. It was Alex, who pulled her back onto the floor rather forcibly which caused Maddie to trip and fall into Alex's arms to prevent her from wiping out on the floor. What couldn't be avoided were the two women's breasts pushing into one another, for the briefest of instances. They both laughed hysterically, with Maddie apologizing for mashing into Alex. Alex replied by saying, "no problems here," with a laugh and a sly grin. "Besides, I love dancing with you, you're the hottest woman out here."
Maddie shouted "shut up!" and the two of them laughed again. She couldn't contain a slight blush at the compliment, and thought to herself that the chardonnay must be having an effect on her. Usually, she would have been mortified by such talk, even if Alex was just joking.
Finally, 11:30 rolled around and everyone at the table started to order Ubers home. The older women all said their goodbyes to Alex and Suzanne as if they had made new friends that night.
In the Uber car home, Maddie and Marci reviewed, like they usually did, the events of the night. The conversation almost immediately went to Alex and Suzanne and their attire. They also talked about their actions on the dance floor and how they both felt like they were getting old watching those two.
"They sure could move," said Marci.
"And they had the attention of every guy in that bar," added Maddie. The two women hugged goodnight when they were dropped off and promised to talk the next day.
When Maddie entered her house, still a little tipsy, all the lights were out and everyone was asleep. She undressed to her panties, put on a nightshirt and slid into bed next to Mike. For a minute, she considered waking him up for a quickie, but decided to let him sleep. Maybe in the morning she thought. As she lay there, Maddie felt so embarrassed by the run-in with Alex on the dance floor, but she had to admit- Alex had an amazing body.
The next day was a typical Saturday for the Prescott's, their daughter Lauren had a soccer game at 11:00, and son Ben had a double header of baseball games at 2:00 and 4:30. Lauren left the family after her game and was going to hang out with friends and have a sleep over later that night. So, Maddie, Mike and Ben went out to a local restaurant after the last baseball game. While waiting for their meals to arrive, a group of five women in their early twenties entered the restaurant and walked right by the Prescott's table. All wore lots of make-up and lipstick, tiny tops and tinier skirts. As with a uniform, they all wore "come-fuck-me" pumps. Mike couldn't help but notice them as they sauntered by the table, and Maddie, slightly amused, gave him a discreet jab to the ribs along with a mocking stare. "What?" Mike said in his defense.
"Whatever," was Maddie's sarcastic reply. They both chuckled, and took a second look at the group as they were seated two tables away.
Maddie couldn't help but have a flashback to the prior evening. The girls in the restaurant were all beautiful, and their attire was very similar to Alex and Suzanne's the night before.
Back at home after dinner, Mike and Ben finished watching a college football game on TV, while Maddie had a glass of wine in the kitchen. She was a little bored and the thought of sex with Mike was on her mind. Her mind reflected on the past 24 hours, and how there was much in common with the girls at the restaurant and her new friends Alex and Suzanne. She was happy when Ben went to bed and they were alone in their bedroom. On most occasions, Mike was the aggressor, and instigator of sex among the two. Tonight was different. Maddie had to admit, tonight, for some reason, she was very "frisky", or as the rest of America would call it, horney. She went right to Mikes jeans and unbuttoned and pulled down his zipper. She pulled down his jeans and underwear in one motion and immediately began to kiss the head of Mike's cock. It didn't take long for Mike's cock to grow hard. He was shocked by his wife's aggression, but was not complaining either. Once hard, Maddie took as much of Mike's cock in her mouth as she could and began a rhythm with her lips- up and down his shaft. Oral was something that the couple did less and less frequently, so this attention had Mike in a very happy mood. His groans signaled that he was close to cumming and Maddie immediately took her mouth off his head and told him to lie on his back. Mike did as he was told, and Maddie began a slow striptease for her husband. Well, it wasn't that slow, and soon Maddie was naked and climbing atop her husband and positioned her pussy over his hard-on. This was not typical behavior for the couple, which pleased the husband, and shocked the wife-even though she was the aggressor. She quickly lowered herself down on her husband and was quite surprised at how wet she was. The both let out a gasp of pleasure as his cock filled her pussy and Maddie began a nice slow rhythm. That rhythm quickly increased in speed and both were lost in the pleasure of each other. After riding Mike for a while she felt him reach up and play with her exposed clitoris. This took Maddie to a new level of pleasure, and she screamed out- "Yes, oh God yes!!!" This was fucking for fucking's sake, with neither participant interested in anything except their own carnal pleasure. As Mike continued to rub his wife's pussy, she finally tensed up and gasped, "Oh God, I'm gonna cum!!" Her body went rigid as the orgasm ripped through her. What surprised Maddie even more was that her orgasm did not stop her from riding her husband like a cowgirl trying to rip his cock away from his body. His wife's lust was not lost on Mike and this sent his balls into that familiar tingle and he too announced he was about to cum. At this point, shocking both of them, Maddie pulled off her husband and quickly went down on him until he blew his nut deep down his wife's throat. Maddie took as much of the cum that she could before some dribbled out her mouth and down her chin. She shared a look with her husband, and both smiled at each other.
Maddie went to the bathroom to wash up and returned to the bed. Mike greeted her with a hug and kiss, and stated "I don't know what got into you tonight, but I like it!" They quickly fell asleep in each other's arms.
Maddie woke up Sunday morning and lay in bed thinking. "What got into me last night?" she mused. "It was like I was possessed when I attacked Mike, and the way the night ended, swallowing his load? I hadn't done that since college, and if you would have asked me a month ago, I would have said that it is disgusting! Yet, I was eager to do it last night."
Mike awoke a few minutes later with a wide grin on his face and a hug and kiss for his wife. "Good morning, lover girl!" he said with a side of sarcasm. They both headed down to the kitchen where Mike made coffee and Maddie started blueberry pancakes, bacon and scrambled eggs as Ben came into the room.
"Do we have to go to Mass today?" Ben asked, knowing the answer.
"Yes" his parents both answered at the same time. Just as they were about to sit down to eat breakfast, Lauren came in the front door and the family ate together. "All is well," Maddie thought to herself with a smile.
After Mass, the Prescott's returned home to continue their usual Sunday rituals. In the fall this always meant NFL for Mike and Ben, and a Sunday roast would get started by Maddie. The kind she would put in the crock pot so she could relax a little in between loads of laundry. Lauren went back to her friend's house to study and hang out for the afternoon.
So Maddie had time again to reflect on her weekend. She was going over drinks with the girls; Alex's revealing dress, and their clumsy mash up on the dance floor. Maddie did make note that that was not the first time she thought about the two women falling into each other's arms and their breasts pushing into one another's. She also thought about catching her husband ogle the sexy twenty-somethings in the restaurant the night before as well. She thought of all these things and why did it all make her so horney to the point that she attacked her husband, rode him like the last cowgirl on earth and finished him by swallowing his cum. As she contemplated all this, her cell buzzed. She looked to see it was Alex calling, scooted from the kitchen up to her room and took the call.