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A Swiftly Changing World


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"Relax, sweetheart," I told my daughter soothingly. "She's not angry."

Emily looked down at where we were joined and eyed the bulge my cock created in her tummy each time I pulled her down completely on my lap and then looked back up at her mother. "You aren't?"

My wife smiled warmly and knelt beside us, fixing her eyes on our naked daughter as I continued to rock her up and down. "Of course not, sweetie," she said as she gently began to stroke Emily's thigh. "I've wanted this for you for years, back when I knew just how beautiful and sexy you'd eventually become. I never told Duncan, of course, but it was my secret wish that you'd get to know this kind of love from your father, from us. I've told you as much just the other day. I'm not angry or even mildly bothered about this," she off-handedly indicated our conjoined groins. "If anything, I'm just annoyed that I couldn't be there for your first time together. I know your father very well and I know that he is more than capable of pleasing both of us without hesitation." Suddenly, she stood up as though inspired by a thought and wagged a finger at us. "Hold on a sec," she said and started to turn away from us but stopped. "What am I saying? No. Keep going, but... I'll be right back!"

When she was gone, Emily started to resume a more active role in the sex we were enjoying and began to luxuriate in the sensations she was experiencing. "This is too fucking amazing," she breathed with a sigh. "I just can't believe this is happening sometimes. I mean, if I wasn't living it, I'd never believe it was possible, but here I am, fucking my own father with my mother's approval. It's just... unbelievable."

I let loose with a small chuckle and said, "Honey, I'm pretty sure that it will only get better from here on out. As long as you and your mother don't kill me with your constant needs for sex, I'm willing to bet that your dreams are only starting to come true."

Emily sighed again as she settled her ass on top of my legs and squirmed a little, using my thick cock as a sort of swizzle stick within her womb. "It is sorta like a dream, y'know," she said lazily and reached back to grab my hands and replace them on her breasts. Her nipples were hard as rocks now and I could feel the goose pimples around her areolas. "A dream that seemed impossible just a few days ago. But, man, am I ever glad things have worked out the way they have."

"Me, too, sweetheart. Me, too." I teasingly pinched her right nipple, which caused her to whimper slightly and hitch her hips in response.

Jess came back into the living room with her hands behind her back, clearly hiding something. "I have a small confession," she told us. Again Emily stopped moving on top of me, but this time it was less out of fear and more so that we could devote our entire attention to what my wife was about to say. "Last night," Jess began, "I got a call from Beth. She told me everything, even about that," she pointed to the frozen image on the TV screen, which was stopped just as Sam was finishing bathing Becca's cervix with sperm. "As luck would have it, I had been bumped up the list to take my test a few days earlier than expected. So, this morning, I told our team leader that I had a small family situation that needed my attention and, since I was already done with my testing, could I please come home early? An hour later I was on a flight back here, no extra charge for changing the date since it was a, ahem, family emergency. I got back into town about an hour ago."

Emily smiled and crooked her neck around to look at me from the corner of her eye. "I guess that explains why we couldn't reach her this morning."

I nodded and then looked up at my wife. "So what's that you got behind your back? A souvenir?" I asked.

A smirk crept across my wife's lips. "Kind of," she said. "I managed to slip into one of the nurse's closets before I left the hospital and snagged something they'll never miss." Then she produced the object from behind her back. It was still wrapped in its cellophane package, but we could clearly see what it was: a clear, plastic speculum. She peeled the covering away from the device and held it up for our inspection. I inwardly marveled at the fact that the business end of it looked to be touch longer than my own cock. "I figure that something like this might come in handy next time you want to do that cum-dumpster thing. I grabbed the first one on hand and, as luck would have it, it turned out to be the extra-long model, which means more of the canal will be spread open."

Emily, while still riding me and without missing a beat, reached out her hands in supplication. "Oh, wow!" she enthused. "I NEVER would've thought of using something like that, but that's a totally cool idea, Mom! This means that I can have my hands free now, too. Cool!" Jessica handed the device over to our daughter with a happy grin and glanced at me much in the same way she did on so many Christmases-past when our young Emily opened up a really exciting present. The twinkle in my wife's eyes spoke of pure joy at simply making our daughter happy.

"Well," Jessica replied with a playful smirk, "I would hope that your hands would be occupied with something else. Namely, me."

Emily's hips bucked slightly at the thought of engaging in sapphic pleasures with her mother and shuddered when her clit bounced against the top of my scrotum. "Mom," she said seriously, "you have no idea how much I've been waiting to do exactly that. You said that you've never been with a woman but that you've fantasized about it some, right? Well, I have a confession, too: I HAVE been with another girl. It was only a few times, but I learned a lot and it'd be just too awesome to teach you a few things, too." She stopped moving her hips entirely and regarded me even as she still sat on my lap. "Dad, how do you feel about giving Mom a little show?"

I smiled mischievously at my daughter and then at my wife, who looked like she was ready to literally leap into action at the drop of a hat. "I dunno, honey," I said. "I mean, you know me: I'm always ready to fill my little girl up with some daddy-cum, but is your mother really ready to take the plunge with her own daughter? I mean, do you think she can handle it?"

"I don't know," Emily replied gamely as she placed the speculum beside us for a moment. "I mean, there's so much going on right now and getting your pussy licked while your husband blows his load inside your daughter might be too much for her. She might go into overload or something. We wouldn't want to push her too far, too fast, would we?" Then she looked up my wife with a grin that was almost identical to my own. "How about it, Mom? Do you think you can handle that?"

Jessica couldn't restrain herself anymore and actually did leap on top of my daughter, in a manner of speaking. She grabbed Emily's cheeks in her palms and leaned down to kiss her roughly, passionately and, I'm sure, with plenty of need. While our daughter squirmed excitedly on my cock, forcing it to move around within the grip of her tight cervical ring, I watched the two women kiss, their tongues dancing maniacally. When their lips parted, their eyes stayed locked on one another's and not a word was spoken between them.

"Honey," I said to my wife, breaking the moment of silence, "I do believe that you're a little over-dressed. Don't you?" Jessica, however, didn't seem to hear me at all while her gaze was held in our daughter's eyes. "Honey?" I prompted more forcefully and then she finally glanced in my direction, a questioning look on her face. "You, naked, yes?"

That seemed to get through to my wife, which amused me some. When a woman is so close to the carnal edge, one must use short, easy-to-understand words, I guess. Well, especially when that woman happens to be my wife. Jess blinked at me a couple of times while her brain translated English for her and then smiled sweetly. "Uhm, yeah. Yeah, I think that's a good idea. Just sit tight while I make myself more presentable," she said to our daughter with a wink. Without preamble, she began to strip her clothes off as quickly as she could, starting with her sandals (which were kicked behind her somewhere) and moving immediately on to her top.

Emily, however, was having none of it. "Sorry, Mom, but there is no way I'm going to wait around," she said as she stood up, leaving my thoroughly wet and erect cock to bounce freely in the air. She turned to face me. "Exactly how close are you, Daddy?" she asked me.

I reached down to stroke myself experimentally and found that the sense of throbbing in my engorged member was indeed pretty intense. After years of being with that thing attached to my body, I've gotten a pretty good feel for how close to the trigger I am at any given moment. "Pretty close, actually," I answered. "Two minutes, tops, I think."

Emily's areolas crinkled and her mouth broke out into a huge grin of satisfaction. "That'll do nicely, Daddy." Then she looked at her mother, who was, by now, completely nude and tossing her wet panties on top of the small heap of clothes beside her. Emily took in the sight of her naked mother and said, "Wow, Mom! I mean, WOW! I've always known that my figure came from you, but I gotta say: you're fucking hot!"

"Hear, hear!" I put in gladly. And while I'm far from unattractive, I've always known full well that Emily gets her fantastic body from her mother.

Jess looked down at herself critically and then shrugged. "Coming from a sex kitten like you, honey, I guess all I can do is to say thanks."

Emily glanced at me, a look of surprise and even a little incredulity etched on her features, as though to ask if she and I had just heard the same thing, than she looked back at her mother. "Are you kidding me?" she replied. "Mom, I'm only hot because YOU are! Both of you, actually. I mean, okay, maybe not porn star hot, but they're all mostly plastic anyway- excluding Polly, of course. But you're both definitely beautiful and the fact that I have beautiful family members on both sides of the fence has not been lost on me. If you think I look sexy, Mom, then it's owed one-hundred-percent to genetics. But being hot is one thing. Staying hot, though, is something else totally different and, Mom, you're the total package. I know girls my age who would kill for a body like yours!" Emily hefted her large breasts with both hands and added, "I mean, look at these things, Mom. Now, look at yours. They're almost identical. And this," she looked down and lightly patted her glistening pussy lips in front of both of us, "is like crack to Dad. I should be getting down on my knees and thanking you for bringing me into this world every day of my life!"

My wife smirked at that comment and said, "Well, anytime you want to get down on your knees in thanks, you're welcome to do so, but I'm hoping that your tongue will be too busy to speak." She waved a hand frantically and said, "Wait. We're getting off the subject here and wasting time. Your Dad isn't going to stay hard forever-"

"Actually," I cut in, "I'm on Viagra. I'm pretty much gonna be like this for awhile."

That brought my wife up short and she just gazed at me with this blank look on her face that lasted all of a second and then charged on with her thought. "Well, I sure as hell won't last too much longer. I've been going fucking crazy for the last three days just thinking about you two and I've been frigging myself so much that I'm teetering on the edge of carpal tunnel syndrome. If you don't get down there, ready to take your father's cum in that hot little pussy of yours and lick mine while I watch, I'm gonna go ballistic!"

"Pushy, isn't she?" Emily said to me off-handedly. "But I'm not crazy. Your wish, dear Mother, is my command." And, without any more delay, our daughter grabbed a throw pillow, got down on the floor and laid her legs up on the couch with her back flush up against it like the night before at my brother's house, and looked up at both of us as she placed the pillow under her neck. "Well? What're you waiting for? Directions?"

I picked up the speculum and regarded it with keen interest for a moment. There was a flange on it that I suppose was meant to lock it into an open position, but I'd never actually seen one of those things used before, so it was a bit of a mystery to me. I held it up over my daughter's up-turned pussy and looked at my wife. "Honey? How in the hell does this thing operate, anyway? Care to give us a practical lesson on it?"

Jess stepped over our daughter so that Emily was laying between her legs on the floor and took the device from me. "I'd be happy to," she said cheerfully. "First, you insert this end into the vagina, like so," she slipped the end of the device that looked like two malformed duck bills into our daughter's cunt slowly, using it almost like a dildo for a few strokes until it was fully inserted. My estimation of its length was pretty accurate: about an inch of the device's length still protruded from Emily's pussy lips. "Now, see this tab here? All you do is flip it over like this and, as it loops over the aperture, it locks into place in these grooves over here. The further down the locking post you go, the wider the plates get from each other. Right now I have it locked in at the slimmest setting. See?" As I looked on, languidly stroking my hardened member, Emily's pussy widened just the tiniest bit as the plates of the speculum pressed against her inner walls. The gap was so small that it could scarcely have been called a gap at all.

"This is so weird," Emily commented to no one in particular. "My mother's using a speculum on my pussy to give my father a lesson in gynecology! Dad, you couldn't come up with this in a story if you tried!"

Jessica giggled and said, "Don't sell him so short, honey. Anyway, you're the patient, right? Patients aren't supposed to interrupt during an exam." My wife knelt down so that her pussy was directly over our daughter's mouth and said, "But if you insist on wagging that tongue of yours, you might as well put it to good use, hmm?"

"Be mindful of your mother's clit!" I instructed as I watched Emily's tongue snake out experimentally to lap at her mother's labia. "It's particularly sensitive and you wouldn't want her to slip."

I watched my wife close her eyes for a moment as Emily began to work her pussy over with long, gentle licks while she brought her hands up to softly knead her mother's ass cheeks. Jessica, for a short while, seemed totally lost in another world while she enjoyed the sensations our daughter gave her. "Mmmmm," she moaned quietly. She leaned forward and pulled my thighs towards her and, once I was close enough, brought her mouth down onto my cock. At first she just traced her tongue up and down the shaft, becoming familiar with the taste of our daughter's juices while Emily continued to assault her pussy. When all of Emily's pussyjuice had been cleaned off my cock shaft, Jess's lips engulfed the head and bobbed up and down for a few minutes before she pulled herself away and looked up at me with sultry eyes.

I arched an eyebrow at the look of pure bliss on my wife's face. "She any good?"

"There's nothing to compare her to except you. But... so far, so good," my wife answered breezily and closed her eyes again to savor the moment. "Hmmmmm," then she opened her eyes. "Okay, so where were we?"

I took control of my cock from my wife and pointed the head at our daughter's minimally gapped opening. "I'm looking at that and I'm pretty sure that I won't be able to shoot much in there right now."

Jessica's eyes brightened, now that she'd regained at least some focus. "Right," she said. "So, all you have to do is just apply a little pressure to the tab here, let it click into the grooves until it's as wide as you want it to be... or as wide as it can go."

"How wide can it go?" I immediately asked.

"I'm not sure. Each woman is different," Jessica answered. "But if Emily's game, I'm happy to find out."

Our daughter stopped licking her mother's pussy just long enough to say, "As far as I'm concerned, the wider the better! I wanna make things easy on Daddy. Take it to the max, Mom. If it starts to get uncomfortable I'll let you know."

Jessica looked down between her legs and said, "Just don't bite me!"

Emily laughed at that and then seemed to sort of French kiss my wife's labia before saying, "I promise I won't bite. Just get on with it! How you doing, Dad? How much longer till you pop?"

I took a quick inventory of myself and said, "Holding pretty steady right now, actually, but still close."

Jessica looked back to the task at hand. "All right, then. Sweetie, I'm going to spread this thing steadily until you say stop, okay?" A muffled reply of agreement came from our daughter and then Jessica began to gently push the tab down past grooves, one by one. I watched with keen interest, still slowly masturbating myself, while our daughter's pussy got progressively wider and wider. Emily kept silent for several seconds until she started to whimper a little bit from below her mother, but she didn't cry out yet. By that point, her pussy was easily gaped open wide enough to accommodate my thick cock with a little bit of room left over. A few more clicks and Emily grunted again, indicating that she was close to her stretching point. Two cocks of my girth would have fit within her pussy by then. Three more clicks and Emily cried out for Jessica to stop. My wife and I looked down at our daughter's gaping cunt, which was well lit by the overhead light, and could very easily see all the way down the canal to her cervix- the gap was wide enough that I could literally put my whole hand and forearm down inside my little girl's stretched-out cunt and touch the entrance to her womb.

"Holy shit," I breathed and then looked at my daughter, who had stopped licking Jessica's pussy so that she could catch her breath and adjust to how unbelievably stretched out she was at that moment. "Sweetheart, I couldn't miss if I tried!"

Emily smiled up at me and said, "I'm holding you to that, Daddy! Remember: I want every last drop of your sperm in there!"

Jessica laughed at that. "Sweetie, that's impossible, okay? When your father cums, some of it is going to hit your vaginal walls. He might get most of it-" Suddenly, she stopped in mid-sentence and then snapped her fingers. "Hold on a sec, I got an idea!" Without a word of explanation, she stood up and bounded off into the deep recesses of our house, destination unknown.

"What the fuck? Where'd she go?" Emily asked as she looked up at me from her position on the floor.

I shrugged but dared not let go of my cock. Seeing my daughter spread so wide open for me was getting me closer to the edge than I'd expected. "I have no idea, sweetheart," I answered, "but I know your mother well enough to know that when she gets an inspired idea, it's usually going to be something truly amazing."

"So what do we do while we wait?"

I smiled down at Emily. "Well, I'm playing with myself, you can do the same, if you like. Nothing stopping you, really. Besides, being in the position you're in, I doubt that you're getting much pleasure."

Emily's own smile widened. "Are you kidding me? I'm having a blast, Dad! True, I'm not getting physically stimulated very much, but mentally I'm all over the place. Sex is mostly mental anyway, right? Well, knowing what you're about to do and who's watching has me pretty much as close to the edge as I can get without actually touching myself. And I'm pretty sure that when you shoot all that white stuff inside me, I'm gonna go off like a rocket just from the knowledge of it."

My wife returned at that moment, video recorder in hand as well as, of all things, a funnel. "Ta-da!" she said triumphantly.

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