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A Tale of Two Paramours Ch. 14


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Turning, I saw Jessi half way up the stairs, her large black coat nearly swallowing her slender frame. Her expression and the fire in her eyes revealed to me that she was furious. However, I did not think poor Colton knew how to read her as well as I did, as he stepped toward her and started to plead his case.

"I've told you don't need this dick anymore, Jessica," he said in what he must have thought was a soothing tone. "Not now that we are together."

"We are not together, Colton," she snapped. "I was lonely and fucked you - once - and you can't let it go."

Colton, who had ended up between Jessi and her front door, tried to stare her down. However, after only a few heartbeats he had to look away. The slender blonde pushed past him and opened her door. Standing beside it, she motioned me inside as her neighbor sulked behind her.

As I walked past them both and into the apartment, I heard the young man protest in a sullen voice, "What can that guy do for you that I can't, Jessica?"

Jessi, who had just followed me through her doorway, turned, laughed, and said, "Give me orgasms," before she slammed the door shut.

"I'm sorry about that, Mark," she said as she took off her big black coat and held her hand out for my coat, which I removed and handed to her. "I made a mistake and now he won't leave me alone."

"Did you really have sex with him?" I asked as she went to put our coats on hooks mounted by her door.

The blonde's shoulders slumped and she hung her head for a moment before turning to look at me.

"Yes, I did," she admitted. "It was after our fight. I was lonely. And it's not like you weren't fucking someone else too."

"I see," I said, holding Jessi's stare as I watched her eyes hover on the edge of anger.

The young blonde took a deep breath, shook her head, and smiled at me. I was glad that we had avoided another discussion of my relationship with Jessika, but I knew that Jessi and I would both have to be careful if we were going to avoid conflict at some point as the evening wore on.

"I am not mad at you, Mark," Jessi assured me. "I have accepted our situation, at least for now. I would not have come to your office today if I didn't."

I nodded, unsure what else to say.

When I remained silent for a few seconds, the blonde continued, "I am mad at the situation with Colton. I should've never fucked him. It was convenient, and I knew he wanted me, and that felt good..."

"You do not have to explain it to me, Jessi," I advised her as I walked over to her and took her hand.

"I just feel stupid about it," she explained. "I knew what would happen with a guy like him."

Jessi again took a deep breath before kissing me.

"And I will admit that wanting more than he was capable of sexually led me to hooking up with Amara," she told me before starting to unbutton my shirt and kiss my chest. "And hooking up with Amara is going to be great for all of us. Well, for all of us except Colton."

"Did you just meet her?" I asked. "Amara, I mean."

"No - we hooked up a couple of times before," Jessika said as she started to unbutton my shirt further. "She's the only girl who I've ever made even a little connection with."

"Did you just meet her out or did you call her?" I inquired, not sure why I was asking all these questions, especially since Jessi was now leaning forward so she could kiss my bare stomach.

The slender blonde, still fully clothed, knelt in front of me and began, for the second time that day, undoing my pants.

"She called me," she replied, looking up at me with those startling blue eyes. "She didn't know about you. She wanted to know whether I would have a threesome with her and her boyfriend."

By this point, my pants were on the ground around my ankles, as was my underwear, and one of Jessi's soft hands was stroking my erection.

"And you agreed," I stated.

"Conditionally," Jessi breathed before she started planting lingering, wet kisses on the head of my penis.

"Conditionally?" I managed to follow up as my breathing grew heavier and I laced my hands through the blonde's soft hair.

"She had to agree to do it with us," Jessi moaned before taking half of my shaft into her mouth.

For several seconds, Jessi concentrated on sucking on my manhood, and I concentrated on stroking her hair as her talented mouth pleasured me.

"We decided to hook up first and send you both pictures of it - to give you a preview," the young woman continued, taking her mouth off my penis just long enough to say this before she wrapped her lips around it again, this time swallowing it to the root almost immediately.

"Have you two, I mean you three...?" I started to ask, but I was finding it hard to concentrate with Jessi's lips around the base of my shaft and her tongue wiggling against the underside of it.

Coming up for air, the blonde shook her head quickly, then slipped her lips back down to the base of my member.

"Do you want to 69?" I croaked, feeling guilty that she had already finished me with her mouth earlier in the day.

Jessi pulled her lips from my penis, smiling as she nodded.

"Yes, please," she breathed. "One the floor. With you on top."

"You will need to be naked for that," I pointed out.

We stared at each other a few heartbeats, then Jessi pulled off her sweater, tossing it aside. She then sat on the floor and removed her boots before wiggling out of her jeans. When she was completely naked, she lay back on the vinyl floor that covered the entry area of her studio apartment.

"You'll need to be naked too, Mr. Warner," the blonde told me.

I smiled at her as I pulled up my pants just long enough to kick off my shoes and take off my socks. I then removed my pants and underwear and stripped off my shirt. Once I was as naked as my sexy blonde lover, I knelt down and buried my face in her smooth pussy. I pushed my tongue in and out of her wet vagina and nibbled on her labia for several seconds before I started licking her small, engorged clitoris.

"I thought we were gonna 69?" she moaned. "I want your cock in my mouth."

While still licking her clit, I turned around so that my penis was positioned over her face. The blonde wasted no time in sucking it into her mouth, but she took her lips from it almost as soon as she had started sucking on it.

"You can fuck my face if you want," Jessi advised me. "I wouldn't really have any other choice but to let you, if you did that."

I did not answer - I just continued to lick at her clitoris. Jessi immediately wrapped her lips around me again and started sucking. I kept my pelvis as high as I could, making her work at sucking me. But even as I did that, I started wondering what it would be like to start thrusting in and out of her throat when she was trapped underneath me. And what made my thoughts all the hotter was that the twenty-year-old had asked me to do it.

Slowly at first, I began to move my hips, pushing my shaft deeper into Jessi's mouth. At the same time, I slipped two fingers inside her tight, wet pussy as I continued licking her sensitive clit. Before long, I was thrusting my penis deeper into her throat even as I continuously pumped my fingers into her wetness and started sucking and nibbling on her clitoris.

The young blonde moaned around my thrusting penis, and I felt her stiffen beneath me even as her pussy clamped down on my fingers. I worried briefly about her biting me - Jessika had put that thought into my head when she voiced her concerns about that happening - but amazingly, not only did Jessi keep her teeth away from my penis as she came, she maintained suction on my shaft as well.

We kept this up a while longer as I made the blonde climax twice more. Each time she managed to keep sucking on me as she rode out her orgasms, and on the last of the three I was thrusting myself into her mouth and throat, which made it all the more incredible.

Wanting to finish, I stopped licking her and concentrated on my own pleasure. However, it was mere seconds after that when I had a different idea. I pulled my penis from between her lips and climbed to my feet. I stepped to the side and ordered her to sit up. The blonde complied immediately.

As she sat before me, the young woman looked up at me, mouth open, breathing hard, a mixture of lust and anticipation in her vibrant blue eyes. I leaned down and kissed her before implementing the next part of my plan.

"Sit against the wall, slut" I commanded, pointing at the wall behind her.

Jessi looked behind, her, then scooted backward until she was sitting with her head and back against the wall. Last time we were in this position, Jessi had wanted me to force her mouth open, and I was anticipating the same thing happening this time, but I was wrong. The blonde opened her mouth wide and stared up at me expectantly.

Moving close in front of her, I began to rub and slap my hard penis against her cheeks and lips. As I did so, the young woman closed her eyes and moaned, her still wide open lips trembling.

"I am going to fuck your little whore mouth," I growled, which elicited another moan.

I took a firm hold on her head with my left hand as I used my right to guide my penis to her still trembling lips. When she felt the head of it start to slide in, the young woman opened her eyes and stared up at me with what looked to be adoration. I smiled down at her then shoved myself into her mouth. The tip of my penis momentarily hit the back of her throat, but then it slipped in and I pushed until her nose was buried in my pubic hair.

"Lick my balls," I ordered, and Jessi did as she was told, darting her tongue out and waggling it against my scrotum even as I felt her moan around my shaft that was buried down her throat.

"That's a good little bitch," I sneered, and the blonde closed her eyes and again I felt her moan around my erection.

A few seconds later, I pulled all the way out of her mouth and told her to lick up and down my shaft. As Jessi did so, I stroked her hair, gently at first, before I grabbed a handful of it and smacked my now saliva slickened penis against her face.

"Fuck yes," the blonde moaned. "Please fuck your little cunt's mouth, Master."

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I had been caught up in the moment and had not second-guessed any of what I had done so far, which was not the norm where my relationship with the twenty-year-old was concerned. But her use of the word 'cunt' with reference to herself gave me pause - it brought back memories of the prior time we had been together, when I had been unable to be as rough or, for lack of better word, as degrading with her as she had wanted.

I opened my eyes to see the young woman's mouth was again wide open in anticipation. I took another deep breath, then decided to continue. However, I also decided to draw the line at calling her anything worse than bitch, or whore, or slut. Those were bad enough, and it had taken me enough time to even be close to comfortable using those with Jessi, that I did not see the need for even more degrading language.

I pushed my penis back into her mouth and down her throat in a single stroke. I held it there a few heartbeats, then I began to thrust in and out, making sure that I drew back far enough for the young woman to catch her breath before I rammed my manhood back down.

As I started to increase both the tempo and the force of my thrusting, Jessi began squeezing and pulling on her perfect breasts. Her actions reminded me how aroused Jessi grew when I was rough with her mouth, so I decided to help her along.

"Rub your clit, slut," I instructed her. "Make yourself cum while I fuck your face."

The blonde closed her eyes again while she moaned and shuddered. When she opened her eyes, she stared straight up at me as she reached down to her crotch and started to finger her clitoris.

"Fuck, you are a perverted little slut," I told her. "You get off on me fucking your face, don't you?"

Jessi could not answer at that moment, as I had stopped my thrusting and my shaft was lodged deep down her throat, but she nodded and then waggled her tongue against the underside of my penis. I smiled down at the blonde, mesmerized by her lips stretched around the width of my erection, her nose pushed against my groin, and the combined lust and love in her eyes. For a moment, I thought about stopping what I was doing so I could make love to her, but it was clear to me that she was really into it. Plus, I had stopped it last time, and that had at least contributed to the tension between us then.

I pulled my penis all the way out, which prompted a disappointed whimper from the blonde, and said, "If it gets to be too much, just tap me on the leg three time, okay?"

Jessi, her lips till spread wide, nodded vigorously but said nothing. However, I noted that her eyes appeared watery, and the look of adoration I had seen earlier seemed even more intense.

"Are you ready?" I asked her, and again her response was a vigorous nod, this time accompanied with a mewling sound.

I ran one hand along her cheek gently, then I grabbed her face and squeezed, forcing her mouth to open even wider. The young woman, who was again rubbing her clit, shivered and moaned. Taking a firm grip of her hair, I rammed myself down her throat and began pounding myself in and out of it.

At first, Jessi tried to maintain suction and use her tongue, but before long she gave up trying to do either. The only thing she did was continue to play with her clitoris and her breasts as I repeatedly thrust into her mouth and throat hard enough to cause her head to bang lightly against the wall.

Neither of us lasted very long. My climax, which happened almost before I realized I had reached that point, came just seconds before Jessi's. I had just enough time to pull out and shoot the first couple of spurts of semen across her face. When the second shot landed across her open lips, the young woman tensed up and low moans escaped her lips as she shuddered through her own orgasm.

As Jessi started climaxing, I stepped back, another idea having occurred to me. My third stream of ejaculate hit her breasts, the fourth splattered one of her wide spread legs, and the last couple of weaker shots landed on the floor in front of her.

The blonde's eyes dropped, and she stared for a moment at the two small puddles of my semen on the vinyl floor. Then she looked back up at me even as she licked my semen from her lips.

"Lick it up, slut," I whispered.

Jessi closed her eyes and shivered. She then got on her knees and leaned forward so that she was on all fours. The two little pools of semen on the floor were beneath her, so she turned and backed up until they were right in front of her. She looked at them for a couple of seconds, then turned her head and looked back up at me. I pointed at the thick, white goo on the floor in front of her, and the blonde shivered again.

Returning her eyes to the semen on the floor, the young woman lowered her head and stuck out her tongue. As I watched her, I became aware that my penis, which had never completely gone flaccid, was hardening again, and I began to stroke it. At the same time, I also realized that as arousing as this was, it would be wrong for me to let Jessi go through with it.

"You do not have to that, honey," I spoke up. "It is too much."

The blonde turned her head so she could look up at me. Then, her eyes locked on mine, she lowered her head just a bit further and managed to start licking my semen off the floor without breaking eye contact. I shuddered and groaned as I watched her, but I also continued to stroke myself.

After the first lick, the young woman turned her head so she could see what she was doing. She proceeded to lick the floor clean as I stood watching her, my breathing growing heavier. I was both aroused and disturbed by her actions, but I was mostly aroused, especially when she began wiggling her rear end.

"I am going to fuck you," I announced as I knelt behind her raised buttocks.

"That's all little whores who lick cum off the floor are good for, isn't it Master?" she asked, looking back over her shoulder at me.

"You are right, slut," I agreed, giving myself to role she wanted me to play, "And I am going to fuck you until you scream."

"Fuck yes," the blonde moaned as she shivered. "Ravage my tight little cunt, Master."

I landed three hard smacks on Jessi's creamy white derriere, turning her right cheek red almost instantly. The young woman jerked and yelped with each impact, and when I rubbed her behind after the third smack, I could feel her trembling.

"What did I do wrong, Master?" she inquired in a soft voice.

"You do not have to do anything wrong to be spanked," I informed her. "But this time, you did do something wrong. You told me what to do. You need to beg me to do it."

Jessi was silent for a couple of seconds, then she pleaded, "Please ravage my tight little cunt, Master. Please fuck your little slut so hard she won't be able to walk right afterwards."

I smacked her ass once more, even harder than the first three, and the blonde jumped and shrieked.

"Please use your little cunt however you wish, Master," she panted. "Your little cunt's only purpose is to please her Master."

"Do not call yourself that," I growled. "Use 'slut' instead."

"Yes, Master," she replied. "Your little slut's only purpose is to please her Master."

I smiled as I positioned my now throbbing erection at the entrance to her sodden pussy. I had come a long way with Jessi to be comfortable using the word 'slut' with her, and I was proud of myself, but I did not think I could take it that next step. I knew I would start second-guessing myself again if I did so, and I did not want to go back to fighting with my conscience every time I had sex with my young lover.

Once the head of my penis was between her labia, I reached out and grabbed Jessi's soft blonde hair with both hands. I then pulled her back by her hair even as I thrust hard into her. The effect was that the blonde shrieked as her hair was pulled tight and my groin slammed against her butt and thighs. That shriek tuned into a series of loud yelps as pounded into her tight, wet vagina.

As I rammed myself into her with increasing force, I maintained my grip on her hair, keeping it taught so that her head was back and her neck was nicely curved. The young woman alternated loud moans and sharp yelps as I continued to roughly take her. However, even in that frame of mind, I made sure I did not use too much force on her. I did not think that Jessi could take the same punishment as Jessika had done when I had taken her similarly during our weekend away.

I shook my head and surprised myself by growling aloud as I tried to drive away thoughts of Jessika. My conscience, which had been silent both when Jessi had visited my office earlier and throughout what she and I had done up to that point, piped up and pointed out that even hard, rough sex was easier with Jessika than with Jessi.

"Fuck," I snarled, and Jessi moaned as loud as I had ever heard her. She must have thought I was just vocalizing my passion the way she often did.

The blonde's moan helped me block out my conscience and thoughts of Jessika. But as I began concentrating on just Jessi again, I realized that she was by far louder than I had ever heard her before, and I began to worry that we would disturb her neighbors. And then it hit me - part of the reason she was being so loud is because she wanted to disturb at least one of her neighbors. Sure, I had no doubt that what we were doing - or rather how I was doing her - had an impact on her volume, but I was also quite sure that she wanted to make sure Colton heard us, likely as revenge for him accosting me.

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