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A Tale of Two Paramours Ch. 14


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"Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck," Jessi began chanting as I felt her pussy clamp around my shaft.

"FUCK, I'M CUMMING!" my twenty-year-old lover yelled a moment later, right before her body convulsed then when rigid.

I actually would not have minded taking her to another orgasm, but the rhythmic clamping of her vagina around my penis was more intense than I could ever remember it being before. Thus, even though I was at that point holding myself still inside of her, I could not stop myself from exploding just as she went limp.

I used my two-fisted hold on the young woman's soft hair to lower her head and torso so they were resting on the floor. I knew from experience that Jessi had likely had one of her very intense orgasms, and I also knew that even though she was likely conscious (she had only lost consciousness from an orgasm once before), she would be out of it for a few seconds.

I pulled out of her and lay on my back on the cool, hard floor beside her. As I did so, Jessi stretched out her legs until she was lying on her belly.

"Fuck," she mumbled about thirty seconds later. "That was the biggest one yet. Well, other than the one that made me pass out."

"You are incredible," I told her as I turned on my side and began to rub her back, butt and legs.

"I'm just a willing hole," she sighed. "You're incredible."

Jessi turned on her side to face me, running one soft hand along my cheek as I rubbed her side. We did not say anything for a few moments, then the blonde spoke up again.

"It's no wonder you can keep both of us, even though neither of us wants to share," she said, and I knew she was talking about herself and Jessika. "What I don't understand is why your wife ever let you go."

"It was never like this with her," I admitted, and I knew Jessi understood that I was talking about my wife. "Even when we were first together and had not fallen into a rut, we were not really adventurous. It was all very... very... structured."

Jessi did not respond, so we lay facing each other in silence for several seconds. During that time, I noticed the streaks of dried semen on Jessi's face and chest. I also realized that my side was beginning to hurt a bit.

"You know," I said, sitting up, "there is a nice soft bed just over there."

The young blonde laughed and sat up too. As she did so, she ran her hand along her chest where my semen had dried on her.

"I need to clean up first," she told me. "It is more work when it is dry. When it is still wet, I can just wipe it off and lick my fingers clean and worry about whatever is left later."

The mention of her licking her fingers clean prompted a memory of her licking my semen off the floor on which we were now sitting. My lover appeared to follow my train of thought.

"Did you like watching me lick your cum up off the floor, Mr. Warner," she grinned.

"Yes," I confessed. "But it also bothered me."

Leaning forward, Jessi kissed me lightly. She then favored me with a wide smile before she climbed to her feet. I followed suit, and as soon as I was standing, she hugged me, hard.

"I am so glad you let some land on the floor," she admitted after she let me go. "I'd been thinking about it ever since I mentioned it before. I was afraid for a while that I'd never get to do it for you."

"So you are saying it should not bother me because you wanted to do it?" I asked.

"I'm saying I was happy - and very turned on - to lick your cum off the floor while you watched me," she replied. "And I'm very willing to do it again."

"It is difficult for me sometimes," I admitted. "It is arousing to talk dirty to you, and to call you names, and to watch you do things like that, but I also feel like I am degrading you, and that bothers me."

"You are degrading me," the twenty-year-old said, her eyes locked onto mine in one of those intense stares that lingered just a bit too long. "Not because you think less of me, but because it is exciting for me, and for you. Why do you think I want you to call me 'cunt'?"

"I cannot do that," I sighed, shaking my head. "It is too much."

"That is what you used to think about calling me 'slut'," Jessi pointed out. "But now you can do that."

"I do not think..." I started out, but the blonde kept going.

"And it was what you said about me licking your cum off the floor," she said, "but then after I did that, you fucked me harder than you ever have before."

"It is different," I tried to argue. "It is the worst thing I could call you."

"And that's what makes it so fucking hot, Mark," Jessi snapped, obviously frustrated. "I want to be your cunt for you to use however you want. I want you to degrade me, and slap me, and spit on me. We've talked about this before."

"That is all too much," I told her as I felt us slipping back into one of the arguments we had gone through the last time I was at her apartment.

"But spanking me hard enough to make me scream isn't?" she shot back, her eyes now full of fire.

"It is different," I said, knowing I was just repeating my arguments from the time before.

"No, it isn't," Jessi sighed. "It's the same."

"Not for me," I told her. "It is a limit I do not think I can cross."

The young woman stared up at me, and for the first time I began to feel self-conscious that we were both naked. What had felt natural a few minutes ago now felt awkward, especially since I was beginning to suspect that this argument, which was really just a continuation of a prior argument, would forestall any other intimate activities for the evening. However, Jessi surprised me by standing up on her tip toes and kissing me lightly on my lips.

"I'm going to take a shower, Mark," she informed me. "If you want to join me, I would be more than happy."


Nearly forty-five minutes later, Jessi and I were both dressed and sitting at her small kitchen table. As with my first visit to her apartment, we were eating leftover pizza.

After the nice, long, intimate and sensual (but not really sexual) shower we had shared, during which we had barely talked at all, Jessi had put on sweatpants and a t-shirt. While I had dressed again in the clothes I had worn over, my lover had heated up two slices of pizza for me and one for herself. I almost reminded her that I preferred leftover pizza cold, but I did not want to take a chance of upsetting the mood that we had established in the shower.

We sat in silence and ate. At first it was a comfortable silence, but then I started to feel some building tension. I suspected that Jessi wanted to tell me something. However, I did not want to push her, so I just let the tension in the silence build.

I was just finishing up my first slice when Jessi blurted out, "I am hooking up with Amara and her boyfriend tomorrow night."

"I see," I replied, not wanting to say more yet.

"That's why I came to see you at your office today," the young blonde continued. "I wanted to be with you before I did it, to see if, well, if we still, um, were, uh, into each other."

"I think we answered that," I grinned.

To my surprise, Jessi blushed bright red before she went on.

"We did," she agreed, not looking at me. "And it was so good that I invited you over tonight. And tonight was beyond what I could have expected, and now I want to ask you to stay the night, and to make love to me, but I'm afraid you won't want to because of what I will be doing tomorrow night."

"If you want me to stay tonight, I would be happy to do so," I assured her, although I could not deny I was feeling jealous now that I knew she would be with another man - and a woman - the following night. However, I knew those feeling were unfair, especially since Jessi had been having to deal with feelings of jealousy over me having another lover right from the beginning. Also, a part of me knew that I would, if I wanted, soon be having a threesome with Jessi and the same woman, and even though I had many concerns about that eventuality, I cannot say that it did not excite me.

"He won't be fucking me," Jessi said a few seconds later. "Amara and I agreed to that. He won't fuck me and you won't fuck her. Giving head is fine, of course, and we can do whatever we want to each other, but we will not fuck each other's boyfriends."

While she was saying this, the young woman fixed me with one of her intense, overlong, stares. However, it did not unnerve me the way it might have in the past. In fact, it was all I could do to keep from laughing at the earnestness of her statement, not because it was funny, but because the passion with which she had delivered it was palpable and endearing.

"That sounds fair," I finally replied, once I was sure I could suppress any laughter. I also did not comment on her referring to me, even obliquely, as her boyfriend.

"Is... the other one okay with you doing this?" Jessi asked.

"She does not know," I admitted. "And I am not yet sure I am doing it."

"You don't want to?" Jessi asked, her eyes showing her confusion. "I thought... I mean I know it excites you, or it does when we talk about it. And I'm only doing it with them so Amara will do it for us."

"If that is your only reason, then do not do it," I said. "I do not need you to do this for me."

"But you want it," the young woman insisted. "I know you want it."

"Yes, I want it," I conceded. "But I do not need it. Also, we do not need to put more strain on our relationship, and I think this would."

Jess leaned forward and looked at me for some time, but it was not one of her normal stares. She appeared to be trying to determine if I was being sincere. At the least, that is what I read into her look.

"Is it because you think it's wrong to ask me to do it?" she inquired at last. "Kind of like you don't want to be degrading to me or make me your slave even though I've told you those things really turn me on."

I shook my head and sighed heavily. I knew the next thing I said might take us down a very problematic road we had been on before, especially given what we had talked about earlier that evening, but I had to tell her what I felt.

"I am afraid that a threesome, and the degrading sex, and the slave thing are all just ways for you to put emotional distance between you and your feelings, and between you and me," I told her. "They are all ways to make sure we do not get close enough that it makes you withdraw or panic."

The young woman's eyes blazed and she shook her head before saying, "For such a smart man, you can be really fucking wrong sometimes."

"Jessi, I do not think I am wrong," I replied. "It is pretty clear that..."

"It's clear that you haven't been paying attention to the fact that I keep coming back," Jessi cut me off, her voice quavering with anger. "I'm actually pretty good with the way I feel about you and what I want to do with you sexually. I've had that balance since after Christmas - after I sent you that long email. You're the one who withdraws now when how you feel doesn't fit what we both want to do."

"You are projecting your feelings," I said, trying to soothe her.

"Fuck, Mark," she groaned, shaking her head. "You're the one projecting. When was the last time I had a panic attack around you? And when did I last really withdraw without us having an argument first?"

"We have not gone out anywhere since Christmas night," I pointed out. "You almost had two panic attacks then. And you withdrew last time I was here, after you got pissed off at me for a dream I had."

"But I was able to get it under control both times on Christmas," Jessi countered. "And we had just had a huge argument last time you were here. And yes, I shouldn't have been so pissed about a dream, but that was more what set it off, not the real source of the argument, and you know it."

"What about your email to Jessika," I asked, and even as I said it I knew I was grasping for something to use against her.

"That was not a good idea, I admit," Jessi sighed. "I was hurt and lashed out in a way I thought would get you back. It was stupid."

I took a long, hard look at my blonde lover and thought about everything she had said. As I did so, I began to realize that she really did not seem as awkward as she had just a couple of months before, and I had not seen any trace of a panic attack during any of our disagreements. Also, as I thought about it more, I could see that she really had not withdrawn again since she had bolted on Christmas day, at least not like before.

"If she is right about those things," I thought, "maybe she is right that I am withdrawing from her."

"I just am not comfortable with being as, well, dark as you want, or need, me to be," I proclaimed. "I like playing too, but you take it further than I think it should go in a, um, emotional relationship like ours."

"And you don't see that as withdrawing from me?" she asked, her tone almost sad.

"I see it as protecting you - both of us really," I replied.

"And that was what I was doing before, when I would withdraw, as you call it," she responded. "I was protecting myself. Isn't it the same?"

"I do not see it as the same," I said.

"I think your mind is getting in the way of what you really want with me," Jessi told me. "What I don't understand is that you seem okay with fucking both me and her, which is what you want, but are all concerned about protecting me otherwise. Do you do the same thing with her?"

"It is different, like I have told you before," I explained. "Everything is, well, easier because we, Jessika and I, are just friends. I do not have to worry as much."

I braced myself for the young blond to be angry with me, but instead I saw her eyes soften and tears form in them.

"You worry about me too much," she said as she reached out across the table to take my hand. "I know I'm pretty fucked up, but being with you is helping me, not hurting me."

"You said last time...," I started, but Jessi interrupted me.

"I said it hurt that I have to share you," she clarified, "but I'm not talking about that now. I'm talking about my issues. I'm starting to be able to deal with having an emotional connection with someone while also having the kind of sexual relationship that I want. I mean, I couldn't before Christmas, but now I can. I'm just hoping you catch up with me. And yes, I wish I had you all to myself, but I'm not ready to let you go, and now I'm just rambling."

I was not sure what to say. I thought I understood what my young lover was trying to express, but I did not know where we could go from there, at least at that moment. So, I decided to take a chance on moving beyond the conversation.

"Let's go to bed," I said, squeezing her hand.

Jessi started at me blankly for a moment, then a huge smile lit her entire face.

"I would love to," she beamed.

The blonde quickly wrapped up the uneaten pizza and put it in the fridge. She then took my hand and led me from the small kitchen area of her studio apartment. When we were standing next to her bed, she put her arms around my neck and pulled me in for a long, soft kiss. While we kissed, I first grabbed her waist, then slid my hands down to her petite but nicely shaped rear end and squeezed it.

When our kiss broke, I brought my hands up to the bottom of her t-shirt and started to pull it up. Jessi put her hands above her head and let me take the shirt off of her. Once she was topless, I began gently massaging her lovely breasts as I kissed and licked her nipples. My young lover moaned and ran her fingers through my hair while her nipples hardened under the attention from my lips and tongue.

"Please make love to me," Jessi whispered.

I did not respond. Rather, I straightened up and started unbuttoning my shirt. While I did so, the young woman unbuttoned and unzipped my pants. As I removed my shirt and tossed it to the side, she sank to her knees and pulled my pants, underwear, and socks off of me.

I expected her to use her mouth to make sure I was fully erect, since she was already on her knees, but the blonde surprised me when she stood up and removed her sweatpants before sitting down and then lying back on her bed.

"Can you get the lights please, Mark," she asked me as she squeezed a breast in one hand and began to play with her shaven pussy with the other.

"Yes," I gulped, but I stood there just watching her for a moment, my penis hardening.

"The lights, lover," she reminded me.

Shaking my head, I quickly turned off the lights in her small apartment. I then climbed into bed, moved her hand away from her now glistening labia, and started licking her pussy. At first, I concentrated on pushing my tongue in and out of her vagina while I used my thumb on her clitoris. Then I switched so that I was licking her sensitive nub while slipping two fingers inside of her. Jessi moaned long and low and began running her fingers through my hair.

"As much as I love your tongue, Mark," she breathed moments later. "I want your cock inside of me."

I pushed my fingers all the way inside of her and sucked on her clit for a few seconds before complying with her wishes. Slowly, I withdrew my fingers from her pussy as I began to kiss my way up her stomach. When I reached her perfectly shaped breasts, I spent some time licking, sucking and nibbling on them. While I did so, I brought my wet fingers to Jessi's lips. She immediately licked and sucked them clean.

Moving on from her breasts, I kissed my way up Jessi's throat and chin before my lips found hers. As we kissed deeply, I positioned myself and pushed into the tight warmth of her pussy in one slow, deliberate motion.

As I slid into her, Jessi arched her back, pushing her pelvis up toward me, and bit her bottom lip.

"You are beautiful," I told her, which caused the blonde to close her eyes and sigh heavily.

I began to move slowly in and out of her, making sure each thrust filled her completely. Jessi, for her part, wrapped her legs and arms around me and held me tight, our bodies pressed together. Neither one of us spoke, but we kissed frequently.

This continued for some time, the only change the increasing heaviness of our breathing and frequency of the young blonde's moans.

"I love you," Jessi gasped as her hands grasped my hair and pulled my face down against her neck. Her legs tightened around me and I felt her slender body go rigid. Her tight pussy squeezed my shaft with rhythmic spasms as she panted her way through a long orgasm.

As her climax subsided, I remained motionless inside of her. However, this was due less from wanting to prolong anything and more from my uncertainty how to respond to the "I love you" that had made it way past the blonde's lips in the throes of her passion.

"Jessi, I...," I started, but the now relaxed young woman put her finger to my lips and shook her head.

"Don't say anything, Mark," she told me as she stared into my eyes, and while the look in her lovely blue eyes were intense, I did not read any anger or hurt in them. "It was a fantastic orgasm - one of the slow building ones. Let's just leave it at that."

I did not know what else to do, so I moved her finger from my lips and kissed her, softly at first, before I began nibbling on her bottom lip. The blonde moaned and shivered beneath. I took that as a sign to start up again, but almost as soon as I began, the blonde shook her head and pushed me up.

"I think I need to stop for a bit," she said.

"Okay, Jessi," I replied and slowly withdrew from her; as I did so, I realized that she was no longer lubricated.

"Thank you," she sighed.

"Is everything okay," I asked my younger lover as I rolled off of her and onto my side.

"Yeah," she breathed, turning to her side to face me. "It just feels sore. I didn't feel it until after I came and you started again. I'm sorry."

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