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A Tale of Two Paramours Ch. 20

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A call from Jessika results in an unexpected encounter.
9.3k words

Part 20 of the 35 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 06/08/2014
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Jessi's parting comment about wanting to be a slave over our weekend getaway had given me a great deal about which to think. Every time I started planning the weekend to come, my mind would flash back to New Year's Day, when I was not able to go as far with the master and slave scenario as the twenty-year-old had wanted. And although I still had the same concerns regarding what I viewed as play and what Jessi viewed as, for lack of a better term, real, I found that I was starting to think about and plan out how the weekend might go.

So, in addition to my normal class prep work and grading that I did in the evenings, I found myself researching what I might be able to do to move a little more toward where Jessi was when it came to her being my slave. What I discovered was that while I had a vague awareness of some aspects of BDSM, such as domination, submission, and bondage, at least in the play sense, there was a whole variety of things that I knew nothing about.

To start with, I found that the acronym BDSM was used to cover a wider variety of activities than I had realized, and that Master/slave power dynamic that Jessi seemed to crave fell under that larger cover term, along with many other types of power dynamic roles and relationships. As my research progressed, I think I came to understand more why Jessi could not be happy with the level of play with which I was comfortable. For her, the willing relinquishment of power seemed to be an important part of how she was able to express her sexuality, from craving humiliation and degradation, to forced oral sex, to her desire to serve as my slave. I even realized that the times when she seemed to have taken control - such as making me say certain words or pushing me to be more aggressive or dominating toward her - had likely been intended to foster my taking a more active role in the power game.

The only true exception I had seen to Jessi's more submissive role was our threesome with Amara. Jessi had very much been dominant with Amara, which had surprised me at the time. However, in my research I learned that some women were consistently submissive with males and dominant with females. This led me to wonder whether part of Jessi's reaction to Amara and me having vaginal intercourse during the threesome was the loss of power over Amara. Once source I had found even indicated it could be emotionally damaging to a woman to have to choose submitting to the wishes of a male to whom she was already submissive over being dominant over another female that had been brought into the relationship.

As much as some of what I read gave me cause for concern, other aspects showed me reasons to be encouraged about my relationship with my blonde paramour. As much as she seemed to crave being submissive in the power dynamic, she also was able to achieve intimacy, at least on some level, outside of a power exchange scenario. She might crave being humiliated or being a slave, but she could achieve sexual satisfaction under what I saw as less extreme circumstances. I began to ponder whether she might evolve away from the more extreme power dynamics as she became more comfortable with other intimacy modalities.

But it was not just my relationship with Jessi that was informed by my research. I also found information that made me realize that Jessika's interest in forced-sex play was more common than I might have suspected. I had been with the one girlfriend in college who liked bondage, and in retrospect I understood that some of that had graded into forced-sex play, so it was not foreign to me. However, I was relieved to find information that helped reinforce my initial assessment that what Jessika wanted was a more widespread - and playful - fantasy than what Jessi seemed to want.

By Wednesday evening, I had formed preliminary plans for going forward with both of my lovers' fantasies. For Jessi, I would try to meet her halfway. I could not be as extreme as I was afraid she wanted me to be, but I thought I could make the power dynamic more complete - and more real to her - without crossing into what I saw as abuse and cruelty. As for Jessika, I formed a plan to give her the experience of being bound and helpless while still making it a fun, playful experience.

I did not know when Jessika and I might play out her fantasy, so I decided to go ahead and order some items that I had found online. The first of these was a kit that included black and white leopard print collar and cuffs (both wrist and ankle) with velcro closures, plastic D-rings, and plastic clips. I had thought about using Jessi's leather collar and cuffs with Jessika, but not only did they seem more extreme than the brunette might want, I thought it would be bad form to use Jessi's gifts for playing with another woman. Another factor in favor of ordering the kit was that it came with a flogger that looked considerable less pain inducing than the heavier, multi-bladed whip Jessi had given me for Christmas. I was not sure Jessika would be amenable to the flogger, but I was quite sure she would not like the whip.

I also ordered a nylon strap restraint system that went under the mattress of my bed and that I thought might be something I could use with both women. The adjustable straps had rings to which cuffs could be clipped. It came with black neoprene cuffs for both the wrists and ankles, which I would not need seeing as how I already had the leather cuffs for Jessi and I had ordered the leopard-print ones for Jessika. However, I supposed it would be good to have the extras.

I had hoped to have the restraint system by Friday so I could take it on my weekend trip to the mountains with Jessi, but the following Monday was as soon as I could get it. I did think about going to a local shop that carried sexual items, but I decided against that. I could think of other ways to play with Jessi.

About twenty minutes after I had placed the order for the kit and the restraint system, my phone rang with a call from Jessika. I was a little surprised, as she had last indicated she might want some time apart, but pleased nonetheless.

"Hello Squeaker," I answered my phone, and I was rewarded with a moment of silence on the other end.

"If you call me 'cute', or in any way refer to me as 'cute', I'm hanging up," Jessika warned without preamble.

I smiled at her words. I knew her well enough by that point to be confident that I really heard the playfulness under the harsh tone she had taken. Still, I decided not to push teasing her too much at that point.

"I will be good," I assured her. "So, to what do I owe the pleasure of hearing from my beautiful paramour?"

"You're in a good mood," the brunette said. "I'd ask what the reason for that is, but I am not sure I want to know."

"I have sorted some things out," I told her. "And I was just thinking about you, which I always enjoy."

"I was just thinking about you too," Jessika informed me. "Why don't you tell me what you were thinking, and then I'll tell you what I was thinking."

"I was thinking about the restraint system that I just ordered and how I can use it to strap you to my bed," I replied, making a spur of the moment decision to put that idea out there for discussion.

For the second time during our call, my thirty-one-year-old lover was silent for a moment, then she breathed, "I was just lying here in my silk nightie, thinking about you and wondering if you might be up for some phone sex."

"That sounds good," I responded, imagining my curvaceous lover lying on her bed.

"But you had to go and up the ante, mister," she moaned, and I wondered if she was now doing more than just lying there. "I think a booty call is in order after you drop a bombshell like that."

"I kind of feel awkward just using the term 'booty call', Squeaker," I teased. "It is a little on the cutesy side..."

"Oh, just shut up and get your booty over here and fuck me," the brunette groaned before she terminated the call.

Five minutes later, I was on the road to Jessika's apartment. Shortly after I had started out, I began feeling guilty with respect to Jessi - after all, I had told her that I loved her - but I tried to put that guilt out of my mind. I had made no promises to Jessi that involved my relationship with Jessika. In fact, Jessi seemed to have actually accepted the situation as it stood, which should have provided me relief from any guilt I might feel. However, the guilt persisted, and it was only when Jessika opened the door to let me in that I was able to move it out of my conscious thought.

That Jessika looked irresistibly lovely was a major factor for me being able to focus on the moment. Her nightie was sky blue, and as with all blue clothing that Jessika wore, the color of the silk brought out the blue tones in her gray eyes. But as much as I loved Jessika's eyes, my eyes did not linger on them long. Rather, I took in how the thin, soft silk clung to her breasts, her hard nipples evident, and flowed over her hips, ending just above mid-thigh. I also noticed that her long, chocolate brown hair hung loose, cascading in waves over her shoulders and down her back.

"I think you like what you see, Mr. Warner," the brunette laughed as she took my hand and led me into her apartment, shutting the door behind her.

"You look beautiful," I replied, not able to keep my eyes off of her.

"Not cute?" she teased.

"Not cute," I growled, grabbing her waist and pulling her to me. "Fuckable. Very fuckable."

"I'm not sure that is the kind of compliment that..." Jessika started to accuse, smiling as she did so, but I interrupted her by mashing my lips to hers and pushing my tongue into her mouth.

"The kind of compliment that what?" I asked when the kiss ended with both of us breathing heavier and Jessika trembling slightly but noticeably.

"Get's you in a girl's pants," my lover breathed, her eyes locked on mine. "But it appears I was wrong."

"You are not wearing any pants," I pointed out as I slid my hands down her bottom, then back up under the silk nighty so I could grasp her butt in both hands.

"Stay here until I call you," Jessika told me abruptly, pushing away from me as she said it.

I was not sure what Jessika had in mind, so I did as she asked, watching her walk, perhaps a bit unsteadily, to her bedroom. A few seconds after she entered her room, she called for me to join her. When I walked into her room, I saw the brunette lying back on her bed, her legs spread enough that the short nighty had ridden up, revealing the slightly darker brown and neatly trimmed hair of her pussy.

"I was lying just like this when I called you," she explained as she began rubbing her clit with two fingers of her left hand. "And I was doing this to myself, thinking of you."

"And what were you thinking we could do, Jessika?" I asked as I first kicked off my shoes, then peeled off my shirt followed by my socks.

"You mean on the phone or if you were here with me?" the sexy woman moaned.

"If I were here," I said, unbuttoning my jeans before pulling them and my underwear off at once.

Jessika looked at my almost fully hard penis, biting her bottom lip as she rubbed herself faster and moaned louder. She brought her right hand, which had reached out to the phone on her nightstand as part of her demonstration of how she had looked when she called me, back to her breast, first squeezing it, then playing with her nipple through the silk of her nightie.

"You licking me, Mark," she gasp, her fingers rubbing her clitoris more vigorously. "Then your hard cock in my mouth before you ram it into my soaked cunt."

I smiled at my lover as I climbed onto the bed between her outstretched legs, and Jessika locked her smoldering gray eyes with mine while I held her gaze and lowered my face between her thighs. She started to withdraw her fingers that had been rubbing her clit, but I grabbed her hand and brought those fingers to my lips, where I kissed them before sucking them into my mouth.

Jessika whimpered when I released her fingers from my mouth, but that whimper became a long, low moan when I moved forward and gave her wet pussy a lick that went from her labia to her clitoris. As I settled in to lick her protruding clit, the brunette ran her fingers through my hair for a moment, then withdrew her hand. Looking up, I saw that she was forcefully squeezing both her breasts, one in each hand.

My curvy paramour looked at me through half closed eyes as I began licking her sensitive nub with increasing zeal. I looked back at her, watching her eyes close all the way as her full lips parted and she began to moan and whimper between each breath. In that moment, I was struck by the sheer beauty of Jessika in the throes of passion. It was not the first time I had noticed this, of course, but every time I did, realized anew how attractive I found her.

I had only been licking her a few minutes when Jessika dropped her hands from her breasts, grabbed the sheets at her side, shuddered, then arched her back, thrusting her pelvis up against my mouth. Knowing she was close to her climax, I licked her even more furiously. In mere seconds, the curvy woman was squeaking her way through an orgasm.

While Jessika climaxed, I very gently continued licking her most sensitive area. As her body remained rigid, and small squeaks continued to escape her mouth, I pushed my hands up under her silk nightie until I found her fantastic breasts, which I gently massaged. Another shudder ran through her curvaceous form, and it was a few seconds more before her squeaking noises abated and she relaxed enough to lay flat on her bed.

"God, that was intense," she rasped after a few more seconds. "It just kind of kept going."

I was still licking her softly, so I did not say anything. But our eyes met, and Jessika grinned at me as she reached out and played with my hair.

"I don't care who else you fuck, Mark," she sighed, "just as long as you keep doing this with me."

"The licking?" I asked, winking before returning to pleasuring her.

"All of it," she replied with a small shake of her head. "All the ways you make me feel like I do right now."

For a moment, Jessika's lovely features seemed radiant, and had it not been for her continued insistence that we maintain our relationship as friends with benefit, I would have sworn it was a look of love. But after just an instant, the moment was gone, and the brunette's face took on a contemplative expression.

"Get up here and turn on your back," my lover instructed as she patted the bed beside her.

I would not have minded at all brining her to one or two more orgasms with my tongue, but as my primary intent was to please her, I did what Jessika requested. When I was lying beside her, she sat up, pulled off her nightie, tuned, then climbed on top of me. She next positioned her groin over my face even as she lowered her mouth and sucked the head of my rock hard penis into her expert mouth.

While the brunette began sliding her lips up and down my shaft, I pulled her hips lower so I could easily slip my rolled up tongue inside her sodden pussy. As I thrust it in and out of her, I felt as much as heard Jessika moan around my erection. When I removed my tongue and pushed in two fingers in its place, the woman shivered and moved forward, my penis falling from her lips as she did so.

I was only out of her mouth a second at most before my talented fellatrix was again sucking on me. However, when I began flicking her clit with my tongue while I slid my fingers in and out of her, Jessika again moved forward enough that my manhood was set free. This time, it was several seconds before she again enveloped me with her soft lips. And, as always, it was an exquisite pleasure going from the cool air to the encompassing warmth of her incredible mouth.

I was determined not to let up on licking Jessika, no matter what she did to me, but when her tongue started dancing against my shaft, I had to stop for a second to compose myself or I might have finished much quicker than I think either of us would have liked. I had not realized I was as worked up as my brunette lover was, but based on how close I was by that point, even after taking the moment to try to get myself under control, I knew that I was aroused as much, if not more so, than she was.

As it was, after maybe a couple of more minutes, I could no longer delay the end, and I ejaculated into my lover's mouth. I tried to keep licking her, but the feel of Jessika's lips and tongue on my penis as I climaxed was just too much, and I had to take a break while she sucked every last drop out of me.

When my erection began to ease, Jessika slowly and tenderly licked and sucked at my now softening manhood. I took that opportunity to attack her clit with renewed vigor and slam my fingers in and out of her. A few seconds later, I added a third finger to the two already inside of her, prompting the brunette to pull her head up and off of my penis as she lurched forward and uttered a little shriek.

"Fuck," she groaned as I pushed all three fingers in as far as I could and held them inside of her vagina. "That's almost too much, Mark."

I did not say anything in response, as my tongue was busy flicking her clitoris. And based on the increasing frequency of her moans, I did not think Jessika really cared if I responded or not. Despite her concern that the way I had my fingers in her might be too much, I was quite sure that my lover was very close to climaxing.

A few seconds later, her body shuddered and her pussy clamped around my fingers as she squeaked through her orgasm. I kept my fingers insider her as she climaxed, but I pulled my tongue from her clitoris and instead placed quick, soft kisses on and around it as she relaxed from her orgasm.

I was prepared to start licking her again when she was ready, but Jessika surprised me by rolling off of me and turning around so she could snuggle up to me. Turning to face her, I ran my hand up and down her side as I kissed her. My curvaceous brunette kissed me back, but pushed my hand away when it slid up her torso and around to one of her magnificent breasts.

Jessika pulled away from the kiss, then said, "I think maybe that is enough for tonight, Mark."

I was a little surprised by this, and I was worried I might have accidently hurt her.

"Are you okay," I asked her. "Did I hurt you?"

"God, no," Jessika assured me after a quick kiss. "I might be sore later, but you didn't hurt me."

"Then what is...?" I started to ask, but the brunette shook her head and put her finger to my lips.

"Let's just enjoy being close to each other right now, Mark," she suggested. "But I wouldn't object if you got up and turned off the light."

I shook my head at her indirect request, but I went and did it anyway. When I returned to the bed, I saw that Jessika was lying on her back and had pulled the sheet up so that it was covering her up to her shoulders. I stared down at her for a second, seeing her eyes fix on mine even in the mostly dark room. Then I reached down, ripped the sheet off of her, and dove forward until my face was buried between her large breasts. As I began to kiss her soft skin, I slipped one hand between her legs.

"I thought I said 'enough' for tonight, Mark," she giggled as I teased her nipples with my tongue and lips and her pussy and clit with my fingers.

"Did you really mean that, Jessika?" I asked her as I stared into her gray eyes.

"I did when I said it," she moaned while my fingers lightly traced a pattern on her inner thighs and vulva.

"What about now?" I asked before kissing her now slightly arched neck.

"Now I think you're trying to take advantage of me, Mr. Warner," she breathed

"Do you want me to stop?" I asked my lover while I used my not otherwise occupied hand to grasp long, soft hair.

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