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A Taste of Slavery Ch. 01-02


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"I might do the same with mine. It's only one possible example. There could clearly be other things which could happen and you're faced with similar, equally unappealing choices. The final choice is yours, but I'm not going to be critical of any choice you make."

"Jesus, Scott. I can't believe you're actually talking about me having sex with anyone else."

"Like I said. This was the toughest thing I had to decide, but I'm willing to give you the closest possible experience to actual sex slavery. After we're done, you may decide it isn't wise filling your head with these ideas. Reality is rarely as pretty as fantasy."

"I need to think about this some more. This is going to be tougher than I thought."

"Of course. I would be disappointed if you didn't take as much time as you need to make a reasonable choice for yourself."

I got up and went to the package I set on the couch when I came in. I brought it back to the table and pulled out the collar, then the cuffs.

"If you choose to continue with this, you have only to put this collar on and I'll know you've chosen to be a sex slave for three weeks."

"Would the slavery start as soon as I put the collar on?" Julia asked.

"No. I'd prefer to take off at least part of the first week of your slavery until we've gotten into the rhythm of it. It will take about a week to arrange some time off. Your slavery would start on Friday before my time off. That would give us several days together before I have to return to work. You'd still be a slave while I'm at work, but your days would be relatively easier once I go back. I'd expect you to wear the collar as a reminder of your choice until the slavery starts."

"What do you expect to get out of this if we decide to proceed?" Julia asked.

I smiled at her. "I expect to fuck you ragged."

Julia shivered again.


After our discussion, Scott took a shower and went to sleep. I lay beside him listening to his relaxed breathing, thinking about Scott's proposed rules. The fact Scott even hinted I might be having sex with someone else shocked hell out of me. When he said it would be my choice, I thought it was some kind of test or trap, trying to determine if I would remain faithful to him. The suggested example he gave me threw me though. Would he really give me a choice between remaining naked in front of my parents and sex with another person? It was a horrid example, and one I hoped would never come true. I really would need to ensure by parents never unexpectedly dropped in.

I suppose it was the worst example he could have given me to test the boundaries of what I'd consider to avoid sex with another man, but he must have other examples that would test my willingness to consider sex with someone else, otherwise, why mention it. If it was my choice, I could always choose the other option, but he knew there might be other options as unbearable to me. Maybe the whole dressing thing was a trap. If I swallowed every morning, I would always have something to wear, even if it was something sexier than normal. Playing games with swallowing his cum might be what gets me in trouble; thinking I'm safe to go nude one day and then a repairman coming over.

It wasn't as if I didn't love sucking Scott's cock. I did. And the flavor of his cum was on the mild side when I'd tasted it; kind of bland, not too salty, maybe a hint of sweet, but the texture is what did me in. Men's cum was slimy, like raw oysters, and I'd never liked slimy. I couldn't stand oysters, nor escargots, which even cooked seemed slimy to me. Cum was on the thick side with a gooey, sticky, clingy quality to it. I didn't mind the cock itself, nor even the pre-cum, but the cum made me get a queasy feeling when it filled my mouth. I tried to avoid it as much as possible. Even getting it on my hands made me want to scrub them. No matter how much I knew he loved it when I swallowed, it was only a few times a year I could actually do it.

It was a sly trick on his part, saying I didn't have to, but having consequences if I didn't. He knew I'd want to avoid it, but I might think the consequences were the worse choice. Even receiving a twenty swat spanking was something I'd truly like to avoid. Slimy or spanking, neither a wonderful choice. How hard would he strike me. Would my bottom be sore for days, hours or minutes?

He was right. I was titillated by my choice of romances. Even the descriptions of the shame, the punishment, the humiliation wasn't enough to deter me from reading them. To be honest, they aroused me, but why. Was it because I secretly wished the same for myself or only because it was happening to someone else, a fictional person who didn't even exist? But to a certain extent, horrible things like the events in my books, happened to real people every day. I was outraged at human trafficking and forced sex in real life, but craved it in my fantasies. Was it a sign of sickness?

Of course, I could always refuse to participate, say I didn't want to risk it, exploring what it would be like being a sex slave. But heavens, even the thoughts flooding my mind as I'd considered his proposal the last few days had dialed up my libido to uncomfortable levels. I was frequently aroused, either masturbating or attacking Scott when he got home from work. As Scott discussed what the rules would be and he'd shown me the various slave positions, my pussy juiced to the point I shoved my panties to the bottom of my clothes hamper so he wouldn't notice how wet they were, the soggy spot my overactive imagination put there. I wanted to cum now, to relieve the itch built up since supper. If it wasn't so late and Scott didn't have to get up so early, I would have jumped his bones before he nodded off. Rather than wake him to take care of my suddenly rampant needs, I furtively slipped my fingers down to my slit and slowly jilled myself off, cumming with a heavy sigh and slick, sex scented fingers.

Showing the list to Lisa the next day, we discussed the meanings of all of the rules, including the hand written changes I'd made as we negotiated.

"Scott said you might be having sex with another person? That doesn't sound like Scott," she said when I showed her the last item I'd scrawled on the list. "He'd make you do that?"

"Not force me into anything. The choice would be mine but it could be a near impossible choice. The example he gave was a surprise visit by my parents while I was his naked slave and remaining naked in front of them, or perhaps choosing to have sex with someone else to avoid that choice."

"And he wouldn't be upset if you made that choice?"

"I wondered the same thing. If maybe this is a test he's giving me. He said he wouldn't hold me responsible because he has ultimate control, but he wants to give me the full sex slave experience, where I have no choice. He says it won't be no choice, but a difficult choice. He seems to trust me. He's never given me little tests to see what I'd do before, but it is confusing. I know how he feels about infidelity. He's made it very clear. I think he is intrigued to see if I'm really into the sex slave experience or it's idle speculation on my part."

"What about you?" Julia asked. "How would you feel if you had sex with someone else?"

"It scares me," I admitted. "I've never wanted to have sex with anyone else, and I don't want to do anything to damage my marriage, but imagining I can be used by anyone in control is very arousing to me. To a certain extent, I'd almost feel better if he told me 'you will have sex with this person', but making complicated choices is worse. Now the ball is in my court and I'll be deciding. I asked him what he expects to get out of this test and he said he expects to fuck me ragged. I almost climaxed on the spot. While he was sleeping last night, I rubbed myself to orgasm I was so wound up."

"So, are you going to do it?" Lisa asked.

"I don't know. I'm still trying to decide. I'm wavering between what I expect to be extremely sexually rewarding and total fear."

"It sounds totally hot to me, but I'm not getting any, so almost everything involving sex is hot to me now."


That night, I talked to Scott some more, naked in bed. I twirled a lock of his hair in my fingers and said, "I'm worried, dear."

"About what, honey?"

"I wonder if you're trying to give me some test regarding my commitment to you and our marriage. If I somehow make the wrong choices, our marriage will be over."

"That's not my intent, Julia. This is not a marital quiz show. I'll be honest with you. It makes me nervous thinking of you with someone else. I believe I'm capable of handling it, acting in a calm, rational and responsible manner if you make a hard choice. But I also realize no one truly knows what they will think or feel or respond to a traumatic occurrence. If I got sick and faced death, I'd like to think I'd face it bravely and with dignity, but until it happens, I don't really know. This is like that. I believe the control is in my hands. To a certain extent, I have control over the choices you face. Because that control lies with me, I should feel better about whatever outcome you choose. I forced the choice on you. If you were sleeping around on your own volition, I would be deeply hurt. If I've created the possibility myself, I believe it won't be as damaging to me personally and our relationship.

"What I'm trying to do is let you realize if the reality would match your fantasies. The fantasy requires a more fluid relationship than marriage does. It's not as if I'm going to say, 'sleep with that guy', 'now sleep with that one', and 'now that one'. I don't want to farm you out like a prostitute and I intend to primarily make use of you myself. But I must admit if I want to give you an authentic experience, you are subject to having sex with others. I want to let you know what it's like to be displayed naked before other people, to be sold, to have all control removed from you. It is what you're imagining when you read those books."

"So you don't believe it will alter our normal relationship, but you're not totally positive it wouldn't."

"Yes. You've captured my dilemma in a nutshell. It's why I wavered back and forth on the issue. I don't want to do any damage to our marriage, and I don't believe it will, but it isn't without risks. Perhaps none of the choices you make take that step, but I expect some of them will be extremely challenging. I'm willing to take this risk on behalf of our exploring your fantasy life, if you want to. The question is, do you?"

"Can I say that the thought of it is driving me wild. I'm so horny now, I want to fuck you all the time. At the same time, I'm scared. I'm afraid reality won't match up to the fantasy. Or I'll hurt you if I choose wrong. I never want to hurt you."

I reached down and touched his cock and he was fairly hard, probably aroused by our discussion as well.

He said, "Then it's important we communicate very well with one another during this. We should take a few minutes each day to explore what the other one is feeling and how they're doing and if we're both still all right to continue. Maybe take a little longer each week to see where we stand on everything. It won't be just you with the ability to call an Omega. I'll be able to do so as well."

"You've allayed some of my fears, Scott. Thank you."

"Do you plan on going ahead then."

"I still haven't totally made up my mind, but with our conversation tonight, I'm leaning in that direction. Right now, I just want to have sex. I'm so wet and turned on right now."

"Oooh. Let me check for myself," Scott laughed. His hand slipped down and cupped my mound. "You're not kidding. I don't know if I've ever felt you so wet."

"Enter me now. Fuck me, Scott. I'll cum in a heartbeat if you do."

He did and I did, moaning for him within seconds of his splitting my folds with his hard shaft. I orgasmed four times before I felt his hot sperm shoot into my belly. If my sex slavery was half again as good as our sex tonight was, I would love it.


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AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

This is the second time I am reading this. . . .You did such an excellent job laying the ground work. I wonder how many real life couples you influenced to try it. As a retired female professional, you have totally caught my imagination. Fabulous writing !

VerbalAbuseVerbalAbuseabout 1 year ago

I hate schizophrenic 3rd person D/s speech. "the slave will suck the owner". What's wrong with "you'll suck me"?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

4th or 5th time reading this - no spoilers in my comments, I hope! I agree with most of the previous commenters - nice setup, safeword(s), communication, yada yada.

"lizard brains" - just because we have conscious, 'rational' minds doesn't mean that we are not also driven by unconscious desires. Somebody wrote "we have instincts and call them emotions".

Human sexual behaviour is different to that of our nearest relatives, chimps & bonobos. Unfortunately, behaviour does not fossilise, so it's hard to get a handle on when and how the changes occurred, though there are hints to be found in aspects of modern human behaviour & responses.

For example, it has been found that, around the time of ovulation, females are hornier and find so-called "alpha males" more attractive than at other times in their cycle. It would be to the reproductive advantage of a woman whose partner was a nice, reliable beta, to take a walk on the wild side at that time of the month, and get knocked up by an alpha, knowing her reliable beta will help provide for the resulting offspring.

As I've commented elsewhere, the human penis is a very different shape to that of our nearest relatives. The rounded head is adapted to squash the contents of the vagina around itself when bottoming out, and the flange drags it outwards on the backstroke. This tells us that, at some time after separation from our near relatives, this shape conferred an evolutionary advantage to males possessing it, and that the advantage continued for long enough for evolution to work - tens of thousands of years, probably. So that gives a hint as to pre- or early human sexual behaviour - females were usually, or at least often, mated by more than one male.

For chimp behaviour, read anything by Jane Goodall, who studied it for her lifetime.

Non-human species which are monogamous tend to be so, and for life, with very few exceptions. We aren't.

I've been interested in this kind of stuff since reading The Naked Ape (and deciding it was bollocks), nearly fifty years ago.

There's a whole branch of science - Evolutionary Psychology - researching this field.

I suspect the author of some knowledge of academic Psychology.

Thanks for sharing, 5*

Dixon (UK)

nthusiasticnthusiasticover 1 year ago

I noticed there was no mention of adding a woman to the mix or Scott having sex with others. I suspect Lisa will be joining them before too long, considering she’s whined several times about missing playtime.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This is the type of respect and discussion each D/s relationship should have so every knows the rules and what is expected and allowed. Excellent story about a loving married couple as opposed to some of the forced beatings and worse that are the focal points of many of these type of stories. A damn fine job.

TalkSexyToMe2029TalkSexyToMe2029over 2 years ago

Negociation is sexy. There, I said it. Kinky or not, power exchange or not, this is something all sexual partners should do. It's easy foreplay and it helps clearing misunderstandings or potential sources of conflict for the future.

teehaateehaaover 4 years ago
I very much liked the story...

The situation seems not too unreal.

If you ever decide to edit the story I would invite you to consider that the proposal of a safeword coms from the future dom. It shouldn't be the sub asking for it - it's basic standard procedure and should be even provided as a first rule.

The rules seems a little wide for a first contract. There should be a clause that no matter what nothing may happen that would alter the statute of one of the parties (familylife or professional life). But knowing that bost people concerned are a) inexperienced and are loving I hope that the lack of this basicclause isn't willful and won't lead to a disaster...

5 stars... great read.

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