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A Tempting Vacation Ch. 19


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"Well, I mean, sure, I guess..." Ron searched for the right words. Pam was his girlfriend's mother, and while he realized how silly it was to worry about a joint after the past few days of this bizarre vacation, he still didn't want to jeopardize how Pam thought of him, as Amy's boyfriend, and in his adolescent brain, drugs seemed quite a bit different from being just another horny kid.

Before Pam could offer any further complaints, Beth took a drag and placed it to Ron's lips. He could see the bright red ring of lipstick on the joint, and for some reason, found it unexpectedly arousing. He turned his head after inhaling for only a few seconds, not wanting to give Pam a reason to further complain should he break into a fit of coughing.

As Pam took the lipstick stained joint, she paused before taking a hit, saying, "Oh ok, I guess given how crazy this night is already, one or two puffs won't do any harm, but Ron, this is one more thing on our list not to tell Amy, agreed?"

The next time the joint was placed before him, the remnants of the lipstick now presented both pink and red smudges. Thinking of those same colors smeared across his cock seemed to intensify his already steel hard erection.

Another 20 minutes passed, as they took turns rubbing and painting each other with products Ron had never even heard of. Even through his own pot filtered brain, he could tell the joint was having an impact on both women, as the giggling and make-up 'do overs' increased. He thoroughly enjoyed being able to observe them uninterrupted, as he for the time being, appeared to have been forgotten in favor of their pursuit of beauty. Even as his body acted as the working table for their various cosmetics, they seemed to avoid any acknowledgement of his trapped prick.

The champagne and pot buzz was undeniable as Beth held up the pink fingernail polish that matched Pam's lipstick, and placed it on the towel, just past the rounded bulge of Ron's swollen dickhead, saying, "Okay, let's get your nails done, then we'll go work on our hair."

As Beth finished speaking, she clasped Pam's hands in her own, and placed them on the towel, so that her friend's slender fingers were positioned along the shaft of Ron's penis. Pam attempted to remove them even before Beth relinquished her grip, which she reestablished, saying, "Just sit still for a minute or two, and I'll get you all fixed up."

Ron's bloodshot eyes widened at the sight of four hands resting across his cock. He looked up to Pam's face, to see how she would react, and decided to take the offensive in hopes that she would play along. "Uh, you might as well use me for a table, I mean I'm not much use for anything else, given the circumstances."

Pam glanced from Ron, to her friend, then back to make eye contact with the bound teen. She of course knew he wanted her hands exactly where they were, and who could blame the kid. The pot was really clouding her brain, Pam's arousal now successfully invading every other thought , and as she thought about her options, she opened her mouth to speak, not exactly certain the words that would come forth.

Rather than her own voice, however, she heard Beth interjecting, "That's so sweet of you Ron, don't you think Pam?" She actually patted Pam's hands, and thus the thick slab of meat beneath the towel, as if to say the matter was settled.

By the time Pam's stoned brain refocused on Beth, then her own hands, Beth was dipping the brush into the pink polish, and applying it to her right thumb. Now all three pair of eyes were unashamedly staring at Ron's towel covered penis, and the way the pads of Pam's fingers rested softly along its shaft.

The towel served to lessen the details, but the thick pole and engorged head were still discernible beneath the white cotton, and he could feel the light pressure as Beth continued to apply polish to the nails of his girlfriend's nearly naked mother. He certainly didn't want to do anything to break up this latest activity, and did his best to breath slowly and take in this incredible situation.

Two minutes later, as she drug the pink brush over the nail of Pam's pinky finger, Beth said, "Okay, now just sit tight and let those dry for a minute or two while I dig out my polish."

Pam sat there, half drunk, incredibly stoned, and after days of near non-ending temptations, frustratingly horny, her hands perched along the alluring penis of her daughter's boyfriend. She'd quit asking herself how she and the shy teenager kept ending up in such erotic situations, and just gazed at the way her fingers laced up the thick shaft, without even getting close to touching the bulbous head, evident even while 'concealed' beneath the towel and sheet. Her mouth, previously parched from the pot, actually began to salivate as she imagined how easily she could pull his cock free and envelope the oversized head with her plump, pink lips. Unconsciously her fingers ever so slightly pressed more firmly against him, as she spaced out, oblivious to all around her, except Ron's fully erect, trapped penis.

Beth observed Pam, unmistakably lusting for the oversized cock that had become the primary focus of their vacation, while the swell of her bronzed flesh escaped the too small bra and her nipples noticeably tented the thin material. Pleased with her friend's state of mind, she said, "Here it is. Enough of my favorite polish to last me til spring. Since it is so hard to find, I just had to get the biggest bottle."

Pam jerked her hands free as if her mother had caught her in the proverbial cookie jar. She began to nervously blow across her fingertips as she looked to her friend. She tried to comment on the polish, but the lustful energy coupled with the pot led Pam to giggle nervously, "Oh wow, I'm not used to being stoned, everything seems so, ah, funny."

After unscrewing the cap, Beth started to had it to Pam, along with a new brush, but as per her well-rehearsed plan, paused to say, "So, maybe we should take a little break, we can go into the bathroom and use the hair dryer to finish drying out our hair, and see how the makeup looks under the bright lights, okay?"

Thankful to extricate herself from the temptation of Ron's penis, Pam voiced her agreement, even as she began to crawl from the bed, taking care to protect her damp nails, and still not let anything slip from her undersized lingerie. The last thing she heard was Beth giggling to Ron that he should be a good table and they'd be back in a few minutes.

As soon as Pam entered the bathroom, Beth moved quickly to pull the towel and sheet back, exposing Ron's tumescent cock. Not willing to deny herself a brief dalliance, she actually leaned down and swirled her talented tongue around his pulsing head, then moved her face within a few inches of his, and whispered, "Keep quiet and do what I say, we don't have much time."

As the soft words and champagne breath washed over him, Ron watched as Beth held the refill sized bottle of red polish, and then pulled his cock up to 90 degrees, which allowed her to pour a fair amount of the thick red liquid onto his pubic hair. Next, she drizzled even more up and down his shaft and balls, all the while firmly gripping his spongy head between her fingers, taking care not to get any polish on her own hands. To finish things off, she released him, directed a small steady stream over the head of his prick, then tucked it snugly back within the rapidly reddening sheet. Next she poured most of the remaining polish onto the towel and sheet, leaving the bottle positioned as if it had just fallen and deposited its contents on the innocent boy.

"Now, after the hair dryer has been on for a minute or two, you scream for us that you need help, that there's been an accident. I'll take if from there, but then remember, you need to play along and become the most gullible kid ever born. Got it?"

A stunned Ron nodded his understanding and watched Beth scooch from the bed, her robe falling completely open to offer him random peeks at the exquisite body within. She re-tied the sash as she scampered to join Pam in the bathroom.

Pam was staring at herself in the mirror, silently quite pleased with how sexy she looked in the skimpy bra and panties. Beth had done quite a good job with her eyes and lips. The makeup, lingerie, suntan, and years worth of working on her body, now presented a centerfold worthy image.

"Oh my God! You look fantastic, even if I do have to take credit for your makeup." Beth exclaimed upon entering the bathroom. "Let me restate that, not fantastic, way more than fantastic, you look like a freaking Playboy Playmate!

Maybe you were right, maybe this is too cruel for Ron to withstand." She finished, the last sentence a giggled whisper.

Pam didn't even try to put up her typical modest rebuff of such an erotic compliment, responding instead to focus the attention back on Beth. "Thanks, but you look way hotter than me, I mean that robe just barely stays closed, and even then the way it hugs and shows off your rockin' body has got to be driving Ron mad."

"Thank you darling, but I imagine after spending the past few days on the island, a stiff breeze arouses our young friend. The important thing is that we don't acknowledge any sort of sexual overtones created by the way we're all dressed, that way it'll be easier for you, Ron and Amy to get back to normal when we get home. Don't you think?"

Pam was momentarily surprised at her friend's seemingly rational statement, but then Beth continued, "So, I mean, I still want to have some fun. We DO have a teenager bound to our bed, and he DOES happen to have one of the biggest cocks I've ever seen. The fact that he is your daughter's boyfriend actually makes it all the more exciting, don't you see? Cause that will keep us from doing anything more than teasing the hell out of him."

Pam turned, her befuddled, intoxicated expression perfectly portraying her inability to adequately verbalize the objection to Beth's comment. At that moment Beth turned on the hair dryer and began to tuss up her hair, as if all was settled. With the pot buzz still impeding her reply, Pam simply stood there as several rationalizations for what Beth was suggesting began to invade her mind. Before she could succumb to her own demented line of reasoning, she thought she heard Ron's voice calling out over the roaring hair dryer.

"Beth...turn that off...I think I hear Ron."

They both dashed to the bed, with Pam exclaiming, "Oh my god Ron?!", taken aback by the expansive red stains covering much of the teenagers mid section. "What happened?!"

Ron did his best to convey the accident, just as Beth had instructed. After much banter as to how such an accident could have happened, Pam finally said, "Well, Beth, just get the keys and unlock Ron so he can go get cleaned up in the shower."

This was Beth's cue to make a spectacle of searching her bag for the inevitably lost key. After an exhaustive, yet futile inspection of their only luggage, the small overnight case, Beth sheepishly explained, "Ah, so, the key's not here. I must have left them in my big suitcase, with some of the other, ahem, souvenirs from the contest prize bag."

"Beth! Really? You can't be serious!" Pam reacted in a quasi accusatory tone, certain her friend was continuing to orchestrate this entire evening, but not wanting to directly accuse her in front of Ron.

"I know, right. I can't believe I did that." Beth replied, doing her best to maintain a sincerity to her demeanor. "But we really can't waste much time. When that polish begins to dry on his skin, it will be harder to come clean. And I don't really think we want Amy hearing how her boyfriend's body turned red."

"Ah, before we do anything, I'd like to see you once more in the bathroom." Pam stated, then proceeded in a deliberate, albeit inebriated gait to have yet another confrontation with Beth about her plans for Ron.

Beth flashed Ron a brief, exaggerated expression as if she were in deep trouble, then flipped her robe up, giving him a brief glimpse of her spectacular ass as she scurried to catch up with Pam.

Ron could actually feel the drying fingernail polish constricting against his skin, and was relieved when the women returned fairly quickly, with Beth clutching what appeared to be every hand towel and washcloth she could find.

Pam had reluctantly agreed to Beth's proposal on how best to get Ron cleaned up. She'd confronted her friend as to the rather transparent game being played with Amy's boyfriend, naked and bound to the bed. However, in her buzzed condition, Beth's insistence that it was all just a string of coincidences, leaving them no choice but to do what had to be done, left Pam to argue a case that would change nothing about their current predicament, even if it was an argument she could win.

Both women stopped at the foot of his bed, their lust inducing figures barely concealed by the alluring lingerie. Pam's look of inebriated apprehension was unmistakable, while Beth's aura presented a confident readiness for what lay ahead, even if her calculating words attempted to convey the opposite, "So, Ron, ...wow, okay, so this is kinda awkward, but Pam and I really have no choice, um, but to, you know, get you all cleaned up. You going to be okay with that?"

Ron had used Pam's last bathroom huddle with Beth as time to prepare himself to respond at this very moment, and even through the haze of alcohol and pot, he felt as if he maintained proper innocence while he said, "Um, well this sounds sort of embarrassing, I mean it feels like it is all over, you know, everything." He nodded to his crotch.

"Listen sweetie," Beth cooed as she dropped the various towels on the bed between his legs, "Pam and I just talked about it, and we understand how having two women, one of them being your girlfriend's mother, seeing and touching you, you know, down there, will likely be rather awkward, but we are going to tackle this with the appropriate attitude, almost as if we were nurses treating a young patient."

As Beth spoke, Ron's gaze bounced between the two women. Pam appeared to be as nervous and apprehensive as Beth was assertive, and neither looked in the least like a nurse.

Beth followed Ron's eyes, then said, "Isn't that right Pam? We can handle this," Beth paused for a split second as the irony of her words led her to, mostly, suppress a smirk, "and besides, if we don't take care of this right away, the nail polish will most certainly leave you stained, and I don't think any of us want to have to explain this to Amy. No matter how innocent our actions have been tonight, it might not look, shall we say, proper." Beth looked back to Pam, "So? Don't you agree?"

Pam had been standing there in a stoned haze, barely listening to Beth as she took in her daughter's teenage boyfriend, bound to their bed, with only a now damp red sheet molding obscenely to his ever present erection. The thought of assisting Beth in cleaning his nude body was producing some very naughty images in her inebriated brain, with her body likewise displaying its own interest in the situation before her, via her rock hard nipples tenting the one size too small bra, and a dampness within her snug little panties.

"I said, don't you agree? Pam?..., did you hear me?" Beth repeated, noting how erotically seductive her friend looked in the teeny lingerie highlighting her sun kissed skin.

Startled from her inappropriate visions, Pam replied, "Yes, ah, sure. We have to do what has to be done, and we'll, well... we'll simply proceed as adults with an urgent task to complete." And she meant it, no matter her apparent inability to control her lewd thoughts or tormented body, Pam would not allow Beth to lead her into some twisted threesome with Ron. Already the implications of this vacation might come back to haunt them, but a night of sex with Amy's boyfriend would be something that couldn't be overcome. So once again, Pam pledged to herself that no matter how intimate the task of cleansing Ron of the polish might become, she'd keep things under control.

As both women knelt on either side of the messy sheet, Beth said, "Maybe we can do this and allow Ron some modesty, why don't you pull the covers up away from his body some, and I'll use this hand towel to wipe off the polish?"

"Yes," Pam answered eagerly, hopeful to end this without having to handle, or even see Ron's captivating penis. "That sounds like a good plan."

She lifted the soaked sheet up, taking care to shield him from their line of vision. Beth reached underneath with the hand towel, and while taking care to keep her hand free of the polish, did little more than spread it even more thoroughly over his granite like cock and still low hanging scrotum.

A slight, pleasurable sigh escaped Ron's lips before he caught himself, and Beth said, "Sorry if I am being too rough Ron, but I have to try and get it all." As she spoke, her hidden hand wrapped the towel firmly around his shaft and gave him three firm squeezes. Then she pulled the towel out to reveal it to be almost entirely red.

Pam looked to Ron's face, asking, "So? How does it look Ron, Clean?"

Ron stared down to his dick, then looked back up, "Uh, no. It all looks mostly red, or reddish pink."

"Sorry Ron, but I guess we are going to have to really take a look to see what needs to be done," Beth said while quickly yanking the sheet away and balling it up to prevent the red from staining anything else, and immediately heard Pam's stifled intake of breath at the vision before her.

Ron's red coated penis wavered above his equally stained scrotum as a result of Beth's actions. After tossing the stained sheet to the corner, Beth authoritatively stated, "Here Pam, take this washcloth. No time to waste, or we'll never be able to clean up this poor boy." Beth began wiping excess polish from Ron's body as if having his throbbing erection pulsing from her touch wasn't the least bit sexual or inappropriate. Pam knelt there, staring for several more seconds before Beth took her by the forearm and directed her to tentatively place the white cloth on the teenager's thigh. "Come on hon," she encouraged, "no more time for any of us to be embarrassed, help me out here."

Pam slowly began to wipe the nail polish away from his thigh. As her actions became more purposeful, she glanced up to Ron's face and felt a fresh jolt of arousal while observing the intensity with which he focused on the diminishing distance to his cock with each deliberate stroke of her hand.

Beth, having been surreptitiously observing her friend's steady acquiescence to the task at hand, grabbed the top one third of Ron's prick with a clean washcloth and gently tugged it up perpendicular to his body, saying, "Ok Pam, take that last clean towel and use it here." She nodded toward the base of the thick shaft. Sensing Pam's hesitance, Beth added, "You need to hurry, more and more polish dries with each passing second!"

Pam did as instructed, for the first time on this long, frustratingly tempting vacation, her hand, albeit protected by the thin cotton towel, made contact with Ron's beefy manliness. She did her best to control the excitement threatening to materialize in the tremble of her fingers. She worked the towel, with an intended lack of sexual intent, over and around his scrotum and lower shaft for the next minute or so.

"Ok, good job," Beth said, "now grab a clean washcloth and hold him tight below while I finish up here on the top."

At some point during the last few minutes, Pam had decided to go along with Beth's directives, that is as long as nothing overtly sexual was acknowledged between the threesome. If their actions, no matter how inappropriate if viewed in a vacuum, could be justified in getting Ron cleaned up before Amy got home, Pam was committed to doing her best to squelch her own desires and undertake the next step in meeting their goal, whatever that may be.

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