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A Time for Work & A Time for... Ch. 04

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Day 4 of their Japan trip.
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Part 4 of the 5 part series

Updated 10/06/2022
Created 07/10/2005
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Keiko treated Niki and myself to an evening of pampering and love making at a private onsen or hot bath retreat. The Japanese have taken the simple task of bathing and transformed it into a highly pleasurable activity as well as an art form to be relished. Take a couple of stunning, sexy women with you to make it a memorable visit! And don't forget the vitamins! Anyone visiting this fine country needs to be sure to include a stay at an onsen on their itinerary. Really!

We had planned on sight seeing for Day 4 of our trip...


I was awakened by the gradual dawning of the day. There was a gentle breeze blowing that moved the leaves in the trees nearby. I could hear the soft babbling of the cool water in the stream just outside our hut as it wound its way down to the lake. Several birds called to each other off in the distance.

As I opened my eyes, I could see Niki slumbering on my right and Keiko on my left. Both ladies looked so beautiful and ravishing. Each so very different but both so sexy and appealing. They were still dead to the world. Of course, last night's love making marathon session probably had a lot to do with it.

I extricated myself from our bed and went to the bathroom to relieve myself. Then thinking of Keiko's discussion with the Tsukiji Fish Market people the other day, I pulled out my portfolio and went to the porch that overlooked the pond. Although I was still unclothed, I felt comfortable with my nakedness and sat down on the porch on several cushions with my back against the building. There was no one else up and about and the view in front of me was outstanding. It was so quiet and peaceful with the morning sun just beginning to peak over the horizon that it took my breath away. That surreal moment seemed as if it could last forever.

With the calmness of the onsen as a backdrop, I opened my portfolio and began to put pen to paper. As I recalled, the Tsukiji Fish Market was the largest fish auction in Japan. All of the fish auction markets were started by their respective town governments back in the 16th and 17th centuries, in order to provide an organized method of providing fishermen with markets for their catch, as well as places for town inhabitants to buy fish and other commodities. Pretty ingenious when you think about it. . The fish markets all have a lot of history and culture behind them. Perhaps there might be the source of subject matter that we can wrap identity apparel and accessories around. Then we could target both a local as well as a tourist market for the various product lines. It might help us to find a couple of old timers associated with the fish market, to help with the historical data. Perhaps Keiko could talk with the Tsukiji people and come up with a couple of retirees who might be willing to share their experiences and memories with us.

Then we could come up with a couple of concepts, translate them into art work and then do some test marketing. Always a good idea to do dry runs before we commit to major production runs. It's too late to redo designs once you've printed up 10,000 t-shirts, 5,000 garment bags, and other items!

With those thoughts committed to paper, I returned my portfolio to my travel case and padded quietly back to our bedroom. The girls were still sleeping as I came to Niki's side and gently lifted the covers from her beautiful, naked body.

I laid down beside her and softly kissed her soft ruby lips. Her eyes fluttered open, then recognition set in as she saw me and smiled and kissed me back. As our tongues lovingly caress each other, I gently massaged her right breast before taking her erect nipple between my fingers and rolled it firmly and slowly. She moaned with pleasure as her nipples sent lightning bolts throughout her body. She stretched then wrapped her arms around my neck and her legs intertwined with mine, in order to hold me captive for the moment.

I moved to place myself on top of her as she spread her legs to welcome me to her moist and warm center. Niki reached down and wrapped her hand around my cock then rubbed the tip of it up and down her slit several times before placing me at her entrance. She was already wet and aroused.

As we continued to slowly and softly kiss, I began to slowly slide into her warmth. Niki closed her eyes and opened her mouth as I slowly started to fill her. That's the way she likes to have me most of the time; slowly sliding into her center. This is making love and not fucking. It's a joining of our spirits and our souls. I bottomed out and held myself as deeply as possible for a minute or two as we kissed and held each other tightly. Then I started to slowly move in and out of her warm and wet sheath accompanied by her moans and kisses.

"Oh yes babe, you feel so good in me...." Niki whispers as she moved her hips in synch with my movements. "Love me...."

After what seemed to be forever, Niki arched her back, thrusting her breasts into me with her eyes closed and mouth wide open. "AAahhhhhhhh....." I couldn't help but to respond with a crashing orgasm of my own as my cum exploded into my precious lover causing her to wrap her legs around my waist, trying to keep me deeply within her. We kissed softly and lovingly as we held each other tightly trying to keep the feelings of contentment and fullness with us for as long as possible.

We eventually got up and out of bed, rousing Keiko in the process. I don't know how she managed to remain sleeping while Niki and I made love, but she apparently had. Or perhaps she was just being the polite Japanese woman that she was. In either case, we got up and took care of our morning business before repacking our over night bags.

We took our breakfast in the dining room back at the main building. It was a simple Japanese breakfast of some clear broth, steamed rice, pickled vegetables, and several small pieces of grilled fish. Quite appetizing. I could get to like this instead of the usual coffee and Danish on the run!

"Keiko-chan," I asked, using the familiar version of address, "what do you recommend that tourists such as Niki and I should see today?"

"Well, do you want to go sight seeing? Or perhaps do something physical? Or maybe just kick back and lounge somewhere comfortable?"

"Let's do something different, James!" Niki interjected. "I'd like to do something that few tourists to Japan do! Keiko, what would you be doing if we weren't here today?"

"Well, that would be boring cause I'd probably be at work! You wouldn't want to be there if you didn't have to be, right?"

"Yeah, you're right on that!" Niki laughed. "Oh, .... and no golf! Okay?"

"Yes, dear!" I laughed. "You know, I recall that these onsens are generally built in geologically active fault zones. I was wondering if there's anything interesting to see that's related to these fault zones?"

"Why yes there is," Keiko replied. "There are active steam vents and mud baths located nearby. They're pretty cool. One place is in a forested area. They have walkways through the forests with steam vents all over the place. And they have these small mud baths that we can rent by the hour. It's really relaxing to just sit in one and just let the warm, muddy ooze loosen up all the kinks. Interested in taking a look?"

So off we went. Keiko's driver brought the car around and we were off.

During the drive, I took out my portfolio and discussed my thoughts about the Tsukiji Fish Market with Keiko and Niki.

"Hon, bringing in the retirees is a great idea!" Niki squealed! "It will be so cool to hear their memories of how things at the market used to be!"

Keiko also agreed that it sounded like a neat idea, however also felt that we needed to come up with multiple themes. That would make us less vulnerable to narrow markets and narrow market acceptance. Made a lot of sense to me.

By this time we had arrived at the mud bath. Niki and I were not really prepared for what we saw! It was fantastic! Keiko's driver dropped us off in front of the reception building where we were greeted. We selected a package that enabled us to tour the area as well as partake of one of their mud baths.

The tour itself was via a little tram-like affair that ran around the park on a uni-rail. Pretty sassy affair I thought. We were herded into a larger group of approximately a dozen visitors, then led over to the tram which had individual cars that could seat 4 to 6 adults comfortably. Being that there so few of us, we all broke up into the groups that we arrived in and claimed a car a piece.

The ride was interesting. It stopped periodically as a conductor explained one of the many features of the park. Keiko kept up a running translation of what was being said so we had some sort of idea of what we were looking at.

The steam vents created a humid and semi-foggy environment within the park. I felt as if we had been transported back into the era of dinosaurs! Kind of like Jurassic Park! It was so eerie; I was waiting for a triceratops or similar to appear in front of our eyes as the tram moved forward! The steam vents kept the place humid and warmer then the surrounding areas. As a result, a lot of the greenery reminded me of what we would see back home in Hawaii. Lots of ferns, broad leaf plants, and brightly colored flowers.

The tram ride went its full circuit in about 20 minutes and put us back to where we started. As we got off the ride, we were handed maps of the park. We located the mud bath that we had been assigned to on the map and started off in that direction. There were several other couples who apparently had decided to take in the mud baths as well, but it seemed as if we were all assigned mud baths in areas of the park that were spaced far apart.

As we got to our assigned mud bath, I found that it was fully enclosed by a tall fence with a small building in the front. Keiko led us into a changing area and secured the door behind us. The changing room basically had open closets to hang our clothes in but little else. She explained that we should take clothes off and proceed to an adjoining bathing area. It was Spartan in nature and functional. Unlike our prior episode at the onsen, Niki, Keiko and I just quickly bathed ourselves and walked out into the fenced in enclosure.

The mud bath itself was quite interesting. A roughly tiled sidewalk led from the bathing area directly to a small pool full of steaming, bubbly, dark greenish brown mud! God it looked like something from a mad scientist's dream!

"Are we getting in that?" Niki asked in a hush voice? She echoed my thoughts!

Keiko laughed, "it does look disgusting doesn't it?"

In the same breath she continued, "but is it so relaxing and sensuous. You have to try it!"

With that, she slipped into the mud bath and sank to her waist. As she moved to the far end of the pool, she crouched to fully immerse herself into the mud. "Oh yes, this feels good. But one warning, don't try anything frisky otherwise you'll end up chaffing yourselves really badly!"

"What?" I asked as Niki and I slipped into the mud bath.

"Yeah, I found out the hard way a couple of years ago. The bath felt so good that it turned me on! So I started rubbing my clit. Well the grit in the mud starting grinding into me and I was raw and sore for a couple of days!"

We had a good laugh and decided to just relax and enjoy the moment.

After about a half hour, we had just about all that we could take. The heat had gotten to us after awhile. So we climbed out of the mud bath.

I was the first to climb out of the pool and stood up. Niki just burst out laughing! "Look at you!" she cried. "You're covered from your chin down to your toes in mud!"

She climbed out after me and started to trace designs on my muddy body. I couldn't help but to laugh also as I'm ticklish if you catch me at the right time. As Niki drew designs on my stomach and lower abs, the tickling started to become a little erotic which caused my cock to stiffen.

"Oh looky here! What do we have? Looks like a mud puppie to me!" Niki laughed as she grabbed my dick and without thinking started to stroke me.

"Yeoouch!" I cried as I jumped backwards and retrieved my dick from her pumping hands! "That felt like sand paper!"

"Oh I'm so sorry James, I wasn't thinking......oh god, here, let's wash you off..." Niki cried leading me into the bathing area. Keiko was laughing at my discomfort. I felt like giving her behind a good rubbing myself if my dick hadn't been hurting so much!

We all rinsed ourselves first then washed all the left over grime off of our bodies. Niki cupped my flaccid penis and softly massaged me as she apologized all over again. "I'm so sorry, I forgot what Keiko told us about the grit...." She then kneeled down and kissed the head of my cock and mouthed it as I began to lengthen and harden from her ministrations.

"Looks like it still works ok!" Keiko laughed! "Oh gawd that was so funny! But, I'm sorry, that must have also hurt too!"

"Damn Niki, you keep doing that and I'll forget about where we are!" I moaned.

Niki slowly withdrew my hard cock, but not before she slowly scrapped her teeth along the bottom of my cock! Shit! I almost came with that!

"Oh, well. I guess we really shouldn't cause a scene here, shouldn't we?" Niki smiled demurely as she stood up, gave my cock a quick squeeze, then started walking towards the changing room, swaying her hips from side to side! What a tease!

I quickly ran over to her and picked her up from behind before she could get away. Wrapping my arms around her from behind, I started tickling her stomach and sides while Niki began laughing and struggling to get away! Then before she could do anything, I ran my fingers down to her labia and began stroking her lips. All of a sudden her laughter stopped as Niki sighed and closed her eyes to fully enjoy the feelings emanating from her pussy.

Keiko came over and softly kissed one of Niki's breasts while she tweaked the other with her fingers. I could hear Niki's breathing grow short and raspy as her arousal began to take over her actions.

Keiko pulled Niki down to lay down on the ground while Keiko began to lap Niki's slit with short, quick strokes of her tongue. Niki held Keiko's head to her pussy as her hips squirmed with desire.

I moved behind Keiko and lifted her buttocks until she was in a kneeling position. Then I entered her steamy pussy using slow but steady pressure to inch my way into her hot love channel. Keiko moaned into Niki's pussy as I filled her vagina. We made love at the mud bath for over an hour as I first filled Keiko's pussy then Niki's with my cum, and both girls ate each other. Good thing it was a slow day at the mud baths!

As we left the mud baths, Keiko asked her driver to take us back to our hotel in Tokyo. We napped the entire ride back and didn't wake up until the driver announced our arrival at our hotel. Keiko decided to go home to change her clothes and rest up. We agreed to meet up for dinner later that night.

Niki and I dropped our things off in our room then decided to explore the area immediately around our hotel which is situated where most of the governmental action is downtown. We walked across a skybridge that connected the hotel with the municipal government building that was across the street from our hotel. It is the tallest building in Tokyo and had two observation decks at the tops of the twin towers that grace the impressive structure. The decks were open to the public 7 days a week so we took the elevators up to check out the view.

Having lived in as well as visited many large cities before, we've become accustomed to seeing concrete and roadways that stretch to the horizon. That's been our experience with Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York, Chicago, Miami, San Diego, and Washington DC. But the view of Tokyo from the top of the municipal government building showed us that greenery can be successfully interwove with concrete and glass, even in a town with a population of more than 14 million people. And in the center of all of that was the ancient imperial palace where the current, sitting emperor and his family still reside. A curious blend of old and new.

We returned to our hotel in time to meet Keiko. She was getting out of her car while we were descending from the skybridge. Perfect timing. We jumped back into her car and her driver took us over to the Roppongi district of Tokyo. It's a shopping district that's popular with locals and tourists alike. It's awash with lights and sounds as shop owners vie for your attention and dollars, or in this case, yen!

After another hour of strolling along side the endless rows of store fronts, we came across several restaurants. All had lifelike images of their various dishes on display in their front windows. We chose to enter a "yakiniku" shop which seemed to promote a number of offbeat grilled items. Gotta try these things while we're here!

As we entered, we heard the familiar sing-song of the grill-master as he greeted us. "Irashai!" [Welcome!] he yelled out as we entered his small restaurant. We took a seat at a counter that seemed to be built around an open kitchen. Along the counter were a series of small hibachis that the cook apparently grilled stuff on.

As we seated ourselves, the grill-master started to rattle off a series of explanations and questions in Japanese. Niki raised her hand, smiled, and politely apologized for our lack of language skills, "Gomenasai; Nihongo wakaremasen. Eigo wakaremasuka?" [Excuse me, but we don't understand Japanese. Do you understand English?]

"Ah, so-so-so," our erstwhile grill-master clucked, then nodding his head, retreated to a curtained doorway where he yelled out for someone. "Michi-chan!" He yelled, to which we heard a young girl's reply, "Hai!" Keiko, who chose to remain silent initially, was chuckling to herself as she watched the drama unfold before us!

Out of the doorway tumbled a young girl who must have been all of 12 or 13 years of age. She spied us immediately and figured that the "gaijin" [foreigners] sitting at the counter must not be able to speak Japanese! She failed to include Keiko in that assessment but I guess Niki and I must have stuck out like sore thumbs! Funny, that we can always spot the Japanese tourists as they walked about back home. I guess the reverse holds true here in Japan.

Michi-chan came over and bowed to us before greeting us, "Welcome. Thank you for coming our restaurant. May I, ummm, ask your order?"

To which Keiko rattled off a response in Japanese which had Michi-chan and the grill-master laughing so hard! Keiko informed us that she told them that we were visiting from Hawaii and although we were part Japanese, we couldn't speak it very well! I think that there must have been more to what she told them as they found whatever it was very funny.

We learned that Michi-chan was 11-years old and had been studying English in her elementary school for several years now. And the venerable grill-master was her father.

I told Michi-chan's father (with Keiko translating) that Michi-chan's English was very good and that he must be very proud of her. And that her knowledge of language would become even more important as she became an adult.

He bowed and thanked us profusely for our compliments. Michi-chan continued to wait on us through dinner. She used the time to practice her conversational skills and also wanted to hear more about Hawaii where Niki and I lived. Keiko also let her know about her experience of going to school in the US. Michi-chan was fascinated by the differences between living in Hawaii and in southern California.

Dinner was superb. Michi-chan's father kept feeding us all sorts of grilled delicacies. I couldn't make out what half of the items were. But they were all great! His little charcoal hibachi put my Weber grill back home to shame. Keiko told us later that we had eaten grilled beef tongue, marinated and grilled chicken livers, pickled and grilled rocky mountain oysters (yeah I know, sounds gross but they sure tasted good!), grilled fresh water eels, and grilled tripe. If I knew what these things were before I ate them, there would have been no way that I would have been able to put them into my mouth. But, oh, did they taste great!


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