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A Town Called Eclipse


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"I'll think about it. The tea is good."

"I'm glad, I grow it myself. I have a garden where I grow tea and some rare herbs."

"Rare herbs, what kind of rare herbs," I asked.

She reached over and opened a plain wooden box and took out a pipe and a pouch. She removed tobacco from the pouch and loaded up the pipe. She struck a match and soon there was a pleasant if pungent aroma in the air. She offered me the pipe and I inhaled and savored the odd smelling herb. I let out the smoke and felt the first hint of lightheadedness. Tara smiled and took another lungful of smoke. Seeing that I had enjoyed the tobacco the gnome retrieved a second pipe and handed it to me. I filled the pipe and lit it. I felt great after smoking with her. It was as if I had consumed a few pints of beer. When I asked her where she had gotten the herb Tara mentioned a travelling herbalist that had passed through a few years back. Tara had been growing her own ever since. It was medicinal and helped her relax after a rough day in the laboratory.

"I'm glad you are safe." Tara said her eyes unfocused and her words slurring.

"Great pipe weed," I replied, and her giggle turned into full out laughter.

"It gets better ever season." She said wiping the tears from her eyes. "How did you learn about the coming eclipse?"

"I received a telegram. A cousin of mine has been a star gazer for a long time. She is the foremost expert on stellar and planetary motion, or so she boasts."

"You miss her..." Tara blurted out and I winced. "I'm sorry Dusk... god damn it, what is your real name?"

"Since you asked it is Valakhor Bloodrose." I said watching her reaction.

"I have heard of your clan. I heard they were all gone, apparently not."

"You can call me Val if you wish."

The front door of the laboratory opened, and we could hear footsteps growing ever closer. A human dressed in the garb of a blacksmith and wreaking of the forge strode in. He was tall by human standards with ruddy skin and long black hair. He was still sweaty from his time near the flames. He walked up to Tara and kissed her full on the mouth surprising both of us. Tara slapped him hard and chastised him about showing affection in front of guests. The human fell to his knees and groveled before her. Tara looked at me and she was as flushed as he was. She stammered out an apology, but I waved her off.

"You don't need to apologize to me. I understand love or lust or..."

"Or?" Tara asked. "...or what?"

"He isn't..." I said sniffing the air recognizing a scent I would have sworn I thought was gone from the world. "Dragon."

"Furn... don't, he is a friend!" Tara cried out as the human flew to his feet and his demeanor changed as did the color of his eyes.

"He is a Duskwalker. His kind enslaved us... his kind..." his voice grew in strength and power until I tore open my shirt and let him see the mark upon my chest. "By the gods..."

"What is it Furn?" The gnome asked clinging to her lover. "I don't see anything."

"I am sorry friend." Furn said his voice soft and apologetic.

"I don't understand. It took me a decade to earn your trust, and in a mere moment you call him friend! Explain yourself Furn you owe me that at least."

"He is a friend to all my kind." The camouflaged dragon said.

"All, but I thought." I muttered stunned by his words.

"Those that could went into hiding. I hide as a lowly human. The stench of the furnace masks my scent. Others have taken on a more dignified shape. I slip into it when needs must."

The human was gone and in its place a common house cat. The calico licked his paws and blinked his eyes slowly. Now every time I saw a cat on the street or in someone's home I will wonder if it is merely a cat or a dragon hiding in plain sight. Furn returned to his human shape and Tara informed he was in desperate need of a bath. Furn perambulated to a corner of the laboratory that was curtained off. I heard running water and soon after the low rumbling voice of a singing dragon. Tara informed me that Furn had demanded his own shower. I had heard of such things but only the wealthiest could afford such luxuries. Tara had simply built her own. It even had both hot and cold water available. The only other shower in the town was in the mayor's mansion.

I was invited to stay for dinner and since I had no other plans I accepted. When I had half expected to be stone cold dead and buried by now dinner sounded nice. Tara went to work while Furn retreated to the kitchen to cook dinner. They had an unusual relationship. I had noticed how swiftly he knelt when he felt he had crossed a line. Was she the dominant personality between the two? Did he fill the role of wife? I found my way to a balcony that overlooked the town proper. Eclipse was lively with activity for the festivities tomorrow. I could see worn banners being erected. They must have been colorful once, but the sun and weather had sapped their pigment long ago. I could make out music as well drifting up from the streets and I found my foot tapping in time with the melody.

"I haven't seen them so excited in a long time." Tara said as she approached from behind. "The mayor is gone, the sheriff is on the mend, and you are the hero of the hour. Simply challenging Erick to a duel gave those he had cheated a measure of hope."

"I did what I felt was right. Wait, you called him Erick. How well did you know the former mayor?"

"He hired me to wire his house for electricity as well as the inside plumbing." She said and paused for a moment. "I plan on wiring the entire town after the railroad is established. It will afford me enough regular income to fund my experiments for the foreseeable future."

"They offered me the title of mayor." I blurted out. "Well, Magnus and the sheriff felt I was the man for the position."

"Really," she said with a noticeable lilt in her voice. "Are you going to accept?"

"I am pondering it." I said. "I guess it depends on incentives."

"Damn it," she cursed. "I wish I was taller and well you know..."

"Are you offering your body again?" I asked, and she nodded. I leaned over and whispered in her ear. "Well?"

"I've never done that sort of thing before. But if it would help you decide I'll give it a try."

She was just the right height for what I suggested. She stood in front of me facing and slowly unzipped me. Tara tentatively reached in and freed my semi-hard member. She licked her lips and as her hands stroked me slowly her tongue lapped at the head. I shivered as the sensation of her slippery pink tongue teased me. I moaned and that fed her desire to please me. I grew hard in her grasp and that made her bold. I gasped when her mouth engulfed the entire head of my cock. My eyes fluttered shut as I felt her tongue swirl and lap around me. Her hands moved faster, and I begged her to swallow when I came. My words inflamed her desire and she pushed her head forward. After a few attempts the head popped into her throat. Surprised I opened my eyes and saw her lips pressed against the base of my manhood. By the gods she was good at this!

"Damn Tara, how did you do that?" I asked as she began moving her head. "I've never in my long life... oh shit..."

Her small hands stroked me faster as her mouth, tongue, and even teeth tested my endurance. I was panting as I neared the point of no return. I warned her, but I think she already knew. I clenched my teeth to keep from screaming and alarming either Furn or Russell. I stared down hypnotized by her talented orifice and let out a gurgled cry as I climaxed. Tara fell still, and I saw her throat muscles work as she swallowed. Slowly she pulled her head back until with a pop my cock sprung free. I fought the urge to stagger and locked my knees.

"I can do that whenever you want, if and only if you become my mayor."

"By thunder you are skilled in the oral arts!" I praised her and feeling a desire to fuck her on the spot.

"I guess snacks are out of the question," Furn said from the doorway. "How about some wine?"

"That would be lovely to wash down the saltiness of the Duskwalker's cock milk."

"Did you?" The dragon asked with a hint of mirth in his voice.

"Of course, he had no idea how skilled I was at fellatio." She said with pride. "I am one of the finest cocksuckers in a hundred leagues I dare say."

"Lady Crimson taught her much for sessions with the hysteria machine. She loves taking it in her backside by the way. Her cunt maybe too small but her ass is another thing altogether, isn't it my lust."

"Damn you Furn! I was going to surprise him this very evening by engulfing his minotaur cock with... well now it is all ruined."

Tara stormed off and Furn laughed. He left me alone with my cock still swinging in the breeze. I tucked it in and zipped up. I still felt energized by the aftermath of her fellatio. I had wondered how she had tamed a dragon but now I knew. With mouth and ass, she had bested him. I walked around the many tables that made up her laboratory. Dozens of experiments were in various stages of completion and at the center was the tome Tara had asked me to decipher. It was a carefully and skilled copy derived from one of my people's works. The scribe had been meticulous in his execution of pen to paper. He had successfully carried not just characters but proper punctuation from the original material. The order of the pages was out of proper order but besides that I found no fault in the book. If I took up the mantle of mayor I could leisurely translate the contents for Tara but I feared what secrets my people had abandoned that she might rediscover.

"You found it." Tara said as she returned in a better mood. "What do you think? Is it legible?"

"Quite, the scribe was exquisitely talented. He or she had never missed a single pen stroke. If I stay it will prove to be for me a kind of homecoming. I haven't set eyes on my people's writings in many a year."

"Stay Val," she purred. "Let me pleasure you and learn from your people. I am willing to share my body for such knowledge."

"You are more honest than most," I said biting back the word whore. "You will have what you desire and so shall I. I will break you little gnome."

"Gods, I hope so."

The carriages began to arrive during the night. The revelries as well started early. Music and booze flowed freely until nigh on midnight. The sheriff called a halt and reluctantly the more inebriated of the townsfolk staggered to bed. I couldn't sleep and shared the night watch with Russell. We stalked the shadows around Tara's home and laboratory. His keen eyesight found the bare footprints left by goblin scouts as they surveyed the layout and entrances of the two buildings. They had wisely kept a fair distance from the structures to keep their movements obfuscated. The prints were new and only a few hours old. The diminutive beings had only gone so far and no further. If they were going to strike it wasn't tonight. They would use what intelligence they had gleaned and formulate an attack plan. I would inform the sheriff and get his wisdom on the matter. I returned to the house and slept on the couch until dawn. I broke my fast before taking the trail to town so that I could speak with the lawman.

"Sheriff." I said in greeting as I stepped into the jail.

"Duskwalker, have you thought over the offer?" He asked as he poured me a cup of coffee.

"I have indeed. As of late I have found entertaining incentive to stay and help repair the damage Erick has done."

"Incentive you say, let me guess Lady Crimson has shed her fear and embraced you. She has a way with inspiring males of any race."

"Be that as it may I came here to ask your advice." I said, and the fair skinned elf apologized for speaking ill of the madam. "I fear that goblin miners are going to attack the Cogsworth estate and damage her digging machine. They may not stop at that and kill the architect of the threat to their livelihood."

"You have evidence I suppose." He said, and I nodded. "What have you got?"

"Footprints and overhearing them plotting and planning." I replied and watched his eyes widen in surprise. "Do I set up an ambush and wait for them or is there another course of action you'd suggest?"

"Let me think," he said pondering the options. "If I talk to Magnus they might catch on. If you gun them down before they break in, I'd have to hang you for murder. Stay close and I'll get back as soon as I can."

I accepted his judgement. He had the entire town to consider. I was focused solely on Tara's hard work and her creation as well as her personal safety. Russell could keep her safe until the sheriff decided. I walked around the various stalls and vendors watching more and more stagecoaches arrive carrying strangers that had gotten word of the impending solar event that would play out later today. The tourists were of all races and social standing. The well off came in fine carriages pulled by noble beasts. The others were crammed in together but were of good spirit. They had endured the three-day ride from the railroad station. The energy in the air was festive and growing as time went by. I drew more attention than usual but that was to be expected. It was a young well-dressed elf child that approached me and asked me why my hands and eyes were so strange. His parents, well off and of proper breeding, visibly cringed but I smiled as I squatted down and showed him my left hand. Fearlessly the child examined my fingers and thumbs with great enthusiasm.

"It must be difficult eating. How do you hold a fork?"

"I have my own utensils young one. It makes it much easier." I said, and he laughed.

"I should have known. What is your clan name? I am Louis Lighthammer. That is my father Gregory and my mother Mary. She is from the Stormtower line."

"Fairly met Lighthammer," I replied smiling at his impeccable manners. "I am Duskwalker but my family name is Bloodrose and my clan is Blachthorn. You, young sir, may call me Val."

"My father told me a story once of the Duskwalkers. The ground trembled beneath them wherever they strode. The sun shone a bit brighter and the wind blew a bit cooler."

"Those are just stories."

I stood, and the boy ran off to his father and was talking so fast it was hard to keep up. I continued my walk around the town. Tara, Ebony, and Furn made an appearance. Tara took out a silver dollar and handed it to one of the local boys along with two bright red flags. The boy flew into a run directly at the town's clocktower. He raced inside and appeared a little while later at a door in the face of the clock. He hung the flags at the proper time of the start of the eclipse. The boy whistled drawing attention to the clock and the crowd clapped. We had two hours before the sky darkened. I approached the trio and Tara informed me she was determined to see the eclipse come what may. She informed me that my friend was guarding the machine. I was about to tell her to relax when I saw someone in the crowd. He looked a little rough around the edges and didn't seem to be enjoying himself. I felt a shiver run down my spine and I began searching the crowd. There were twelve of them in all. They stood out if you knew what to look for. Six of them were orcs while the other half dozen were a mix or elves and two humans.

"Furn, keep an eye on the ladies." I whispered in the dragon's ear. "Keep a low profile."

"Of course, is there going to be trouble?"

"Maybe, but I may just be paranoid." I said as I saw the former mayor Erick. "Erick is here. Keep them safe Furn. If you see the sheriff send him my way."

I moved through the crowd making an indirect path towards Erick. He saw me, and I could see the indecision in his eyes. He remained where he was. I greeted him, and the old mask of superiority slid back into place. I wanted to slap it off him, but our little confrontation had stirred a response from the dozen men I had spotted earlier. They were in fact working for Erick. They bristled and revealed the fact that they were armed, well-armed.

"What are you up to Erick?" I asked locking eyes with him.

"So informal," he said. "I wanted to leave but I couldn't without a parting shot."

"There are innocent people here. Do you really intend on going through with this?" I asked, and he smiled.

"I don't care if I bury one or the entirety of the town. I am going to be a rich man in a handful of days but before that I will exact my pound of flesh."

I had a vitriolic reply ready but at that moment the young elf child tugged on my arm. I turned to see who it was and that allowed Erick and his men to slip away unseen. I frowned at the child, but he boldly continued and informed me that someone wanted to speak with me. I thanked him and followed him back to his parents and the dwarf standing with them. I recognized Magnus D instantly. I shook his hand and informed him that Erick had returned. He in turn told me that his entire goblin workforce had simply walked out. I asked him to warn the sheriff about Erick and his men while I raced back to the laboratory to protect the digging machine. It was possible that the goblins would simply dismantle the damn thing, or they might in their rage set the multi-ton vehicle into motion and damage the town and its inhabitants. It was slow going because of the crowd. I looked to the clock and time was short. I raced out of town once I was clear of the pressing bodies. I was unarmed and facing an unknown number of foes. I had just reached the exterior of the laboratory when I heard the shriek of goblin voices and a deep rumble beneath my feet.

"Damn... damn... damn..."

The spinning drill of the metallic beast punched its way to the surface and I could see several goblins clinging to the exterior as well as a small group inside the pilot's compartment. I launched my body at the machine as it passed. My sudden appearance surprised the goblins. I was able to shove and kick off a few that were between me and the exterior door to the wheel house. I yanked open the door and faced a small mob of pissed off goblins. The wheel house had no wheel. There were only a series of levers, switches, and displays. Between me and the controls was the pack. They growled, hissed, and spat as they tried to control the machine's direction.

"No... no... that one... pull that one..." a goblin barked.

"NO... the blue one... no the 'other' blue one..." another squealed.

"Shut up all of you!" Yet another roared. "I cannot think straight!"

"Get out of my way," I yelled in their guttural language.

They all fell silent. The leader stared at me with mouth agape and shoved the others out of the way. I moved to stand in front of the control panel. I was baffled and tried to decipher the purposes of the levers. The goblins began to squeal and curse. I looked up through the glass screen and horrified at the sight before me. We were headed for someone's home. How had we reached the town so quickly? The drill chewed through the wooden structure with an ease that would have filled Tara with pride. A sudden roar filled the pilot's compartment and I saw one of the goblins pulling on a bright yellow length of rope. The steam whistle made my ears ring. It did the job though. It warned everyone that the digging machine was on a rampage through the town. Try as I might I only ended doing more damage. I yanked one of the levers and the machine did a forty-five degree turn to the right and went straight for a second home. My frustration grew with each passing heartbeat. I prayed everyone was at the celebration. The thought of impaling or crushing some poor hapless soul was horrifying. I was afraid to try another lever, but our current course was headed towards Main Street.

"Goddess preserve us," I prayed under my breath.

"Kill crush?" The goblin leader asked.

"NO..." I growled as I grabbed another lever and pulled. "Damn it all to hell!"


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