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A Trip to Texas


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"Yeah, right!" she said and then laughed.

I grinned and got up off the bench and walked toward her. She cocked her head to the side slightly and looked at me hard. Still grinning, I turned and walked over to the back of the truck and got out my laptop case.

"This should do the trick," I said.

I rummaged around in a box and found an extension cord. I plugged it into the small power box by the parking space and ran it down to the table. Lilly came over and watched me closely as I set up the small computer. When I had it fired up, I got my camera, popped out the memory card, and hooked up the card reader to the computer. In a matter of a few seconds, I had the pictures downloaded to the laptop.

As I returned the memory card to the camera, Lilly asked, "That's all there is to it?" When I nodded, she said, "I thought it was somehow more technical and complicated than that."

I chuckled and replied, "Nope, even stupid old men like me can do it." I paused a second, and added, "And download pictures to laptops, too."

Lilly laughed and said, "You are something else." She moved over beside me and put her arm around my shoulders. "Can we see the pictures now?"

"Sure," I said as I brought up one of my graphics programs.

As we looked through the pictures, Lilly said, "That little camera takes great pictures. They are sharp and clear, and all of them are in focus." I explained to her about mega pixels and the auto focus and auto flash.

When we got to the three pictures of her spinning around, she got a big surprise and I got my first glimpse of the front of her body, under that skirt. In the third picture, her skirt was flared out and up, revealing the dark curly hair in the shape of a heart on her mound. She laughed and then giggled as I enlarged that area of the picture.

"Now you know all my secrets," she said and laughed again.

"I doubt it." I replied, "But in time, I'll learn it all."

I flipped to the picture of her close up and I could see the love and affection clearly written on her face. "That picture, I'm going to print out and frame," I said softly as I looked over at her.

She lowered her eyes and looked at me through her lashes, a shy smile on her face.

"It's a great picture of a very lovely and loving lady."

When she didn't say anything, I turned back to the screen, flipped to the last picture, and found that I had caught the shot of her breasts. Lilly, kissing me on the cheek distracted me a moment and then she looked at the screen and gasped, "Oh my God, you did get the picture."

I grinned and said, "I sure did, and it's a beauty. I'm going to frame this one too."

"You had better not. I wouldn't want to scare someone if they saw it," she said.

I turned to her and said, "Darling, you are very beautiful and you wouldn't scare anyone. I have an idea that the wrong person was in front of that camera of yours. You should have been the one modeling."

She laughed and said, "I don't think so. If you had seen these young girls, you wouldn't say that. They were gorgeous. I'm way to old and plain to even compare with them."

I kissed her softly on the lips and replied, "They are plastic people from what I've seen in the magazines. You, you're real. A real person that has lived and loved, one that knows about life and it shows. I'm no professional photograph but if I was, you would be the kind of woman, I would want to photograph."

After a moment of silences she smiled and said, "Thank you, thank you very much for the compliments but I think you're nuts."

"If you think that, then you haven't been looking at these pictures with the same photographer's eye that you would normally use to evaluate a model and her pictures," I said, frankly.

When she looked back at the screen to study the picture there, I added, "Don't look at the you, that you hold in your mind. Look at the person in the picture as someone you've never seen."

After a minute or so, she said, "That's hard to do. I've thought of myself as just me, and plain all my life. I guess I'll have to take your word for it."

"I'll bet that if I showed that picture to five people, all of them would say "Wow, what a beautiful lady."" I told her.

She chuckled and replied, "Yeah, especially the men who would be only looking at my boobs."

I grinned and said, "Hey, give us guys a little more credit than that. Yes, the boobs would be the first thing they would see, but then after they drank in they're loveliness, they would move on to the rest of the picture." I paused and then added, "Sooner or later."

Lilly laughed and kissed me softly on the lips. When she moved back, she sat there for several seconds, just looking at me. Softly she said, "You are a good and kind man."

"Thank you," I said. "I'm not saying this out of goodness or kindness, it's just the truth. Let me take some more pictures of you and I'll prove it."

"Ok," she said softly. "But what about supper?" she asked, looking over at the steaks.

With a grin, I replied, "Supper can wait. I think this is important and anyway it's way too early for supper. I'll stick the steaks back in the ice chest."

"Where are we going to take the pictures?" Lilly asked and then added, "And what kind of pictures are we talking about? I'm not to hot about the idea of girly magazine pictures, they seem to be more like gynecology ads to me than art."

I laughed and came over to kiss her. "No, I'm thinking more along the lines of the old cheesecake type pictures. Not a whole lot showing, just a hint of this, that, and the other." I told her.

She grinned and replied, "Yeah I know, but it's my, this, that, and the other, that will be hanging out for the world to see."

I chuckled and said, "A most beautiful, this, that, and the other, they are too. Come on, let's go back down by the waterfall, it will make a great background. It's also a lot more private than it is here in camp." We were the only ones in this area of the park but you never knew who might show up or when.


I put the computer away and we headed back to the falls, Lilly had wanted to put on makeup and to change clothes but I convinced her that everything was just fine, that I wanted to show her the real her. Finally, she shrugged and agreed. The only thing we brought with us besides the camera was a large dark green beach towel.

We had our arms around each other as we walked down the hill to the rock where we had lain earlier and kissed. "How about, if we start here?" I asked her.

She grinned and climbed up to sit on the rock, saying, "Sure thing boss, this is your shoot, you have the camera, and I'll play the model."

"Ok then, spread out the towel, and lay down on your side facing me. We'll start out easy and see where this goes," I said, trying to sound professional. I think the big grin on my face probably gave away the fact that I was enjoying myself.

Lilly followed my directions and lay down, propping her head up on her hand. I had her keep her bottom leg straight and to bring her top knee forward until I said stop. After I took a picture, I had her lift the knee up, and position her foot behind the lower knee. The hem of the skirt slipped down her thigh and pooled up at her waist. Neither shot showed anything but her great legs and shapely thighs.

I then had her sit up and cross her legs to sit Indian fashion. I adjusted the skirt so that it was high on her thighs but cover her sex. I tried to adjust the top band down but it was too tight. Lilly grinned and showed me the heavy elastic drawstring. I loosened it, until the top third of her breasts were exposed and then I retied it.

I had her hold her hands, first in her lap, then folded below her breasts, and finally resting on the towel behind her, allowing her to lean back slightly. All three pictures were good shots in my minds eye. One thing all the pictures had in common was the loving look in Lilly's eyes.

Next, I had her sit up, bring her knees up, and place her feet together, as close in front of her as she could. Then I had her hug her knees and place her chin on her them. The dress looked tented up so I had her drop the hem back down to her lap and fold it neatly around her hips. With her head and arms back in position, I took four pictures from different angles. She had been smiling all this time but as I took the last two, she grinned. I stopped there and asked her what she was grinning at.

"You're getting quite a tent in the front of those shorts," she said softly and then chuckled.

I nodded and told her, "Well, that just proves how beautiful and sexy you are then, doesn't it?"

"Something seems to be working on you, that is for sure." She paused a second and added, "There's nothing else around here but me to account for it, so ergo; it must be me. It's hard for me to believe but..." She let the sentence trail off.

I walked over, kissed her on the lips, and then said, "Yes, it's you; I'm going to make a believer out of you yet."

She grinned and replied, "You're sure working on it."

"Ok," I said, getting back to business. I loosened the drawstring again and walked back to where I had been. "Now, stay like you are, but lower the top of the skirt down to just below your waist."

She grinned at me and then laughed, "You sure have found a smooth way of getting a girl out of her clothes. A camera and a little flattery will do it every time." As she laughed again, I took her picture.

"Yeah, right, if that was my intentions, all I had to do was to ask you nicely and you'd have been naked a long time ago," I said with a grin.

She grinned back and replied, "I know but its fun teasing you." She paused a second and then went on, "Actually, I'm having a ball posing for you. The poses you've had me in so far have felt natural and you are not pushy or fussy. You're good at this, have ever considered changing professions?"

"Taking pictures, is just a hobby with me. The graphics work afterwards is what intrigues me," I said. "Ok, get back into position, so I can ogle you some more. I mean, take some more pictures."

She laughed as she put her arms around her knees and rested her chin on them. I took three pictures like that; only the one from the side showed anything, and then that was just the side of her breast.

I moved forward, repositioned her feet about six inches apart, and had her place her arms on top of her knees. With her chin now on her arms, I stepped back and took three pictures standing and three more from a kneeling position. The angled and side shots now showed a little more of her breasts, with a hint of a nipple.

As I took the last one from directly in front of her, I realized that her sex was framed between her ankles. My semi hard manhood thickened and hardened some more, the tent was growing larger.

Grinning, I stood up and moved over to kiss her gently. When I stepped back again, I asked, "How about it sexy, you ready for a break or do you want to continue?"

She grinned, her eyes on the front of my shorts, as she said, "I think this is making you are as horny as I am."

"And the problem with that is?" I asked and chuckled.

She laughed and replied, "None that I know of. I was just making an observation." She looked up at my face and added, "Maybe I should just ditch this skirt and see just how big that tent can get."

"That would put it up to max real quick but my hands would be shaking too much to take any decent pictures." I replied with a chuckle.

"How about indecent ones, then?" She asked with a laugh.

"Those would make me shake ever more," I answered.

"Good," she said as she stood up and dropped the skirt to pool around her feet.

I stared at her, drinking in her beauty for a second and then took two steps back. I took four shots from different angles of her just standing there, silhouetted against the sky.

When I lowered the camera, I looked her up and down for a moment and then said in a soft voice, "Damn, you are one beautiful woman, from head to toe."

She wiggled her toes and giggled. I laughed and moved forward to take a picture of just her feet with their toe rings and ankle bracelets.

She laughed again and said, "You are crazy, but a funny kind of crazy. You make me laugh and that's something I haven't done too much of lately."

"If you can't or aren't having fun, then you're doing something wrong. That's what I always say." I told her with a grin.

She sat back down, as she had been earlier and said, "That makes sense to me." She looked at me an added, "A whole lot of things seem to make sense around you." She smiled and then grinned; "I can almost believe that I am at least a little bit pretty, when you say it."

I moved over and put my hands on either side of her face and looked into her eyes, "Pretty my foot, you are drop dead gorgeous and I'm going to make you believe that one day." I paused and then added, "It'll probably be the day you leave me, when you realize how beautiful you are, and then you'll wonder what you're doing with such an ugly, dirty old man. My only hope is that by then, my wheelchair will be able to outrun your walker and I can still chase you down."

Lilly started to laugh and did, until tears were rolling down her cheeks. I laughed right along with her. As our laughter died away, she put her arms around my neck and kissed me softly. I held her face and kissed her back.

When we broke the kiss, Lilly said, "I love you."

"I love you," was my reply.


We never made it to Texas on my vacation; we spent two weeks right there at Deer Park, and then returned to my house. I put the house up for sale and worked for my asshole boss until it was sold. By the end of the next week, we were in a small town not to far outside of Austin, living in a small rental house. I hadn't even told the boss that I had quit. We just left town.


Five years later and a lot of hard work, has made us comfortable. We have a small house with a photography and graphics shop next door. We specialize in digital cameras and custom graphics, no job to big or too small. Most of my work is handled over the Internet and Lilly does freelance photograph for a number of magazines and periodicals.

We travel a lot throughout the state and still camp out as much as we can. I still photograph Lily every chance I get. Our bedroom has a couple of hundred, framed pictures of her covering all the walls.

The first pictures we took of each other are hanging in my office, in a heart shaped frame. The picture of me, she took with my shirt off is in her office, with the title, "My Teddy Bear" in gold lettering across the bottom of the frame. Her girl friends think it's cute, so do I, but don't tell anyone.

The first year we were down here, I slipped a few of Lily's pictures onto a couple of sights on the Internet. She got rave reviews, which I never doubted. When I showed her the pictures, she was shocked but after she got into reading the comments, she ended up raping me on the office floor.

Today she is a beautiful, self-confident lady that has no limitations. The two things we're now in total agreement on are her beauty and our love. I hope you enjoyed our story and maybe we'll see you somewhere on the Internet or in a state park.

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bigbob2406bigbob2406about 1 month ago

Fcuk the anons whinging complaints !! I thought it was a most enjoyable story about two lost people finding each other .Well written and well done. Thank you very much.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Slow and boring

Campus77Campus7711 months ago

I have tears in my eyes after reading this tale. What a beautiful romantic story of two people whose lives are a mess, who meet and quickly find they are more than compatible. Forget "Anonymous". He pops up on many stories. The same bitches and references to his elementary teachers. The story is the point and yours are consistently off the chart wonderful. I wonder if this one is a little autobiographical. From your picture and bio I get the feeling that you are similar to The Teddy Bear. Hard to believe this story is totally fiction. ;-))

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago


Thanks you for a lovely Romance.

You slowly built two wonderful characters before out eyes and presented them with a very clever plot.

Your lead male give an exemplary description of how a real man helps a special woman grow even more special.

The Hoary Cleric

TxRadTxRad12 months agoAuthor

Dear Mr Anonymous, how about throwing up a couple of your stories for people to look at before you complain about a story you are getting for free. If you want to pay to have the story edited, let me know.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

I am constantly surprised at the number of talented writers that have not mastered the proper use of some of the most common words in the English language. Case in point is using 'to' instead of 'too', 'of' instead of 'off', the misuse of your, you're and yore, quite and quiet, there they're and their, and the list goes on. There is a good tutorial on the subject here on Lit that all of us should read once in a while. I'm certainly no master, and have no room to point my finger at others. What little knowledge I have is because of the dedication of my 1st through 6th grade teachers starting 67 years ago. Mrs. Bronch, Mrs. Pritchard and Mrs Molyneaux, I am forever in your debt.

Magic_CapMagic_Capabout 1 year ago

Just wonderful ! 👍

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Good story. I like the way it moved, not to fast not to slow. And, had a good ending.

TheOldStudTheOldStudalmost 2 years ago


I really like your stories but sometimes they are a little confusing. How many times was Jack married? Did one wife leave after six years and another die after more than twenty years of marriage? No complaints though. Five stars as usual...

apollo70apollo70about 2 years ago

I have been reading your stories and like what you write. This story is one of my favorites. Great job!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Can't say enough. Just read it!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

gentle, slow, easy on the mind and easy to imagine and picture the couple. perfect ending

wish_thinkerwish_thinkerover 2 years ago

Nicebut ended too simply

CaptainRiverCaptainRiverover 2 years ago


I just found your stories yesterday. This is the 4th in a row and 4th 5* rating. You write what I enjoy reading; well crafted good stories about real people in believable situations. Thanks for your work.

David_BrockDavid_Brockover 2 years ago

Very nice, was every dream I wanted but never got, As the story says, life is like that. LOL,. That might have been anotherone. SOme get their simplests dreams fufilled, some never get any of theirs. But. there is always hope. Hope is like spring and renews every year, or day, or4 month.,

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I love this story!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Lovely story. Well written. Love the mischief, love and banter between the two. Keep more like this coming. Five stars.

Ravey19Ravey19over 4 years ago
Loved It

A very nice romantic story. I know he's older but so what; most of those mature stories are younger man, older woman. This was refreshing. Thought it could have been longer with more on the journey, but, hey, you're the writer with the skills I ain't got. Thanks and keep on writing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
I decided to dump at their ages

I do NOT like older men younger women stories so never read them. I know older people need love too. She is a bit to old for the stories I like, but he is way older than any story I read. She is still in her sexual prime at 44, he is not even close to his. When she is ready to rock and roll he is ready to roll over and go to sleep. THAT'S a FACT! How would I improve this story? Make him 28 and her 34.

zooliciouszooliciousover 4 years ago
another enjoyable find

Always enjoy your writing.

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