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A Trip to the Doctor's Office


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But I had little time to ponder those fears before I felt the push on my head from Indira's hands. I tried to relax my throat, I really did. I also tried to think of this as being dunked in a tub of water and thus held my breath on the way down.

I think it helped but I still felt Doreen's toes at the back of my throat before I came up most of the way. But of course before I came all the way off, Indira was pushing me back down again. As I made a few trips down Doreen's foot I began to realize Indira's plan with the lipstick.

My lips, stretched as they were, were sliding with some pressure down the sides, top, and bottom of Doreen's foot. No doubt I was leaving a smudge of lipstick as I went, and thus the reddish-pink color on her skin would indicate just how far my mouth had travelled.

However knowing the purpose didn't make it any easier to accept Doreen's foot. Indira just kept pumping my head up and down, over and over, never letting me leave completely. It was just like...and that's when I had an epiphany.

It was just like a rough blowjob where the girl isn't allowed off the cock and the man is in a frenzy with no regard for her choking and gagging. Indira was fucking my throat with Doreen's foot!

I was aware, but there was nothing I could do about it. From Indira's position she hardly had to worry even if I had my hands free; but they weren't free as Janet was holding them tight behind my back. So she just continued to fuck Doreen's foot with my mouth.

I don't know just how long it lasted but I must have deep-throated Doreen's foot at least a dozen times before Indira let go of my head and I came up coughing and choking. There was so much of my drool coating Doreen's foot and still falling from my mouth.

Indira then stepped off of me and grabbed a paper towel. It wasn't lost on me that she first spent time wiping Doreen's foot dry before she ever spent any time wiping my mouth and face. I was sure I had Doreen's foot in my mouth up to the ankle, but when I looked at her foot I was surprised to see the lipstick indicated I had barely gotten a third of her foot past my lips.

"Well David, I knew you could do it. Now let's all rest a moment before we continue."

8 Chapter 8: You Have to Beg

"Okay David, now that you've had a moment to rest I need you to stand up and take your shirt off."

I hadn't really given it much thought but up until now I had been fully clothed the whole time. And it was only my shirt, yet in a room with four other women it somehow made me a little uneasy. But she was the doctor and Doreen gave no indication that she wanted me to keep covered, so I stood up and removed my shirt.

Given the bizarre turn of events that had transpired in this room what should have been a normal routine had me surprised and confused. Indira Came over to me and put her stethoscope on my chest and was listening to my heartbeat. She then moved it over my chest and had me take a few deep breaths.

She did more physical examination to include feeling my neck and jawline. All of this appeared very normal and professional which was at odds with what had come before. When she reached for the blood pressure cuff I tried to relax and put myself in a usual patient mode.

She went through a fairly thorough examination and once again her clipboard found use as she made even more notes. Just how medical these notes were I couldn't say, but more than anyone else in the room she was determined to record information about me.

"Well David, I think we're nearly done here. Now I just need some personal attention from you to complete my evaluation."

She still sounded like a doctor but her words suggested we were diving back into this world of my foot service. So much for medical professionalism. And now I didn't have a shirt. I had reached for it when she mentioned moving on, but she told me to leave it off.

Indira then moved to a chair against the wall. Once seated, she reached down and removed her heels and placed them off to the side and out of the way. I had to admit she had very pretty feet. She had the sort of pretty feet you might find in an expensive shoe catalog or maybe modeling a diamond anklet. And the pink polish was a great complement to her skin. I guess I would refer to her foot and polished toes as cocoa and blush.

With her shoes off and her feet bare, Indira then raised her feet to show her soles. Then she spread her toes and wiggled them. Then with that little show over she crossed her legs, leaving one foot on the floor and the other dangling in the air.

"Now David, you will get the privilege of caring for my feet. You will take care of my foot the way you take care of Doreen's feet. However before your lips touch my soft sole, you are going to have to beg."

" want..."

"That's not begging David. The only words I want to hear coming out of your mouth are from you begging to be allowed to kiss and lick my feet. Let's start with you getting down on your knees."

So I was going to be allowed to talk but she was quite serious about wanting to hear me beg. I'm sure I heard Nancy giggle and I think Janet gasped when Indira mentioned my need to beg for her feet. I got down on my knees, which is where I had been for the majority of my visit so it actually felt rather familiar. Then I gave it some thought and tried to provide the begging she required.

"Please Indira, may I please kiss and lick your feet for you."

"Tsk, tsk. Now David, there is so much there that needs correction. I don't believe I have given you permission to use my name. You may refer to me as doctor. And that wasn't much in the way of begging was it? Finally you aren't doing this for me, I am allowing you to do this for yourself. True, I should get some enjoyment out of it, but that's because it is also what you want. You want to be able to kiss and lick my divine feet and you hope to be able to do it in a manner that pleases me. Now then, let's try again."

She had given me a lot to think about. Clearly she had some specific expectations from my begging. That it was all supposed to be for me was something of a joke. But then I was playing the role of a foot freak wasn't I? How much of this could Doreen have foreseen or imagined I wondered.

"Please doctor. Please let me kiss and lick your feet. I need it so bad."

"Well that's better, but not nearly good enough. We're talking about my feet after all; these beautiful feet. Sounds like pleading more than begging. Perhaps it would help if you were down on all fours."

She had stroked her feet as she said it. They were beautiful feet, but again this was only my thing because Doreen willed it so. But if I was into feet I had to admit it should be easy for me to want to be near Indira's. I tried to put myself in a foot fetish mentality. I also dropped down onto all fours as I knew that was less of a suggestion and more of a command.

"Doctor, may I be allowed to kiss and lick your feet? I'm begging you for the privilege. Your feet are so beautiful, I have to kiss them."

"Better, but still doesn't sound sincere enough; it doesn't sound desperate."

And then I saw that look from Doreen. In a split second I read her and knew what was going to happen. Still I barely had any time to prepare myself for the jolt I felt in my balls. I know my body tensed but I clenched my teeth and kept from making any loud noises. Doreen had upped the stakes.

"Please doctor, I'm begging you. I'm begging for the privilege to lick and kiss your beautiful feet."

And I knew I sounded more sincere. I could hear it in my voice and I knew I didn't want to feel another shock like the one I just experienced. Unfortunately, Indira was not convinced.

"I suppose you're not serious about following doctor's orders. I suppose you don't really need my feet after all."

I looked at Doreen to signal I was sorry and that I was trying, but I knew that there was another shock coming. Her hand was resting within her purse and there were no outward signs to anyone else in the room of the power she had over me.

And then I felt the current coursing through me, the burning pain. I had been on all fours but with this shock I fell onto my elbows. I couldn't handle it if this game was to continue. I would gladly lick and kiss Indira's feet to avoid this pain. I needed to avoid this pain.

"Doc...Doctor, please. Please! I'm begging you! I need to have your feet! I need to feel your feet on my tongue and on my lips! I need your divine feet in ways I can't fully express! Please, for the love of god, let me kiss and lick, and worship your beautiful feet!"

I could hear it in my voice. There was certainly a change from when I began. I was in fact desperate. I was willing to beg, to truly beg this woman to be allowed to kiss and lick her bare feet. That it was all to save my balls meant nothing to Indira but she didn't need to know and wouldn't care. I just needed her to allow me to kiss and lick her feet.

"Well seeing as it's for your own good, I will allow you to worship my feet. I'm not a cruel woman. You need only ask."

It was a little joke of hers for sure. Clearly I had to do more than just ask. But I was still thankful she had agreed. I quickly crawled forward and began kissing her proffered foot. But I wasn't just kissing it. As she said, I was worshipping it. I was giving her foot the same attention I would give Doreen, especially when I feared she may shock me at any moment.

She let me lavish her foot with licks and kisses for a few moments before she stopped me. I had earned the right to worship her feet, but still she had something else in mind.

"Stop a moment. I can see you are devoted but this position isn't good for me. Roll over onto your back and slide under my foot."

I didn't even consider why she wanted the change. At that point I only knew I needed to obey, to please this woman and save my balls. Hopefully I was in the final stretch of this twisted encounter and if I could just make it a little further I would be safe and we could go home.

So I flipped over onto my back and slid under her foot. I had a face full of foot which wasn't really new. I did feel the carpet on my bare back and I was aware how her foot hovered above and that Indira herself was seated even higher and that everyone else in the room was far above me. It did perhaps make my position in the room a bit more clear.

Then Indira dipped her foot and dragged it across my face. I was quick to put out my tongue and lick her sole as it passed overhead. I kept it out as her foot made the return trip and soon my tongue was slipping off the end of her bare heel.

"Much better."

It was all she said but I felt a rush of relief. Right now if she was happy, Doreen was happy. And if Doreen was happy, then I had a chance at happiness; or at least a reprieve from any ball torture.

Then Indira uncrossed her legs and in a moment I felt both her feet come to rest across my face. I wasn't sure what she wanted and so I waited for her instructions. And then I panicked briefly when next she spoke.

"I didn't say to stop. Surely you can still work your tongue and lips while I rest my feet. I'm doing this for you after all."

I quickly snaked my tongue out and under her feet. I was near her toes so I tried to work my tongue along them and in between. I also kissed her feet as they rested on my mouth and face. I continued like this as the minutes passed by. Then I heard a familiar noise. It was the clipboard again, and the sounds of her pen as she made more notes.

She made notes and I worshipped her feet. I could still feel a fire in my balls, but it was on a lower heat. I tried to focus on Indira's feet instead. I kissed and licked over and over, trying to convince her that I was all too willing to obey.

At some point she moved her feet. It wasn't that she lifted them off of my face, but instead of resting in place she now began to rub her bare feet over my features, scratching her foot with my nose, pushing her toes into my cheeks, and even resting a bare heel within my mouth.

She played with my face and tongue for some time before she came to a pause. She wasn't ready for me to quit but she was ready to make her assessment of me to the rest of the room.

"Well everyone, I think I can offer a diagnosis now. David just continue on, but you may listen as this concerns you. When Janet first told me about David's behavior it was clear he had a foot fetish.

However what I heard of Doreen's description made me fear the case was even worse. Having witnessed David's fetish first hand I did attempt to test it and see just how far it went. Having David deepthroat Doreen's foot was a way to test his desire for feet. It also was a possible cure as such extreme action might dissuade him from his foot affection; his affection affliction you might say.

I was rather hopeful because David did find it rather difficult and it appeared he was under some distress. So perhaps he could see that this fetish wasn't so good for him. Maybe he would be able to see how he behaved and would be able to stop with his obsession.

But I find now that I have to be the bearer of bad news. David's begging, although slow to show its true colors, is an indication that he is still not over feet. Why only a short time before he was gagging on Doreen's foot and now he was on all fours begging for the opportunity to worship my feet. Even with an infatuation, having already served at the feet of three other women, he should have been able to suppress his need for my feet, but he could not.

And I must say he was rather enthusiastic while working on my feet. I did find his face rather comforting which is a plus but his desire to kiss and lick my feet has not diminished. So that just leaves me with one possible conclusion.

David does not just have a foot fetish. David, I'm sorry to say, is a foot addict. Clearly such an addiction is a more serious case. Addiction isn't healthy and can lead to ruin. The good news is that Doreen was wise enough to see the signs and bring him in for evaluation. He may yet be saved.

Now we must begin a series of treatments to help David with his problem. Janet I will have to count on you for your help in this matter. And Nancy, I would like you to be involved as well since you are now familiar with David's case. Doreen I suggest we set up an appointment two weeks from now. At that time I will have a better idea of what treatment schedule we can offer for David's recovery. Now are there any questions?"

I was stunned. I had questions but I knew I wasn't allowed to ask and my questions wouldn't likely be answered. My best hope for answers would be when I was alone with Doreen. Surely this was all some kind of a joke. In the beginning I could feel Janet, or Dr. Henderson's, discomfort when Doreen began to explain my situation.

But she was soon swayed into having a little fun. And Nancy was willing and eager to see and feel what I would do and showed no signs of shame for being part of this. But Indira was different. On the one hand she pushed things so much further than the others, even Doreen, but she also had been the most professional. It was an odd dichotomy. It also left me wondering just what the good doctor actually believed.

Was there some part of her that was truly convinced I was a foot addict? Did she really think that a series of treatments administered by her and these women would produce some kind of cure? Or was it all just a game to play with me as a toy and to find a way to keep playing with me for weeks to come. I had no sure answers.

Janet and Nancy were quick to offer their assistance in my case and had no questions for Indira. Doreen didn't have any serious questions either, though she made a show of being very thankful and how she just knew I needed to be brought in.

With that out of the way I saw Indira's feet leave my face. She swung sideways in her seat and fetched her shoes. While replacing them on her feet she gave me permission to rise and to put my shirt back on. I'm sure I was moving like a zombie.

On the one hand it was all over and I had survived the ordeal. I suffered no further shocks and no one was angry with me. But on the other hand I was being told that this wasn't over and that I would be back in this same place again, likely for more of the same or maybe worse. That was something I would have to discuss with Doreen but that couldn't be done here and now.

Slowly all five of us filed out of the room. Janet and Nancy went back to their work and I wondered how long it would take before they started talking with co-workers about the strange patient that was in this morning. Nothing I could do about that.

Dr. Pahvi was all business as she led us back to the waiting room. She thanked Doreen for coming in and assured her that she would do all she could to make sure I was well. We stopped at the front counter and Indira had an appointment made for two weeks out. She handed us a card and said her goodbyes.

As Doreen and I walked through the waiting room I found myself looking at women's feet. I can't really say why I did that, but I was curious about the feet in the room and my experience. It was so out of the ordinary. How many of the pairs of female feet in that room had ever felt a male tongue? And what else might be happening behind the closed doors in that clinic.

9 Epilogue

We didn't say anything as we walked across the parking lot. We didn't say anything as we pulled out of the lot and started our journey home. But eventually I had to break the silence. I had so many questions and I knew Doreen could provide at least some of the answers.

"Is that even a real clinic?"

"Of course it's a real clinic. What would make you say such a thing?"

"It's just...well...I don't know."

I didn't know quite how to ask her but she had to know what I was talking about. What took place in that examination room was far from ordinary. I was hoping she would offer some explanation but none was forthcoming. So I went for another question.

"Do I really have to go back there? I don't want to go back."

"Of course you're going back. You have an addiction and Dr. Pahvi is going to help you with that. Why wouldn't you want to go back?"

Doreen was smiling big and wide. She knew I didn't have an addiction and she knew why I didn't want to go back. Unfortunately she had decided that I would be returning. That wasn't something I wanted to hear. Maybe before the two weeks were up I could talk her out of that somehow.

"It's just that...well I know I belong to you and I do try to please you, but I'm not so comfortable having to do such things for other women."

I had Doreen's attention and she was listening to what I had to say. I wasn't sure how much I could sway her, but I had to speak my mind. I had to let her know how I felt about this eventful day.

"And then it became so extreme. I was really worried, and I really didn't like it when she made me...when I had to do that...with your foot in my mouth."

"Ah, you're referring to the throat-fucking she gave you with my foot."

It was a little unsettling to hear Doreen say those words, and so casually. Though it was an apt description of what had happened. But whatever name one wanted to put with it, it was something I didn't wish to experience again; ever if that were possible.

"Well yes I'm sure that was a surprise. But then it's also a good reminder to you about how soft I am on you. You think I'm cruel to you sometimes, but this woman only just met you and had no problems with fucking your throat. Maybe you should appreciate me a little more and not be so hesitant to offer me some simple pleasures."

At least Doreen recognized that the doctor's actions were extreme. But she was using it as an example of what could happen, suggesting it was fair punishment for boys who didn't behave. That was not comforting. I didn't want her to think I needed any more of such treatment.

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