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A Trip to the Doctor's Office


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I heard Doreen stretching behind me and I'm sure she giggled at least a little. And then just for added shame and confirmation of her control over me, I felt her own bare feet come to rest on the back of my shirt just below my shoulders. I don't know if Nancy was really even aware but she likely wouldn't have cared as she had my mouth and tongue to keep her attention.

And thus I was footstool and foot cleaner as I continued my work; eager to finish with Nancy's feet and unsure of what fresh hell was to follow when Janet returned.

6 Chapter 6: Dr. Pahvi

I had sucked all ten of Nancy's toes. I had even done some sole sucking and cleaning. I knew I had swallowed a lot of the sweat and dirt from her feet. I had also been instructed, or it had been 'suggested' by Doreen, that I should suck on Nancy's heels as well and use my teeth to provide some massage. Nancy of course was all for it. They exchanged comments about how good it felt to have my tongue between their toes.

I knew my humiliation was complete. With the doctor and the nurse having experienced my tongue on their feet, I knew they would have much to talk about and it would be hard to keep the story to themselves. But with another doctor being brought in to our little play, there was no hope that the entire clinic wouldn't be passing around rumors within a week.

Now I just had to be patient and prepare myself for what I hoped would be the last pair of women's feet I would have to serve today. I wanted it all to be over. I wanted to be done with it. And I never wanted to come back here again.

I paused as the door opened and the two women entered. Now there were four women with me in this room which was becoming rather cramped. I didn't know what to expect, but the new doctor was an Indian woman with jet black hair. She had a great complexion and her skin had a cocoa glow about it.

She was dressed in a long skirt beneath her doctor's coat, and her bare feet were nestled inside black peep-toe heels, her nails painted in a pinkish color. She made introductions with Doreen and I learned this was Dr Pahvi; Indira, as she wanted everyone to feel relaxed.

"Now then, Janet tells me we have an intriguing case here. Thank you Nancy, for helping out. Sounds like we certainly have a foot fetish going on which is a little uncommon, but I'm concerned it could be much worse than that."

Worse is exactly how I was feeling when the good doctor, Indira spoke to the room. It had already been quite the ordeal but now the new doctor, presumably Janet's superior, was suggesting it might somehow be 'worse'.

"So let me see if I have this correct, David has already kissed and licked Janet's hose covered feet. He has also sniffed Nancy's hose covered feet and kissed and licked her hose covered feet as well. Then he has licked and sucked on Nancy's bare feet, and sucked her toes. Is all of that correct?"

The women exchanged a few remarks confirming all she had mentioned had indeed taken place. For her part, Indira read off the list like she was reciting blood pressure, height, weight, and other stats, and in no way sounded like this was less than a professional observation.

"Well now I need to see some of this for myself before we can get to further testing. Nancy you may get off the table, I think you have done enough for now. Janet if you would be so good as to take Nancy's place on the table for me."

Nancy was clearly disappointed in the directions and I saw a pout forming as she turned and slid off the table. As Janet got onto the table and swung her legs over I noticed something had changed. She was no longer wearing her blue hosiery. I knew I had kissed and licked her feet in hose and I knew she had them on when she left the room to find Dr Pahvi. But somewhere she had found the time and the means to remove them. I was sure this was no coincidence.

"Now Janet, if you would remove your shoes. David you will be allowed to lick them in just a moment, but I want you to do it very slowly."

As Janet removed her shoes I had my first close up of her bare feet. I also detected a foot aroma, though nothing as strong as Nancy's. While she was removing her shoes, Indira sat upon the rolling stool and wheeled it over to right beside me. No we were both close to Janet's bare feet.

"Okay David, You may begin licking Janet's feet, but remember, I want you to do it slowly. Go ahead."

So this was going to be my first taste of Janet's foot. I wasn't sure that licking slowly was going to make much difference. I stuck out my tongue and began a slow lick of her sole, beginning near the heel and working up to her toes.

I don't think the slow lick really bothered me, but it was unsettling to say the least to have Indira right there next to me watching every detail of what I was doing. She kept leaning in closer until I felt she would be able to join in and lick Janet's feet as well from her position. But of course she didn't do that. She was too busy staring at me.

I made another lick across Janet's foot. This time I got a good taste of her but I was still aware of Indira and her watchful gaze. This scrutiny wasn't something I could have imagined, and I wouldn't have been able to guess how intimidating it was. I mean I had already been licking, kissing, and sucking on feet in front of multiple women, but this embarrassment, this humiliation, was so strong as she watched me so closely and intently.

I made a third slow lick and tried to focus more on Janet's foot and less on Indira's stare. But then out of the corner of my eye I noticed Indira stick her tongue out. She wasn't sticking out at Janet and surely wasn't going to join me in licking her foot, but it was as though she was giving me silent instructions. She stuck her tongue out flat and wide, reminding me somewhat of a panting dog.

On my next pass I did the same and covered a much fuller path of Janet's bare sole as my tongue traveled from the heel to the ball of her foot. Dr. Pahvi gave the slightest of nods and I made another pass with my wide, flat tongue.

She watched again and then on the next pass, she sat up slightly and I heard her pen scratching across her clipboard. Was she actually taking notes about how I was licking Janet's foot? It was an odd mix of professionalism and the bizarre. And soon she was once again in close and staring intently.

I made several more passes and then received my next direction. Indira stuck out her tongue, pointed it, and made a curling action. I also saw her eyes narrow and it was a rather sexy move she was making. Had a woman made such a move from a cross a bar I would have thought myself a very lucky man. But then I knew it wasn't fully for me. This was simply what she wanted from me next.

And so on my next pass, I pointed my tongue and as I moved along Janet's sole I ended in a tongue curl. Again I received a very slight nod and as I continued she once again scratched some notes.

I had only been working on one foot at this point, making very slow licks as directed. After a few tongue curling licks I felt Indira's hands on my head and she physically moved me over to work on Janet's other foot. I went through much the same routine with Indira sticking out her tongue to give me directions for flat and wide, and tongue curling licks. She also took time to make a few more notes.

"Okay David, now I want you to stick your tongue between her toes. Start on this end with her pinky toe and I want you to put your tongue between each and every toe."

I did as the doctor directed and again she was close by, watching me and my tongue at work. It was similar and yet vastly different from when I did the same for Nancy. I couldn't explain why being watched, being scrutinized made such a difference; but it did.

And after a few toe flossings, I must have been trying too hard to ignore Indira and without thinking my pace had quickened. However she gave me a gentle reprimand and told me to slow down. Eventually I made it all the way to the other side, having licked between each of Janet's toes.

"So Janet, how does that feel? Would you say David is doing a good job?"

That wasn't something I expected to hear. Before, it was all about me and my 'problem'. Now Indira was questioning the effect I had on the women. More than that, she was inquiring if I was doing my 'job' well enough.

"It feels nice. I think he's doing a pretty good job. Maybe a little too technical. He could use more passion."

I knew Janet had been swayed by Doreen, but I hadn't expected to hear such an answer from her. Now she sounded like she had her feet licked all the time. And rather than be shocked or amused by my behavior she was now making suggestions for how I could improve.

"Okay Janet, thank you. Now if you could come down off the table I would like Doreen to take your place. Doreen?"

7 Chapter 7: Foot in Mouth

Well I already had an ongoing relationship with Doreen's feet, and I had already licked her foot in this very room. But for some time I had been giving attention to other women and now I was going to go back to familiar territory.

Doreen was on the table and her bare feet were in my face in no time. Indira changed her directions this time. She wanted me to behave with Doreen's feet as I did at home. As I begun I realized I did have something of a routine with Doreen and it was easy to fall back into it. I also realized it was more detailed and nuanced than my previous work with Janet. And all the time, Indira stared and made occasional notes.

One of the differences in working with Doreen's feet is that I didn't just lick or kiss her feet or do any one thing. I knew from long sessions with her feet that I needed to mix things up. Thus I would lick the length of her sole and then follow the same path with a series of kisses. Then maybe I would kiss down the other side of her foot and then do a lick.

And besides switching between kissing and licking, I was still more creative when servicing Doreen's feet. My tongue may be licking her foot but it might be taking a twisting, turning path and it may suddenly swirl into circles without warning. I was becoming more aware of the differences from having a history with Doreen's feet compared with my instructions to service the feet of these new women for the first time.

I caught a smile and some nods from Indira as she watched me and sure enough she was taking more notes. She let me work on both of Doreen's feet for several minutes before she finally stopped me to give me more direction.

"That's nice David. Well done. Now I want to see you suck on Doreen's toes. Doreen if you don't mind can you cross your feet at the ankles. Yes, that's fine. Now David, why don't you begin with her big toe over here; the one that's closet to me."

With her ankles crossed Doreen's big toes were now on the outside rather than in the middle. So when I slid my lips over her big toe I was less than a...well...a foot, from Indira's face. Again she was scrutinizing my work. I had sucked Doreen's toes many times, but never with such an audience.

"Slower David. And really suck on it; like you want her toe down your throat."

The request to go slower wasn't surprising but the comment about wanting Doreen's big toe 'down my throat' was both shocking and frightening. Still I slowed down my bobbing over her toe and I put in some extra suction the next time I pulled myself up and away.

There was a slurpy, popping sound when I came off her toe and I was a little embarrassed. However it was just what Indira wanted as she nodded and gave a few claps of approval. I went back down for another suck and the good doctor made more notes.

After a few more sucks Indira told me to switch to Doreen's other big toe. The doctor remained where she was and although she was still watching me I took comfort in the extra distance and it provided a level of privacy, as foolish as that sounds.

I was expecting Indira to have me move on to Doreen's other toes as a matter of course and figured I would have to work each one before she considered my task over and done. But that isn't exactly what happened. I did have to work other toes, but there was more to it.

"Okay David, now let's return to this foot over by me. This time I want you to suck the big toe and the second toe at the same time. And be sure to let your tongue lick between them while you're there. And of course, take it slow."

Now I've sucked Doreen's toes a lot; quite a lot; but I hadn't often sucked more than one at a time and never with such precise instruction. Still I managed to fit my cheek between her second and third toe as I took her first two toes into my mouth. The use of my tongue between her toes actually was very natural; given the circumstances.

So now Doreen's toes were filling more of my mouth. I didn't have to make as many passes this time before Dr. Pahvi moved me back to Doreen's other foot and those first two toes. Now that I knew the game it was no surprise when she wanted me back on the first foot but I was to take the first three toes into my mouth.

So three toes really isn't too bad even with one being the big toe, but it did mean I was feeling it a little more in the corners of my lips. Also my tongue had to move back and forth between the toes. Naturally four toes at once was even more work. But by the time she wanted me to put all five toes in my mouth at once I was feeling a somewhat painful stretch in my lips and my mouth was more than full of Doreen's toes.

This didn't provide for the same sort of sucking as now the focus was first and foremost getting all the toes within my mouth. Thankfully I only had to do this a few times before I switched to the second foot. A few struggles and I was finished with her foot; or so I thought.

"Okay Doreen, if you would uncross your ankles now. Also, if you would slide back so that your heel is fully supported by the table. And let's move this foot out of the way and let David focus on this one."

So she had something else in mind. Doreen uncrossed her ankles and slid back a few inches. She pulled one leg back and tucked her ankle under her knee. Now I was staring at one foot, wondering what else was in store for me.

"Okay David, now we're going to try this again. Now I want all five toes in your mouth but you shouldn't stop there. Keep going and try to put as much of her foot in your mouth as you can."

I was a little surprised and I looked to Doreen for help. Of course no help was offered. She just smiled and gave a shrug of her shoulders. Indira was now calling the shots but Doreen didn't see any reason to alter the course.

I made some faces as I tried to stretch my mouth in preparation. Then I once again took all five toes of Doreen's foot in between my lips. I tried to go further but really I couldn't. The toes were already stretching and filling my mouth. As I tried to push farther down I felt a twinge at the back of my throat and knew my gag reflex was about to come into play.

I came up off her toes and took a moment to clear my throat. I tried again but felt myself beginning to gag as I pulled away. I just shook my head.

But of course that didn't mean anything to Indira. She was quick to tell me I hadn't yet met her expectations.

"Okay David, but that's not near far enough. You have to get much more of her foot in your mouth. Now let's try again."

"But I can't"

I hadn't said a word since I arrived in the examination room and the sound of my voice was as startling to me as the other women in the room. But I had to say something. A little toe-sucking was one thing, but I had very nearly gagged on Doreen's foot; twice.

"David you can. I will help you, but I need you to get much farther than you have already. Now take a deep breath and let's try this again."

I didn't know how she thought she would be able to help, but she was making it clear that she didn't want to hear any excuses. She really expected me to take more of Doreen's foot into my mouth. I looked at Doreen for sympathy. None. I thought about what would happen to my balls if I refused. I then I took a deep breath and tried again to put Doreen's foot in my mouth.

Out of the corner of my eye I noticed Indira stand up as I came down on Doreen's toes. I feared I might split the corners of my lips, but I braced myself and pushed down. Much as expected I hadn't moved far when I felt myself gag. This time I felt the full reflex as my throat closed and tried to force out the invading toes. I was feeling like 'I told you so' as I tried to lift myself off of her foot.

That's when I became aware of Dr Pahvi's 'help'. As soon as I had begun to rise, I felt Indira's hands at the back of my head. They stopped me from getting clear of Doreen's foot. In fact I barely had risen at all and all five toes still filled my mouth.

"No David. You must go deeper. Now down you go."

And saying that I felt her hands not only stopping me from a full withdrawal, but now they were pressing my head and thereby my mouth down onto Doreen's foot. This time I did go further but my gag reflex was in full action and I was drooling on Doreen's foot as I tried to come up.

But again, Indira's hands stopped me. And again they pushed me back down onto Doreen's foot. This time my gagging was even more severe And besides the foot filling my mouth, it was also filling with saliva. Thankfully as I rose this time and my hands grabbed the end of the examination table, Indira removed her hands and let me come all the way up.

I spent several moments coughing and sputtering and trying to catch my breath. However there wasn't much concern to be felt in the room. On the contrary, Indira wasn't yet satisfied with my efforts. She asked Doreen if she had any lipstick she could borrow.

Doreen claimed to have a few choices in her purse and told Indira to help herself. She wasted no time in scouring Doreen's purse and soon she came away with a lipstick she appeared to be happy with. She removed the cap but she didn't apply any to herself.

"Now David, I do think we're making progress but I still need you to go farther down. This will help me to judge when you have reached the necessary depth."

And with that she approached me with the lipstick. I know my eyes went wide as she grabbed my chin and began to apply the lipstick to my virgin lips. And then I felt my face growing red as well. I probably lit up the room. Thankfully Doreen had never been interested in 'dolling me up' for any reason.

Indira made quick work and stepped back to see if all was to her satisfaction. I didn't want to think about what I must look like, but she was capping the lipstick and returning it to Doreen's purse.

"Yes, I think that will work just fine. Now Janet if you will assist me with the patient, I need you to kneel behind David and hold his wrists."

This was getting to be too much and I was about to protest when Indira shushed me. She told me not to talk and reminded me that she was a doctor and as such she knew what was best and I was to follow her orders without question. The only other orders that would save me now were Doreen's, but she was still going along with Indira's lead.

So then the two women moved into position. Janet was now behind me and she held my hands behind my back. Indira was now standing over me with a leg on either side. And very soon I felt her hands once again at the back of my head.

"So David, take a few deep breaths. We're going to go even deeper and I will help you. Don't be scared. And try to relax your throat."

But I was scared. For one thing I felt certain I would be gagging as soon as we began. That in itself wasn't a comfortable feeling. But if Indira kept forcing me down and didn't let me up I was also afraid my choking and gagging would lead me to vomiting.

And while that would be unpleasant and rather embarrassing, the real fear was that Doreen would then send the biggest shock of my life through my balls. I didn't know if I could calm her or beg for forgiveness before she had fried my balls to cinders.

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