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A Visitor in the Night

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A story of a southern belle's unexpected encounter.
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Written in collaboration by

jes_da_man & LittleOne

Saturday, October 20, 2001 - 10:59pm


Darkness... punctuated occasionally by the flashes from a distant thunderstorm, is folded over your eyes like a heavy layer of black velvet, and just as a lover's hand would, the humid night air caresses your face, and you can smell the storm as it approaches.

Standing outside on the porch in front of your remote house, you wonder how long it will be before the lights are restored, and they banish the eerie darkness again for a bit. A sudden breeze toys with your hair and your skirt. You shiver slightly at the chill running down your spine, and you cross your arms over your breasts.

To your surprise, off in the distance, you see the headlights of an approaching car. For some unknown reason, you feel a tension creep over you as the driver picks his way down the poorly-maintained road that leads nowhere but to you. Alone tonight, you are aware of your vulnerability.

A low roll of thunder distracts you, as the glow of a distant thunder bolt crawls over you slowly, reminding you of the incredible power of nature's display, making its way across the flat countryside in the night.

You can now plainly hear the car's engine. It purrs quietly, revealing a pent-up power that provides a counterpoint to the uncontrolled energy of the storm on the horizon. A flash of lightning illuminates the vehicle, and you note that it is a fine European model, black as the night, with nobody within it but the driver, whose features you cannot quite yet make out.

Turning the final corner, the car comes to a stop in front of you. The car's engine goes silent, and the headlights go dark. You hear a car door close and another flash of lightning lets you at last see the stranger's face. Something inside you cries out, and you feel your knees go to jelly at the sight of him.

He is the man from your dreams... a man with finely-styled black hair, a proud but not arrogant face, and piercing black eyes. Eyes that are directed straight at you, and which you can feel boring through you, even in that scant instant of light.

But how can this be? How can he actually be here in your presents? You had resigned yourself to believing that you would never see him in person. And yet... he was here... approaching you in the darkness of the night.

Just as quickly as his face has been illuminated by the lightening flash, his features are plunged into the darkness of the night, and all you can hear is his footsteps in the gravel, as he moves towards you, and then you hear a rich, low voice.

He says, "Hello, miss. Could you help me, please?"

You feel a fluttering in your gut at the sound of his voice, and your throat seems constricted as hard as a rock.

"Sure, um, what is it you need?" you finally force out.

You hear the porch grown and feel it move slightly as he helps pull himself up the stairs by the use of the hand rail. His footsteps on the plain decking of the porch resound in a hard rapping sound, and you feel an urgent need for them to come closer to you.

"I am lost," he says. "Between the storm and the map that I have, I took a bad turn a while back and now have no idea at all where I am."

Still the fluttering inside you continues, and you can see his shadowy outline against the blackness beyond the house.

"Oh, okay... Come on inside. I've got a map," you say as you turn and open the door and start to step into the house.

It is even darker in here, if that were possible, and he hesitates at the doorway.

"Can you turn on a light?" he asks.

"Oh... I'm sorry. The storm knocked out the lights. I think I've got a flashlight around here someplace though... hold on... I'll look for it."

"Sure. I'll wait here. Don't want to trip over a lamp or whatever, you know."

As you turn to go in search of the flashlight, you can practically hear his smile. Turning your face back in his direction, you smile at him in the darkness, and say, "Yeah, um, I'll be right back."

You quickly turn back around and make your way into the kitchen, where the flashlight is kept in a drawer. Turning it on, you retrace your steps, squinting slightly with the relative brightness of the beam. Meanwhile, upon seeing you return to the front room, he advances into the house and closes the door behind him.

"Ah... Much better," he says approvingly. "Now I can see."

As you approach him, you notice that his eyes are drinking you in, and you feel a quiver pass through you, wondering at the true meaning of his words. Setting the flashlight down on the coffee table, you pull open the drawer in the end table to retrieve the promised map.

"Here, have a seat," you say, motioning at the sofa.

You sit beside him and spread the map before you. This close to him, you can smell the sharp tang of his after-shave and feel the warmth emanating from him.

"Ah, yes, I see now. I went wrong here," he says after a moment or two, and points at a highway intersection located miles away.

"And you're here, now..." you say.

Suddenly a brilliant flash of lightning makes you jump, and the instant reply of thunder booms between your ears. You then hear sheets of rain hit the house almost immediately. Smiling at him you attempt to recover from the fright by pointing out the place on the map to him again. Your finger is trembling, and you look at him. He is smiling at your reaction to the storm.

"Caught me by surprise," you say, returning the smile.

"Same here..." he says.

His response slowly evaporates into the darkness that surrounds the glow from the flashlight and the storm outside, seems not to even exist. For what seems an eternity... but in actuality is only for a few seconds, neither one of you realize that you both sit there silently looking deep into each other's eyes, as though a familiar inner connection has once more been made between the two of you.

All of your senses scream out that it is him... the man of your dreams. From the most inner depths of your being you are at this instant, absolutely sure of this. Then suddenly reality envelopes both of you, and the connection is broken, when he makes a subtle move as if to stand up.

"Ah, um, Well, I suppose I should be off now," he says hesitantly. "Thank you very much..."

Glancing outside at the storm breaking over the house now, you quickly interrupt him and say, "Why don't you stay at least until the rain stops?"

Your heart is in your throat by this time, and you feel sure that he can hear it beating.

"I suppose that might be wise," he says, smiling again. "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Santos from New Mexico. And you?"

"Oh, um, Marge... I'm Marge... and well... I've lived here forever."

He offers you a handshake, and you accept. His grip is firm and gentle, and you flush when you realize that you are still holding his hand when he once again starts to speak again.

As you release his hand, he smiles and says, "Pleased to make your acquaintance, Miss."

"Oh, please call me Marge," you say quickly, wondering what you are doing... and why you had seconds ago so readily asked him to stay.

"Ah, certainly... Marge... So, what do you do here?"

"Oh, ah, I work at a local hospital... nothing much actually."

"Well, you help out visitors in the night, and this to me, my dear, is far more than nothing."

He smiles warmly, and all the vestiges of restraint suddenly leave you at that instant. You lean toward him and kiss his lips without warning. After a moment of surprise, he begins to respond, and you lose yourself in the warmth of his mouth. As you break from him at last, you find that you are unexpectedly trembling.

"I, I, I don't know what's come over me," you quietly stutter. "But, but I have to have you."

He says nothing, and draws you to him for another kiss. When you emerge from this one, the light from the flashlight is slowly growing dim due to the lack of power, and he reaches over and shuts it off.

"I don't think we need this anymore, Marge," he whispers in a soft erotic tone .

You nod in agreement into the darkness, and sag against him. He holds you in his arms, and you feel his hands running down your back as he quickly undoes each and every button, and then you find yourself released from the confinement of the simple dress you were wearing.

You kiss him, stroking his face and inhaling the clean scent of him. As he slips the flimsy dress from your shoulders, exposing your breasts to him, you lean back slightly as you reach out your trembling hands to start unbuttoning the buttons of his shirt, seeking them blindly with your fingers in the darkness.

He caresses your neck, gliding his fingers down past your collarbone, to the hollow between your breasts. Then his hand moves to cup your breast lightly, and you feel the nipple beneath the warm palm of his hand stiffening in response. Sliding his hand slowly downwards and to one side, his thumb finds your hardening nipple, and you gasp at the sensation. You feel him remove his lips from your neck, and his mouth suddenly finds the other breast. As he strokes the nipple with his tongue, you totally abandon yourself to the exquisite sensations.

Having finally unbuttoned his shirt, you pull it over his shoulders and down his arms as far as you can. He carefully finishes removing it, as he continues working his tongue over and around your erect nipple, which slowly awakens parts of you that have slumbered for your whole life, waiting for this moment to arrive.

Your hands run over the firmly muscled surface of his back, and your breath is ragged in the night air. Nothing before this moment has prepared you for what you are experiencing. Suddenly, without warning, an explosion overtakes you, and your body stiffens and spasms in the thralls of an immense orgasm.

You are dimly aware of thrashing wildly under his mouth, and of his sudden nudity beside you. Your remaining clothes follow his onto the floor, and your bodies meld together in an endless moment of pleasure. His lips find yours again, and he holds you to him tightly, moving slowly within you, leaving a trail of fire between your legs. You clutch at him desperately, seeking something stable to hold onto as your life is changed.

The storm outside reaches its height now, with lightning flashing in all directions, thunder claps assailing your isolated house, and rain pouring over everything in a nearly-solid wave. Inside too, the storm is also rapidly approaching its height, and you feel another explosion of bliss building up within you.

Then Suddenly, you are lost in a swirl of emotion, sensation, and ecstasy, as you are both flung into the depths of a heavenly simultaneous climax. The storm's strobe light effect gives an air of surrealism to everything. Familiar surroundings, picked out in preternatural clarity, combine with unfamiliar sounds and feelings to create an experience that you will never forget.

As you both undergo the transformation of orgasm to reality, you notice the sweat between your bodies and the texture of the sofa beneath you. The hair of his chest is soft, and you kiss it gently as you return slowly to the reality of the night.

Unable to contain yourself, you explore the rest of his chest in the darkness with your moist lips and tongue. Finding his nipple, you experiment, kissing it and returning the treatment he had lavished on yours just moments ago. His response is gratifying, and you continue, encouraged. He strokes your hair, murmuring quietly, urging you on.

Your kisses continue down his torso, until your lips contacts his manhood directly. It is a thing of beauty, and, impulsively, you kiss it. His response is so tremendous that you go on to explore the possibilities of this pleasure more thoroughly. You taste yourself and the strange saltiness of his semen as you draw the head of his cock into your mouth. His entire stiffness jumps and twitches as you run your tongue over the ridge that encircles the lower most part of its tip and then gradually finds its way onto the shaft. The joy that you feel at returning some of the pleasure he has given you is beyond description.

Above you, you feel him shift himself around, causing his cock to rotate within your mouth and then you feel his warm breath tickling the hair covering your pussy. As you gaze downwards, the look on his face is rapturous, and you allow yourself to sink back into the bottomless bliss of the raw, undiluted pleasure that you share.

You hear yourself squeal in surprise as his lips touch your pussy. His tongue darts out, finding the hard nub of your clit, and waves of pleasure course over you. The overpowering sensations distract you for a moment from the attentions you had been lavishing on his cock. But the lingering taste in your mouth reminds you of the pleasure of having it buried deep within it, and you once more envelope its entirety with your hungry mouth.

The feeling of your mouth engulfing his shaft once more, combined with the sensation of his tongue continuing to bathe you is so incredible. It feels as though you are in some sort of endless circle, spinning around some unseen point of passion, approaching the top of a vortex of shared pleasure. The storm has abated outside, but the battle between the elements continues on the sofa, until a throbbing, pulsing cyclone is let loose between your legs, and you taste a salty torrent in your throat.

As your senses recover and you both return to earth, you crawl up beside him, relaxing in his warm embrace. Gradually, your eye lids become heavier and heavier until neither of you can no longer keep your eyes open and you both contently drift into the same short silent slumber.

When you awaken, it is quiet outside, and the skies are beginning to clear. Stars twinkle faintly through thin, high clouds.

Upon feeling you stir, he pulls you even closer to him and gently squeezes you for a moment, and then sits up.

"I'm sorry, Marge, but I must be going."

"No, no. don't apologize. I understand, Santos. And thank you... for everything."

Knowing exactly what you mean, he winks at you and says, "And thank you too, Marge."

He dresses himself, while you pull your dress back on. At the doorway, you exchange a tender kiss. You wish each other a goodnight and say farewell, and then he turns and disappears into the night. As his dark car pulls away, you watch again from the porch while a sense of peace and contentment overcomes you.

Strangely, as you turn and once again enter the house, all the lights suddenly sputter back to life.

The storm of this night may be past now, but its effects will remain with you forever, for one of your most precious fantasies has just come true.


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jes_da_manjes_da_manover 13 years agoAuthor

Thank you very much.

We're thrilled you enjoyed it. :)


jes_da_man LittleOne

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago


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