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A Weekend at the B&B Ch. 01

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Mature woman's teasing leads to unexpected sharing.
4.5k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/16/2023
Created 05/19/2023
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My travel bag was on the bed late Friday afternoon, clothes spread out all around it, casual and formal for any occasion. Glancing at the clock on the bedside table, I thought she should be here in an hour to pick me up. I put the last items into the bag, closed the zip, and undid the towel wrapped around my torso, catching a glimpse of my naked body in the mirror. "Not bad for a man in his 50s," I thought, grabbing my cock, and bringing it to life. After a few minutes of jacking off, I dressed and was ready to leave. My girlfriend, Sue, for 5 years, and I were going on a weekend getaway.

I got a text message saying she was here, waiting for me. She kept up with the times, I mused; a text, not honking the horn or knocking on the front door like we used to in my younger years. I locked up the house, put my bag in the boot then swung the car door open.

"Whoa, you are stunning, Baby!" I exclaimed, seeing her in a short floral summer dress.

"It's for my Babe."

"Your Babe is a lucky man."

"Get in, and let's move on, you dolt."

I climbed in the front seat and leant over to kiss her with a soft lingering kiss. For most of the drive, my eyes were on her, eating up her beauty, but I kept my hands to myself, even though I wanted to touch and kiss her. I knew there would be plenty of time for that later on. Even so, the smooth skin of her thighs below the hem of her dress was so enticing I needed all my willpower to stop me from reaching over and squeezing her leg.

We arrived at our destination after driving a couple of hours, a seaside town where we stayed at a B&B. I knocked on the front door, and soon a young man in his early 20s opened it.

"Hello, you must be our guest for...," his voice trailing off as he looked at Sue.

After a couple of moments of awkward silence, I introduced ourselves and told him we had booked a room for the next few days. He quickly recovered, and regaining his voice, he introduced himself as John.

"Come in, please. Your room is ready," John said.

As Sue entered the house, his eyes followed her and told her to follow him, leaving me behind like I had been just a ghost, invisible. I followed them down the long corridor to a door on the left. He opened the door, let Sue in and followed her again, pushing in front of me. He opened the curtains and looked at her with playful eyes.

"l hope you'll have a gorgeous time here. If you need anything, you only need to ask," John said.

"I will, John, thank you," she said, looking at him smiling.

He backed out of the room, not taking his eyes off her. I had to step aside to avoid him bumping into me as he was leaving, but Sue called him when he was at the door, just about shutting it behind him.

"John, sweetie, could you bring our luggage in, please," she said.

"Yes, madam."

"Call me Sue, please," she interrupted him.

"Yes, Sue, it won't take long," he said.

"Here are the keys, John," and with that, she tossed them to him.

He caught them, left the room, and closed the door behind him.

"You are a little devil, teasing that boy. He cannot get enough of you, you know?" I said as I approached her and kissed her passionately.

"l love when men fall head over heels for me," she said, breaking the kiss.

"Well, you've got the right man in your arms, as I sure am."

"I know, Babe, but it is still nice to know other men fall head over heels for me, too. Just a bit of a moral boost, you know. You don't mind that, do you?"

"No, I don't mind it, Baby. It turns me on, makes me feel good to know my sexy sheila turns heads, and not just mine."

Pashing her again, I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in," she said, and John walked in with her luggage and put it on the bed.

"Thank you, John," she said, breaking our embrace and walking towards him.

As he turned around to go and get my case, John found her right before him. Looking into each other's eyes, she kissed him lingeringly on his lips. He turned bright red, but he returned the kiss. Breaking their kiss, she stepped to the side and opened her case. He walked to the door while shooting nervous glances towards me. I ignored him and walked out onto the balcony, thinking of what I had just seen and how it turned me on.

Instead of becoming angry or even furious, somehow, witnessing my 45-year-old girlfriend teasing and kissing the young lad excited me in a way I had not expected; I developed a hard-on. I was a bit confused by my emotions and my body's response to what I had just witnessed, yet, deep down, I wished she would continue her game.

"Baby, come and look at this," I said.

"Just a minute... I am coming."

"Oh wow, what a great view, Babe," she said, stepping onto the balcony.

I put my arm around her shoulders, and she around my waist as we stood there, taking the view in. The ocean lay in front of us with its deep blue colours. From the balcony, we could see a lovely garden maintained by the owners, with lush green grass surrounding a pool. Beyond the fence line, the beach, with its golden sand, melted into the ocean.

"I could spend all our weekend here, just relaxing, enjoying this view and you," I said, kissing her cheek.

"I am sorry," I heard John. "I've got all your stuff in the room. I will leave your car keys on the table."

"John! Come here, please," she said, looking at him.

He looked at me, then at Sue, walking towards us, a bit nervous, unsure what to expect.

"This is so beautiful here. You are very fortunate to live in a place like this."

"Yes, it is and yes, I love it here," he replied.

"Are there any other guests this weekend?" she asked.

"No, just the two of you until next weekend. It is a bit slow this time of the year," John said.

"Ah, good! I like that we can have this beautiful place just to ourselves," she said with a big smile.

"Can you recommend a lovely place to have dinner, John," she asked.

He seemed to weigh up the options, then recommended a little place not far from there.

"Thank you, sweetie," she said as she leant in, kissing him on his lips again, still holding onto my waist.

"Enjoy your dinner and call me any time you need me," he said, looking at her with a bright smile, and he did not blush this time.

"You are such a flirt. Do you know what the lad will be doing tonight?" I asked rhetorically, then answered my question. "Masturbating with thoughts of you while lying in his bed."

"I hope so. I love to think I have that effect on men," she said, smiling.

"Yes, you do, Baby. Now let's go, find that restaurant. I am famished," I said, kissing her on her cheek again.

The restaurant had a lovely atmosphere with hearty dishes on the menu that we enjoyed far too much. The wine was smooth on the tongue, and in a short time, we finished a bottle. Feeling the effect of the alcohol, we walked back to the B&B when I realised we did not have a key. I knocked on the door, and a man about my age opened it.

"Hello, we are your guests this weekend. A lovely young boy let us in and helped us settle in when we arrived earlier," I explained, but I could see his eyes were on Sue, who was smiling at him charmingly.

"Oh, yes, come in, that was my son. He should have given you a number for the electronic lock on the front door and to your room, too," he said, "I'll fix that up in a second. Meanwhile, come into the living room and meet my wife, Sandy. I am Andy."

He led the way, and just like his son, he had eyes only for Sue. Entering the living room, a middle age woman sprung to her feet and greeted us with a big smile.

"Come in, come in, have a seat. It's nice to meet you. I am Sandy," she said.

We chatted for some time, then excused ourselves and returned to our room. Sue had a shower, and while having a towel wrapped around her, she walked out onto the balcony. I watched her, noticing the towel barely covering her breasts and arse.

"I'll freshen up and join you in a few minutes, Baby," I told her.

After my shower with a towel around my waist, I approached the balcony when I heard Sue's voice. I stopped and listened, knowing I should not have, but remembering how little she wore and who she was talking to turned me.

"So... John, do you have a girlfriend?" she asked.

"No, Sue, I don't. There aren't many girls around here my age."

"That's a shame. I am sure you would not have any problems finding a nice girl."

"Maybe one day, I'll get lucky."

"You never know, have to be patient, sweetie. Life always comes up with surprises when we expect them the least."

"Hey, John, how are you mate?" I said, walking out onto the balcony, when I realised he stood under it, looking up towards Sue.

I was pretty sure, from that angle, through the glass plane, he could see her naked pussy under her towel, lit by the floor lights of the balcony, as he looked up. Knowing she loved her pussy smoothly shaven, and now John was looking at it, I could feel my cock involuntarily twitch under my towel and grow. Loving the feel of her smooth skin under her fingers, she made sure the only hair she had on her body was the luscious hair on her head and eyebrows. In contrast, she loved to run her fingers through my chest hair.

"I am fine, thank you," he replied while I put my arm around her and kissed her cheek.

"Would it be okay for us to swim nude in the pool, John?" I asked.

"Sure, no other guests around. I don't mind, nor do my parents. You are not the first one to ask," he said as she looked at me, mildly excited.

"Oh great, let's have a dip, Baby," I said and saw a twinkle in her eyes when I dropped my towel, exposing my semi-hard cock.

"Okay, here we go, boys," she said as she dropped her towel and ran down the steps to the pool.

I followed her and jumped in, finding the water cool, perfect for a refreshing swim in the warm air.

"Enjoy the pool, and have a lovely evening," I heard John.

"Don't be silly, John. Drop your shorts and get in here," Sue said.

"No, I should go. I am the host, and you are the guests."

"That's silly. We are in your home," she said, then pouted as she continued. "Make me feel I am visiting friends. Drop it and join us, pleaseee."

He looked at me, and I nodded my head. He quickly dropped his shorts, and his cock sprung out; a decent size, I thought. I looked at her, her eyes measuring him up, his body, his semi-erect penis. My cock throbbed with excitement under the water seeing her biting her lower lip as John walked to the pool and jumped in. I had never seen her turned on by another man like she was at that moment. Watching her was exciting and confusing at the same time, but I did not have time to ponder on that for long.

"It wasn't that bad, was it?" she asked him.

"No, it wasn't that. I did not want to be in your way," he said.

"It's a big enough pool for all of us," she said, splashing him.

We swam and splashed for some time before moving to the adjoining hot tub and settling down at three different sides.

"This is so lovely," she said, lying back against the side of the tub.

"I know what's missing. I'll be back in a sec," I said, and with that, I emerged from the tub, water dripping from my body, my semi-erect cock.

"I like when you stand to attention, Baby," she said teasingly.

I walked away without saying another word, up the steps, disappearing into our room. A short while later, I emerged with three glasses and a bottle of wine.

"Oh, I love that, Babe," She said.

"What do you like, Baby, the bottle or the flagpole?" I asked, standing at the edge of the tub.

"Actually, both. Pour me some nectar, Babe."

"Let's play a game," I said, lowering myself into the bubbling water.

"What's on your mind," she asked.

"Baby, you are the owner of the bottle. We will have to come to you for the vine and pay you with a kiss. Then you fill the glass with as much wine as you wish. Just a drop or fill it to the top. That will be up to you," I said.

I handed her the glasses, and she placed them on the edge of the hot tub and took the bottle. She smiled and asked if anyone wanted a drop of gold liquid shaking the bottle in the air. I looked at John and saw the hesitancy in his eyes.

"I'd love some," I said.

"Come and trade, Babe," she said.

I wanted to make it easy for John, so I took her hand and softly kissed her palm, lingering a bit.

"That was lame," she said, frowning while filling a glass with a few drops of wine and handing it to me. I returned to my place in the tub and drank my meagre vine.

"Hey, John, would you like some?" She said.

"Sure," he replied, making his way to her and kissing her cheek.

"That's more like it," she said, pouring a little more wine into his glass, maybe a quarter.

He returned to his side when she poured half a glass for herself as a reward for her efforts, then slowly and seductively sipped on it. Watching her, I felt my cock lurch under the water. I wanted to kiss her, to have more wine as my reward.

"I am ready to trade. Do you have vine for me," I said.

"Well, let's see what you can offer this time, Babe."

I walked to her, putting my hand on her arm.

"Hands off me, Mister," she sternly warned me.

"I am sorry," I mumbled, surprised by her reaction, pulling my hands away.

I leant in and kissed her earlobe, using my tongue, swirling it around for a bit. I heard a little moan escaping her lips then I pulled back and held my glass out. I got a quarter glass of wine with encouraging words. I walked back to my side of the tub, sipped my wine, watching her.

"Mistress, may I have some more wine," I heard John say.

His words surprised me, adding a new dimension to our game. I looked at Sue, looking for any reaction, and I did not have to wait too long.

"Come here, my pet and pay your due, and then we'll see what you deserve."

Her reply surprised me, realising the game had definitely changed. I watched John walk to her, their eyes locked on each other, looking at each other intently. As he stood before her, she told him to pay his due, and he slowly leant in and started to nibble on her lips. After a couple of soft kisses, she slightly opened her mouth for him, for his tongue to enter, but John did not try to do so and kept teasing her with his kisses. She closed her eyes as he worked on her lips, a sign she was getting aroused by him. He pulled back, and it was all over suddenly.

"May I have some wine, Mistress," he asked.

"Yes, my pet, you've done a good job," she said, her voice quivering.

When she had filled his glass, it was still just a quarter full. I imagined she wanted him back for more, and soon.

"Thank you for your generosity, Mistress," he said as he turned and settled at his place in the hot tub.

She looked at me with a mischievous smile and sipped on her vine. I didn't know where all this was taking us, but I liked it. When she addressed me, my cock jumped.

"It seems to me you are not in a hurry to please your Mistress," she said, looking at me. I quickly gulped down the remaining of my vine.

"Yes, I am keen to please you, my Mistress," I said in a low tone.

"Then come here, my pet and prove it."

I obeyed and stood before her, looking into her eyes as she raised an eyebrow questioningly. I leant in and kissed the crook of her neck, then gently bit her soft skin. I kept kissing and running my tongue over her neck when I decided to suck on it and did for some time. When I stopped, seeing the red mark on her skin, I straightened up and looked at her.

"You have given me a hickey, haven't you?" she asked.

"Yes, Mistress, I have."

She looked at me with a confused impression and filled my glass a quarter full.

"Thank you, Mistress," I said and returned to my place.

She looked at me with a stern face now. I started to wonder if I had made a mistake this time.

"Mistress!" I heard John calling.

"Yes, my pet, what is it?"

"I'd like to please you," John replied.

"Come here and stand before your Mistress," she ordered him, her eyes not leaving mine.

"Rule change!" She said, looking deep into his eyes.

"Yes, Mistress, you set the rules, Mistress."

"You are damn right, my pet. Look at my hickey, take a good look at it and give me one like that on the other side."

"Yes, mistress."

John studied my work, then kissed her neck on the other side. He slowly worked on it while her eyes were focused on mine, shooting daggers towards me. I saw the oh-so-familiar lust slowly shining through. She took a short sharp breath as he sucked on her skin. He kissed her neck one last time, straightened up and looked at her. She diverted her gaze from me.

"Thank you, my pet. Let me reward you for your excellent work."

He returned to his place with a glass half full. He started sipping on it instantly. He was keen, I thought as I finished my vine.

"Mistress!" I called out.

She sipped from her vine, then looked at me, still shooting daggers towards me.

"How can I please you?" I asked nervously.

"Come to me, my pet."

I did as I had been told, standing in front of her with my glass in my hand. She put her arms around my neck, and I felt her breath on my lips then the pain came. She kneed me in the groin, making me wince, but I did not move.

"It's okay, my pet. You are a big boy. You can take it," she whispered, pressing her lips on mine, nibbling on my lips, pulling and sucking on them.

"Kiss me, my pet," she murmured.

I obeyed her, kissed her softly, nibbling on her lips, flicking my tongue over her lips as she parted them, and I entered her mouth, searching for her tongue. We smooched feverishly with passion for minutes when she broke the kiss. What I saw in her eyes were lust and desire. She softly kissed my lips, and I felt the pain as she kneed me in the groin again. I felt strange as my cock was hard, ripping at the seams. She filled my glass a quarter and told me to take my place. Standing in the water, the head of my cock was poking out. She looked at it and licked her lips. She turned her attention to John, who had been watching us with bulging eyes.

"Are you ready to please your Mistress, my pet?" She asked him, her voice dripping with honey.

"Yes, mistress."

"Come here, my pet," she ordered him.

As he stood in front of her, her eyes locked on his, she grabbed his balls and squashed them in her hand. He flinched but did not say a word.

"Kiss me hard with passion," she told him.

He mashed his lips on hers, forcing his tongue into her waiting mouth, duelling with her tongue. She squeezed his balls again, and he doubled his efforts kissing her feverishly. She broke the kiss, pulled back, and as she looked into his eyes, she squeezed his balls again. She poured the last drop of the wine into his glass and sent him back to his place.

"My pets, this has been fun, and you both deserve a gift from me, but only one of you will get the first prize," she said as she turned around and climbed out of the tub.

"Follow me," she said.

We both eagerly climbed out of the pool, following her close behind. She walked up onto the balcony and put two chairs side by side, slightly facing inward.

"Sit down, both of you," she told us.

She grabbed a pillow and put it on the floor before us. Our cocks were purple-blue, straining from the tease they received.

"Pets, here is the deal. The one who lasts longer will fuck me, and the one who comes first, I will clean up," Sue said.

I was shocked by her words, yet I wanted her to do it, wanted her to suck our cocks, to fuck one of us even if it would be John. This was all new to me. In the 5 years, we had been together, I had never seen this side of her, never known that it even existed. She had always been a sexy flirt but no more. Well, maybe I was wrong about her, or perhaps it was just the situation we found ourselves in; the balmy night, the alcohol, the nude swimming with John, the game we had played. In any case, I wanted her to go through with it as my excitement shot through the roof.


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