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Aaah! I Am Nude In Public 1 & 2

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A story about humiliation, public nudity and more.
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Hi again! This is my first attempt to write a totally fiction long story and not my own experiences as I did in my 2 first stories. Some things in this story are based on a few experiences I had but most are based on my fantasies! For editing the story I had help from my friend in Literotica, MirageLM. I surely hope you will enjoy the story and vote for me! I love encouragement!

* * * * *

Session 1: Erica's prank

Erica and Julie were two college girls who shared a small apartment. Erica was 23 years old and Julie was 24 years old. Erica was medium height (not tall but definitely not short) and rather voluptuous. Her tits were large and always guys stare them the first time they meet her. She had black hair that suits her very much in contrast to her skin. She has pale, white skin and her large brown nipples and aureoles are a nice spectacle in antithesis to her white skin. Her pussy is hairy since she didn't shave it. Julie on the other hand is natural blonde and her pussy is fully shaved. She is more athletic than Erica is and very thin. Her tits are medium to small size but her nipples are also very large (perhaps even larger than Erica's).

This day Julie was in the shower, while Erica was bored working on her homework. She suddenly gets an idea. How about make a practical joke to Julie? She knew that Julie always kept her eyes shut when she was under the water running from the shower. So, Erica takes her Polaroid camera and without making any noise she enters the bathroom and slides the camera under the curtain. Julie offers a great view with her medium size, but firm, breasts and her athletic figure. Erica likes the way Julie's pussy looks like, but she hesitates to shave her pussy too.

A moment that Julie is stretching under the shower Erica takes a picture of her and leaves silently the bathroom. While waiting the picture to appear she is feeling very horny from the excitement. The picture appears to be perfect. It shows Julie in all her glory. Her nipples are seemed to be hard and her pussy is totally visible.

Erica now is thinking what to do with this picture. She was ready to leave the apartment and then, dressed as she was, she exits the house and places the picture in the mailbox. "Wait to see Julie's face when she will 'receive' this mail," she thinks and smile.

Since Julie takes long in the shower, Erica decides to go for a walk in the market. Half hour later Erica thinks is time to activate the joke. She calls Julie from a public phone:

J: Hello!

E: Hi Julie, did you finish your bath or did I drag you out?

J: Just finish, where are you?

E: Went to the shops. Please can you make me a favor?

J: Sure

E: I am waiting a mail from the university and I neglect to check the mailbox. Can you check it?

J: Sure

E: Ok, I will call you back in few minutes, bye.

J: Bye

Julie decides not to go out fully dressed, just to check the mailbox. So she wears a skirt just above the knees and a T-shirt and goes to the mailbox. She founds the mailbox empty and returns in the apartment. Moments later the phone rings:

J: Hello!

E: Hi, its me again. Any mail?

J: No

E: What you mean "No".

J: No mail my dear!

E: Cannot be, I…. (oops)

J: What you? Hey is it one of your jokes again Erica?

E: No, forget it…

Now Erica does not know what to think. Did Julie find the picture and didn't tell? Or what about someone else took it from the mailbox? Hmmm! Anyone could open the unlocked mailbox and get the picture, but usually people do not mess with other people's mailboxes! Erica decides to continue her walk in the shops.

Session 2: Julie's humiliation

Meanwhile, in the apartment, the doorbell rings. Julie opens the door dressed as she was (just skirt and T-shirt). There is a Nick, a teenager boy that delivers the papers in the neighborhood. In the past, Julie has seen the way Nick was looking at her and she knew he likes her!

J: Hi, what can I do for you?

N: Hi…

Nick stares at Julie's breasts and her nipples that are visible to her T-shirt. Julie likes the attention, so she let him look at her for a while before speaking:

J: Well?

N: Sorry… I think I have something that belongs to you…

He gives Julie a piece of paper. Julie takes it and sees that it is a photocopy of a picture of her. A picture of her nude in her shower! "I will kill Erica," she thinks. "This is definitely her joke."

J: Erica gave you this?

N: No, I found the original in the mailbox when I went to place your newspaper.

Nick shows Julie the original picture and before she grabs it he place it under his jacket.

J: Damn, give it to me right now!

N: …

J: I said hand me the picture. Now!

N: And what I will get for return?

J: What you mean? You want money?

N: Not money.

J: Come on in and give me the damn picture.

Julie let Nick enter the apartment and closes the door behind him. She don't want someone to hear that the boy has a nude picture of her. Nick remains silent and does not give her the picture.

J: So, what you want?

N: I want to see you.

J: See me?

N: Yes, you know…

J: No I don't!

Julie likes the way Nick is turn red. The boy is very shy (but very naughty too) and she enjoys the way he adores her! The situation starts to turn her on.

N: Well I want to see you, the way you are on the picture, or else…

J: Else what?

N: Well I may make more copies of this picture and post it for all to see. How about that?

Julie thinks that Nick is very naughty boy. She does not want people to see her nude in this picture and she knows that she will have to do what Nick wants. The situation is making her pussy became wet. She can feel her nipples became harder and harder and her clit to begins to rise. Her nipples tingle under her T-shirt.

J: Ok, I will take my blouse off and you will give me the Polaroid.

Julie removes her T-shirt. She does that slowly, teasing Nick and enjoying the way he stares at her. Her tits are now nude and her nipples very hard from the excitement. Her aureoles are very dark, in contrast to her white skin of her tits and her nipples are so hard that one could place a set of keys there and her nipples manage to hold it! She felt kind of embarrassment from revealing herself topless but also she is very sexually exited!

J: Ok give me the picture.

N: No way.

J: What you mean no way? I just show you my tits.

N: I didn't say I would give you the picture, if you do it.

J: So, what you want?

N: Well I might not post you picture to all if you let me touch your tits.

J: No, I will let you touch them, but you will give the picture.

N: No deal. Bye, I have many mails to send.

Julie thinks that the boy is very good in making deals. Damn, he holds all the cards (well a Polaroid picture actually) and he knows it. She is very wet at the moment so she tells him to go ahead and touch her. Nick starts to play with Julie's tits. From the look on his face, she sees that he really enjoys it. He fondles and caresses Julie's tits for several minutes and pinches her erected nipples. Having a strange guy squeezing her tits makes Julie kind of nervous. But apart of this feeling what is overwhelming her is the feeling of being sexually aroused. She had allowed few men to touch her tits during sexual foreplay, but this is the first time a strange boy is touching her tits as part of her embarrassment and she never had enjoyed someone touching her so much! Finally, all excited, Nick stops. Julie is noticing a lump in the front of his pants.

J: Well, will you give me the picture now?

N: Depends, I said I will not post the photocopies. But I think I will publish this picture on the Internet. I think I will send it to Literotica, unless…

J: What now? Come on, this is not fair!

N: I know… Just remove your skirt.

Julie knows that there is no point to negotiate any more. Besides she had started to enjoy the show she offers to the boy. So she turns her back to Nick and let her skirt fall down. Her butt is revealed to the boy. She bends all way down to pick the skirt and does it slowly so as to let Nick enjoy the show. (She is really enjoys that too… her heart is racing and her pussy had become very wet. She feels ready to be fucked. She is still very embarrassed but now is more aroused than embarrassed! Then turns to face the boy and covers her shaved pussy.

J: Ok now?

N: Better, but please turn you back.

Julie obeys. As she turned she felt Nick's hand to caress her butt. She lets him do it. She even curves her back to make her bottom even rounder and firm (her butt is very firm anyway). Nick spends more minutes touching and pinching her butt. Finally he takes his hand away and Julie turns again. This time she does not covers her pussy. Nick looks at her shaved pussy ecstatic. Julie loves that look. The front part of the pants of the boy seems even bigger.

J: Now may I have the picture?

N: I didn't said that I will give you the picture when you removed your skirt.

J: Ok, end of the game. Tell me what you want to give me the damned Polaroid, or I will dress now and you can go to hell!

N: I want to play with your pussy. I have never done that and I always want to touch a woman in there.

J: And I will get the picture if I let you?

N: Yes

J: And you promise that no more trick and "I didn't said"? Plain and fair!

N: Yes

J: And you will never ask me anything more or tell anyone?

N: Yes

J: Neither talk to your friend or tell them about me!

N: Neither I promise! Do this and I will give you the picture and never say anything.

J: Ok follow me.

Julie leads Nick to her bedroom and lays on the bed. Her pussy is very wet. This is making her so horny. She opens her legs wide and invites Nick. Nick starts to touch her. Slowly in the beginning, but as he becomes more courageous he starts to play with her pussy and pinch her clit and even slides a finger inside her pussy. Julie starts to breath more heavily. Her hands move around the mattress, then caress her tits, squeeze her nipples and then move over the mattress again to grab a piece of her pillow. She makes small noises and moans and to move her legs on the bed. Then her body started to shake and shiver and to thrash the bed. A few moments later Julie has one of the most intense orgasms she has ever had. She had spasms over the bed and then collapsed again on the mattress.

Nick is smiling happily. Julie notices that the front of his pants are wet too. The idea that she made the boy cum just be looking her and touching her is making her very happy. She hasn't ever seen someone cum without even touching him. Nick notices the wet spot, excuse himself, gives her the picture and leaves. Julie takes a few minutes to regain her breath and then goes again under the shower. Soon, she is dry and dressed sitting on the sofa. Moments later Erica returns home. Julie goes to meet her holding the naughty picture.

J: What is this?

E: Hmmm you found it!

J: Are you nuts?

E: Come on… It was just an innocent joke. I wish I could see your face when you found it.

J: I was scared. What about if someone else found it?

E: Relax Julie! Nobody did!

J: Nobody except me, but someone could easily get it! You are crazy, you know that!

E: Come on… Relax… I am tired. Are we having friends over tonight?

J: Mike and Eva and probably Suzan will join us.

E: Great perhaps we play some table games. I love that. I will get back to my homework now, bye and forgive my joke. Ok? Forgiven?

J: Forgiven!

Julie thinks: perhaps one day I will tell you that I was caught nude in the picture and I was forced to be nude in frond Nick, but not before I get my revenge my sweet Erica! I will start to think a way to get even. And this will be something that will totally humiliate you. You make me strip in front of a boy and cum in front of him… I will make you show your cute little ass to many people and even worst… I will definitely think of something.

To be continued...

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Great story.

I read the whole story (all parts). At first I was put off by your grammar, but then I read in your Bio that you a Greek(Love the Greeks BTW) and that English is not your language. This knowledge kind of made your pentameter endearing. I will read the rest of your stories. I will vote in each chapter you submitted for Ahh, I'm nude in public. Thanks for all of your effort....Pat ()

DrunksDrunksover 15 years ago
Great story

I loved this story and wante to give you positive feedback.

I cannot undestand why people can be so critical of bad grammer, especially as you are not writing in your first language.

Thanks for your stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
grammer please

the idea was really good, but it was so painfull to read that i couldn't get through the story...i thought you said you had someone help doesnt show.

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